About Us (2024)

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Vision Mission FAQs


LTO shall be one of the leading national agencies in promoting Eco-friendly, safe and efficient land transport system. We optimize technology driven processes and systems in ensuring dynamic, transparent and client focused services


Rationalize the land transportation services and facilities and to effectively implement the various transportation laws, rules and regulations. It is the responsibility of those involved in the public service to be more vigilant in their part in the over-all development scheme of the national leadership. Hence, promotion of safety and comfort in land travel is a continuing commitment of LTO.

Government Center, Brgy. Candahug, Palo, Leyte
(053) 888-4653

About Us (2024)


What is the About Us page used for? ›

About Us pages are where you showcase your history, what is unique about your work, your company's values, and who you serve. The design, written content, and visual or video elements together tell an important story about who you are and why you do it.

What is an example of best about me? ›

I am an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable, responsible and hard working person. I am a mature team worker and adaptable to all challenging situations. I am able to work well both in a team environment as well as using own initiative. I am able to work well under pressure and adhere to strict deadlines.

How do you write a good about us paragraph? ›

How to write an About Us page, step by step
  1. Set the scene. The best About Us pages accomplish their goals through telling a story about a brand. ...
  2. Introduce the problem. Describe the problem that called you (the main character) to act. ...
  3. Rise to the challenge. ...
  4. Arrive at a solution. ...
  5. Envision what's next.
Nov 30, 2022

What should I put on my About Me page? ›

An 'About Me' page should convey who you are, what your values and principles are, how you got to where you are, and why your product or service is important to you. If writing an 'About Me' page seems daunting, you can use an about us template to help you out.

How do you write an About Us page example? ›

How to write an About Us page, step by step
  1. Set the scene. The best About Us pages accomplish their goals through telling a story about a brand. ...
  2. Introduce the problem. Describe the problem that called you (the main character) to act. ...
  3. Rise to the challenge. ...
  4. Arrive at a solution. ...
  5. Envision what's next.
Nov 30, 2022

How long should the About Us page be? ›

So be honest and real about your brand and the ideas behind it. No matter how tempting it might be, don't write a story that stretches over 2000 words – it's very unlikely a customer will read it all anyway. Instead, keep it short, relevant and on-point. Avoid being too self-praising, babbling on and going offtopic.

How do you write a short brand description? ›

10 key components of a successful brand brief
  1. Step #1: Define brand ideas.
  2. Step #2: Specify the target market.
  3. Step #3: State the brand promise.
  4. Step #4: Define the brand mission.
  5. Step #5: Brainstorm your value proposition.
  6. Step #6: Recognize the competition.
  7. Step #7: Outline a brand's competitive advantages.
Apr 1, 2023

How do I introduce my brand? ›

Whether you are creating an elevator pitch or brand introduction, there are a few things to keep in mind.
  1. Keep it 20-30 seconds.
  2. Make sure it is interesting, memorable, and succinct.
  3. Experts suggest keeping the introduction to about 75 words.
  4. Create several different options for various scenarios.
Dec 9, 2021

How do I write something about my company? ›

What should I include in a company overview?
  1. Basic company information. Consider the company overview like an introduction for your business. ...
  2. Ownership and management team. ...
  3. Company history. ...
  4. Mission statement. ...
  5. Product/service and customer. ...
  6. Future goals. ...
  7. Start with the elevator pitch. ...
  8. Stick to the basics.
Oct 22, 2020

How can I write my own about me? ›

How to write about yourself confidently
  1. Introduce yourself .
  2. Include the most relevant professional experience.
  3. Mention significant personal achievements or awards.
  4. Introduce personal details.
  5. Use a casual and friendly tone.
Jul 3, 2023

How do I write all about me? ›

Regardless of what you write or if you choose to include this statement, this task can be an exercise in marketing yourself and developing confidence.
  1. Mention your relevant professional experience. ...
  2. Include important awards and achievements. ...
  3. Share relevant personal details. ...
  4. End with a professional yet friendly tone.
Apr 20, 2023

How do you write a killer about us? ›

How to Write a Killer About Us Page
  1. Start with a Stunning Page. Your About Us page needs to be stunning and eye-catching. ...
  2. Tell a Unique Story. ...
  3. Choose an Image That Packs a Punch. ...
  4. Use Emotional Language. ...
  5. Get in Your Audience's Shoes. ...
  6. State Your Value Proposition. ...
  7. Define Your Mission. ...
  8. Show Social Proof.
Feb 2, 2023

How do you write about us for an app? ›

Below are a few solid tips to help spruce up your About Us page to help draw in and retain customers.
  1. Focus on the audience. ...
  2. Let the customers talk for you. ...
  3. Use different forms of media. ...
  4. Tell a story. ...
  5. Make sure they know how to contact you. ...
  6. Don't use jargon. ...
  7. Make sure the page actually reflects your company.

How do you write all about you? ›

To get started, check out these 9 tips on how to write an essay about yourself:
  1. Create a List of Questions. ...
  2. Brainstorm and Outline. ...
  3. Be Vulnerable. ...
  4. Use Personal Examples. ...
  5. Write in the First Person. ...
  6. Don't Be Afraid to Show Off…But Stay on Topic! ...
  7. Show Personality. ...
  8. Know Your Audience.
Jan 14, 2020

Why choose us content examples? ›

Why choose us?
  • Because we'll make you more money with customer-focused, convincing copy that sells harder.
  • Because we've been there and done it. ...
  • Because we're chosen by professionals. ...
  • Because we know digital. ...
  • Because we don't cost the earth. ...
  • Because we'll understand your brand. ...
  • Because we're easy to work with.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 5662

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.