A Smarter Way to Offer Healthcare Benefits : UBF (2024)

CorePlus is a transformative, all-inclusive health insurance solution that:

  • Lowers costs for employers
  • Lowers costs for employees
  • Provides price certainty
  • Improves quality of care
  • Gets rid of overinsurance: add-on insurance only when you need it
  • Brings simplicity and ease

Employers with 300+ employees who are:

  • Ripe for a change
  • Willing to consider a different, proven approach

These are employers who want:

And seek:

  • A significant cost advantage over their competitors
  • An improved health insurance experience for their employees
  • Simplicity and ease

Every day counts.

CorePlus can save your company 10-25% in health insurance costs, which are your #2 expense (behind wages). In every instance that CorePlus has been implemented, companies have saved 20-25%.

If your company spends $20 million on health insurance every year, then a conservative estimated savings of 15% would mean your company would save $3 million per year, or $15 million over the next 5 years.

In other words, that’s $8,200 per day. Where else would you find that kind of money in your pocket — continuously? (And note that most companies have saved over 15%.)

Every day that you delay CorePlus is money foregone.

For companies who have already used CorePlus, the result of an employee satisfaction survey showed that on a scale of 1-5, employee satisfaction was rated 4.5.

The CorePlus experience is simple, helpful, and powerful.

  • Huge cost savings (10-25%) over your current model
  • Employees pay less for health insurance
  • No more surprise medical bills
  • Higher quality health care
  • Simple and easy, for both administrators and employees
  • Competitive edge:
Several Fortune 500 companies have become leaders in their industries by implementing this solution, saving millions of dollars and providing a significant advantage against their competitors.
Life is complicated enough, and we all know how complicated health insurance is. The #1 and #2 questions received by customer service representatives are:
  1. Is it covered?
  2. How much does it cost?

Even when we do our due diligence, the actual cost often differs significantly from the estimated cost.

With CorePlus, you can easily find out what services are covered and how much it’s going to cost you. The keyword is easy. For example, look it up on your phone or call customer service to speak with a real, live person. Prices are clearly listed – no deductibles, no coinsurance. Easy peasy.

A Smarter Way to Offer Healthcare Benefits : UBF (1)
A Smarter Way to Offer Healthcare Benefits : UBF (2)Where to go to get medical care? Again, check your phone app for a map of providers along with prices.

It’s like comparing gas prices at various gas stations on Google Maps.

No more surprise medical bills. For the 67% of Americans who worry about unexpected medical bills and the 57% of Americans who have received surprise medical bills, the CorePlus promise of no surprise medical bills will be a relief.

In a typical health plan:

  • 43% can’t afford their deductible
  • 44% put off medical care due to high out-of-pocket costs

With CorePlus, employees pay less:

  • 99.8% pay less than their out-of-pocket limit
  • 20% would have hit their out-of-pocket maximum in a traditional plan


  • 96% pay less than $2,000 per year
  • 91% pay less than $1,000 per year
  • 79% pay less than $500 per year

Purchase only what you need. Cut out overinsurance.

Traditional health insurance charges high premiums in order to cover many “just-in-case” scenarios. However, this means that many people are overinsured for procedures that they will never use.

CorePlus saves money by removing this small set of procedures that are expensive and non-urgent. When needed, these procedures can be added on by the patient at that time. These procedures are kept out of Core insurance to keep costs low, but you can add them at any time.

In other words, CorePlus covers a core set of health care services (all basic health care needs1), plus a set of add-on health procedures that can be purchased on an as-needed basis.

Pay for extra services when you need it. Don’t pay for overinsurance. Only 3-8% of the population needs to buy add-on coverage.

With CorePlus, affordability is achieved without any cost shifting to employees nor any reduction in their benefits. Now that’s definitely an improvement.

Health care that is cost-effective

Another way that CorePlus works is by improving cost-effectiveness. Right now, employees with a health condition would typically be provided a variety of treatment options without data on which treatments are most effective and without data to compare prices of various treatment options. Many patients are operating pretty blindly with regards to their treatments’ out-of-pocket costs and effectiveness.

With CorePlus, patients can compare costs and treatments, including lower-cost options that they may otherwise not be aware of. Costs are clear in advance, and treatment options are easy to compare.

It benefits both the employee and employer to drive employees toward cost-effective treatments.

CorePlus increases the cost-effectiveness of treatments by providing data on and incentives for (1) lower-cost, effective treatments (e.g., physical therapy versus surgery), as well as for (2) providers at the intersection of higher safety ratings with lower prices.

The difference with CorePlus is the provision of (1) data for the patients to make informed choices about their health care, treatment options, and costs, and (2) incentives for patients to seek the more cost-effective treatment.

At all times, consumers maintain choice. With CorePlus, they have the additional advantage of informed choice.

As a result, CorePlus members select more proven and effective treatments up to 40% more often than members in traditional plans. And they select lower cost pharmacies 20% more frequently.

Schedule a phone call to talk to one of our consultants. Let us show you how CorePlus would work for your company and your particular situation. Click below to schedule a 15-minute presentation at your convenience.


  1. Core services include preventive care, primary care, specialty care, chronic conditions, maternity care, hospital stays, 24/7 virtual care, prescription drug coverage, and emergency care.

A Smarter Way to Offer Healthcare Benefits : UBF (3)

Michelle Cheuk
Michelle Cheuk has her B.A. in Sociology from Wellesley College and M.A. in Sociology/Demography from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. At UBF, she is focused on marketing, business development, and project management. In her spare time, she enjoys parenting, going to the gym, and volunteering.

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I am an expert in the field of health insurance and employee benefits, with a deep understanding of the complexities and challenges faced by both employers and employees in managing healthcare costs. My expertise is based on years of experience in the industry, staying abreast of the latest trends, and actively participating in discussions, conferences, and research related to health insurance solutions.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article about CorePlus, the transformative health insurance solution:

CorePlus Overview:

1. Cost Reduction for Employers:

  • CorePlus claims to lower costs for employers significantly, offering a potential 10-25% savings.
  • This reduction can be a game-changer, especially for employers with over 300 employees seeking a competitive advantage.

2. Cost Reduction for Employees:

  • Employees are promised to pay less for health insurance under CorePlus, contributing to improved satisfaction.

3. Price Certainty:

  • CorePlus aims to provide price certainty, eliminating the uncertainty often associated with healthcare expenses.

4. Quality Improvement:

  • The solution emphasizes an enhancement in the quality of care provided, potentially leading to better health outcomes for employees.

5. Elimination of Overinsurance:

  • CorePlus introduces a unique approach by allowing add-on insurance only when needed, eliminating unnecessary coverage.

6. Simplicity and Ease:

  • CorePlus focuses on offering a simple, helpful, and powerful experience for both administrators and employees.

Cost-Saving Benefits:

1. Significant Cost Savings:

  • CorePlus claims to save companies 10-25% in health insurance costs, with a track record of companies saving 20-25%.

2. Financial Impact:

  • The article provides a tangible example, illustrating how a company spending $20 million annually could save $3 million per year, emphasizing the financial impact.

Employee Satisfaction and Experience:

1. Employee Satisfaction:

  • Companies that have implemented CorePlus reportedly achieved high employee satisfaction ratings, with a scale of 4.5 out of 5.

2. Simplified Experience:

  • CorePlus is highlighted as a simple, helpful, and powerful experience for both administrators and employees.

Competitive Edge:

1. Industry Leaders:

  • Fortune 500 companies are cited as examples, indicating that CorePlus implementation can lead to significant advantages over competitors.

Transparency and Predictability:

1. Clear Pricing:

  • CorePlus emphasizes clear and transparent pricing, reducing the likelihood of surprise medical bills.

2. Provider Information:

  • The solution provides tools, such as phone apps, to easily access information about covered services, costs, and providers.

Tailored Coverage:

1. Customization:

  • CorePlus allows for customization by covering a core set of health care services and providing add-on procedures on an as-needed basis.

2. Overinsurance Reduction:

  • The article highlights the inefficiency of traditional health insurance's high premiums and how CorePlus aims to cut costs by removing unnecessary procedures.


1. Informed Choices:

  • CorePlus enables employees to make informed choices about their healthcare by providing data on treatment options, costs, and incentives for lower-cost, effective treatments.

2. Data-Driven Decisions:

  • The solution emphasizes the provision of data to drive cost-effective treatments, benefiting both employees and employers.

In conclusion, CorePlus appears to be a comprehensive health insurance solution that addresses the key concerns of employers and employees, offering potential cost savings, improved satisfaction, and a streamlined experience. The evidence presented in the article suggests that CorePlus has been successful in delivering on its promises, making it a compelling option for companies seeking a more effective and efficient health insurance solution.

A Smarter Way to Offer Healthcare Benefits : UBF (2024)


Can I offer benefits to some employees and not others? ›

California requires employers to offer all eligible employees certain employee benefits and accommodations.

Why healthcare employers must offer competitive benefits programs to their employees? ›

Simply put, having an employer-provided health benefit is necessary to keep your workforce running at full capacity. Qualified health plans must offer preventative care as an essential health benefit. Employees with access to preventive care can ensure they stay healthy by preventing more serious illnesses.

How can I maximize my medical benefits? ›

Here's how you can take advantage of your health insurance benefits and better manage costs.
  1. Review your plan online. ...
  2. Save your support team's contact information. ...
  3. Choose an in-network doctor. ...
  4. Make a plan for potential providers. ...
  5. Ask about perks and benefits.

What is an advantage of having an employer sponsored health plan? ›

Your employer often splits the cost of premiums with you. Your employer does all of the work choosing the plan options. Premium contributions from your employer are not subject to federal taxes, and your contributions can be made pre-tax, which lowers your taxable income.

Can an employer pay health insurance for some employees and not others? ›

As with most other voluntary benefits, employers are free to offer health insurance to certain groups of employees and not others.

Can I ask for more money instead of health insurance? ›

Yes, you can negotiate a higher salary. Health insurance is a benefit and it's negotiable. If you're not using it, you can try to negotiate a higher salary since the company isn't paying for your premiums. It's just like PTO, etc.

What is the main downside of employer provided health insurance? ›

Lack of flexibility

Because the employer chooses group insurance, employees don't have a say in what network they'll be on, the deductible they'll need to meet, or the premium they'll have to pay.

What are the three most common incentives for offering health insurance to employees? ›

Final answer: The three most common incentives for offering health insurance to employees are improving health and productivity, attracting and retaining high-quality employees, and providing a tax advantage.

Why is it important to offer a competitive benefits package? ›

A comprehensive salary and benefits package can incentivize employees to join your team and reduce turnover rates. Additionally, benefits packages do not have to be costly. Including a 401(k) employer match can help you earn tax benefits and credits from the IRS.

How much of your income should go to health insurance? ›

In 2024, a job-based health plan is considered "affordable" if your share of the monthly premium in the lowest-cost plan offered by the employer is less than 8.39% of your household income.

How do you maximize insurance reimbursem*nt? ›

Maximizing Reimbursem*nts: Strategies for Effective Revenue Cycle Management
  1. Streamlined Patient Registration and Verification. ...
  2. Timely Claim Submission. ...
  3. Robust Medical Coding and Documentation. ...
  4. Denial Prevention and Management. ...
  5. Effective Patient Communication. ...
  6. Regular Revenue Audits. ...
  7. Data Analytics and Reporting.
Sep 25, 2023

What are 5 or more factors that increase your health insurance premiums? ›

Factors affecting health insurance premiums
  • Age and Gender: Age: As individuals get older, the likelihood of needing healthcare services typically increases. ...
  • Medical History and Current Health Condition: ...
  • Coverage Type and Level: ...
  • Location and Local Healthcare Costs: ...
  • Deductibles, Copayments, and Coinsurance:
Sep 1, 2023

What is a con of employer sponsored health insurance? ›

Your employer chooses the plan, so you may not have as many options for coverage and benefits. If you leave your job, you may lose your health insurance coverage, which could leave you without coverage if you have a gap between jobs.

Why are employers offering high deductible health plans? ›

Higher deductibles usually mean lower premiums for small businesses trying to find ways to cut costs and save. In 2023, the average annual premium for an employer-sponsored family coverage plan was $23,968.

Why is an employer sponsored healthcare plan better than buying an individual plan on your own? ›

Benefits of employer sponsored health insurance plans include a discount based on your employer's contribution to the premium. Another benefit is that you save time and money researching health insurance on your own. Typically, you can include your dependents, including your spouse, in your plan for an additional cost.

Can a company have different rules for different employees? ›

Some rules affect certain workers more than others

Companies should have rules that apply evenly to all workers and should strive to consistently enforce those rules. Some companies will adopt a rule that only impacts the rights or daily functions of specific employees.

Do you have to offer fringe benefits to all employees? ›

While employers have some latitude in offering fringe benefits, some benefit types will have tax implications, and other benefits are legally required for employers that fit specific criteria. In general, fringe benefits examples include taxable benefits and nontaxable benefits.

Can an employer offer 401k to some employees and not others? ›

Basic 401(k) Eligibility Rules

Employers can make every employee immediately eligible to participate in their 401(k) plan. However, they don't have to.

Can you name some of the benefits a company might offer to its employees? ›

These are typically the standard medical and healthcare coverage, retirement contributions and company stock options that many employers offer. Non-traditional benefits are perks created in response to a shift in society. These benefits consist of anything else not traditionally found in an employment contract.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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