A Simple Rental Property Accounting System for Small Landlords (2024)

Table Of Contents

    I love business systems. There's something about understanding needs, finding solutions, and implementing systems to automate a business that really get me jazzed up. While I normally get called in to help implement accounting systems for larger developers, flippers, real estate agents, and landlords, today I want to throw a bone to the smaller guys. I'm going to show you an insanely easy accounting system to use in your rental business. I know it works because I use it myself.

    It should be noted that this system is quickly scaled out of. However, "quick" is relative. For purposes of this system, if you are scaling at a pace of one property per year, you will likely scale out of this accounting system within three years.It really can't support more than three properties without becoming convoluted. But until you reach that tipping point, this system will work wonders.

    Before I reveal what the system entails, we need to go over some general housekeeping items.

    Please keep in mind that none of the following should be taken as legal advice. I am not an attorney nor do I ever want to be one. So don't rely on my advice for anything legal!

    You Must Master theSub-Processes

    Fact is, I can provide you with the sexiest accounting system out there, but it's on you to execute the sub-processes that feed the overall accounting system. The key is to hold yourself accountable to daily execution of these sub-processes. You can't let yourself get behind or you're toast!

    The first sub-process you must learn how to master is record keeping.Record keeping and bookkeeping are completely separate functions of your business. Record keeping means "the keeping of your company records" whereas bookkeeping means "the keeping of your company books." One deals with the storage and maintenance of the hard copies of receipts and invoices while the other deals with the booking of your company's transactions.

    All receipts over $75 should be kept per IRS standards. Receipts can be formatted as either hard copy or digitized. If you digitize a hard copied receipt, you can throw the hard copy out. I'm a proponent of keeping all receipts period. It's a good habit to get into and there's never any doubt over whether we should have booked an expense. Due to the ability to digitize receipts, this shouldn't add a large undue burden on the business owner. Snap a picture of the receipt, upload it to the receipt folder, and you're done!

    Related:The Best Way to Boost Tax Savings

    Every business will have a different record keeping processes and that's on you to figure out what yours is going to look like. For my rentals and business, I use ShareFile (which my clients have access to) and I have a folder called "Receipts" with children folders detailing the month and year (i.e. "09-2016"). Because ShareFile has an iPhone app, every time I have a hard receipt, I snap a picture and upload it to the appropriate folder. It's simple, and since I'm in the habit of doing this immediately upon receiving a receipt, I don't have to worry about missing documents when I do my accounting later on.

    The second sub-process you must learn issegregation of personal and business expenses. Even if you aren't using a business checking account, you should open up a new personal checking account and run all of your business income and receipts through that account. For one, this accounting system in which I'm about to reveal won't work unless you do this. But another reason for adherence to this standard is that as you scale you'll be required by law to run your business this way. You may as well go ahead and build proper habits.

    Master the sub-processes! Your business depends on it.

    Notice that I am not telling you to master the accounting process. I'm telling you to master the sub-processes that feed the accounting process. Why? Because as you scale, you will likely find that you need to outsource your accounting processes in order to free up time to focus on your business while continuingto receive timely financial reports. Outsourcing the accounting is easy. Outsourcing the record keeping and segregation sub-processes is much more difficult. Even if you were able to outsource these two sub-processes, you will likely always still play some role in the execution of them.

    So master the sub-processes! Your business depends on it.

    The Nuts and Bolts of My EASY Accounting System

    Now that you made it through my sub-process speech/rant, it's time to move on to the juicy part of the post.This is the accounting system I use for my rental properties. I do not use this accounting system for my business as my business requires a much more robust solution. Now, the moment of the big reveal. Are you ready?

    Related:Hiring a CPA is Key to Your Success

    There are three steps involved in this accounting system:

    Step 1: Set up a separate checking and savings account per property;

    Step 2: Make sure all income and expenses produced by your rental property flow through its checking/savings account that you set up in step one above;

    Step 3: Reconcile at year end.

    Three steps! That's it! It's so easy I should package this up and start a guru classwhere I'd charge you a small fee of $5,000 to attend and $10,000 to buy into the next class for the "insider" information. But I'm too nice, and providing value through free content is a cornerstone of my marketing strategy, so here we are.

    Step 1: Set Up a Separate Checking and Savings Account Per Property

    This is not a tough step but is crucial for the successful operation of this accounting system (or any accounting system). You will first want to set up a separate checking account for each property you own. If you own more than four properties, you have likely scaled out of this accounting system and need something more robust. Otherwise, you should be able to handle a handful of bank accounts.

    The reason we want to set up a checking account per property is so that we can segregate income and expenses on a per property basis. We want to avoidco-mingling rental income and expenses with personal accounts or other properties. Note that the co-mingling issue becomes a legal case when you have business entities that hold property. For the purposes of this accounting system, avoiding co-mingling will simply make your life easier when it's time to reconcile everything and perform year-end accounting.

    Personally, I have two distinctly separate checking accounts (complete with debit cards and check books) for my two rental properties. I make sure all income and expense items flow through the respective checking accounts. At year-end when it's time to compile my profit and loss statements, if I've done a great job at upholding the integrity of the sub-processes, it's very easy to quickly record my income and expense items.

    Your checking accounts can be personal accounts, they don't have to be a business account (unless you are operating through an entity). Simplicity!

    Why separate savings accounts? I'm an accountant so I like to earmark my funds for various future expenses, such as capital expenditures. Another reason for opening up savings accounts could be to hold your tenant's security deposits. Make sure to check the local rules on holding tenant security deposits in order to avoid penalties from your local municipality.

    Step 2: All Income and Expenses Flow Through Your Property's Checking Account

    I know I'm repeating myself, but that's how important this step is. Master the sub-process of segregating rental and personal expenses and your life will be easy. I promise!

    Let me give you an example.

    Early in your investing career, you wanted to keep things as simple as possible. You bought rental property and just had the income and expenses flow through to your personal account. You did a decent job of tracking everything in Excel and you know your process could be better but you are striving to keep things simple.

    Related:Commingling Funds Can Sink Your Business

    Now you own three properties and you hire a CPA to help you get organized and prepare your taxes. You haven't mastered the sub-processes of record keeping or segregating income and expenses. The CPA is appalled at your accounting system and charges you hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars to review your bank statements and segregate out your rental income and expenses to properly and accurately prepare your tax returns. A long time and a lot of money later, your taxes are prepared correctly and your CPA advises you to build out a more robust accounting platform.

    So start TODAY! Don't set yourself up to get charged crazy fees for a CPA to sift through your old records and try to prepare your tax returns. Make it simple for everyone involved. Use one checking account per property and make sure all income and expenses flow through the property's checking account.

    Step 3: Reconcile at Year-End and Relax on the Beach With All of Your Extra Time

    Sounds pretty nice huh?

    If you are the type of person that is scrambling at year-end to put together an income statement for your CPA, this system is made for you. If you properly segregate your expenses via the appropriate checking accounts, your year-end reconciliation will be a breeze. You'll save in bookkeeping and CPA fees and you'll be able to relax at year-end for the first time in years.

    No one likes added stress and fees. Set up this system TODAY and guarantee yourself a relaxing tax season.

    And remember, master the sub-processes!

    A Simple Rental Property Accounting System for Small Landlords (2024)


    A Simple Rental Property Accounting System for Small Landlords? ›

    Simply put, yes, QuickBooks does have the capacity to be used for managing rental property accounting transactions. The software lets you set up properties as customers, tenants as sub-customers, and classes to track various transaction types.

    How do I set up QuickBooks as a landlord? ›

    Individual companies with multiple properties
    1. Create a Company.
    2. Set up a Chart of Accounts.
    3. List the rental property as a Fixed Asset on the Chart of Accounts.
    4. Add business bank, savings, credit card, and mortgage accounts.
    5. Configure the property as a Class.
    6. Create the tenant as a Customer.

    Can you manage rental property in QuickBooks? ›

    Simply put, yes, QuickBooks does have the capacity to be used for managing rental property accounting transactions. The software lets you set up properties as customers, tenants as sub-customers, and classes to track various transaction types.

    How do I organize my rental property finances? ›

    Rental Property Bookkeeping 101
    1. Separate your personal and business accounts.
    2. Set up individual accounts for each property.
    3. Implement a system for tracking your income and expenses.
    4. Choose between the cash or accrual accounting methods.
    5. Take advantage of accounting technology.
    6. Prepare for fluctuating expenditures.

    Can QuickBooks track rentals? ›

    Record and keep track of your inventory items for rent or lease to your customers in QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale. Note: You may need to track rental equipment as fixed asset in QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale. Consult your accountant if necessary.

    How do I set up a short term rental business in QuickBooks? ›

    Accounting for short term rentals
    1. Go to the Lists menu at the top.
    2. Select Item List.
    3. On the Item List window, select Item.
    4. Click New.
    5. Select the type of item you want to create.
    6. Fill out the item fields.
    7. Choose Save.
    Jan 6, 2021

    Can you use QuickBooks without an accountant? ›

    You need an accountant to ensure compliance

    There are various areas of compliance that accountants need to pay attention to. Some of these areas include tax filings, payroll-related filings, and tax rules for depreciating and amortizing.

    How do I record a rental property in QuickBooks? ›

    How to record rental income in QuickBooks
    1. Open the Customer menu from the home screen.
    2. Select Receive Payments.
    3. Choose the Receipt Account from the Accounts drop-down menu.
    4. Select the correct Tenant from the Customer list.
    5. Enter the amount of the payment.

    How do I use QuickBooks desktop for rental property? ›

    Setting Up QuickBooks For Your Rental Property
    1. Add your business bank account.
    2. Create your Tenants as Customers.
    3. Configure your properties as Classes.
    4. Set up your Chart of Accounts using the Schedule E categories.
    5. Select your income types (Rent, Late Fees, Pet Fees) as Products.
    Nov 1, 2022

    What is the difference between Quicken and QuickBooks? ›

    QuickBooks is a full-featured business and management suite with all the tools that a small business would need, but it's also costlier. Quicken helps families and individuals track account balances, investments, budgeting, and other expenses.

    Should I have a separate bank account for each rental property? ›

    In one word: yes! Keeping your personal and rental property bank accounts separate is our #1 piece of advice for real estate investors and landlords. Below we take a deeper dive into why this one basic step is so central to keeping better books and running a better real estate business.

    What are 2 ways in which an owner can make money off of rental properties? ›

    • Rents. The first source of passive income on rental properties is the rent you charge tenants. ...
    • Capital gains. You have capital gains when you sell the property for more than you paid. ...
    • Tax write-offs. The problem with having a profitable rental property is the taxes. ...
    • Debt paydown. ...
    • Long-term investing is the way to go.
    Mar 21, 2022

    How do I organize my receipts for rental property? ›

    If you prefer the paper file method, choose a file drawer/box or accordion folder and create monthly files for receipts. Include receipts for all expenses like completed contractor work, paid utility bills, and maintenance supplies specific to THAT property.

    Is QuickBooks tracked by IRS? ›

    Yes. When you complete a Merchant application, QuickBooks Payments will compare the info provided on the application to the info on file at the IRS.

    How do I receive rent payments in QuickBooks? ›

    How do i record rent payments received?
    1. From the + New button, select Receive payment.
    2. Select a Customer from whom you received it.
    3. Enter the necessary details.
    4. Click Save and close.
    Mar 25, 2022

    How do I run a rent roll in QuickBooks? ›

    How to create a rent roll with QuickBooks
    1. Select “Reports” from the top of the screen, then choose “Customers & Receivables” from the drop down menu.
    2. From the “Customers & Receivables” dropdown, select “Customer Balance Detail” which is what a rental roll is called in QuickBooks.

    How do I categorize rental equipment in QuickBooks? ›

    Operating Expenses

    Rental equipment is typically classified as an operating expense, as it is necessary for the day-to-day operations of the business.

    Does Airbnb integrate with QuickBooks? ›

    We integrate Airbnb & Vrbo with QuickBooks to seamlessly automate your reservation bookkeeping. You'll be able to automatically generate detailed invoices for each reservation and automate invoice payments to streamline reconciliation.

    How do you succeed in short term rentals? ›

    Tips for effectively managing short-term rentals
    1. Hire a property manager. ...
    2. Create a beautiful (but accurate) listing. ...
    3. Offer attractive amenities and features. ...
    4. Focus on getting positive reviews. ...
    5. Prioritize maintenance and cleanliness. ...
    6. Be energy-efficient. ...
    7. Be prepared for expenses. ...
    8. Protect your assets.
    Mar 7, 2023

    Can I use QuickBooks without an LLC? ›

    In a nutshell, Intuit's QuickBooks Self-Employed product is designed for sole proprietorships, and it really only works for sole proprietors (or LLCs taxed as sole proprietorships). To understand why all this is the case, we'll need to first explain what a sole proprietorship is, if you're not already familiar.

    Does QuickBooks accountant cost money? ›

    The costs are: Simple Start: $15 per month (for the first three months, then $30 per month) Essentials: $27.50 per month (for the first three months, then $55 per month) Plus: $42.50 per month (for the first three months, then $85 per month)

    How do you record rental expenses? ›

    Rental expenses are recorded as a debit in the journal entry. This is because rent expense is a nominal account. Per Nominal Account rule, all expenses and losses need to be debited. Thus, rent expense will be on the debit side of entry.

    Is rent a bill or expense in QuickBooks? ›

    Rent payments are an important and often substantial business expense that must be recorded properly in your QuickBooks chart of accounts to accurately summarize your expenses for the period.

    How do you record a rental in accounting? ›

    Under the accrual basis of accounting, if rent is paid in advance (which is frequently the case), it is initially recorded as an asset in the prepaid expenses account, and is then recognized as an expense in the period in which the business occupies the space.

    What type of account is rental income? ›

    Revenue account

    Common types of rental income include: Monthly tenant rent. Prepaid rent such as first and last month of rent collected by a landlord.

    Can I stay with QuickBooks desktop? ›

    The short answer: no. The long answer: Intuit are sunsetting some versions of QuickBooks Desktop (QBD), and it might be possible for some users to keep accessing it —though it is not recommended. From May 31st, 2023, Intuit will stop supporting these QuickBooks Desktop 2020 versions: QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2020.

    How do I record owner investment in QuickBooks desktop? ›

    From the Account ▼ drop-down menu, select the bank account you're depositing the money into. Enter the Date you deposited the money. In the Add funds to this deposit section, enter the name of the investor in the Received from field. Select the appropriate equity account from the drop-down list in the Account field.

    What is the easiest QuickBooks to use? ›

    QuickBooks Simple Start is the easiest and quickest way for single users (freelancers, gig workers, solo entrepreneurs) to manage all of their income and expenses in one simple tool.

    Is there a free Quicken program? ›

    Is Quicken available without a subscription? Sadly, no. Like so many other software packages and apps, Quicken is now only available as a subscription. As a result, you must pay for Quicken every year.

    Do I have to pay for Quicken every year? ›

    Unlike some other accounting software, you pay for Quicken on an annual basis. Here's how the fees for Quicken break down, including the 10% discount on some packages for the first year: Simplifi By Quicken: $28.68 for the first year, then $47.88 afterward.

    What type of account is best for landlords? ›

    The best bank account for landlords is the one that makes it easier to track income and expenses. You should have a separate personal and business account. This way, you'll be able to know how much money you've put aside for business and how much you can spend on personal expenditures.

    Is it normal for landlord to ask for bank account? ›

    It's perfectly normal for a landlord or property manager to ask for your bank account number on a rental application. This helps them verify that you actually have a bank account and you're able to cover the rent. They may also use your bank account to extract missing rent payments.

    Is it smart to have multiple rental properties? ›

    Buying multiple rental properties can be a lucrative business opportunity, creating a steady stream of monthly cash flow. And while many investors hope to build their real estate portfolios, financing multiple rental properties can be more of a challenge than financing just one.

    How much profit should you make on a rental property? ›

    The amount will depend on your specific situation, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least 10% profit after all expenses and taxes. While 10% is a good target, you may be able to make more depending on the property and the rental market.

    What can I do with my profits from rental property? ›

    Let's have a look at them:
    1. Cover Your Mortgage Payments. ...
    2. Pay the Other Recurring Costs. ...
    3. Maintain Your Property. ...
    4. Improve Your Property. ...
    5. Hire Professional Property Management. ...
    6. Educate Yourself. ...
    7. Pay Off Your Mortgage Early. ...
    8. Grow Your Investment Portfolio.
    Sep 17, 2018

    What rental properties are most profitable? ›

    What Types of Commercial Properties Are the Most Profitable? High-Tenant Properties – Typically, properties with a high number of tenants will give the best return on investment. These properties include RVs, self-storage, apartment complexes, and office spaces.

    What is the best way to organize receipts? ›

    When placing your receipts in folders, place each receipt in chronological order. Putting receipts in chronological order is beneficial when you need to look for a specific receipt. Keep the most recent receipts in the front of the folder and older receipts in the back.

    How do you organize receipts and paperwork? ›

    How to organize receipts for small business
    1. Use a business account and credit card.
    2. Save your receipts.
    3. Spend time reviewing your receipts once a month.
    4. Make notes on the back of receipts.
    5. Create a spreadsheet for work-from-home expenses.
    6. Back up your receipts.
    7. Go digital.
    May 3, 2023

    Will the IRS website tell me if I'm being audited? ›

    If the IRS has shortlisted you for an audit, then you will be informed of this through a written notification that will be sent to your last recorded address. The IRS usually doesn't notify you of an audit via phone or email, so be wary of any email that claims to be about an IRS audit.

    Should I link my personal bank account to QuickBooks? ›

    Yes, adding your bank account to your QuickBooks Online (QBO) is optional. You'll just have to add all your income and expenses to your account manually. You can create invoices or sales receipts in recording your sales transactions. Choose to create an invoice for a deferred payment.

    Will QuickBooks send me a 1099? ›

    If you have QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Contractor Payments, or QuickBooks Desktop, 1099s aren't automatically created for you. You must prepare the 1099s yourself to provide them to contractors and then file with the IRS or state.

    Can tenants pay rent through QuickBooks? ›

    Collect rent with ACH for free and sync those transactions with your QuickBooks Online account. Invite tenants to pay their rent and see their lease details with our resident portal.

    Can you use QuickBooks for real estate? ›

    Consistently tracking your finances with QuickBooks is a great way to create a predictable, sustainable real estate business. You can easily use the numbers to help you set realistic goals each year. These goals will also serve as a guide to creating quarterly milestones.

    How do I record paid rent? ›

    Rental expenses are recorded as a debit in the journal entry. This is because rent expense is a nominal account. Per Nominal Account rule, all expenses and losses need to be debited. Thus, rent expense will be on the debit side of entry.

    How do you record rent income? ›

    To account for rent income you have earned but will collect at a later date, debit the rent receivable account by the portion earned, and credit the rent income account by the same amount. The debit increases the receivables account, which is an asset that shows money your tenant owes.

    How do you write a rental ledger? ›

    A rent ledger in California should include the following key information:
    1. Tenant's name and contact information.
    2. Address of rental property.
    3. Unit number (for a multifamily property)
    4. Rent amount.
    5. Dates of rent payments.
    6. Amounts paid.
    7. Signature of landlord or agent and tenant.

    How do you record rent in accounting? ›

    Every month must be listed under the original monthly rental expense, regardless of what was actually paid that month. It is listed in the expense account. Offsetting rent payments – reduction of cost or inflation of cost – is listed in the deferred rent asset or liability account.

    Does QuickBooks pay your bills? ›

    Learn how you can use QuickBooks Bill Pay for QuickBooks Online Plus and Essentials. Combine bill payments with your accounting process so your bills data moves seamlessly within QuickBooks. You can schedule an online bill payment and we'll send the funds for you.

    Is it safe to pay someone through QuickBooks? ›

    Intuit software products, including QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Self-Employed, protect your transactions with multiple layers of security so you can bank online with confidence. The connection for online banking is always "read-only" so that no one can use any of your information in our product to move any money.

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    Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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    Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

    Birthday: 2001-08-13

    Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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    Job: Senior Designer

    Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

    Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.