A Detailed Review on LIC Jeevan Umang: Should you buy it? (2024)

A Detailed Review on LIC Jeevan Umang: Should you buy it? (1) Listen to this article

LIC Jeevan Umang is a savings and insurance plan that offers a combination of life protection and guaranteed income protection.

But how guaranteed are these incomes when it comes to securing your financial future?

Will this guaranteed income help you to achieve your financial goals?

Let’s do a detailed analysis of LIC Jeevan Umang to discover the answer to these questions.

First, let’s understand the basic things that we need to know about LIC Jeevan Umang.

Table of Contents:

1.) What is LIC Jeevan Umang?
2.)Features of LIC Jeevan Umang
3.)Benefits of LIC Jeevan Umang
4.)Eligibility of LIC Jeevan Umang
5.)Advantages of LIC Jeevan Umang
6.)Disadvantages of LIC Jeevan Umang
7.)Research Methodology
8.)Factors: LIC Jeevan Umang vs. Other Investments
9.)Final Verdict on LIC Jeevan Umang – Should you buy it?

LIC Jeevan Umang Review:

What is LIC Jeevan Umang?

LIC Jeevan Umang claims to be ‘the 100-year plan’ that offers both life protection and guaranteed income.

It offers a survival benefit which is equal to 8% of the Basic Sum Assured from the completion of your Premium Payment Term till your age of 99 years. This plan also offers a maturity benefit as a lump sum when the policyholder reaches the age of 100.

Features of LIC Jeevan Umang:

  1. It is a money-saving plan.
  2. Survival benefit from the end of the premium payment term to the policyholder reaches the age of 99.
  3. Maturity benefit will be paid as a lump sum when the policyholder reaches the age of 100.
  4. Option to choose the premium payment term.
  5. Since it is a participating policy, it entitles policyholders to additional bonuses depending on the profits earned by LIC in a year.
  6. Additional riders benefit.

Benefits of LIC Jeevan Umang:

1.) Death Benefit:

If the policyholder passes away unfortunatelybefore starting to receive the benefit, then

  • the premium will be refunded without any interest.

If the policyholder passes away after starting to receive benefits,then

  • Sum Assured on Death plus Reversionary Bonus and Final Additional bonus shall be paid to the nominee of the policyholder.

2.) Survival Benefit:

8% of the Basic Sum Assured will be paid every year as a Survival Benefit after the completion of the final premium payment term.

3.) Maturity Benefit:

The Sum Assured on Maturity, along with Reversionary Bonus and Final Additional Bonus, will be paid to the policyholder during the maturity.

4.) Participation in Profit:

i.) During the premium paying term:

Policies that are still in effect during the premium-paying period are eligible to earn Simple Reversionary Bonuses that have been determined based on the Corporation’s experience.

In the year when a death claim is made on an active policy, a last additional bonus may also be reported under that policy.

ii.) After the premium paying term:

Depending on the Corporation’s experience under the LIC Jeevan Umangplan at the moment, the rules for participation of profits after the premium-paying term may take a different shape and be calculated on a different scale.

Future earnings would not be shared by a paid-up policy with a Maturity Paid-Up Sum Assured of less than Rs. 2 lacs.

Eligibility of LIC Jeevan Umang:

a) Minimum Basic Sum AssuredRs. 2,00,000
b) Maximum Basic Sum AssuredNo limit (The Basic Sum Assured shall be in multiples of Rs. 25,000/-)
c) Premium Paying Term15, 20, 25 and 30 years
d) Policy Term(100 – the age at entry) years
e) Minimum Age at entry90 days (completed)
f) Maximum Age at entry55 years(nearer birthday)
g) Minimum Age at the end of premium paying term30 years(nearer birthday)
h) Maximum Age at the end of premium paying term70 years(nearer birthday)
i) Age at maturity100 years(nearer birthday)
j) Premium paying frequencyyearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly

What are the LIC Jeevan Umang advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages of LIC Jeevan Umang:

You receive a lifetime of coverage because it is whole life insurance.

  • A limited number of convenient premiums paying terms are available.
  • Loan option is available.
  • Possibility of receiving death benefits in instalments.
  • Riders are available at an extra fee.

LIC Jeevan Umang Disadvantages:

  • The lock-in period is two years (for surrender, paid-up or loan)
  • The survival benefit is fixed. It doesn’t take inflation into account.
  • The frequency to receive the survival benefit is fixed. Only an annual option is available.

These are the LIC Jeevan Umang’s disadvantages which you need to know as an investor.

Research Methodology:

Is Jeevan Umang a good policy?

Is LIC Jeevan Umang a good investment?

How to discover whether LIC Jeevan Umang is suitable for you or not?

Here, let’s do a detailed research on LIC Jeevan Umang and its performance against other investments based on various factors.

First, we are going to calculate the IRR of LIC Jeevan Umang for the worst-case scenario and the best-case scenario.

Then, we are going to calculate the IRR of other risk-free and risk-oriented investment plans to see which performs better.

Later, we are going to see which gives you an advantage based on various factors such as affordability, charges, lock-in period, and so on.

Factors: LIC Jeevan Umang vs. Other Investments

1.) What is the IRR of LIC Jeevan Umang?

IRR of LIC Jeevan Umang with an example:

For example, let’s take a policyholder who is 40 years old.

Hechoosesa single life plan.

Sum Assured = Rs. 1,00,00,000

Premium Payment Term = 20 years

Policy Term = 25 years

Life expectation = 85 years

Annual Premium = Rs. 5,40,307 include tax

Here let’s calculate the IRR of LIC Jeevan Umang for both the worst case scenario and the best case scenario by using LIC Jeevan Umang Calculator.

What is the maturity amount of Jeevan Umang in the worst case scenario?

In the worst-casereturn, let’s take the Assumed Gross Return as 4%.

At 4% p.a
AgeYearAnnualised premium / Maturity benefitDeath Benefit

As you can see, at the end of the policy term, we get an IRR of 4.08% and Rs. 1,08,57,840 as survival benefits from LIC Jeevan Umang.

Is this IRR of 4.08% from LIC Jeevan Umang is decent enough? Absolutely No!

Now, let’s calculate the IRR of LIC Jeevan Umang for the best-case scenario by using the LIC Jeevan Umang calculator.

What is the maturity amount of Jeevan Umang in the best case scenario?

Here we take the Assumed Gross Return as 8%.

At 8% p.a
AgeYearAnnualised premium / Maturity benefitDeath Benefit

Here at the end of the policy term, we get the LIC Jeevan Umang IRR of 6.25% and Rs. 5,03,15,000 as survival benefit.

OptionsIRRMaturity Benefit in Rs.Death Benefit in Rs.
Worst Case Scenario (4% assumed gross return)4.08%1.08 cr1 cr
Best Case Scenario (8% assumed gross return)6.25%5.03 crs1 cr

Is this IRR from LIC Jeevan Umang is decent enough? We can find out this by comparing the LIC Jeevan Umang IRR with the PPF + Term Insurance IRR and Mutual Fund SIP + Term Insurance IRR.


Then what is the LIC Jeevan Umang interest rate / return rate for 15 years?

IRR of LIC Jeevan Umang vs. Term Insurance + PPF +Hybrid Funds:

Now, let’s calculate the IRR of a risk-free investment plan by using LIC Jeevan Umang Policy calculator. For example, let’s take PPF.

Overall contribution: Rs. 5,40,307

Term Insurance:

Sum Assured: Rs. 1,00,00,000

Annual Term: Rs. 22,100

Tenure: 20 years

PPF Contribution: Rs. 5,18,207

(Note: The maximum investment amount in PPF is Rs. 1,50,000. We have used Rs. 5,18,207 for calculation purposes only.)

Interest Rate: 7.10% without investment risk


Term Insurance + PPF
AgeYearTerm Insurance premium + PPFDeath Benefit

Here, after 20 years, your PPF will mature and will give you Rs. 2,30,02,476 as an investment return.

Now, here you can reinvest the money as a 70:30 ratio in debt and equity for the remaining 25 years and can withdraw Rs. 8,00,000 annually through a Systematic Withdrawal Plan.

Weighted Average return7.80%

And at the end of the 45 years, you will get an IRR of 7.37% and Rs. 8,91,64,129 as investment return.

In this way, you can stay invested and can have a consistent income.

OptionsIRRMaturity Benefit in Rs.Death Benefit in Rs.
Worst Case Scenario (4% assumed gross return)4.08%1.08 cr1 cr
Best Case Scenario (8% assumed gross return)6.25%5.03 crs1 cr
PPF7.37%8.91 crs1 cr

IRR of LIC Jeevan Umang vs. Term Insurance + ELSS + Hybrid Funds:

Now, let’s calculate the IRR for risk-oriented investment by using the LIC Jeevan Umang calculator. For example, let’s take ELSS.

Overall contribution: Rs. 5,40,307

Term Insurance:

Sum Assured: Rs. 1,00,00,000

Annual Term: Rs. 22,100

Tenure: 20 years

ELSS Contribution: Rs. 5,18,207

Assumed Rate of Return: 12% with investment risk


Term Insurance + ELSS
AgeYearTerm Insurance premium + ELSSDeath Benefit

Here, if we invest the money as we did in PPF, we will get an IRR of 9.07% and Rs. 19,16,90,379 as post-tax investment return.

OptionsIRRMaturity Benefit in Rs.Death Benefit in Rs.
Worst Case Scenario (4% assumed gross return)4.08%1.08 cr1 cr
Best Case Scenario (8% assumed gross return)6.25%5.03 crs1 cr
ELSS9.07%19 crs1 cr

Is LIC Jeevan Umang a good plan?

Here, you may think LIC Jeevan Umang gives a better return without taking any risk, so why should I choose another investment?

Why LIC Jeevan Umang is not a good plan?

You may think, that instead of following two or three investment steps,I can choose a single LIC Jeevan Umang policy.

Of course, you can, but here is the catch.

You can get the same in a Bank FD or in RBI Bonds.

Also, compared to PPF and ELSS, LIC Jeevan Umangdid not add anyspecial value to your money.

Please keep up with me to know more hidden factors.


LIC Jeevan Umang: If you have noticed when you pay the premium, you are also paying extra for the tax.

So, in LIC Jeevan Umang, you are paying more than you should and getting nothing in return for the extra you are paying.

So, in the end, your assumed gross return will be less than 6%.

PPF & Mutual Fund: But, in PPF or Mutual Fund Investment, you don’t have to pay any additional taxes.

Even in Mutual Funds, you will pay tax for your investment return, but the post-tax returns are better than the returns from Jeevan Umang.

And, finally, you don’t have to pay any tax for the interest you earn in PPF.

3.) Affordability:

LIC Jeevan Umang: Rs. 5000/month.

Mutual Fund & PPF: Rs. 500/month.

So, compare to LIC Jeevan Umang, everyone can afford to invest in Mutual Funds and PPF.

4.) Lock-in Period:

LIC Jeevan Umang: 2 years.

PPF: 15 years

Mutual Fund: Based on the plan chosen by the investor

5.) Liquidity option:

LIC Jeevan Umang: Partial withdrawal is not available. But the policyholder can surrender the plan after 2 years or can avail of the loan.

PPF: Partial withdrawal is allowed after 5 years. An investor can also avail of the loan.

Mutual Fund: The liquidity option is available anytime.

6.) Regulatory Authority:

LIC Jeevan Umang: IRDA – Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority

Mutual Fund: SEBI – Securities and Exchange Board of India

Mutual Funds’ norms and fee structures are strictly regulated by SEBI. So, there won’t be any additional or hidden charges you need to pay for your investments.

PPF: DEA – Department of Economic Affairs(It is a Government Scheme)

7.) Charges:

LIC Jeevan Umang: The fee and charges are yet to be regulated by IRDA. So, there will be some hidden charges drawn by the insurance companies themselves. So, it is better to go through all the charges and fee structures before purchasing an insurance plan. Because these hidden charges can reduce your IRR.

PPF:There are no additional or hidden charges deducted from PPF.

Mutual Fund: The charges are regulated by SEBI. So, the charges are transparent.

8.) LIC Jeevan Umang Tax Benefit:

Is LIC Jeevan Umang tax free?

The tax benefit is available to all. Survival benefit, death benefit and maturity benefit is tax-free under Sec 10 (10D).

9.) Inflation Beating Return:

LIC Jeevan Umang: We cannot say the value of your financial goal will not be the same as today. That’s why you need an inflation-beating return. And, as we can see in the example, LIC Jeevan Umang did not give us the inflation-beating return.

PPF: In PPF, we can get an investment return which is higher than LIC Jeevan Umang. But, still, it is a tax-saving investment plan with15-year maturity period. So, still, it barely can help you to beat inflation.

Mutual Fund: Return on Mutual Fund can help you beat inflation in the long run compared to LIC Jeevan Umang and PPF.

10.) Goal-Based Investment Planning:

LIC Jeevan Umang: LIC Jeevan Umang is an insurance and savings plan. So, you can use this plan either for your retirement or for your children’s marriage only if it gives you an inflation-beating return.

PPF: As mentioned earlier PPF is a tax saving plan with limited investment options. So, it cannot help you to plan your financial goal completely.

Mutual Fund: You can choose more than one mutual fund based on your financial goals. As per your financial goal, you can choose the investment scheme. You have control over how much you need to invest and how long to invest in mutual funds. Also, you can take a break from investing for a year or so.You can also increase your contribution based on your increment in income.

11.) Surrender or Cancel:

LIC Jeevan Umang:

The policyholder can cancel the policy during the free look period of 15 days from the date of the policy purchased or have to wait 2 years to surrender the policy.

PPF: The investor can close the account prematurely.

Mutual Fund: An investor can withdraw or switch the plan at any time.

12.) Insurance coverage:

LIC Jeevan Umang: Compared to pure term insurance, LIC Jeevan Umang is expensive.

Pure Term Insurance: You can avail of pure term insurance with high coverage at a low cost.

If you want to listen to LIC Jeevan Umang policy (जीवन उमंग एलआईसी प्लान) review in Hindi, click here

Final Verdict on LIC Jeevan Umang – Should you buy it?

Instead of checking the review of LIC Jeevan Umang on social media like Quora, please check with professional financial planners who are certified and experienced who will be giving you a customised recommendation

After analysing all the factors, compared to other investments, LIC Jeevan Umang is still at a disadvantage in many ways.Therefore, LIC Jeevan Umang is a bad investment choice. So, it is better to choose an alternative investment plan that gives you an inflation-beating return.

As for life cover, you can choose pure term insurance at a low cost with high coverage.

A Detailed Review on LIC Jeevan Umang: Should you buy it? (2024)


A Detailed Review on LIC Jeevan Umang: Should you buy it? ›

Q: Is LIC Jeevan Umang a good Policy? Ans: Yes, LIC Jeevan Umang is a good policy as it offers coverage till the age of 100. In addition to this, the plan provides annual survival benefits once the premium payment tenure is completed.

What is the return rate of Jeevan Umang? ›

8% of the Sum Assured is paid every year as money back on survival at the end of the policy term. Large Sum Assured available under this plan. Riders like LIC Accidental Death Disability Benefit Rider and Term Rider are available under this plan.

Does Jeevan Umang give guaranteed returns? ›

Benefits of LIC Jeevan Umang Plan

Death benefit : In case of death of life insured before the risk commencement date, LIC will return all the premiums paid without interest to the nominee. However, in case the policyholder suffers a death after the risk commencement date, LIC will offer the sum assured to the nominee.

What is the maturity benefit of Jeevan Umang? ›

Maturity Benefit: The insured will receive the Sum Assured + Simple Reversionary Bonus + Final Addition Bonus at becoming 100 years old.

What is the death benefit of Jeevan Umang? ›

Death Benefit

The company shall return all the paid premiums, excluding interest and other expenses. If the policyholder dies after the risk commencement and before maturity, in that case, the company shall pay the death benefits as the higher of 7 times of annualised premium or basic sum assured.

Is Jeevan Umang good or bad? ›

Q: Is LIC Jeevan Umang a good Policy? Ans: Yes, LIC Jeevan Umang is a good policy as it offers coverage till the age of 100. In addition to this, the plan provides annual survival benefits once the premium payment tenure is completed.

What are disadvantages of Jeevan Umang policy? ›

LIC Jeevan Umang: If you have noticed when you pay the premium, you are also paying extra for the tax. So, in LIC Jeevan Umang, you are paying more than you should and getting nothing in return for the extra you are paying. So, in the end, your assumed gross return will be less than 6%.

Which LIC policy has 8 percent return? ›

LIC Jeevan Umang Plan

A fixed guaranteed amount is paid to the policyholder at the official end of tenure. Key Features of LIC Jeevan Umang: The policyholder will will receive a yearly survival benefit equivalent to 8% of the Basic Sum Assured, if they survived till the end of the premium payment term.

What is the return of Jeevan Umang 945? ›

LIC Jeevan Umang Plan 945 Parameter
Basic Sum Assured (BSA)Rebate per Rs. 1000 per S.A.
Rs. 2,00,000 to Rs. 4,75,000NIL
Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs. 9,75,0001.25 % of (B.S.A)
Rs. 10,00,000 to Rs. 24,75,0001.75 % of (B.S.A)
Rs. 25,00,000 and above2 % of (B.S.A)

Which LIC policy is best for high return? ›

LIC New Endowment Plan

The plan maximises the return value by offering multiple investment funds and offers a loan facility to ensure liquidity during times of emergency.

Is Jeevan Umang policy 8% guaranteed? ›

The LIC Jeevan Umang Plan gives a guaranteed annual survival benefit (ASB) of 8% of the basic sum assured (BSA) once the premium payment period has expired. The ASB is paid to the policyholder annually until the life assured dies, and the nominee will receive the ASB until the policy term expires.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.