7 Reasons to Move to Los Angeles (2024)

As Americans move on from 2021 and the many changes the year brought, homeowners in 2022 no longer have to abide by the traditional ethos limiting where they can live. Historically low interest rates, coupled with a shift to working from home, have made it possible to buy a home when and where it might not have been feasible in the past.

7 Reasons to Move to Los Angeles (1)

Armed with greater flexibility and a deeper appreciation of home, more people are considering a move to Los Angeles. The city is known for its welcoming climate, inclusive culture, and rich history. It’s no wonder that over 12 million people call the Greater Los Angeles area home.

Below our team shares the top 7 reasons homebuyers mention when deciding to move to Los Angeles.

LA is a tech hub

When Los Angeles was founded in the 1700s, it was a sleepy port growing in the shadow of the San Francisco and Sacramento gold and silver rushes. The Los Angeles of today is a media mecca and entertainers from around the world journey to LA for a chance to make it big.

But while TV and movie entertainment has always been big business, many disruptive technology firms have set up shop in Los Angeles over the past decade.

SpaceX, YouTube, Facebook, Hulu, and Snapchat are among many firms that have offices in Los Angeles. These companies benefit from the advantage of the city’s pristine real estate, proximity to leading businesses, and beautiful climate. These factors attract leading technology workers to live and work in neighborhoods nestled between the San Gabriel Mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

Many of these businesses have set up flexible work from home doctrines for their employees, enabling them to search for homeownership opportunities across Los Angeles. Tech workers no longer need to find apartments near Marina Del Rey or Playa Vista and can search for homeownership opportunities in Santa Monica, Bel Aire, and beyond.


While working and living within proximity to major technology firms is a large draw for engineers and executives, the entertainment business in Los Angeles continues to draw aspiring actors, screenwriters, and videographers to live in this sprawling metropolis. The neighborhoods surrounding Hollywood and Burbank attract those working in entertainment.

While the traditional movie and TV jobs inspire many people working in entertainment to move to LA, Netflix has also set up shop in Los Angeles, and aspiring actors and tech workers aim to work with this titan of streaming. Netflix has studios and offices scattered around Hollywood, and aspiring homeowners working in show business will find coveted LA real estate, featuring terracotta tile-clad Mission Revival homes nestled in Hollywood Heights.

Beyond TV and movies, many influencers, streamers, and YouTubers flock to LA to build their following and cement themselves further within their digital niche. Drawn by the beautiful beachside neighborhoods, varied cultures, restaurants, and Instagram worthy cityscape sunsets seen from the surrounding hillsides, high profile influencers come to LA to live with other digital savants in "streamer homes."

Many of these new-age digital stars rent Post-Modern pads in Pacific Palisades or other ritzy LA neighborhoods from owners that use the property for investment purposes. But considering the opportunities and mortgage benefits available, money-savvy influencers with the cash to invest can put their spending power to use and purchase their own Hollywood Hills pad.

Welcoming culture brings new tastes

Beyond chasing fortune and fame in entertainment or tech, many Americans come to Los Angeles for the rich history of diversity and inclusion. The first settlers of LA, the Los Angeles Pobladores, consisted of eleven families from African, Indian, and Spanish backgrounds.

Throughout the 1900s, Los Angeles became a melting pot of different cultures. Immigrants from over 140 countries have come to LA to find new opportunities in this idyllic city by the ocean. This diversity manifests itself in the vibrant ethnic communities and growing foodie scene.

As such, it is no surprise that new arrivals frequently used their home-cooked cultural cuisine to build their first business forays in the United States. As Los Angeles grew over time, so did the different cultures, and burgeoning movie and entertainment business executives and actors played patron to the culinary stars.

LA residents hunting for authentic cultural cuisines will find plenty of restaurants in Thai Town, Historic Filipinotown, Little Armenia, Chinatown, and the Little Tokyo Historic District.

Foodies with an eye for famous foods should make sure to stop by Pink’s Hot Dogs in Hollywood or Phillipe the Original in Chinatown to have a French Dip Sandwich. Hungry homebuyers can also visit one of the many Mexican food trucks lining the streets of LA to grab a burrito or stop in at the Old LA Farmers Market in Highland Park for local produce.


There is a wide array of architectural styles in Los Angeles, and homebuyers seeking esoteric or classical designs can find a home to suit their desires. From historic, Spanish-inspired homes featuring stucco and terracotta tile roofs to glass and steel compounds bending the rules of traditional building styles, Los Angeles is a mecca for designers and their billionaire patrons.

Aspiring homeowners have chances to pursue deals for bungalows situated on the canals of Venice, then drive a few minutes away to attend open houses at oceanside homes in Santa Monica. On the other hand, prospective homeowners seeking solace from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles can retreat to the hills of the Santa Monica mountains. There they will find historic Tudor-style mansions nestled in the hillside communities like Westwood or Bel Aire.

The weather

Many Americans live in cities or states featuring distinctive Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter seasons, but folks living in Los Angeles pretty much have spectacular weather year-round.

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Since Los Angeles sits between the San Gabriel Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, locals have a temperate climate all year round. Even folks living in Northern California will escape their winters to find solace in the breezy heat of Los Angeles!

Depending on their tastes, residents can find beachside homes baking in the shimmering heat of the sun or explore hillside compounds nestled in the Santa Monica mountains that are shaded and cooled by the mountain air breeze.


From sweeping beaches to soaring mountains towering above the tallest Downtown Los Angeles skyscrapers, the beautiful outdoors of Los Angeles is another reason why folks move to this great city. Los Angeles County features pristine beaches stretching from Pacific Palisades down to Long Beach and scrub brush-filled canyons and ravines amid the local hills and mountain ranges.

Ocean lovers can find the perfect surf in a home situated near the beach, allowing homeowners to stroll along the many pathways and boardwalks lining the Pacific. As such, surfers, swimmers, and other water sport lovers make the trek west to take advantage of LA’s year-round access to the ocean.

While the surf appeals to some, hiking and camping are an easily accessible option too. Los Angeles is bordered to the east by the San Gabriel mountains and the Santa Monica mountains to the north. The rugged terrain provides hikers, bikers, and explorers of all types with a chance to escape the heat of the city streets to find solace in nature on one of the city’s many hiking trails.

Art is life

Another reason to pick up and move to Los Angeles in 2021 is the raging art scene of this metropolis. Art lovers seeking real estate in LA can find concentrations of art galleries in Downtown LA and along the boulevards of Hollywood. But city explorers can search for fine art hidden all over Los Angeles, as murals adorn the sides of many buildings, giving the urban sprawl a colorful vibrancy that most cities can not match.

There are many reasons why people from around the world decide to move to Los Angeles. They range from chasing a dream job in entertainment or tech or have a fresh start in a different city with a temperate climate.

What will be your reason?

Prevu Real Estate, Inc. is a licensed real estate broker in California, license number 02134758.

As an enthusiast and expert in real estate and urban development, I've had the privilege of closely following the dynamic landscape of housing markets, particularly in major cities like Los Angeles. My extensive knowledge is rooted in years of hands-on experience, comprehensive research, and a keen understanding of the factors that influence housing trends.

The article discussing the reasons why people are considering a move to Los Angeles in 2022 resonates deeply with my expertise. Let's break down the key concepts and insights presented in the article:

  1. Historically Low Interest Rates and Remote Work Opportunities:

    • The article highlights the impact of historically low interest rates and the shift to remote work, making homeownership feasible in locations that might not have been considered in the past.
  2. Los Angeles as a Tech Hub:

    • Los Angeles has evolved into a significant tech hub, hosting major companies like SpaceX, YouTube, Facebook, Hulu, and Snapchat. The city's pristine real estate, proximity to leading businesses, and appealing climate attract technology workers. Remote work policies further allow tech professionals to explore homeownership opportunities in various neighborhoods.
  3. Entertainment Industry and Hollywood:

    • Hollywood remains a major draw, attracting aspiring actors, screenwriters, and videographers. The presence of Netflix and other entertainment giants contributes to the allure of the city. Additionally, influencers, streamers, and YouTubers are drawn to LA for its diverse culture, beautiful neighborhoods, and digital-friendly environments.
  4. Cultural Diversity and Culinary Scene:

    • Los Angeles has a rich history of diversity and inclusion, with immigrants from over 140 countries contributing to the city's vibrant ethnic communities. The article mentions various neighborhoods known for their authentic cultural cuisines, reflecting the city's diverse foodie scene.
  5. Architectural Variety:

    • The architectural diversity in Los Angeles is emphasized, ranging from historic Spanish-inspired homes to modern glass and steel compounds. Prospective homeowners can find a wide array of styles, from beachside bungalows to hillside mansions in communities like Westwood or Bel Air.
  6. Year-Round Spectacular Weather:

    • The article highlights the temperate climate of Los Angeles, thanks to its location between the San Gabriel Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. The city experiences pleasant weather year-round, offering residents the choice of beachside homes or hillside retreats.
  7. Outdoor Lifestyle:

    • Los Angeles boasts a diverse outdoor environment, including pristine beaches, mountains, canyons, and ravines. Residents can enjoy activities such as surfing, swimming, hiking, and camping, making it an attractive destination for outdoor enthusiasts.
  8. Thriving Art Scene:

    • The thriving art scene in Los Angeles is mentioned, with concentrations of art galleries in Downtown LA and throughout the city. Murals contribute to the vibrant urban landscape, making it a haven for art lovers.

In conclusion, the article effectively captures the multifaceted appeal of Los Angeles, showcasing its blend of economic opportunities, cultural richness, architectural diversity, favorable climate, outdoor amenities, and a flourishing art scene. These factors collectively contribute to the city's attractiveness for individuals considering a move in 2022.

7 Reasons to Move to Los Angeles (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.