6 Savings Accounts Every Family Needs to Have (2024)

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In this article, we will discuss 6 savings accounts every family should consider having.

6 Savings Accounts Every Family Needs to Have (1)Has it ever seemed like you were saving money just to be saving it?

You know…you save up $1,000 in your savings account and think you’re doing something and next month you need to use it to put new tires on your car.

Then the next month you’re sitting there looking at the remaining $500 wondering what’s the purpose of saving if you can never enjoy it.

Of course, the money served it’s purpose well. You were preparing for an unforeseen event and you didn’t have to go into debt to get out of it.

But at the same time, you never get to do anything fun, another unexpected bill always surprises you, and life just passes you by while you juggle one financial event after the other.Well, it doesn’t have to be like that.

Growing up I never witnessed anyone saving for anything. And when I did discover that folks saved money, it was usually bunched up together in one big old savings account.

I would rather have one savings account than none at all, but that still doesn’t mean I was getting anywhere financially.

When I discovered online banking, I found that multiple savings accounts was going to save my sanity and my finances.No more mismanagement of funds and I would be able to anticipate different expenses in an organized way!

Seriously, it hurt my brain to look at an account and try to sort my money out and keep track of what the money is for. Having multiple savings accounts at one bank makes it a lot easier to automate and keep track of my goals.

With that said, I want to share with you six savings accounts that are a must for us (we have more than six accounts, though) and how these accounts may serve you well too.

6 Savings Accounts Every Family Needs to Have

We became members of Capital One 360 (formerly ING Direct) seven years ago. We signed up for one account, deposited $250, got $25 cash back, and started building from there. Now we have over six different savings accounts (two of which belongs to our kids).

Open your own Capital One 360 account.

Emergency Savings Account

Our emergency savings account has roughly three months worth of expenses. Most experts recommend keeping $1,000 in an emergency account and then throwing the rest at your debt.

That theory doesn’t work too well for me so we keep it above this amount. I’d rather have enough to pay the bills during an emergency. There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to your emergency savings. It’s simply better to have one than nothing at all.

A Savings Account for Taxes

Next, we have a savings account for our taxes. Since our homeowner’s taxes are included in our monthly mortgage payment, we use this account to save for our car taxes only. I never appreciated those unexpected tax notices in the mail, so I decided to start planning for them.

Gift Savings Account

I do not like worrying about money around the holidays or when it comes to giving to others. So to prevent that from happening, I stash cash into a savings account year round to account for birthday gifts, christening gifts, baby shower, housewarming, and Christmas gifts.

And the crazy thing is, I usually only budget around $500 to $700 for the entire year! I shop clearance and I keep a stash of kid birthday gifts in my closet to keep costs down. It’s amazing at how little you can spend over 12 months when you actually create a savings plan!

Car Maintenance Account

If it feels like you never have any money to get your oil changed, it’s probably because you don’t have it written in your budget. This is a budgeted expense that we pay like a bill.

We send a certain amount to our car maintenance account each month. When it’s time to change the oil, brakes, or tires, we already have the money set aside for it.

529 or Other College Savings Accounts

Not everyone wants to pay for their kid’s college education and to each their own. However, I don’t want to send my kid to college with absolutely nothing if they choose to go. We don’t plan to pay the entire costs of our children’s college education.

Both of our youngins will certainly be expected to contribute to their own learning. But for our part, we set up a 529 for the oldest. She has been saying she’s going to college since she was like three years old and I believe her too because I was the exact same way! The jury is still out on the baby boy:)

A Just Because Account

Last, it’s good to have a just because savings account. You know, for those days when you and the hubby feel like you could use a weekend away. Or maybe you want to drive the kids to Carowinds or Six Flags one weekend. Your just because account is basically fun money. Use it as you please.

Wrapping Thangs Up

As you can see, our setup really isn’t that complicated. All of our savings are deducted from a single checking account on a specific date. Once the money has left our checking account, we don’t even think about it until it’s time to use it.

It’s quick, it’s easy, and it helps me sort out our savings with minimal effort. So, if you’ve been stacking all of your coins in one savings account and feel like you’re ‘bout to lose your mind, give it a try! Having six savings accounts isn’t intimidating, it’s liberating. Find out for yourself!

Do you have multiple savings accounts? Why or why not?

6 Savings Accounts Every Family Needs to Have (2024)


How many savings accounts should a family have? ›

There's no set number of bank accounts you should have. The number of bank accounts that are right for you depends on your personal financial situation and goals. You may have too many bank accounts if you cannot manage them all or you're no longer contributing to them all.

What are the top 5 savings accounts everyone should have? ›

Here's what they are.
  1. Emergency fund. An emergency fund is the first and most important type of savings account you should have. ...
  2. Car purchase or repair fund. If you own a vehicle, it's inevitable that you'll eventually need to repair it. ...
  3. Home or property repair fund. ...
  4. Vacation fund. ...
  5. Big purchase fund.
Jul 25, 2021

Is it okay to have 6 bank accounts? ›

There's no specific number of bank accounts that is inherently good or bad. Opening multiple accounts allows you to meet varied banking needs and access different features and functions.

How many account should a family have? ›

Some experts suggest you should have four bank accounts -- two checking and two savings. You'll use one checking account to pay bills and the other for spending money. One savings account will be dedicated to your emergency fund and the other to miscellaneous goals.

How much does the average American family have in savings account? ›

According to the Federal Reserve's most recent Survey of Consumer Finances, the median savings account balance for all families was $8,000 in 2022. Savings account balances can vary greatly depending on income, age, education and race.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

Which bank is giving 7% interest on saving account? ›

Regular Saver Account. 7% Interest Savings - first direct.

Do millionaires use savings accounts? ›

Millionaires Don't Keep Much in Their Traditional Savings Accounts. “My millionaire clients keep very little of their net worth in a traditional savings account. $10,000 or less,” said Herman (Tommy) Thompson, Jr., CFP, ChSNC, ChFC, a certified financial planner with Innovative Financial Group.

What's the most money you should keep in a savings account? ›

Most financial experts suggest you need a cash stash equal to six months of expenses: If you need $5,000 to survive every month, save $30,000. Personal finance guru Suze Orman advises an eight-month emergency fund because that's about how long it takes the average person to find a job.

Is 7 bank accounts too many? ›

You can have as many checking accounts as you want. Keeping track of multiple accounts is more complicated than a single checking account. However, opening and using multiple accounts can help you better manage your budget, cash flow, and other financial needs.

How many savings accounts is too many? ›

However, you don't want to get too carried away and open so many savings accounts that you lose track of balances, interest rates and other account details. "There is no right or wrong number of savings accounts," says Kendall Meade, a certified financial planner at personal finance platform SoFi.

Does closing a bank account hurt your credit? ›

The act of closing a bank account, such as a checking or savings account, does not directly affect your credit score. Your credit score is not directly affected by your checking and savings account activity. That includes account closures.

How much money does the average family have in the bank? ›

How much does the average household have in savings? While the median bank account balance is $8,000, according to the latest SCF data, the average — or mean — balance is actually much higher, at $62,410.

What is the most money you should keep in a bank? ›

The recommended amount of cash to keep in savings for emergencies is three to six months' worth of living expenses. If you have funds you won't need within the next five years, you may want to consider moving it out of savings and investing it.

How much money should a family have in the bank? ›

It might help to see the bigger picture in an income-to-savings ratio. A rule of thumb is to set aside 50% of your income for necessities, 30% for discretionary expenses and 20% for savings.

Is it good to have 3 savings accounts? ›

Having multiple savings accounts could help you keep your money covered by FDIC insurance, keep your emergency fund safe from spending, and help you better track your goals.

Is it okay to have 4 savings accounts? ›

Having multiple savings accounts could make sense if you want to set aside money for different goals. There are some advantages to opening more than one savings account when you have competing financial goals, as opposed to lumping all of your savings together in a single account.

Is it smart to have several savings accounts? ›

With interest rates on savings accounts still the highest they've been in years, it pays to save. But while having one savings account is good, many financial advisors and budgeting experts actually recommend keeping several, even if the balance in each one remains small.

Is it better to have one savings account or multiple? ›

The flexibility of having more than one account can also help you manage fluctuations in interest rates, which could be important when the Fed eventually pauses its hikes and rates begin to move lower. Holding your savings in multiple accounts can also be a way to help you stay on track to meet specific goals.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.