5 ways to get passive income in GTA Online, ranked from worst to best (2024)

Modified Sep 18, 2022 03:04 IST

5 ways to get passive income in GTA Online, ranked from worst to best (10)

Passive income is a terrific way to earn money in GTA Online without having to actively do anything. However, the best methods still require some amount of either the player's time or money. This short listicle will rank the five best ways to make passive income based on the following criteria:

  • How much effort does it take to set up?
  • How high is the pay?

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This list will assume that the player is willing to set everything up to maximize their passive income and won't rank entries based on partial setups.

Note: This article won't classify business Sell Missions as "passive income." Some aspects of this article are subjective.

GTA Online offers some great ways to make passive income

5) Clubhouse bar

5 ways to get passive income in GTA Online, ranked from worst to best (11)

Bikers who own a Clubhouse in GTA Online have access to a new way to make passive income. It involves undertaking Bar Resupply missions, which are necessary to restock the bar. Doing so will give the gamer $5,000 a day. The supplies will run out once the player has earned $20,000.

Considering that this method requires active time investment every time the player wishes to earn passive income in GTA Online, it finds itself in the last place.

4) Good Behavior bonus

5 ways to get passive income in GTA Online, ranked from worst to best (12)

Gamers who don't cause much trouble in GTA Online are entitled to a Good Behavior bonus. They will earn $2,000 periodically as long as they're not considered a "Bad Sport." Basically, this means not blowing up everybody's rides and avoiding getting reported for various reasons.

This bonus is an incredibly simple way to earn passive income, which most GTA Online players will get just by playing the game. However, the reward isn't anything to write home about, which is why Good Behavior Bonus finds itself in the second spot. To its credit, the player doesn't have to visit a safe to get this money, which can't be said about the other entries on this list.

3) Arcade

5 ways to get passive income in GTA Online, ranked from worst to best (13)

GTA Online players can make $5,000 every in-game day, 48 minutes in the real world, through Arcades. This is a decent way to earn passive income, although it is worth mentioning that players have to fill up their entire Arcade with compatible games. That said, these don't have to be different titles.

Buying a single Monkey's Paradise for $90,000 and placing it in all possible slots will suffice. Doing so will guarantee that the player gets $5,000 every in-game day, and there is nothing a gamer ever has to do again to keep that passive income coming.

This method might not be the highest cash-flow option available in GTA Online, but the ease of letting the income keep rolling in without having to do anything related to it ever again is quite nice.

2) Agency

5 ways to get passive income in GTA Online, ranked from worst to best (14)

It is vital to mention that setting up an Agency's maximum passive income requires much more effort than an Arcade. However, the amount of money a player can earn this way is quadrupled. The gist of this moneymaker is that players must complete 201 Security Contracts to get $20,000 every in-game day.

Once that happens, gamers won't have to do anything to keep that cash coming into their Agency safe. Players must note that every five Security Contracts completed adds $100 to their passive income; this caps out at $20,000.

1) Nightclub

5 ways to get passive income in GTA Online, ranked from worst to best (15)

An almost no-strings-attached way to get $50,000 every 48 minutes is far better than all other alternatives in GTA Online. The only limitation here is that players must keep Nightclub Popularity up high, which is actually very easy to do.

Here are the two easiest ways to do so:

  1. If the player gets a text from Marcel about a guy causing a scene, go to that location and eject him.
  2. Swap a DJ out with another one.

Both methods only take about a minute to execute. Alternatively, one can opt to take up some Nightclub Management missions, but that will eat up more of a player's time. It's also recommended to get the Staff Upgrade for $475,000 as that will lower how much popularity a player loses over time.

It's exceptionally easy to keep the Nightclub Popularity high enough to get $45,000 or $50,000 all the time.

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    5 ways to get passive income in GTA Online, ranked from worst to best (2024)


    What makes the most passive income in GTA 5 Online? ›

    1) Nightclub

    The easiest way to generate the most amount of passive money in GTA Online involves the Nightclub. Players can earn up to $50,000 per in-game day with this method. That's not even counting any potential Nightclub Warehouse stock being created for a Sell Mission down the line.

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    With that said, the Bunker and the MC businesses are the best passive income businesses. Setting them up can double your revenue earned per day.

    What is the most profitable way to make money GTA 5? ›

    Heists. The fact is that heists are one of the most complex but also the most profitable things in GTA Online. Even if you are a beginner, you can easily earn approximately 400,000 dollars per hour here. And, of course, the more you progress in the game, the bigger amount of money you can earn.

    What is the most efficient way to make money in GTA 5 Online? ›

    One of the quickest ways to make money in GTA 5 Online is to participate in robberies and heists. These missions often require multiple players and require careful planning and execution, but the rewards can be substantial.

    What business in GTA 5 makes you the most money? ›

    Starting off, the Arcade is one of the most profitable businesses in GTA Online. The Arcade will net you some nice pocket money each day, but the real reason to go this route is the opportunity created for Heists.

    How do you get millions in GTA? ›

    GTA Online: Here's how to make millions in multiplayer game
    1. Begin a business with high potential and minimal investment. ...
    2. Agency Property. ...
    3. Unlock the Cayo Perico Heist by acquiring Kosatka Submarine. ...
    4. Establish a Bunker for Additional Income. ...
    5. Invest in an Aircraft Hangar for Long-Term Profit.
    Feb 21, 2023

    What is the max passive income in GTA agency? ›

    The maximum holding capacity of the Agency Safe is $250,000, like other lockers and safes in GTA Online. Once the safe reaches its maximum holding capacity, it will stop producing money until the player withdraws the funds. One can check the status of the Agency Safe by looking at the $ icon inside the business.

    Does the Nightclub make passive money? ›

    They will generate stock accordingly, allowing to accrue at the Nightclub. Players are recommended to buy the upgraded truck for delivery missions, allowing them bigger payouts. On each sell mission, Tony will take a handling fee of 10% with the rest going to the player as pure passive profits.

    Does it matter which Nightclub you buy GTA? ›

    For instance, you want to factor in the distance from the club to the games Business Battles and Sell Goods missions. With this in mind, the best Nightclub location in GTA Online is Downtown Vinewood.

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    The 8 Best Businesses To Run In GTA Online
    1. 1 Warehouse: Special Cargo (Crates)
    2. 2 Arcade: Casino Heists. ...
    3. 3 Bunker: Weapon Production/Sales. ...
    4. 4 co*ke Lock Up: co*ke Sales. ...
    5. 5 Vehicle Warehouse: Vehicle Import/Export. ...
    6. 6 Nightclubs: After Hours Entertainment. ...
    7. 7 Weed Farm: Growing/Selling. ...
    8. 8 Counterfeit Cash Factory: Printing Money. ...
    Mar 12, 2023

    Can you rob an ATM in GTA 5? ›

    You can't rob an ATM directly like you can a store clerk. However, you can rob pedestrians after they use an ATM. This will earn anywhere from tens to hundreds of dollars.

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    How to Make Money in GTA 5
    1. General Money Saving Tips and Tricks.
    2. Assassinations Missions Offer Great Compensation.
    3. Try Your Luck at Investing in Stocks.
    4. Rob ATMs for Some Quick Cash.
    5. Small Time Shenanigans for Big Bucks.
    6. Compete in Street Races for Quick and Easy Income.
    7. Saving is Earning.
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    How much does a full co*ke lockup sell for? ›

    GTA Online Cocaine Lockup Max Payout
    UpgradeUpgrade CostSell Local
    No Upgrade$0$200,000
    Security Upgrade$570,000$200,000
    Equipment Upgrade$935,000$240,000
    Staff Upgrade$390,000$240,000
    2 more rows
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    What businesses generate the most money? ›

    Most Profitable Business Ideas
    • Business Consulting. If you're an expert in your industry and have been working at it for years, you should consider consulting. ...
    • IT Support, Technology Consulting, and Repair. ...
    • Cleaning Services. ...
    • Accounting and Tax Preparation. ...
    • Auto Repair. ...
    • Real Estate. ...
    • Online courses. ...
    • Marketing and PR Services.

    What is the cheat for infinite money in GTA 5? ›

    No, there is no money cheat for GTA 5—not even in the singleplayer mode.

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    There's no money cheat code in GTA 5. The developers from Rockstar like us to have some fun with cheating, but they have not given us a way to make a ton of free cash which is not in the least bit surprising. This applies to both single player and multiplayer, there's no GTA money cheat for either.

    What is the max daily income GTA? ›

    You can complete as many contracts as you want to significantly boost your earnings. However, once you've hit $20,000 per in-game day, you won't be able to increase it any further. To reach that amount, you must complete 201 Security Contracts in GTA Online.

    How much passive income from arcade gta? ›

    How to make money through Arcade's passive income. GTA Online players can earn up to $5,000 per in-game day (about 48 minutes in the real world) if they fill every available Arcade Machine spot. It doesn't matter which games you use. In fact, you can use the same one (or two) for everything, and it will count.

    What is the passive income in GTA Arcade? ›

    How to make money through Arcade's passive income. GTA Online players can earn up to $5,000 per in-game day (about 48 minutes in the real world) if they fill every available Arcade Machine spot. It doesn't matter which games you use. In fact, you can use the same one (or two) for everything, and it will count.

    What can you do in passive mode GTA? ›

    At any time after your first death, GTA Online offers the option to enable Passive Mode. Passive Mode makes your character immune to PvP firearm and melee damage in the open instance of your GTA Online world, and likewise prevents you from dealing damage to others. However, this only applies to when you are on foot.

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