5 Tips On What To Do With Your Settlement Money - District Capital (2024)

5 Tips On What To Do With Your Settlement Money - District Capital (1)

  • Alvin Carlos
  • September 30, 2021


Did you just receive a sizeable amount of settlement money? It’s probably an emotional time for you, but you’re also thinking, “What should I do with all this settlement money?” Cashing in a half a million or a million dollar check can be quite scary and intimidating. Here at District Capital, we work with clients in the same situation. And if you’re in the same boat, read on for our 5 tips on what to do with your settlement money!

We will be discussing the tax implications, where you should keep the money, whether you should consider giving some to your family, how to best invest the funds, and finally, big picture-wise, what to do with your settlement money.

Table of Contents

Tip One: Settlement Taxability

The first question you may have in mind is “is the money taxable?” This really depends on your situation. If it’s a settlement from a personal or physical injury, it’s usually non-taxable. Emotional distress settlement awards are typically non-taxable if the distress is attributable to a physical injury or physical sickness. Car accident injury settlements are usually non-taxable.

What is typically taxable are lawsuits about lost wages or punitive damages, which are damages assessed to punish a defendant. So it really depends on your specific situation. It’s best to consult your lawyer, a tax attorney, or a CPA.

Tip Two: Where to Keep the Money

The second question you may ask is, “Where should I keep this settlement money?” While you’re still trying to figure things out, you may want to keep it in your bank account. Now, instead of letting it sit in your checking account and doing nothing, you may consider opening and moving it to a higher yielding savings account, so it can earn a little bit more interest.

Now, after the dust has settled, then you can start thinking about best tax advantaged accounts or strategies to maximize this opportunity. So let me share with you three things that you can consider.

The first one is funding your Roth IRA. If you’re no longer eligible to contribute to your Roth, a backdoor Roth IRA can be another strategy to consider. Roth is a great way to grow a small part of your settlement money tax-free.

Another great way to grow your money tax-free, which not a lot of people know about, is contributing to a health savings account, or an HSA. Now, not everyone is qualified to contribute to an HSA, so make sure you watch our video on HSA versus FSAs to know what’s right for you.

The bulk of your settlement money is probably going to go to a brokerage account, which is the third type of account that you can consider.

Tip Three: Giving Money to Family

Another common question that comes up is, “Should I give money to my family?” Your family members or relatives may not necessarily be in the best financial situation, so I totally understand if you feel the urge to help them out. There is nothing wrong with that. Or maybe they’re financially ok,, but they’ll still come knocking at your door. Maybe your brother-in-law will ask, “Hey, can I have $10,000 to help me buy a truck?” What’s $10,000 compared to half a million or a million dollars that you just received.

While there is nothing wrong with giving, it’s best for you to have a holistic plan first on what to do with your settlement money before making these types of decisions.

Tip Four: How to Invest Settlement Money

Another common question that we get is how best to invest this settlement money. Investing can be a great way to grow this pot of money over time, but there are so many investment options out there it can be overwhelming. And a lot of them carry hidden fees. To give you an idea on the extent of these hidden fees, in 2014, the White House released a report revealing that these hidden fees and hidden commissions are costing middle-class families $17 billion a year. $17 billion going from Main Street to Wall Street!

So it’s really important to educate yourself. You can start by reading about index funds, which are mutual funds that have really low fees. This means to get to keep more of your money. One popular set of index funds are Fidelity index funds. Make sure to check out our blog on Fidelity index funds for beginners.

There are index funds for stocks, for bonds, for emerging markets. There are all sorts of index funds, so you want to make sure that you educate yourself on what’s the best way to invest that settlement money. If you’re thinking about investing in a real estate property, feel free to also check out our video on how to calculate the rate of return on a real estate property, so you know exactly what you’re getting into and you know, more or less, how much money you can potentially make in this investment.

Tip Five: Overall, what should you do with the settlement money?

The fifth and final question that I’d like to help answer is, “What should I do with the settlement money?” I would like to urge you to find some quiet time and reflect on your life goals. What is important to you? What brings you joy? And then think about how you can use the settlement money as a tool to help you live your best life.

For example, do you get energy from being closer to the water, and maybe you’ve been thinking about buying a vacation home that’s close to the water? If you have a child, do you want to pay for your son or daughter’s college? Do you want to use this opportunity to enable you and your family to retire early or maybe switch to a lower paying job that’s more fulfilling for you?

After you reflect on these life goals, you can think about surrounding yourself with a team of experts to help you implement that plan. I would suggest starting with your quarterback, which is a fiduciary financial advisor.

A fiduciary financial advisor is not your common advisor. The typical advisor that we know of are the ones who try to sell you insurance products or annuities that you may not necessarily need. A fiduciary financial advisor will act in your best interest, we’ll work with you in examining and honing that life goal of yours and creating a holistic and comprehensive plan to implement that.

Additional settlement money questions that you may have:

– What do I do with a large settlement check?

Your financial goals and situation will dictate how you use a large settlement check. Working with a certified financial advisor will help you come up with a settlement check plan tailored to your unique needs. The money will then be less likely to be used on impulse. We share our top 5 tips on what to do with your settlement money in the blog. There are many options including (but not limited to):

  1. Pay off any debt: If you have any debt, this can be a great way to pay off all or as much of your debt as you want.
  2. Create an emergency fund: If you don’t have an emergency fund, using some of your settlement money to create one is a great idea. Best practice is around 6 months’ worth of living expenses so that if an emergency arises you won’t need to take out a loan or be in debt.
  3. Invest the money: You may want to invest in education, a home, a business or something similar.
  4. Save for retirement: You can take this opportunity to put some money aside for the years ahead when you are no longer working.

Your settlement money plan will probably include a combination of the above options. Take some time to think through your financial goals and how your settlement money can be used to achieve them.

– Do you have to pay taxes on settlement money?

If it’s a settlement from a personal injury or physical injury, it’s usually nontaxable. Car accident injury settlements are usually nontaxable. Lost wages and punitive damages (damages assessed to punish the defendant) are typically taxable. Every settlement case is different depending on the nature of the case and there is a possibility that you will have to pay taxes. Before you finalize any settlement, it’s best to get advice on taxes so that you are prepared. You can consult with a credentialed financial planner or tax specialist to check your settlement money tax liability.

– Can you invest settlement money?

Investing your settlement money can be a great opportunity to benefit from compound interest over time, watch your money grow, and get one step further to achieving your financial goals. While some settlement money is tax-free at the start, once you invest the money into things such as stocks or bonds, then the dividends earned are fully taxable.

– How can I protect my settlement money?

There are several things that you can do to protect your settlement money. First, you can keep your personal injury settlements separate from all other forms of income and keep that money in a separate bank account. This will prevent creditors from being able to take that money away from you in the future.

Another option is to use a prepaid credit card. You can use this to pay for your bills and other expenses without exposing it to creditors.

Our last tip to protect your settlement money is to make sure that you keep records of everything to do with your settlement money. This includes information such as where the settlement money came from, when you received your check, and how you spend the money.

– How are personal injury settlements paid out?

How your personal injury settlements are paid out is up to you. You can choose between a lump sum or a structured settlement. A lump sum can be a great option if you have a large amount of debt to pay off or if you want to invest all of the settlement money. A structured settlement can be a great option if you are worried about spending all of the money at once.

Need help with your settlement money?

You probably have a lot more questions to ask on what to do with your settlement money. Feel free toschedule a free discovery call with one of our financial advisors to go through your personal situation.

5 Tips On What To Do With Your Settlement Money - District Capital (4)

Alvin Carlos

Alvin Carlos, CFP®, CFA is an investment advisor and fee-only financial planner, in Washington, D.C that works with clients across the country. He has a Master’s degree in International Relations from SAIS-Johns Hopkins. Alvin is a partner of District Capital, a financial planning firm designed to help professionals in their 30s and 40s achieve their financial goals through smart investing, reducing taxes, retirement planning, and maximizing their money. Schedule a free discovery call to learn how we can help elevate your finances.


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District Capital is an independent, fee-only financial planning firm. We help professionals and entrepreneurs in their 30s and 40s elevate their finances and maximize their money. We are based in Washington, D.C and we work with people virtually nationwide.

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5 Tips On What To Do With Your Settlement Money - District Capital (7)

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5 Tips On What To Do With Your Settlement Money - District Capital (2024)


How do you manage money from a settlement? ›

  1. Set Up an Emergency Fund. It's important to have a safety net in case of unexpected expenses or emergencies. ...
  2. Invest in Your Future. Consider investing a portion of your settlement money in your future. ...
  3. Consider a Structured Settlement. ...
  4. Seek Professional Financial Advice. ...
  5. The Importance of Hiring an Attorney.
Mar 27, 2023

How do you use settlement money? ›

– What do I do with a large settlement check?
  1. Pay off any debt: If you have any debt, this can be a great way to pay off all or as much of your debt as you want.
  2. Create an emergency fund: If you don't have an emergency fund, using some of your settlement money to create one is a great idea.

What to do after winning a large settlement? ›

Steps to Take After Receiving Your Personal Injury Settlement
  1. Take a Deep Breath and Wait. ...
  2. Understand and Address the Tax Implications. ...
  3. Create a Plan. ...
  4. Take Care of Your Financial Musts. ...
  5. Consider Income-Producing Assets. ...
  6. Pay Off Debts. ...
  7. Life Insurance. ...
  8. Education.

How does check settlement work? ›

In most personal injury cases that involve a settlement check, the defendant's insurance company writes a check to your attorney. Your lawyer receives the check and then deducts the percentage of money agreed upon before sending you the balance in the form of another check.

How do I avoid taxes on my settlement money? ›

The first step in avoiding taxes on settlement money is to determine the type of settlement. If the settlement is for physical injury or sickness, it is generally tax-free. If the settlement is for emotional distress, it may be taxable unless it is related to physical injury or sickness.

How do you keep a settlement happy? ›

Keeping settlers happy is as simple as keeping all the other settlement resources (food and water, beds, and defense) at sufficient levels. Each of these needs to be at least equal to the number of settlers; power itself does not affect happiness but is required to operate more efficient machinery.

What is the highest paid settlement? ›

The Most Expensive Lawsuit Settlements in History
  • 1998 – The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement - $206 Billion. ...
  • 2010 – Deepwater Horizon BP Oil Spill - $20 Billion. ...
  • 2012 – Smartphone Wars - $40 Billion. ...
  • 1999 – Rupert Murdoch Vs Anna Torv - $1.7 Billion. ...
  • 2010 – Tiger Woods Vs Elin Nordegren - $750 Million.

What do you need to have a successful settlement? ›

You and your client want the upper hand in those negotiations.
  1. Define Success. ...
  2. Set Aside Emotions. ...
  3. Know the Limits of Litigation. ...
  4. Understand Why Cases Settle. ...
  5. Be Firm, But Flexible. ...
  6. Don't Be Too Hasty.
Jan 19, 2017

Is it safe to deposit check from settlement? ›

Yes, you can deposit your settlement check. But it is worth discussing your settlement negotiations and where you want to deposit your settlement check after it is delivered. You must remember that you will get only one chance to settle your claim after an accident.

How long does it take to get paid after a settlement is reached? ›

How Long After a Settlement Do You Get Your Money? Once both parties agree on compensation, the settlement part of a claim goes through several steps. The procedure can take a while to complete. Usually, a person can expect about a month before receiving compensation from the insurance company.

How long does it take for a check to clear from a settlement? ›

The process for handling the financial responsibilities associated with a legal settlement check can take anywhere from one week to six weeks. After accounting for fees and liens, you should receive the balance of the value of your settlement check.

How do I hide my settlement money? ›

Asset protection trusts are types of trusts that allow you to hold funds for your benefit, but it keeps them shielded from your financial enemies; especially plaintiffs of a lawsuit. So, when someone sues you, the assets belong to the trust instead of you. You can use them, but your creditor cannot.

How do you ask for money in a settlement? ›

You Can Negotiate a Settlement. Here's How
  1. Hold Onto Everything. ...
  2. Open an Insurance Claim in a Timely Manner. ...
  3. Estimate the Value of Your Claim Carefully. ...
  4. Write an Effective Demand Letter. ...
  5. Reject the Insurer's First Offer. ...
  6. Highlight Facts that Benefit You. ...
  7. Remain Calm During Negotiations. ...
  8. Hire a Lawyer to Help.

Should I cash a class action settlement check? ›

People have mixed feelings about class-action suits, and whether you cash class-action refund checks is up to you. Generally, if you get one, you probably paid a lot more in wrongful fees than you're getting back in the settlement. If you don't cash the check, the money may go back to the company.

Will IRS take my settlement check? ›

The general rule regarding taxability of amounts received from settlement of lawsuits and other legal remedies is Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 61. This section states all income is taxable from whatever source derived, unless exempted by another section of the code.

Does settlement money get reported to IRS? ›

If you receive a settlement in California that is considered taxable income, you will need to report it on your tax return. You will typically receive a Form 1099-MISC, which reports the amount of taxable income you received during the year.

Can the IRS keep the settlement money? ›

In some cases, the IRS can take a part of personal injury settlements if you have back taxes. Perhaps the IRS has a lien on your property already, and if so, you could find yourself losing part of your settlement in lieu of unpaid taxes. This can happen when you deposit settlement funds into your personal bank account.

Where is the best place to put a lump sum of money? ›

Saving with a savings account

If your lump sum is a smaller amount or you would prefer to save your money towards certain priorities, a simple savings account might be the better option for you. Cash savings are always popular with people who want to put away a lump sum and earn interest over a long period of time.

How do I avoid paying taxes on a lump sum of money? ›

Strategies to Minimize Taxes on a Lump-Sum Payment
  1. Tax-Loss Harvesting. Tax-loss harvesting allows you to lock in investment losses for the express purpose of lowering your taxable income. ...
  2. Deductions and Credits. ...
  3. Donate To Charity. ...
  4. Open a Charitable Lead Annuity Trust. ...
  5. Use a Separately Managed Account.
Mar 23, 2023

Is it better to take lump sum or payout? ›

Taking your winnings in a lump sum lowers the total amount you receive and can lead to expensive tax consequences. Taking your lottery winnings as an annuity over time will result in total payments closer to the advertised jackpot. In some states, you can sell your lottery payments for a lump sum of cash.

How do you get 100% happiness in a settlement? ›

Here's what you'll need to do.
  1. It's easiest to get 100% happiness in a large settlement. ...
  2. Get 20+ settlers as quickly as you can. ...
  3. You can also visit small settlements you've acquired with settlers. ...
  4. Food, water, and bed stat numbers must be higher than your number of settlers. ...
  5. Go nuts with defense.
Aug 11, 2017

What is the best day for settlement? ›

Cheaper Removalists: Another excellent reason you may want to schedule your settlement on Monday to Wednesday and potentially move during the week is that often removalists will charge cheaper fees. Saturday and Sunday are the biggest days for movers, so they tend to use premium pricing structures.

How do I make my settlement bigger? ›

Dumping items onto the ground increases settlement size. The easy thing to do is do what I do. Whenever you fill up on items form clearing missiosn and such go to the settlement you want to increase the size on. Dump eveyrthing onto the ground, then scrap or store it.

What's the most a lawyer can take from settlement? ›

Nationwide, the average percentage lawyers take from a settlement can range from 25% to 75%. Depending on a number of factors, these percentages change when comparing a car accident settlement, to a disability claim, or a medical malpractice case for example.

How much money should I ask for in a settlement? ›

To get a general idea of settlement, add up the costs in medical bills, damages, and lost wages, and multiply the sum by three. This may be around the amount in the settlement you can receive after a car accident. Compensation for pain and suffering is only given to those who are injured in a car accident.

What percentage is a settlement? ›

A settlement case where the lawyer gets no fee will most likely be less than 40 percent. On the other hand, if a lawsuit is successful and the plaintiff wins, the lawyer will receive closer to 50 percent.

What is the importance of settlement? ›

The main functions of a settlement are: Market town – where farmers will buy and sell their goods and materials. Mining town – where minerals and fuel might be extracted. Industrial town – where raw materials will be processed into manufactured products.

What two things needed to occur in order to form settlements? ›

shelter - away from rain and prevailing winds. trading point - often settlements developed where natural training points meet such as along rivers or natural route ways. resources - many settlements developed close to where natural resources could be found.

Where can I cash a $20000 check without a bank account? ›

Cash it at the issuing bank (this is the bank name that is pre-printed on the check) Cash a check at a retailer that cashes checks (discount department store, grocery stores, etc.) Cash the check at a check-cashing store. Deposit at an ATM onto a pre-paid card account or checkless debit card account.

How long does it take for a $30000 check to clear? ›

Deposits of $5,000 or less usually clear within 3 business days. Deposits of more than $5,000 usually take 4 business days to clear. The first $200 of the total check deposits will be available no later than the first business day after the deposit, usually available immediately.

Can I cash a 30k check? ›

If you want to cash a check that's over $5,000, you'll usually need to visit a bank and you may have to wait a while to get your money. Under Regulation CC, banks may take up to seven business days to process large checks.

How many days is settlement usually? ›

For most stock trades, settlement occurs two business days after the day the order executes, or T+2 (trade date plus two days). For example, if you were to execute an order on Monday, it would typically settle on Wednesday. For some products, such as mutual funds, settlement occurs on a different timeline.

What is the usual result of a settlement? ›

The result of a settlement agreement involves the responsible party paying a certain amount to compensate for the damages caused to the victim.

How long is the settlement process? ›

Mediation can take as little as a few hours or as much as several days. If you still cannot agree during the mediation, you might decide to file a lawsuit. Overall, the settlement negotiation process typically takes a few weeks to a few months.

How long can a bank hold your settlement check? ›

Cashing in Your Settlement Check With Your Bank

Generally, a bank can hold funds: For up to two business days for checks against an account at the same institution. For up to five additional days for other banks (totaling seven days)

What does new money mean in a settlement? ›

New money means money advanced in excess of the outstanding principal balance at the time a new advance is made.

What is the settlement date on a check? ›

If you purchase a security, the settlement date is the day you must pay for your purchase.

How do I cash a large settlement check without a bank account? ›

It's possible to cash a check without a bank account by cashing it at the issuing bank or a check cashing store. It's also possible to cash a check if you've lost your ID by using an ATM or signing it over to someone else.

How are settlement funds distributed? ›

Settlement funds are always deposited directly into your law firm's trust account and are paid to parties of the settlement from the trust account.

Where do I report a lawsuit settlement on my taxes? ›

The IRS taxes interest on any settlement as “Interest Income.” Taxpayers can report interest income on line 2b of IRS Form 1040. Interest can accrue on a range of compensations or damages from settlements, including: Lost wages or lost future income. Medical expenses (present and future)

What is the fastest way to cash a large check? ›

Try Visiting the Check-Writer's Bank

The safest and fastest way to get cash is to take your check to the check writer's bank. That's the bank or credit union that holds the check writer's funds, and you can get the money out of the check writer's account and into your hands instantly at that bank.

What checks Cannot be cashed? ›

The main reason banks refuse to cash checks is due to insufficient funds, but checks can be rejected for other reasons, too, including unreadable or invalid account and routing numbers, improper formatting, a missing or invalid signature, or the elapse of too much time since the printed date.

What bank will cash a check without an account? ›

You don't have to have an account with Regions to cash checks. Regions offers check cashing services — including handwritten, out-of-state, insurance, two-party, tax refunds, business, government and payroll — so you can get your cash immediately. It's easy to enroll, and there are no fee surprises.

Do I need to keep money in my settlement fund? ›

While you're not required to have a balance in your settlement fund at all times, keeping some money in the settlement fund has these advantages: You're more likely to have money to pay for purchases on the settlement date, when your account will be debited for the amount you owe.

Where does money from settlements go? ›

After a case is settled, meaning that the case did not go to trial, the attorneys receive the settlement funds, prepare a final closing statement, and give the money to their clients. Once the attorney gets the settlement check, the clients will also receive their balance check.

Who gets the most money in a class action lawsuit? ›

Contrary to popular belief, class action settlements are not divided among class members evenly. Lead plaintiffs receive the most money in class action lawsuits. They typically have the worst injuries and the highest damages.

Can the IRS take a settlement? ›

The IRS does have the authority to write off all or some of your tax debt and settle with you for less than you owe. This is called an offer in compromise, or OIC.

Are settlements subject to Social Security tax? ›

If you receive a settlement in an employment-related lawsuit; for example, for unlawful discrimination or involuntary termination, the portion of the proceeds that is for lost wages (i.e., severance pay, back pay, front pay) is taxable wages and subject to the social security wage base and social security and Medicare ...

How do you counter a settlement? ›

Your legal representative can help you write a letter that states your intentions. Within the letter, you can indicate that you reject the offer and highlight why you deserve a higher settlement amount. You should also counter their reasons for providing you with the low-ball initial offer.

What's the best way to hide money from the government? ›

How to Hide Assets from Public Record
  1. LLCs. A limited liability company is the first step toward creating a hidden asset that is obscured from public record—but not if your name is listed on it. ...
  2. Land Trusts. ...
  3. Holding Trusts. ...
  4. Retirement Accounts. ...
  5. Business Ownership. ...
  6. Cars, Boats, and RVs.

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.