5 Seriously Stunning Facts About Higher Education in America (2024)

Recently, some rich people and well-known celebrities got caught cheating to get their kids into elite universities. They bribed sports coaches, cheated the SAT, and fabricated phony credentials.

Beyond the scams of the rich and famous, though, there are other surprising facts about college in America. Facts closer to our everyday experiences. Here are five.

1. 4 out of 10 college students fail to complete their degrees. According to research from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, only 58 percent of students manage to complete their degree programs within 6 years. Bill Gates has called this figure “tragic." He has written, “Based on the latest college completion trends, only about half of all those students will leave college with a diploma. The rest—most of them low-income, first-generation, and minority students—will not finish a degree. They’ll drop out." Sadly, community college figures are even more dismal. A recent study in California found that 70 percent of community college students fail out.

2. Attending an elite university doesn’t boost income. What matters is the ability to get in. Economists Stacy Dale and Alan B. Krueger looked at two groups, totaling about 19,000 students. One group gained admission into elite universities, attended, and graduated. Another group also gained admission to elite universities. But this group, rather than attending the elite schools, chose to attend less selective schools instead. More than 20 years after they graduated, Dale and Krueger measured their incomes. They found no difference. A student who got into Princeton but attended Penn State made as much as a student who got into, and attended, Princeton.

3. Graduating from a non-selective college doesn't boost income. In a book about social class in America, researchers looked at how differently ranked colleges affected earnings. They found that students who attended the country’s most elite institutions earned about 84 percent more on average compared to those who had not graduated from college. Graduates of “somewhat selective” private colleges and “leading state universities” earned about 52 percent more than non-graduates. However, they found “no income advantage” for those who graduated from a “non-selective” college compared to those who did not attend college.

4. A person with average academic ability has a higher than 50 percent chance of dropping out of college. For the general population, the average IQ score is 100. Research has found that, among white, American college students, those with a 105 IQ score have a 50-percent chance of dropping out of college. They also report that the average IQ of a college graduate is about 114. But they also show that having a high IQ is no guarantee of graduating. Those who score 130 (very rare; about 2-percent of the population) still have a 10-percent dropout rate.

5. SAT coaching and test prep aren't important. Many people have heard that private SAT prep courses and private tutoring produce substantial gains. Test prep companies tout that their users receive boosts of 100 points or more after only a few weeks of study. Research doesn’t support this. A meta-analysis from researchers at Harvard found that, on average, SAT coaching produces a 10-point gain. They conclude that this gain is “too small to be practically important.” More recent research from Stanford supports this. They found that students receive an 11-15-point gain from SAT coaching, which roughly corresponds to getting one or two additional questions correct. Perhaps even more surprising, a study from 2015 found that private tutoring has no effect on SAT gains. As they put it, "our hypothesis that more elite forms of test prep (private tutor) would predict higher SAT scores was not confirmed. The only form of that prep actually associated with higher SAT scores was participation in a private test prep course, which translated into an 11-point gain on the SAT when compared to students with no preparation."

The Purpose of College

The economist Bryan Caplan has written a provocative book titled The Case Against Education. According to Caplan, the value of college isn’t in what you learn. It's in getting the degree. “Teachers have a foolproof way to make their students cheer: cancel class . . . such jubilation is bizarre. Since you go to school to acquire skills, a teacher who cancels class rips you off.” Unless the purpose of attending college isn’t to obtain skills. Maybe the purpose is actually just to obtain the degree.

Suppose you had a choice: Attend college for 4 years, gain the skills, but have no degree at the end. Or get a degree right now, fully accredited, but not attend a single class. Caplan would not be surprised if you selected the second option. This suggests that education is less valuable than a degree. At least for earnings.

In sum, there are many odd facts about college that upset our commonly held assumptions. Before you pursue a new educational goal, it is worth looking into these research findings.

Facebook image: l i g h t p o e t/Shutterstock

5 Seriously Stunning Facts About Higher Education in America (2024)


Why US higher education system is best in the world? ›

The US boasts of some of the finest universities, a lot of which consistently rank in the world university rankings. American institutions are also known to have high academic standards, follow rigorous practices to maintain quality and are well-supported to be able to offer excellent education to its students.

What are the good things about higher education? ›

On average, people with a college degree make more than those with just a high school diploma. A 2021 survey published by Forbes found that adults with a bachelor's degree earned over twice the amount as those without one over their lifetimes. Having a college degree increases the likelihood you will also have a job.

What are 3 facts about college? ›

College Fun Facts
  • Graduation Requirements: ...
  • More Females Attend College Than Males: ...
  • 24/7 Food Options: ...
  • Study Abroad is Recommended: ...
  • Campuses are Intentionally Impressive: ...
  • Dorm Rooms are Lacking: ...
  • The “College Experience” is Real: ...
  • Schools are Becoming More Sustainable:

What is special about US education system? ›

The US Education system is one of the most diverse systems for international students to study abroad. US universities offer the program with proper practical knowledge. Students get up-to-date facilities and technologies at universities in the United States.

Is US higher education the best? ›

So Does the U.S. Have the Best Higher Education System? For the most part, these publications and organizations agree the U.S. does, in fact, have the best system of higher education in the world.

Why is higher education so important in today's society? ›

College is important for many reasons, including increased career stability and satisfaction, and the ability to make an impact on your community. With more and more careers requiring advanced education, a college degree can be critical to your success in today's workforce.

What are 3 benefits of higher education? ›

College graduates have lower smoking rates, more positive perceptions of personal health, and lower incarceration rates than individuals who have not graduated from college. Higher levels of education are correlated with higher levels of civic participation, including volunteer work, voting, and blood donation.

What are the pros and cons of higher education? ›

Pros and cons of going to college
  • Gain a better education: College is a tool for you to use to further your education. ...
  • More job opportunities. ...
  • New experiences. ...
  • Get outside of your comfort zone/boundaries. ...
  • Debt/Student loans. ...
  • Stress. ...
  • Jobs don't require college education. ...
  • Famous/rich people without college education.
Jan 10, 2018

What are five benefits of studying? ›

Here are 5 reasons why studying first could be the right choice for you.
  • A Chance to Mature. ...
  • Wider Selection of Opportunities. ...
  • Build Interpersonal Skills. ...
  • Studying with Your Peers. ...
  • Longer Time to Travel.
Oct 28, 2021

What are 5 things to look for in a college? ›

Top 10 Factors for Choosing a College
  1. Perspective. The most important factor when considering a college is how the school made you feel.
  2. Internship Opportunities. ...
  3. Safety. ...
  4. Academic Support and Career Services. ...
  5. Campus Life. ...
  6. Athletics and Extracurricular Activities. ...
  7. Majors and Minors. ...
  8. Class Size. ...

What are the top 3 things colleges look for? ›

Good grades, a challenging high school curriculum, standardized test scores, extracurriculars, and a strong essay are a few key factors admissions officers assess. Each university may emphasize different elements of the application process.

What are the amazing facts? ›

Interesting Unknown facts that you need to know
  • Hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water. ...
  • The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. ...
  • The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. ...
  • Ants take rest for around 8 Minutes in 12-hour period. ...
  • "I Am" is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

Which country has best education system? ›

No. 5: France
  • United States. #1 in Education Rankings. No Change in Rank from 2021. ...
  • United Kingdom. #2 in Education Rankings. ...
  • Germany. #3 in Education Rankings. ...
  • Canada. #4 in Education Rankings. ...
  • France. #5 in Education Rankings. ...
  • Switzerland. #6 in Education Rankings. ...
  • Japan. #7 in Education Rankings. ...
  • Sweden. #8 in Education Rankings.

What is the main goal of American education? ›

ED's mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.

Which state is #1 in higher education? ›

Higher Education Rankings
RankState2-Year College Graduation Rate
1Florida Florida2
2Washington Washington8
3California California12
4Wyoming Wyoming5
37 more rows

What is the #1 college in the world? ›

The University of Oxford tops the ranking for the seventh consecutive year.

Which US state is #1 in education? ›

Education Rankings
1New Jersey New Jersey1
2Massachusetts Massachusetts2
3Florida Florida16
4Washington Washington11
48 more rows

Does higher education lead to a better life? ›

A college education is vital to a healthier and happier lifestyle for individuals, families, and communities. Individuals with higher levels of education are more likely to live longer, healthier, and happier lives. Their choices can also influence family members in creating positive habits and healthy lifestyles.

What are the public benefits of higher education? ›

Benefits for families and communities. Education is key to social mobility and can be a pathway out of poverty for individuals and their families. The ability to earn higher wages often correlates with living in safer neighborhoods, as well as access to better healthcare and good schools.

How higher education can change the world? ›

Education Spreads Awareness

Blind faith and superstitions are what bog down society. People misled by false beliefs do more harm than good to society. Education helps us question, gives us an analytical mind, and helps us reject superstitions. An educated mind asks for logic and scientific reasoning behind all actions.

Why is education important 10 points? ›

Education helps you develop critical skills like decision-making, mental agility, problem-solving, and logical thinking. People face problems in their professional as well as personal lives. In such situations, their ability to make rational and informed decisions comes from how educated and self-aware they are.

What is the biggest problem in higher education? ›

Falling Student Retention & Completion Rates

Finally, one of the biggest issues facing all Higher Education Institutions across the globe are falling student retention and completion rates.

What are the major challenges to higher education? ›

Eight challenges facing South African universities in 2022
  • Covid-19 will continue to create uncertainty. ...
  • National Student Financial Aid Scheme funding. ...
  • There is still no plan for the “missing middle” students. ...
  • Unpaid student debt. ...
  • Insufficient affordable student accommodation.
Dec 9, 2021

What are 3 reasons college should not be free? ›

Why College Should Not Be Free – 6 Reasons
  • 1 The Politics of Higher Education.
  • 2 Issues With Graduated Students.
  • 3 There Is Already Plenty Of Help Available.
  • 4 Choice Would Be Limited.
  • 5 More Government Control.
  • 6 Negative Effects From The Public.
  • 7 Not Everybody Wants To Go To College.

How education can change the society? ›

Education shapes the skills, attitudes, and beliefs of the individual and plays a role in shaping the norms and values of a particular society. These values eventually define the community structures people build, the goals they strive for, and how they help advance global development.

What is the impact of higher education on economic growth? ›

An economy's productivity rises as the number of educated workers increases since skilled workers can perform tasks more efficiently. An economy is more valuable when equal education and labor opportunities are available across gender, race, age, and ethnicities.

How does education impact your life? ›

Education can also lead to more accurate health beliefs and knowledge, and thus to better lifestyle choices, but also to better skills and greater self-advocacy. Education improves skills such as literacy, develops effective habits, and may improve cognitive ability.

What is the most important thing to look for in a college? ›

Perhaps the most important factor to consider when choosing a college is whether you feel comfortable on campus, so be sure to visit. There's nothing like experiencing the spaces where you'll eat, sleep, study, and play first-hand. If you can't make it to campus, many colleges offer online virtual tours.

What are the top 5 items included in the cost of college? ›

Here are a few of the most significant expenses according to Federal Student Aid, an office managed by the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Tuition. ...
  • Room and Board. ...
  • Textbooks and School Supplies. ...
  • Equipment. ...
  • Personal Expenses. ...
  • Transportation. ...
  • School and Activity Fees.

What are good qualities that colleges look for? ›

Top Character Qualities Colleges Want
  • Leadership.
  • Willingness to take risks.
  • Initiative.
  • Sense of social responsibility.
  • Commitment to service.
  • Special talents or abilities.
3 days ago

What makes a student stand out? ›

Good grades and test scores, a rigorous academic program, and a full compliment of academic classes during all four years are all necessary to be accepted into a good school.

What GPA do colleges look at? ›

A transcript with a mix of A-s and B+s will produce a grade point average in the range of 3.5, which is an important cutoff for many colleges. In general, admissions officers want to see more As than Bs, so having an unweighted GPA of above 3.5 can make a big difference.

What's a decent GPA? ›

Usually, a GPA of 3.0 - 3.5 is considered good enough at many high schools, colleges, and universities. Top academic institutions usually require GPAs higher than 3.5.

What are 5 amazing facts? ›

5 amazing science facts that will blow your mind
  • A teaspoonful of neutron star. ...
  • Metals that explode when in contact with water. ...
  • Hawaii is moving closer to Alaska by 7.5cm every year. ...
  • Sunflowers are known as hyperaccumulators. ...
  • A co*ckroach can live for up to one week without its head.
Nov 15, 2021

What are 5 cool facts? ›

Fun Facts and Trivia
  • It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. ...
  • A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
  • A shrimp's heart is in its head.
  • It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

What is the US ranked #1 in? ›

The U.S. economy is the world's largest in terms of gross domestic product, and also the most technologically powerful. The country's most significant exports are computers and electrical machinery, vehicles, chemical products, food, live animals and military equipment.

Is America's education system good? ›

Many families all over the world aspire to and strive for an American education for their children. That's because American schools are well known for providing high-quality education through a balanced, tried-and-tested curriculum.

Where does the US rank in math? ›

Math Rankings by Country 2023
Country2023 Population
United States339,996,563
222 more rows

How important is education in American society? ›

It helps people become better citizens, get a better-paid job, shows the difference between good and bad. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop. Thus, we are able to shape a better society to live in by knowing and respecting rights, laws, and regulations.

Is education key to the American dream? ›

American education is essential to achieving the American dream and it molds our American values into what they are today. Getting a good education helps get you a better job and better quality of life.

What is education like in America? ›

Students normally attend 12 grades of study over 12 calendar years of primary/elementary and secondary education before graduating and earning a diploma that makes them eligible for admission to higher education. Education is mandatory until age 16 (18 in some states).

How does the US education system rank in the world? ›

The U.S. ranks 14th among 37 OECD and G20 countries in the percentage of 25-34 year- olds with higher education, at 42% - above the OECD average (38%), but far behind the leader, Korea (65%) (Chart A1.

Is the US education system better than other countries? ›

The data shows that average U.S. scores in reading literacy and science are equal to the results of other countries, while the figures in math are lower (UTRGV). Many experts are concerned that in case a position is below average, it will have a significant impact on the future status of the country.

Which country has the best higher education in the world? ›

Top 20 Countries with Best Education System in the World
RankCountryQuality Index
1United Kingdom78.2
2United States72
16 more rows

Which country has the best higher education system? ›

United States of America

Which country is no 1 in education? ›

The United States

What is the #1 state for education? ›

Education Rankings
RankStateHigher Education
1New Jersey New Jersey27
2Massachusetts Massachusetts25
3Florida Florida1
4Washington Washington2
48 more rows

Which US state has the best education system? ›


Massachusetts has the highest rank for public schools across the country. The quality of education is exceptional, and safety is also high. It ranked highest in math and reading test scores out of all states. Students here also achieved the highest median ACT score.

How far behind is America in education? ›

The scorecard for the U.S. is not pretty: The U.S. ranks 14th in higher education attainment at 42% of 25-34 with a degree, 20 points behind the leader, South Korea. The U.S. ranks 26th in early childhood education (69%) The U.S. is the 6th worst in terms of high school graduation, with 23% failing to attain a diploma.

Does the US have a good education system? ›

Many families all over the world aspire to and strive for an American education for their children. That's because American schools are well known for providing high-quality education through a balanced, tried-and-tested curriculum.

Which country has the hardest education? ›

Which are the hardest education systems in the world? Ans. The countries with the hardest and most difficult education systems include South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Finland, etc.

Is the US the most educated country in the world? ›

Based on the OECD's data, Canada is the most educated country globally, with 56.71% of adults meeting the OECD criteria. Japan has the second-highest percentage of 51.44%, followed by Israel with 50.92%.

Which country has no exams? ›

The country is none other than Finland, the happiest country in the world. In Finland, there are no mandated standardized tests. There are no rankings, no comparisons, no competitions, apart from one exam at the end of students' senior year in high school.

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