5 reasons why the Cayo Perico Heist is still worth doing in GTA Online in 2021 (2024)

The Cayo Perico Heist is one of the most popular and worthwhile activities a player can do in GTA Online.

It was released in late 2020, so naturally, it won't feel antiquated in 2021. That said, there are some aspects of this heist that make it worthwhile in a way that most new content typically fails to achieve. It was a completely different update from the Los Santos Tuners one that GTA Online players recently received.

In terms of trends, the Cayo Perico Heist is still one of the most popular parts of GTA Online. It's easy to see why, since it's arguably one of the best new features introduced to the game in recent years.

Five reasons why GTA Online's Cayo Perico Heist is still worth doing in 2021

5) Los Santos Tuners update doesn’t scratch that itch

5 reasons why the Cayo Perico Heist is still worth doing in GTA Online in 2021 (1)

These two updates were geared toward a completely different subset of players. The bulk of the new, exciting content for the Los Santos Tuners update was about new vehicles and showing off these sweet new rides at the LS Car Meet.

By comparison, the main feature in the Cayo Perico Heist update was about the heist itself. Some players will love the latter update more, while others will lean towards the newest one.

Either way, the robbery contracts from the recent update aren't as exciting or as profitable as the Cayo Perico Heist.

4) It's easy

5 reasons why the Cayo Perico Heist is still worth doing in GTA Online in 2021 (2)

One of the nice aspects about the Cayo Perico Heist is that it's easy. Sure, it can be difficult for GTA Online players to attempt it for the first time, but it doesn't change drastically from heist to heist. Once a player figures out how to do it efficiently, then they should be able to beat the Cayo Perico Heist like it was nothing.

One of the main reasons why it's so easy is that it can be done solo, which means that GTA Online players don't have to worry about other players messing it up.

3) Fun story plus a new location

5 reasons why the Cayo Perico Heist is still worth doing in GTA Online in 2021 (3)

Of course, not everybody is interested in how efficient or easy the Cayo Perico Heist can be. Some players genuinely enjoy the small stories told in GTA Online, and this heist is unique in terms of its presentation. Those who played GTA 5 beforehand will also see an interesting callback regarding Trevor Philips at the end of the heist.

It also helps that the Cayo Perico Heist takes place in a brand new location. It's not just a cheap new interior or anything like that. Instead, it's a brand new island which looks terrific. The preparation missions make good use of this island, even if it's not explored to its fullest potential.

2) Can be done solo

5 reasons why the Cayo Perico Heist is still worth doing in GTA Online in 2021 (4)

One aspect of the Cayo Perico Heist that separates it from other heists is that it can be done solo. This doesn't matter to players with a lot of in-game friends they can rely on, but it's a terrific option for loners or GTA Online players who can't count on their teammates during a heist.

It's not a difficult heist to do as solo, either. One nice part about the Cayo Perico Heist in GTA Online is that it's not required to be done solo. Having the option to do heists one way or the other is incredibly convenient and satisfying for a GTA Online player.

1) Great moneymaker

5 reasons why the Cayo Perico Heist is still worth doing in GTA Online in 2021 (5)

Naturally, the main reason most GTA Online players grind the Cayo Perico Heist ad nauseam is because of how profitable it is. Add in everything else that was previously mentioned, and it's easy to see why the Cayo Perico Heist is one of the most popular activities in all of GTA Online.

At the end of the day, the Cayo Perico Heist doesn't have much competition when it comes to sheer profits. Hence, most players grind it when they need money for some fancy new item.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

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5 reasons why the Cayo Perico Heist is still worth doing in GTA Online in 2021 (2024)


Why is The Cayo Perico Heist good? ›

The Cayo Perico Heist brings in more money than any other heist in the game. It may require a slightly expensive set-up, but once you complete the heist for yourself and bring home that sweet bag of cash, there will be no going back to the lesser heists around the world of GTA Online.

Is it worth doing The Cayo Perico Heist? ›

Overall, the best GTA Online Cayo Perico Heist Solo Payout you can earn is $2,688,788. This is assuming players steal the Panther Statue, with gold as their secondary target, and grab the extra $100,000 from El Rubio's safe.

What is the most profitable heist in GTA Online 2021? ›

However, out of all the heists available in the game, the Diamond Casino Heist is the highest-paying one.

Is Cayo Perico still good 2023? ›

Still, even in 2023, this heist offers a great chance to make millions of dollars if additional factors are kept in mind while going through with it. That being said, here are 5 tips to make more money in GTA Online's Cayo Perico Heist.

What is the best heist in GTA 5 2021? ›

#1 - The Diamond Casino Is GTA 5's Best Heist

The take for the Diamond Casino heist varies depending on how much damage is taken during the escape and what the vault contents are. Vault contents can be cash, gold, or artwork, and, during limited-time events, diamonds can also be found.

Is Cayo Perico Heist better than casino? ›

The most profitable GTA Online heist is currently the Cayo Perico heist, but the Diamond Casino heist offers the second best payout and shouldn't be sniffed at. It's also a fairly enjoyable heist and we think it's definitely worth doing even now in 2022. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

What is the best value in Cayo Perico? ›

Although over $7 million worth of loot is found on the island, the 4-player carry limit makes the maximum payout for the Cayo Perico Heist $4,118,152.

Is Cayo Perico still best way to make money in GTA Online? ›

The short answer is no, while the Los Santos Tuners update does offer great payouts for contract missions at around GTA $170,000 each, the per-hour profit of the Cayo Perico update is much higher.

What is worth more in Cayo Perico cash or gold? ›

I've been doing cayo perico a lot recently with friends and was wondering which was worth getting if you had to choose between the two.
Which is worth getting, gold or paintings?
Primary Targets:
Safe Cash$99,0000% (as it's extra to secondary)
19 more rows

Which heists give the most money? ›

The Diamond Casino Heist offers by far the biggest pay-out of all of the game's heists, but just how big is dependent on what is in the target vault. Perhaps surprisingly, cash is the worst of the four possibilities but it's still a great way to earn money.

How to get $10 million in Diamond Casino Heist? ›

The 10 million dollar reward is to complete ALL heists with the same people, don't lose any lives, play on hard difficulty, and complete the elite bonus challenges for the heist.

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Diamond Casino Heist Payout Is the Highest

The Diamond Casino Heist payout is by far the highest in GTA Online. The rewards for the mission add up to $10.34 million on normal difficulty, and it can go up to $11.37 million, if the heist is on hard difficulty.

How long until you can repeat Cayo Perico? ›

Answer: Solo playthroughs of the Cayo Perico Heist Finale can only be completed once every three in-game days. If you have completed the Heist and Pavel has not called you to start another, wait for the cooldown period to pass, and try again.

Where is Cayo Perico Island in real life? ›

In the Kosatka/Pavel introduction cutscene, the coordinates for Cayo Perico are shown on the Heist Planning Table as 55.9533° N, 3.1883° W. When entered into Google Earth however, it's revealed that these are actually the coordinates for Edinburgh, Scotland where Rockstar North is headquartered.

Who is the best leader in money heist? ›

The Professor (Sergio Marquina) is a fictional character in the Netflix series Money Heist, portrayed by Álvaro Morte. He is the mastermind of the heist who assembled the group, as well as Berlin's brother.

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Outcome: If all goes well with the Obvious approach, the crew makes $201,600,000 total. This comes to approximately $26,000,000 for Michael, Trevor, and Franklin. Since they did not need to pay anyone off or spend money on their cars, this is a full takeaway.

What is the easiest GTA heist? ›

The Fleeca Job is the first heist that players can do in GTA Online. Apart from being the fastest heist in the game, it is also the easiest. This mission exists as a sort of tutorial for beginners, and the rewards aren't very impressive.
#1 - The Fleeca Job
  • Easy - $57,500.
  • Normal - $115,000.
  • Hard - $143,750.
Jul 27, 2021

Is Cayo better than diamond? ›

The Cayo Perico Heist is more efficient than the Diamond Casino Heist in terms of constant maximum payment. It offers a roughly $1 million greater payoff, and the player gets a larger share of the final payout because it may be completed solo.

Which heist is better in GTA? ›

The Diamond Casino Heist is by far the highest-paying heist in GTA 5. It follows a unique mechanism where players get diamonds, gold, cash, or artwork as heist rewards. Consequently, the payout variates every time you play this heist.

What heist should I do first? ›

Start with the basics- High-End Apartment

High-End Apartment- The original 5 Heists. Facility- Doomsday Heist. Arcade- Diamond Casino Heist. Kosatka Submarine- Cayo Perico Heist.

Can you get gold on Cayo Perico solo? ›

However, one thing that will help you really take home a huge final cut is gold. It can be worth up to $500,000 on top of your primary target, and you can easily get it in solo mode too – just so long as you want to fight El Rubio's guards.

Is Black Panther Statue still in GTA? ›

In order to get the Panther Statue in GTA Online, players will need to complete the Cayo Perico Heist while making sure that their target is the Panther Statue. Sadly, as of April 20th, 2023, the Panther Statue is currently not available to steal in GTA Online.

How rare is the diamond panther Cayo Perico? ›

Yes, it's even rarer than the Pink Diamond. While the Panther Statue is one of the most lucrative rewards in the Cayo Perico heist, you're not always guaranteed to get it. You'll need to change your target to be able to see if it's available or not and restart the mission if you don't see one of two targets.

What is the highest paying heist in GTA 5 Online solo? ›

9 Best GTA 5 Online Solo Missions For Money That Are Simply Too...
  • Best GTA Online Solo Missions To Earn Money. Pier Pressure. Simeonomics. Rooftop Rumble. Diamonds are for Trevor. Blow Up. Counter Intelligence. Extraction. Operation Paper Trail. Judging the Jury.
  • Summing up.

How much is doomsday heist payout? ›

GTA Online Doomsday Heist Normal and Hard Payouts
GTA Online Doomsday Heist MissionNormal PayoutHard Payout
Act 1: The Data Breaches$650,00$812,500
Act 2: The Bogdan Problem$950,000$1,187,500
Act 3: The Doomsday Scenario$1,200,000$1,500,000
Aug 17, 2022

How much does Fleeca pay? ›

The Fleeca Job is the first heist that players will take on in GTA Online. It is a job for two players, and initially serves as the tutorial for the heist missions.
PlayersSetup CostTotal Reward

How much money do you get for doomsday heist? ›

Criminal Mastermind IV – Complete all Doomsday Heist missions in order, with the same team of 4 players, on Hard difficulty, without losing any lives to receive a massive GTA$3,750,000 cash bonus.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.