5 properties that GTA Online beginners need to buy in 2022 (2024)

Having a property in GTA online is not only essential if players want to make any progress in the game, but also a symbol of how much they have grinded and spent their precious time on getting them.

But beginners who have just started playing GTA online might find it challenging to determine which properties are worth grinding and spending money on and which ones are pure waste.

5 properties that GTA Online beginners need to buy in 2022 (1)

The game has also not made it easier as every week, players get different discounts on different properties, making everything a little more complicated.

Players can buy arcades, apartments, offices, and even become the CEO of a company. This wide variety of properties has its advantages and disadvantages. Players need to know which one they should start with.

This listicle will help players understand that as a beginner in GTA Online, wise investments can go a long way in getting them a headstart while saving time and energy.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal opinion.

5 beginner-friendly properties to buy in GTA Online

5) Del Perro Heights

5 properties that GTA Online beginners need to buy in 2022 (3)

This apartment is still the cheapest apartment that beginners can buy in the game. Players can get this apartment for $200,000, which is relatively more affordable than any other apartment they can get.

The apartment is not flashy or has the best view, but players can use this opportunity to start different heists and start earning money quickly. Moreover, players spend most of their time outside.

4) Great Chaparral Clubhouse

Players can purchase a Motorcycle Clubhouse, but they can only possess one at a time. Players will be given the status of the Motorcycle Club (MC) President after purchasing a Clubhouse. After this, they can recruit seven friends to do different missions to earn money.

The Great Chaparral MC is the cheapest clubhouse as it costs only $200,000. There are multiple missions players can get from this MC, and it is also a quick way to earn money with friends.

3) Elysian Island Nightclub

5 properties that GTA Online beginners need to buy in 2022 (5)

Nightclubs are expensive in GTA Online, especially for beginners, but it is worth the grind and time, as once players buy their own nightclub, the missions they get from it are really profitable. The Elysian Island Nightclub is the cheapest in the game.

Nightclubs are a means for players to earn a lot of money in GTA Online, but they also serve as a hub for players' various criminal companies, which can be found beneath the expandable Nightclub Warehouse.

2) Vehicle Warehouse

5 properties that GTA Online beginners need to buy in 2022 (6)

In GTA Online, getting a garage is rather simple, however, there are three tiers that players should be aware of before acquiring one. Garages can be purchased through the "Dynasty8realestate" website or by visiting a "For Sale" sign located outside the property.

Garages range in price from $25,000 to $150,000, and each one has a varied number of parking places.

For many players, vehicle warehouses are obsolete as when players buy an apartment, they get a garage built-in, but if someone does not want to bother with buying an apartment, having at least a vehicle warehouse is good.

1) Paleto Forest Bunker

Bunkers are massive underground complexes that first appeared in Covert Operations of the Gunrunning update. Like Motorcycle Clubhouses and CEO offices, bunkers can be customized with a variety of modifications.

The Paleto Forest Bunker is the cheapest bunker beginners can buy in GTA Online. The cost seems like a lot, but the payout and missions are worth it. The normal daily charge for possessing a bunker while registered is $4,700. Disruption Logistics will charge $9,400 per day for a fully updated bunker.

The commercial activities of the bunker will continue to function as long as the owner remains in session and is not dependent on being registered, allowing fees to be avoided. But all of this is worth it because of how much payout players get doing the missions, making the Paleto Forest Bunker a must-have for GTA beginners.

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Edited by R. Elahi


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5 properties that GTA Online beginners need to buy in 2022 (2024)


What is the best property to buy in GTA 5 for beginners? ›

Bunker is by far the best choice because this allows you to get a passive income, and it can even be doable solo. At first you steal supplies (this also gets you some cash & RP) and well, once they run out you can make a sale for easy income. Arcade is fun too but not a good source of income for solo players.

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5 fastest ways to make money in GTA Online as a beginner
  1. 5) Payphone Hits. Trending. ...
  2. 4) Weekly Events. ...
  3. 3) Time Trials. ...
  4. 2) Double/Triple Money Missions. ...
  5. 1) Daily Objectives. ...
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  7. What gives you the most money in GTA Online? ...
  8. How to make $100,000 in GTA Online?
Apr 5, 2024

What should I invest in the beginning of GTA 5? ›

Before players begin the mission, they are going to want to invest all of their money on their characters into Betta Pharmaceuticals over at BAWSAQ.

Which property is best to buy in GTA 5? ›

Grand Theft Auto Online: The Best Properties To Buy, Ranked
  • 8 Wonderama Arcade.
  • 7 Davis Vehicle Warehouse.
  • 6 Darnel Bros Warehouse.
  • 5 LSIA Hangar 1.
  • 4 Morningwood Cocaine Lockup.
  • 3 Maze Bank Tower.
  • 2 The Master Penthouse.
  • 1 Galaxy Super Yacht Pisces Model.
Jan 15, 2022

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How to make a little money fast in GTA Online
  1. Steal a car and sell it at a Los Santos Customs. You'll only make a few thousand GTA$ and you can only do it a few times a day, but it's a quick and easy way to make a little cash.
  2. Participate in events around Los Santos. ...
  3. Rob a store.
Feb 8, 2024

Which bunker to buy GTA Online? ›

In West Los Santos, players can purchase the Chumash Bunker for $1,650,000. This bunker is one of the closest bunkers to Los Santos, with a stunning view of the ocean. That is when the player is not 50 feet underground in a nuclear Bunker that was added to this important GTA Online update.

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Learn how to develop your unique brand voice, design a beautiful website, and create content that grabs attention with a little help from us.
  1. Write and publish an ebook. ...
  2. Develop an app. ...
  3. Become a virtual tutor. ...
  4. Become an influencer. ...
  5. Build websites. ...
  6. Start investing. ...
  7. Sell your art and photography. ...
  8. Become an online translator.
Mar 25, 2024

How do you get rich at the beginning of GTA 5? ›

  1. 10 Win Street Races.
  2. 9 Steal Cars Instead Of Buying Them.
  3. 8 Play The Stock Market.
  4. 7 Rob Stores.
  5. 6 Rob Armored Trucks.
  6. 5 Bail Bonds Bounties.
  7. 4 Complete Random Encounters.
  8. 3 Story Mode Heists.
Feb 28, 2024

What is the money cheat in GTA 5? ›

Unlike all of the previous GTA games, GTA 5 does not have a money cheat. There isn't a way to enter a series of buttons or type in a word for free money.

What is the best business to start in GTA 5 Online? ›

The business of importing and exporting vehicles through a warehouse is one of the best business models in all of GTA Online. Not only does this give a chance for players to make solid money selling cars, but they get to source and keep luxury vehicles and supercars.

Is it good to invest in Lifeinvader? ›

It does well percentage wise because it is so cheap, so you can make millions trading as it goes up or down a dollar. You have to wait until it drops before investing. If you bought the shares right after the mission, that's bad because it still continues to drop a while after that.

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2 Buy As Much As You Can After Killing Him

Once the CEO is dead and the stock has tanked, likely to its low point of $3, you can buy up as much stock as your little heart desires.

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GTA 5 Properties are purchasable sites useful for collecting income and accessing special services. Most properties have a hefty up-front cost but return weekly dividends. Over time, these properties can become ridiculously profitable.

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Each property comes with its own perks and quality-of-life improvements Players can flip these properties to generate thousands of dollars if done properly. Here is how to make money through real estate in Grand Theft Auto 5.

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Definitely wait until after the main story, and wait until after you've done the stock investing with the assassination missions. That's the only way you'll have enough money to buy all of the properties.

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GTA Online: Best Bunker to Buy
  • Smoke Tree Road Bunker: GTA$2,205,000.
  • Grand Senora Desert Bunker: GTA$2,120,000.
  • Grand Senora Oilfields Bunker: GTA$2,035,000.
  • Route 68 Bunker: GTA$1,950,000.
  • Lago Zancudo Bunker: GTA$1,550,000.
  • Raton Canyon Bunker: GTA$1,450,000.
  • Grapeseed Bunker: $1,175,000.
  • Paleto Forest Bunker: GTA$1,165,000.
Jun 17, 2023

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.