5 of the World’s Most Secure Buildings - Fire Action (2024)

From garden sheds to international banks, everyone wants to keep their valuables safe and secure – and for some buildings across the globe, the mind-boggling lengths of security they’ve gone to has made them world-famous.

In this article, we’ll take a whirlwind trip through some of the planet’s most impregnable locations – we’re betting even 007 couldn’t break into these.

Svalbard Global Seed Vault (Spitsbergen, Norway)

5 of the World’s Most Secure Buildings - Fire Action (1)

In the remote wastes of a Norwegian island is a striking building protruding from a mountain face, with tunnels running deep into the rock. This is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, housing the planet’s biggest genebank of food crops, and designed to withstand any type of man-made or natural disaster. This is to provide the world with a reliable and safe source of valuable crop diversity that will ensure these plants’ survival, and the survival of those that rely on it. Thanks to its isolated and geologically-stable location, along with surrounding permafrost offering natural freezing ability, it’s in the perfect secure location to sustain cold conditions for the seeds, regardless of any disaster or power outage. Picture: source & license.

Bold Lane Car Park (Derby, UK)

When you think of high-security premises, you don’t normally think of a multi-storey car park in Derby. Yet the most surprising addition to our list is exactly that. Bold Lane Car Park introduced strict security measures in the 1990s to protect the premises against crime in the area, and as a result, inadvertently built a reputation as one of the most secure places on the planet. With individual barcodes for each parking bay, almost 200 CCTV cameras in operation, and the widespread use of sensors to check for both horizontal motion of cars and vertical motion of people, nothing gets missed in this ultra-secure facility. So, if you’re planning a shopping trip in Derby in the future, you know the perfect place to park up.

Fort Knox (Kentucky, USA)

The phrase it’s like Fort Knox has become synonymous with secure places – and for good reason. This impenetrable vault is also known as the United States Bullion Depository, and its reputation is world-renowned. Nobody has ever successfully broken into Fort Knox, testament to its top security measures – these include being built from concrete, steel and granite materials and the presence of a US Mint Police guard, minefields, fences, a visitor ban, and the fact that gold is rarely removed or brought into the facility.

Vatican Secret Archive (Vatican City)

5 of the World’s Most Secure Buildings - Fire Action (2)

Shrouded in secrecy, you’d be forgiven for thinking the Vatican Secret Archive was straight from the Da Vinci Code. The archive contains a vast array of religious and administrative documentation going back hundreds of years, including state papers, promulgated acts, accounts information, and historic church documents. The contents of the archive are owned by the Pope, and access was limited to the Catholic Church’s inner circle until the latter half of the 19th century when access was granted to researchers. Applying for access is still very strict and only a few photographs exist of this mysterious location. Picture: source & license.

Cheyenne Mountain Complex (Colorado, USA)

Stretching 60 metres below ground, the Cheyenne Mountain Complex is a hidden bunker labyrinth that used to serve as the base for NORAD (North American Defense Command) and the US Space Command. Since 2008, the facility has been used as an air force station. Underneath the mountain, the complex houses over fifteen 3-storey buildings, and hundreds of springs are incorporated into the structure to ensure the building can withstand earthquakes and other strong movements. This, along with steel-blast doors, mean the complex can remain fully operational even in the event of a thirty megaton nuclear blast.

If you’re searching for security solutions in South East England, the Fire Action team can help. Operating since 2005 as a specialist security and fire equipment provider, we know how to keep businesses out of harm’s way, thanks to our wide range of products, services and training courses.

Simply get in touch to discover how we can help your premises.

5 of the World’s Most Secure Buildings - Fire Action (2024)


What is the most secure building in the world? ›

Fort Knox (Kentucky, USA)

The phrase it's like Fort Knox has become synonymous with secure places – and for good reason. This impenetrable vault is also known as the United States Bullion Depository, and its reputation is world-renowned.

Is the White House the most protected building on earth? ›

As you'd expect, the home of the President of the United States is heavily guarded, and it remains one of the most secure buildings in the world, with features including an iron fence around the entire premises, bulletproof windows, a nuclear bunker, and a 15 mile radius no-fly zone over the area.

What is the most protected place in the United States? ›

Operated by the United States Department of the Treasury, the U.S. Bullion Depository, Fort Knox, is a highly secure vault building next to the U.S. Army post of Fort Knox, Kentucky.

What is the most fortified place in the world? ›

Located just south of Louisville, Kentucky, Fort Knox is considered the most heavily guarded place in the world. It is defended by advanced security measures put in place by the US Treasury, including guards surrounding the building and multiple combination locks on the vault.

What are the 10 most secure buildings in the world? ›

The Most Secure Places in The World
  • Vatican Street Archive, Rome, Italy. ...
  • Federal Reserve Bank, New York, USA. ...
  • Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway. ...
  • Fort Knox, Kentucky, United States. ...
  • Area 51, Nevada, United States. ...
  • The White House, Washington DC, United States.
Sep 29, 2022

Is Fort Knox the most secure? ›

It is the most heavily guarded military base and one of the most secure places in the world. Aside from what we know of its gold reserves, Fort Knox is a mystery that few have ever seen.

Are there snipers on the White House roof? ›

The people you saw on the roof of the White House are members of the Secret Service Countersniper Team, which is composed of specially trained Uniformed Division officers. Their mission is to prevent any long-range threat to a protectee.

Can you walk past the White House? ›

Public tours are typically available from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, excluding Federal holidays or unless otherwise noted.

What country owns the White House? ›

The White House is owned by the federal government of the United States. It is the official residence of the president. Every president since John Adams has lived there. The address of the White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

What is the most heavily guarded building in the United States? ›

Standing as the iconic symbol of the U.S. defense program in Washington, DC, the Pentagon is one of the nation's most highly guarded structures. Defended by the Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA), top measures are in place to guard against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear attacks.

How much of the US is protected? ›

In the U.S., about 12 percent of the land and one-quarter of the oceans are within permanently protected areas, which include marine sanctuaries, national parks and wildlife refuges.

What is the most secure place in North America? ›

When evaluated by 2022 GPI, the top three safest countries in North America are Canada, Costa Rica, and Panama.

What is the most defended city in the world? ›

When completed, the city's defenses totaled 68 forts and 93 batteries connected by over 20 miles of rifle trenches, making Washington the most heavily fortified city in the world. Remains of these fortifications can be seen on National Park Service land at Fort Stevens, Fort Totten, Fort Marcy, and Fort DeRussy.

What is a fortified place in the Bible? ›

The term “fortified city” (often “fenced city” or “defenced city” in the KJV) refers to a town with strong defenses, usually a massive wall structure and inner citadels or strongholds. In general the fortified city was a major military or administrative center for a region.

What countries fortify food? ›

Region Profile. Costa Rica and the United States are leaders in global grain fortification as they are the only countries with legislative requirements to fortify wheat flour, maize flour, and rice.

What place has best security in the world? ›

According to the GPI 2021 report, Iceland was ranked the safest country in the world for the 13th consecutive year, followed by New Zealand, Ireland, Austria, and Denmark. The GPI takes into account 23 indicators that are grouped under three domains: ongoing conflict, safety and security, and militarization.

Where is the most secure vault in the world? ›

1. Fort Knox – Probably the most famous gold deposit in the world, Fort Knox more than lives up to its reputation as one of the planet's most impenetrable places. Fort Knox holds over 4,000 tons of America's gold reserves.

Who has the most secure house? ›

The White House:

We cannot forget the White House, home of our president. The White House has 147 bulletproof windows and is staffed by 1,300 members of the United States Secret Service. An entire swat team is positioned on the roof any time the president leaves or enters the White House.

Does the US still use Fort Knox? ›

About half of the Treasury's stored gold (as well as valuables of other federal agencies) is kept at Fort Knox.

Has Fort Knox ever been attacked? ›

Only one man has ever tried to break into Fort Knox

And his name was Goldfinger. The protagonist from the 1964 James Bond film tries to break into the gold depository in order to detonate a nuclear device, and liquefy the immense stash of gold.

Who guards the gold at Fort Knox? ›

Fort Knox is guarded by members of the U.S. Mint Police, one of the oldest federal law enforcement agencies. It was established in 1792. The officers undergo 12 weeks of basic training, followed by five weeks of field training.

Have any Secret Service agents died protecting the president? ›

One of them was White House Officer Leslie Coffelt*, who distinguished himself as the only Secret Service member who has died saving the President. It was November 1st, 1950.

What gun does Secret Service carry? ›

CONFIRMED: US Secret Service Adopts Glock 19, Glock 47 MOS Gen5 Pistols. The U.S. Secret Service has officially adopted Glock as its new duty pistol. Since 1998, the Secret Service has armed its agents with a duty carry SIG Sauer P229 pistol in .

Are there bunkers under the White House? ›

The Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC, PEE-ock) is a bunker-like structure underneath the East Wing of the White House. It serves as a secure shelter and communications center for the president of the United States and others in case of an emergency.

Has a president ever not lived in the White House? ›

Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it.

Did any president not live in the White House? ›

Every president since John Adams has occupied the White House, and the history of this building extends far beyond the construction of its walls.

Has anyone ever tried to break into the White House? ›

January 20, 1985 – Robert Latta gained access to the White House by following the 33 members of the Marine Band past security. While carrying an overnight bag, he was able to wander around the Executive Residence for 14 minutes but was apprehended by Secret Service agents.

Which presidents brought their slaves to the White House? ›

A: According to surviving documentation, at least nine presidents either brought with them or hired out enslaved individuals to work at the White House: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, John Tyler, James K. Polk, and Zachary Taylor.

Are there two white houses in the United States? ›

For a four-year period in American history, two official houses carried the name White House. Standing 90 miles apart, across the Virginia landscape, one overlooked the Potomac River and the other the James.

Does the president pay to live in the White House? ›

And while the house itself—that would be the White House—is a perk of being president, the stuff inside is paid for out of pocket, according to the Reeves Law Group.

What is the oldest building still standing in the United States? ›

Cliff Palace Ancestral Puebloan Dwellings | Oldest Buildings In United States. Cliff Palace in the Ancestral Puebloan Dwellings is the first and a direct example of the pre-Columbian style in the United States.

What is the oldest building in the United States still in use? ›

The Palace of the Governors in New Mexico was built in 1610 and is the oldest public building in continuous use in the continental United States. Like Puerto Rico, it was annexed later on, but unlike Puerto Rico, New Mexico became an integral part of the United States.

What is the hardest building ever built? ›

Torre Mayor is one of the strongest buildings on Earth in terms of earthquake resistance, being designed to withstand earthquakes measuring 8.5 on the Richter Scale. The U.S. Bank Tower in earthquake prone Los Angeles, California by comparison, is designed to withstand an 8.3 intensity earthquake.

What is the 30x30 rule? ›

Protect. Thirty-by-thirty (30×30) refers to efforts by the global community to conserve 30% of terrestrial and marine habitat by 2030. The movement started with international calls for setting aside portions of the globe as protected, and became official policy in the U.S. in 2021.

What is the 30 30 land law? ›

Soon after taking office, President Biden issued an executive order to tackle the climate crisis domestically and abroad. In it, he established a national goal to conserve at least 30 percent of U.S. lands and freshwater and 30 percent of U.S. ocean areas by 2030, in an initiative commonly referred to as 30x30.

What is the 30x30 law? ›

In February 2020, California Assemblyman Ash Kalra introduced AB3030 in the California State Assembly, which requires California to protect at least 30 percent of all lands and waters by 2030.

What is the least safe state in the US? ›

Louisiana. Louisiana was found to be the least safe state in America, with an overall score of 31.64. It has a population of 4,657,757 and ranks 47th in income in the country. The median household income in Louisiana is $49,973.

Is Canada safer than the US? ›

Canada's ranking is 14 spots before the United Kingdom, and 34 spots ahead of the United States. The U.S. News 2021 Best Countries Report gave Canada a score of 96.7 out of 100 for safety. This ranking puts Canada significantly above the United States (10.8) and the United Kingdom (55.4).

Where is the safest place to live outside the US? ›

Here's a look at the safest places to retire.
  • Canada. If you're looking to retire abroad but not overseas, good news. ...
  • Iceland. ...
  • New Zealand. ...
  • Ireland. ...
  • Denmark. ...
  • Austria. ...
  • Portugal. ...
  • Singapore.
Apr 24, 2023

What is the oldest walled city in the Americas? ›

Quebec City is the only walled-in city in North America and one of the oldest if not the oldest. Walking along the old cobblestone streets, you can feel the history oozing out of the buildings.

What is the oldest walled city in the world? ›

Uruk in ancient Sumer (Mesopotamia) is one of the world's oldest known walled cities. Before that, the proto-city of Jericho in the West Bank had a wall surrounding it as early as the 8th millennium BC.

Are there still cities with walls? ›

Quebec City, Canada

Quebec City's ramparts are the only remaining city walls in North America north of Mexico.

Where is the whole armor of God found in the Bible? ›

Eph. 6 Verses 10 to 20

[11] Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Where is the armor of God located in the Bible? ›

The phrase "Armor of God" (Greek: πανοπλίαν τοῦ Θεοῦ, panoplian tou Theou) is derived from Ephesians 6:11: "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (King James Version).

What is God's dwelling place name? ›

The tabernacle was a sacred place where a holy God dwelt on earth, and now Jesus is that ultimate meeting place between God and people. God himself has once again come to dwell with them.

What country has the safest food to eat? ›

Which countries have the highest food safety standards?
  • Finland.
  • Ireland.
  • Norway.
  • France.
  • Netherlands.
  • Japan.
  • Sweden*
  • Canada*

What foods are fortified in the US? ›

Breakfast cereals, bread, flour, margarine, salt, snack bars, dairy and milk and plant-based milk alternatives, juices, and baby foods are all commonly fortified foods.

Why not eat fortified foods? ›

Fortified foods are usually heavily processed. They're often high in sugars, fats, sodium, and other ingredients that can lead to problems like obesity. ‌Risk of vitamin overdose. You might get too many vitamins and minerals in your diet, which can be harmful.

Where has the best security in the world? ›

According to the GPI 2021 report, Iceland was ranked the safest country in the world for the 13th consecutive year, followed by New Zealand, Ireland, Austria, and Denmark. The GPI takes into account 23 indicators that are grouped under three domains: ongoing conflict, safety and security, and militarization.

What building has the deepest foundation in the world? ›

Twin's Towers of Malaysia has the world's deepest foundations. Which is situated in Kaula— Lampur Malaysia. The depth of its foundations is 120m ( i.e. 400ft approx ). On the purposed site of Twin's Towers of Malaysia, the available on top was black cotton soil.

Which is the biggest security? ›

Biggest Private Security Companies in the World
  • Chubb Fire & Security Group. 2021 Revenue: $5.6 million. ...
  • Axis Communications AB. 2021 Revenue: $1.3 billion. ...
  • Constellis. 2021 Revenue: $1.7 billion. ...
  • Unity Resources Group. ...
  • CACI International Inc. ...
  • ICTS International N.V. ...
  • The Brink's Company. ...
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
Mar 13, 2023

What is the most heavily guarded place on the planet? ›

Here are 10 of the most heavily guarded facilities in the world.
  • The Bank of England Gold Vault. ...
  • The ADX prison. ...
  • The Iron Mountain. ...
  • The Federal Reserve Bank. ...
  • Fort Knox. ...
  • Area 51. ...
  • The Vatican Secret Archives. ...
  • The Mormon Church's Secret Vaults.
Aug 18, 2022

What country has the tightest security? ›

According to the “Societal Safety and Security” indicator of the Global Peace Index (GPI), Iceland is the country with the lowest crime rate in the world. It's followed by Norway and Japan, which have the next highest scores in the category.

What is the largest abandoned structure in the world? ›

Then in 1992, after the collapse of ally and backer the Soviet Union, work stopped completely on Ryugyong Hotel. The 105-story, 1,083-foot structure protrudes above the rest of the North Korean capital's skyline. It remains the largest abandoned building in the world.

What building has the most floors underground? ›

Deepest Building Foundation

One of the deepest building foundations in the world is below the Salesforce Tower in San Francisco, CA. Completed in 2017, the 1,070-foot skyscraper with 61 stories is supported by a foundation that extends 310 feet below ground.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.