5 fastest ways to make money as beginners in GTA Online in 2023, ranked (2024)

With GTA Online's ever-evolving landscape, it is crucial for newcomers to be well-informed about the most effective ways to generate income in the game. In this regard, this article explores various methods that can be utilized to earn money quickly and efficiently, specifically tailored for beginners. Notable methods include Time Trials, weekly events, and more.

Time Trials and four more fast money-making tactics for beginners in GTA Online (2023)

5) Payphone Hits

5 fastest ways to make money as beginners in GTA Online in 2023, ranked (3)

GTA Online's Payphone Hits is a lucrative method for beginners to make quick money in GTA Online. With a base reward of $15,000, players can potentially earn up to $85,000 by completing the mission within 15 minutes and following the instructions given by Franklin Clinton over the phone.

The missions are relatively easy and straightforward, making them accessible for beginners. Players can quickly complete the tasks and earn the base rewards, but the real profits come from the additional bonuses. Following the instructions given by Franklin Clinton can result in an extra $75,000, making the total potential earnings $90,000.

With the 1.5x bonus currently available, Payphone Hits is an excellent grinding strategy for beginners to make fast money in GTA Online.

4) Weekly Events

5 fastest ways to make money as beginners in GTA Online in 2023, ranked (4)

The Weekly Events in GTA Online, such as the Power Mad Bunker Series and Bunker Sell Missions, can be a lucrative money-making opportunity for beginners. With the current event running until April 12, 2023, players can take advantage of the multiplied rewards of 2x Cash and RP in the Power Mad Bunker Series, and 1.5x Cash and RP in Bunker Sell Missions.

3) Time Trials

5 fastest ways to make money as beginners in GTA Online in 2023, ranked (5)

Time Trials in GTA Online can be a lucrative way for beginners to make fast money. These short race missions take place during free roam, allowing players to compete against the clock while navigating through regular NPCs, traffic, and obstacles. With potential rewards ranging from $100,000 to $250,000 for completing a Time Trial, one can quickly accumulate funds to purchase weapons, vehicles, and other assets.

Time Trials are relatively easy to complete as long as players have a fast vehicle and avoid collisions and other obstacles. With practice and familiarity with the race routes, they can optimize routes to shave off seconds from their time, increasing their chances of winning. Time Trials can be completed solo, allowing beginners to participate without the need for a team or crew.

2) Double/Triple Money Missions

5 fastest ways to make money as beginners in GTA Online in 2023, ranked (6)

Rockstar Games periodically offers double or triple money bonuses on certain GTA Online missions, which can be lucrative for beginners. These bonuses typically apply to specific missions, races, or activities that players can participate in to earn in-game currency, such as GTA dollars.

They can use these bonuses to grind these missions repeatedly during the promotion period, maximizing their earnings and building up their in-game wealth.

This can help beginners purchase vehicles, weapons, and other assets to progress in the game faster and increase their overall earning potential. It's important to keep an eye on Rockstar Games' announcements and promotions to take advantage of these opportunities and maximize profits in GTA Online.

1) Daily Objectives

5 fastest ways to make money as beginners in GTA Online in 2023, ranked (7)

Completing daily objectives is one of the best fast money-making tactics for beginners. With a reward of $30,000 cash and 5,000 RP for completing three objectives each day, players can quickly accumulate wealth and experience points to progress in the game.

These objectives can range from simple tasks like participating in a race, robbing a store, or winning a game of darts, making them relatively easy to complete even for new players.

Furthermore, a bonus of $150,000 cash and 20,000 RP for consecutively completing all daily objectives for the week provides an additional incentive for players to consistently log in. This bonus can significantly boost a beginner's finances and help them afford better weapons, vehicles, and properties.

Overall, completing daily objectives is a lucrative and efficient way for beginners to earn money and RP in the game.

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5 fastest ways to make money as beginners in GTA Online in 2023, ranked (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.