5 Budgeting Methods Everyone Should Know About- advantages and drawbacks (2024)

Table of Contents
Method 1: Zero-based budget An instance of zero-based budgeting Benefits of zero-based budgeting Drawbacks of zero-based budgeting Iszero-based budgeting right for myorganization? Method 2: incremental budget An instance of incremental budgeting at work Advantages of incremental budgeting Drawbacks of incremental budgeting Is incremental budgeting right for my organization? Method 3: activity-based budget Advantages of the activity-based budget Drawbacks of the activity-based budget Is ABB budgeting right for my business? Method 4: value proposition budget It is essentialto ask questions like these during priority-based budgetplan meetings: Advantages of value proposition budget Drawbacks of value proposition budgeting If not well managed, value proposition budgeting can also lead to a situation where the majority of funds are spent on initiatives with a quick return, rather than those with a longer-term payoff. This can lead to a short-sighted approach to marketing and a lack of investment in important long-term plans. Is value proposition budgeting right for my company? Of course, value proposition budgeting is not without its drawbacks. It can be time-consuming to assess the value of each proposed project, and there is always the potential for error. Method 5: Flexible budget Advantages of Flexible budget Drawbacks of Flexible budget Is a flexible budget right for my business? So, is a flexible budget right for your business? It depends on your specific needs and situation Conclusion,

The #business world is always changing and evolving, which means that the way we #budget our businesses has to change and evolve as well. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the different business budgeting methods that are available to you.

The five most commonly used business #budgeting methods are the zero-based budget, incremental budget, activity-based budget, value proposition budget, and Flexible budget. each of these methods has its #advantages and #drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the one that is best suited for your business.

Keep reading to learn more about the five most commonly used business budgeting #methods and how you can use them to help you increase #profits !

Method 1: Zero-based budget

Zero-based budgeting is a method thatbegins fresh: It starts by assuming that all division budgets are without any base and also must be restored from scratch each financial duration.

Each division requires to plan and also validate every dollar invested to construct the spending planfrom the ground up. Although zero-based budgeting requires a line-by-line justification of what's being spent, it isan adaptable approach that can change as needed.

An instance of zero-based budgeting

Say that the growing company strategy is to broaden during the following year and wants to work with a shipment motorist. Brand-new prices may consist of acquiring a van, spending for insurance coverage, and employing a staff member with a wage and advantages.

When identifying the list of the year's spending plan, they will certainly start by putting their starting quantityat $0. Then, based ontheprior year'sspending plan as well as earnings, the businesscan determine how much they'remostlikely to make and where to moverevenue so they can spend for a shipment driver.

Benefits of zero-based budgeting

Zero-based budgeting ultimately permits firm leaders to concentrate on their top objectives and also prevent unnecessary costs. This technique may also avoid the misallocation of sources because it's veryeasy to see where you can saveas well as invest at a granular degree.

This can develop into even more focused procedures, reduced prices, as well as better planning for the future, allowing space to adjust to various plans as adjustments turn up.

Drawbacks of zero-based budgeting

Zero-based budgeting offers new insights on just how to develop your spending plan, however, it's understood to be an extremely time-consuming strategy because of how frequently budget plans require to be examined and also adjusted.

That's why it's not a usualmethod, and many companies only use it occasionally.Firm leaders can expect regular readjusting with lots of trial and error.

Iszero-based budgeting right for myorganization?

Zero-based budget plans are produced around the financial demands of each monetary duration, which implies you begin your budget sheets thinking everything goes to $0.

It works for firms wanting to concentrate on a specific goal as well as cut costs in the economic planning process. Nonetheless, a zero-based budget plan is time-consuming since it has tobe done during a particularduration,whether that's monthly, quarterly, orannually.

Method 2: incremental budget

Theincrementalbudgeting method is just one ofthe most frequently made-use techniques. All you need to do is changethe existing or last fiscal period budget by an increment orportion to getthe new or current year'sbudget plan.

There is no established formula for incremental budgeting-- justfollow the assumption that the expenditures thattook place in the previous financial duration will certainlybe the starting point for thebrand-new financial period.

An instance of incremental budgeting at work

assume that the sales divisionof an office supplies chain has anassignedbudget of $100,000 for thefinancialperiod. By the end of the budgetaryduration, the managers figure out that they have spent $110,000, so they more than the spending plan by $10,000.

Although not a suitable circ*mstance, this exceeded spending plan will certainlytell upper management that they need todesignatea higher amount than the original $100,000 for thatdivision the following year.

Advantages of incremental budgeting

Incrementalbudgeting is one of the most convenient ways to remain on track and make certain that budgets continue to be stable over the fiscal duration. There are no complicated computationsfor arriving at the newbudget plan. Spending plananalysis is unnecessary, which makes thistechnique quickly as well as cost-effective.

Drawbacks of incremental budgeting

Considering thatIncrementalbudgeting uses the previous period's overalls to identify the new budget, the business will enhance each division's price allocation if they invested all their cash from last year's budget plan,even if the department doesn't need it. This can promote unnecessaryspending.Incrementalbudgeting is likewise likely to overlook outside aspects such as the rising cost of living or changing market conditions.

Is incremental budgeting right for my organization?

Incremental budgeting takes theprior year'snumbers as a starting factor for the brand-new year's budget plan,making it the simplest budgetingapproach. It's a good option if you believe your firm's budget won't change much annually.

However, higher-ups must avoid unneeded investing as well as remember that divisions may spend beyond their means to prevent receiving a smaller-sized budget the adhering to monetary duration. If the spending plan maintains boosting year after year, it might be time to check out certain expenditures and investing practices.

Method 3: activity-based budget

An activity-based budget (ABB) is a financial budgeting approach that links activities to costs. The ABB allows businesses to see where their money is being spent and how it is being used to generate revenue. This approach can be especially helpful for businesses that have a complex array of products and services.

Advantages of the activity-based budget

There are several advantages to using an activity-based budget. First, it can help businesses to identify areas where they are overspending. Second, it can help businesses to allocate their resources more efficiently. Third, it can help businesses to set better financial goals. Finally, it can help businesses to monitor their progress and make necessary adjustments.

Drawbacks of the activity-based budget

The activity-based budgeting (ABB) process has several potential drawbacks that organizations should be aware of before implementing this type of budget. One potential drawback is that ABB can be time-consuming and resource-intensive to implement. Additionally, ABB can be complex and may require specialized training for those who will be responsible for creating and managing the budget. Additionally, ABB can be inflexible and may not allow for changes in plans or activities as they occur. Finally, ABB can be difficult to understand and use, making it difficult for managers to make decisions based on the budget.

Is ABB budgeting right for my business?

As a business owner, you know that every dollar counts. That's why it's important to choose a budgeting method that will work best for your business. ABB, or activity-based budgeting, is a great option for businesses that want to get a clear picture of their spending.

With ABB, you allocate your budget based on the activities that are necessary to run your business. This includes things like production, marketing, and administration. By understanding the costs of these activities, you can make more informed decisions about where to invest your money.

Overall, ABB can be a great way to improve your business's bottom line. If you're looking for a budgeting method that will help you save money, ABB is worth considering.

Method 4: value proposition budget

A value proposition budget is an allocation of funds specifically to create and sustain a value proposition. This budget is used to finance activities such as market research, product development, and marketing campaigns. The goal of a value proposition budget is to create a return on investment by generating more revenue than the cost of the value proposition.

It is essentialto ask questions like these during priority-based budgetplan meetings:

Why is this quantity included in the budget plan?

Doesthis item create value for thebusiness?

Does the value of this product exceed its price?

What value does this give to our business, staff members, and also customers?

As the name indicates, every budget plan line product is examined to figure out if it gives value to the business. Each task as well as thing requiresto be justified, or it will become a cut cost.

Advantages of value proposition budget

A value proposition budget is a tool that allows organizations to prioritize their spending on value propositions. It ensures that resources are allocated to the areas that will have the biggest impact on the organization’s goals.

There are many advantages to using a value proposition budget. First, it forces organizations to think critically about where they are spending their money. Second, it ensures that resources are allocated to the areas that will have the most impact. Third, it provides a clear framework for decision-making. Finally, it can help organizations save money in the long run.

Drawbacks of value proposition budgeting

Value proposition budgeting is a popular method for allocating funds to marketing initiatives. However, there are some drawbacks to this approach. One issue is that it can be difficult to accurately estimate the value of each marketing initiative. This can lead to decision-makers choosing initiatives with lower estimated values simply because they are less risky.

Another drawback of value proposition budgeting is that it can fuel a competitive environment within an organization, with different departments vying for a larger share of the budget. This can lead to infighting and a general feeling of mistrust among team members.

If not well managed, value proposition budgeting can also lead to a situation where the majority of funds are spent on initiatives with a quick return, rather than those with a longer-term payoff. This can lead to a short-sighted approach to marketing and a lack of investment in important long-term plans.

Is value proposition budgeting right for my company?

Value proposition budgeting is a method of allocating funds that considers the value of each proposed project or expense. This means that you would weigh the potential benefits of a project against its costs to determine whether or not it is worth pursuing.

There are many potential benefits to using value proposition budgeting. It can help you to make more informed decisions about where to allocate your resources, and it can also help you to prioritize projects that will generate the most value for your company.

Of course, value proposition budgeting is not without its drawbacks. It can be time-consuming to assess the value of each proposed project, and there is always the potential for error.

Method 5: Flexible budget

A flexible budget Is a collection of budgets planned for many levels of activities (sales or production).so the budget can be changed for modifications in the activities, which helps in contrasting actual outcomes with the wanted level of activity. the flexible budget is mainly used for making decisions regarding the management of business changes.

Advantages of Flexible budget

A flexible budget is a budget that can be easily changed to fit the needs of a company. A flexible budget is beneficial because it allows companies to respond quickly to changes in their environment. For example, if a company needs to cut costs, it can quickly adjust its budget to reflect this change. Additionally, a flexible budget can help a company track its progress and performance. By being able to easily adjust the budget, a company can see how its actual results compare to its original goals.

Drawbacks of Flexible budget

The capacity for the company to focus principally on the adaptable spending plan degree of output and disregard the truth that the sales target was missed out.

Is a flexible budget right for my business?

In business, there are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to budgeting. But one question you may be asking yourself is whether or not a flexible budget is right for your business.

A flexible budget is a type of budget that can be adjusted based on changes in your business. This means that if your costs go up or down, you can adjust your budget accordingly. This can be a helpful tool for businesses that experience a lot of fluctuation in their costs.

However, there are also some drawbacks to using a flexible budget. One is that it can be more difficult to track your expenses and keep your spending under control. Additionally, if your costs fluctuate a lot, it can be hard to stick to your budget.

So, is a flexible budget right for your business? It depends on your specific needs and situation


There are a variety of budgeting methods that people can use, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Some methods are more suitable for certain types of businesses and situations than others. It is important to choose a budgeting method that works best for you and your unique circ*mstances.

For any questions or comments, please reach out to me at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ehabsobhy/

I'm Ehab Sobhy, a seasoned expert in business strategy, finance, and budgeting with a proven track record of successful implementations in dynamic and evolving business environments. I have an in-depth understanding of various budgeting methods and their applications, gained through hands-on experience and a comprehensive knowledge base.

Let's dive into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB):

    • Description: ZBB assumes no pre-existing budget and requires each division to justify all expenses from scratch.
    • Example: Starting with a budget of $0, a company planning expansion may allocate funds for a delivery driver by analyzing the previous year's budget and revenue.
    • Advantages: Focus on top goals, avoidance of unnecessary costs, better resource allocation.
    • Drawbacks: Time-consuming, requires frequent review and adjustment.
  2. Incremental Budgeting:

    • Description: Adjusts the previous budget by an increment or percentage for the new period.
    • Example: If a sales department exceeds its $100,000 budget by $10,000, the next year's budget might be increased to avoid underfunding.
    • Advantages: Easy to implement, maintains budget stability.
    • Drawbacks: May encourage unnecessary spending, overlooks external factors.
  3. Activity-Based Budget (ABB):

    • Description: Links activities to costs, providing insight into spending efficiency.
    • Advantages: Identifies overspending, efficient resource allocation, better goal setting, progress monitoring.
    • Drawbacks: Time and resource-intensive, requires specialized training, may lack flexibility.
  4. Value Proposition Budget:

    • Description: Allocates funds for creating and sustaining a value proposition, emphasizing critical questions about each budget line item.
    • Advantages: Prioritizes spending, ensures resource allocation for maximum impact, provides decision-making framework.
    • Drawbacks: Difficulty in accurately estimating project values, potential for internal competition, risk of short-sightedness.
  5. Flexible Budget:

    • Description: Adaptable to changes in activity levels, allowing for modifications and comparisons between actual and desired outcomes.
    • Advantages: Easily adjustable, facilitates quick responses to environmental changes, helps track progress.
    • Drawbacks: Risk of focusing solely on flexible budget outputs, potential for overlooking missed sales targets.

In conclusion, the choice of budgeting method depends on the specific needs and circ*mstances of a business. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses, and understanding these nuances is crucial for effective financial planning. If you have further questions or comments, feel free to connect with me on .

5 Budgeting Methods Everyone Should Know About- advantages and drawbacks (2024)
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