5 best ways to earn passive money in GTA Online after Criminal Enterprises DLC (2024)

It comes as no surprise that the Criminal Enterprises DLC has revitalized numerous illegal businesses GTA Online players were employing for passive income. The DLC brought a slew of new features and changes that not only simplified the generation of this type of revenue but also addressed several bugs afflicting the game.

However, for new gamers, passive income is still an unfamiliar concept. Now, after the release of Criminal Enterprises, many beginners are considering launching their own businesses. To assist such players, this article will offer five of the best ways to make passive money in GTA Online following the DLC's release.

Note: This article reflects the writer's subjective opinion.

Best methods for earning passive income in GTA Online after Criminal Enterprises release

5) Bike customization and delivery service

5 best ways to earn passive money in GTA Online after Criminal Enterprises DLC (2)

Bike delivery is a new service included with the Criminal Enterprises DLC. Players can access it by purchasing a Motorcycle Club. Undoubtedly, this is the simplest and most straightforward method of making passive income in the game. In this service, players only need to customize bikes provided by customers and then deliver the vehicles to their destinations.

Even though gamers do not have to be the club's president to begin this service, it is always advantageous to be in command when other players are also attempting to grind for money. In any case, one must exercise caution when delivering bikes, as any damage to them will lower their final price.

Finally, players don't even have to stay updated regarding the bikes that are in the shop since Malc will always text them whenever there is a new customer looking for a delivery.

4) Special Cargo

5 best ways to earn passive money in GTA Online after Criminal Enterprises DLC (3)

To access this Special Cargo sourcing business, players must first be a CEO and own a warehouse. Then, they need to simply speak with their warehouse staff and pay them $7,500 to obtain Special Cargo. Subsequently, gamers will have to deposit it in the crates located within their warehouse.

Warehouse employees such as Lupe were introduced with the Criminal Enterprises DLC, making this entire business easier to run as players just have to tell them to get the Special Cargo.

After the player's warehouse gets full, they just need to sell the cargo. This is probably one of the more efficient businesses for making passive income in GTA Online.

3) Cocaine Lockup

5 best ways to earn passive money in GTA Online after Criminal Enterprises DLC (4)

Cocaine Lockup has been a popular way to generate a lot of revenue for a long time, and this hasn't changed with the release of Criminal Enterprises DLC. Thus, this business venture is just as promising as it was before, if not more.

To purchase the Cocaine Lockup property, players must first purchase the MC Clubhouse and become its president. Then, they only need to travel to the main area of the establishment where the laptop is located. From there, gamers can simply walk across to the Cocaine Lockup storage facility.

They only need to keep purchasing supplies and upgrading their facilities. Eventually, they will have a large sum of money and be able to sell their stock for a profit.

2) Bunker

5 best ways to earn passive money in GTA Online after Criminal Enterprises DLC (5)

Bunker is a classic business venture in GTA Online, which players have been using for ages to earn money. Now, after the launch of Criminal Enterprises, they can undertake delivery missions and take their extra supplies to Ammu-Nation stores for cash.

Moreover, gamers can also engage themselves in the usual weapon-manufacturing business by upgrading their bunkers, assigning research staff, and buying or stealing supplies. By doing all of this, players will be earning a huge amount of passive income. Hence, this entry still offers one of the best ways to get rich in GTA Online.

1) Nightclub

5 best ways to earn passive money in GTA Online after Criminal Enterprises DLC (6)

Currently, owning a Nightclub is the best way to earn passive income in GTA Online. Earning money with this establishment is also pretty simple, as players just have to max out its popularity.

Furthermore, the Criminal Enterprises update has added one brand-new Nightclub Goods and two Nightclub Management ones. So, GTA Online players should definitely go for this business if they seriously want to earn a lot of passive income.

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Edited by Soumyadyuti Ghosh


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5 best ways to earn passive money in GTA Online after Criminal Enterprises DLC (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

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