5 best businesses for GTA Online solo players after The Last Dose update (2024)

GTA Online has remained a popular choice for gamers worldwide, offering endless possibilities for players to engage in activities such as heists, races, and more. Thanks to the latest The Final Dose update, players now have a new set of challenges and possibilities to explore in the game. It can be challenging for lone players to succeed in GTA Online's expansive environment and generate a profit. Yet, by picking the right business, gamers may effortlessly make money in addition to enjoying the game.

This article lists five companies that have succeeded as sole proprietorships. This post will provide insightful information on the top companies to invest in following The Last Dose update, whether you are an experienced GTA Online player or just getting started.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.

Arcades and 4 other best solo businesses after GTA Online's The Last Dose update

1) Vehicle Warehouse

5 best businesses for GTA Online solo players after The Last Dose update (3)

Vehicle Warehouse is an excellent business for solo players in GTA Online. The idea behind the game is straightforward: players find and sell automobiles to generate money. But it's essential to stick to a specific plan if you want to optimize income. The secret is always to maintain necessary and mid-range vehicles on hand while sourcing only top-tier cars. As a result, gamers may make up to $320,000 with a whole crew and $80,000 per car sale.

While the missions are relatively straightforward, some can be challenging, such as the police chase mission. However, players can quickly adapt and complete the tasks with practice. It's also possible to run this business in a populated lobby, but it's best to switch to an empty one if you encounter issues.

2) Acid Lab

5 best businesses for GTA Online solo players after The Last Dose update (4)

The Acid Lab is another excellent GTA Online business. After the Acid Lab is operational, the player can start manufacturing and selling numerous illicit substances, including cocaine, methamphetamine, and fake money. The lab functions similarly to other companies in GTA Online in that the player must maintain production efficiency and safeguard their shipments and supplies from other gangs and police raids.

Once you've set up the lab, you must complete supply missions to obtain the materials necessary to produce your products. Then you may begin the production process and wait for the finished goods. The number of supplies you have and the improvements you have installed affect how long it takes to complete the production process.

3) Nightclubs

5 best businesses for GTA Online solo players after The Last Dose update (5)

Nightclubs in GTA Online offer a variety of ways to earn money, and they can be a great addition to your portfolio of businesses. Here are some details on how they work:

  1. Purchasing a nightclub: You can buy a nightclub from the Maze Bank Foreclosures website for various prices depending on the location and quality.
  2. Income sources: The primary source of revenue for your nightclub is passive income, which is produced by the businesses you run inside the establishment. You'll make more passive income if you own more businesses.
  3. Nightclub management: You may employ various workers, including a DJ, bartenders, and technicians, to keep your nightclub operating efficiently. Each employee must be given a specific duty to complete, and they will bring in more money for your club.
  4. Running illegal businesses: You can also use your nightclub as a front for illicit companies such as the Counterfeit Cash Factory, Methamphetamine Lab, Cocaine Lockup, and others.

4) Arcades

5 best businesses for GTA Online solo players after The Last Dose update (6)

The Arcade business in GTA Online is a profitable solo venture allowing you to earn passive income while running the lucrative casino heist. You may set up your Arcade's passive revenue to automatically make $50,000 per game day without doing anything. The casino heist, which you may carry out from your Arcade, is where the money is found. If you're lucky, you could stumble upon diamonds while exploring the casino; each one is worth a whopping $3.6 million when sold. The casino theft may bring in at least $2 million even without diamonds, with cash being the least valuable plunder.

To make things even easier, you can purchase a master terminal for $1.4 million, allowing you to manage all your businesses from one location. This makes it much easier to coordinate your heist preparations and maximize your payout.

5) Cocaine Lockup

5 best businesses for GTA Online solo players after The Last Dose update (7)

In GTA Online, players can become a part of the illegal drug trade by purchasing a Cocaine Lockup business. Players may profit by producing and selling cocaine through this enterprise. Once they have the cocaine lockup, players must start improving it to boost output and overall profitability.

The two available enhancements cost a combined $1.3 million for staff and equipment upgrades. Players are strongly advised to purchase both improvements for the most significant earning potential. Players must first prepare the necessary components or acquire them for $75,000 to create cocaine. Once the supplies are ready, the workers inside the lockup will begin producing cocaine, which can then be sold for a profit.

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I'm well-versed in GTA Online's various businesses and strategies for success. I've spent countless hours navigating the world of Los Santos, experimenting with different business models, and fine-tuning strategies to optimize profits and gameplay experiences.

Now, let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article about the top solo businesses after The Final Dose update in GTA Online:

1. Vehicle Warehouse:

  • Purpose: Buying and selling vehicles for profit.
  • Strategy: Stock up on high-end cars for maximum profits.

2. Acid Lab:

  • Objective: Producing and selling illegal substances.
  • Operations: Completing supply missions, managing production, and defending against raids.

3. Nightclubs:

  • Function: Generating passive income and running illicit businesses.
  • Features: Employing staff, earning from owned businesses, and acting as a front for illegal activities.

4. Arcades:

  • Profitability: Offers passive income and facilitates the lucrative casino heist.
  • Features: Generating $50,000 per game day passively, executing the casino heist for substantial earnings.

5. Cocaine Lockup:

  • Illegal Trade: Engaging in the drug trade by producing and selling cocaine.
  • Optimization: Upgrading the lockup to enhance productivity and profitability.

Each business requires different strategies, investments, and approaches to optimize profits and overcome challenges. For instance, while the Vehicle Warehouse focuses on car sales and strategy, the Cocaine Lockup involves managing illegal drug operations.

Choosing the right business depends on your playstyle, objectives, and willingness to engage in different facets of GTA Online's criminal underworld. Whether you're drawn to vehicular sales, drug trade, or heists, each business offers unique opportunities for solo players to thrive in the game's expansive environment.

5 best businesses for GTA Online solo players after The Last Dose update (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.