49 Work From Home Jobs To Make Money Now - The Frugal Fellow (2024)


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These days, it seems like it’s tough to stay ahead financially. Hopefully, these online jobs from home opportunities can help you get a leg up.

Whether you use the extra money to pay bills, pay off student loans, or just use it as spending money, we could all use a little extra cash.

Years ago, you didn’t have a ton of options. We had internet access, but things were just getting started. Nowadays, there are so many more ways to make money online!

One of the best things about working online is that most work-from-home jobs’ schedules are fairly flexible. Generally, employers make you work the schedule you want; sometimes, you can set your own rates.

Most of these are part-time ways to make money online. In other words, while they can be done by full-time employees, they can also be done part-time.

So, would you like to make extra money on the side while working your own schedule? Maybe even set your own rates?

If so, keep reading to find out the best ways to make money online.

Best Work From Home Jobs

In the list below, we will take a look at some of the best work-from-home jobs. Some of them may overlap somewhat, but there are a variety of skills here. These jobs let you skip the commute and find whatever kind of job you are seeking.

Because there is so much opportunity, you should definitely be able to find something that works for you. Let’s dig in.

1. Blogging

Let’s be honest: blogging isn’t an easy way to make money. It takes a lot of work to really gain momentum.

For some people, being a blogger is a full-time job. However, it isn’t necessary to work full-time hours in order to make money. If you know what you’re doing, you can make money blogging while only working part-time.

There is a lot of information out there, butstarting a blog is pretty easy and could become a nice work-from-home job.

What is a Blog?

A blog is a website or section of a website that contains regularly updated information. In some cases, individuals maintain their own blogs, or they could be a part of a larger company website.

It’s possible to blog about almost anything. While this blog primarily focuses on personal finance, there are recipe blogs, wedding blogs, travel blogs, etc. Some blogs have just one author, while some can have dozens.

There are many different platforms you can use to start a blog. This one uses WordPress, but there are others, such as Wix, Tumblr, and Medium.

In some cases, blogs let readers leave comments, but others might be closed to public commenting. It all depends on what the owner decides.

Finally, while not all blogs are monetized, some choose to make money in various ways. We’ll touch on that briefly in the next section.

How to Make Money from Blogging

Unlike most work-from-home jobs, blogging doesn’t automatically pay. You have to choose to monetize your blog. Some of the most common ways bloggers make money are with ads, affiliate marketing, and selling products.

  • Display ads: These appear when visitors view various pages on your website. Typically, you work with an ad network such as Google Ads, Monumetric, or Mediavine to display ads on your site.
  • Affiliate marketing: This involves recommending products to your audience. The affiliate gives you a specialized link that you can use to direct your readers to the product page.
  • Selling products: You can also use your website to sell your own products. Common products include e-books, printables, and courses.

These are just a few examples of ways you can make money from blogging. In reality, there is a limit to what you can do with a blog!

Pay: varies. Some bloggers make over $1 million/year!

2. Get Paid to Take Surveys

One of the easiest fully remote jobs is taking surveys. Believe it or not, if you have opinions, those opinions are valuable! This one can be great if you want work-life balance.

Your opinion helps companies understand the market better and, thus, make more money. Thus, they are willing to pay you in return. One of my favorite places to take surveys online is Survey Junkie. With Survey Junkie, you get paid just for sharing your opinion on various products you already buy.

You can take surveys from home, at a coffee shop, or even at the dentist. Really, anywhere you can get an internet connection works.

Survey Junkie is almost universally praised with a 4.3/5 rating on Google Play and high ratings on various websites.

Pay: up to $75 per survey.

Get started on Survey Junkie and earn up to $75 per survey!

3. Proofreader

Proofreading is actually something that could technically be done by an editor. However, editors typically must have more knowledge in terms of what type of content readers will find valuable.

In other words, editors generally must be more experienced in order to have a deep understanding of the industry. If you’re a spelling and grammar stickler and just starting out, this job could be right for you.

Pay: up to $42/hour.

4. Build Websites

If you have experience in web development, this might be the perfect way to make money from the internet. That will be especially true if you have experience in programming languages like Java, PHP, etc.

However, it’s not necessary that you have a lot of technical expertise for this job. That might be enough if you have experience working in a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress.

Building websites is one of the highest-paying work-from-home jobs if you have a knack for it. It can pay well because you set your own rates.

With some of these work-from-home jobs, it’s not that they are necessarily super difficult – it’s just that the people hiring have bigger fish to fry.

Pay: up to $35,000 per project.

5. Freelance Writer

Becoming a freelance writer is one of the best work-from-home jobs to start today. Why? Because it’s so incredibly versatile. You can write about almost anything.

However, if all of your experience is in database management, it will be tough to land a gig writing about dogs. Yes, that’s a real freelance writing gig!

If you want to write in an industry in which you don’t currently have experience, you’ll need to build a portfolio with relevant writing samples. One way to do this is with a blog (more on that later).

This is a great gig because it’s flexible, and you can usually work your hours on your own schedule. And, as hinted at earlier, you even set your own rates.

When I started getting into freelance writing, I decided to purchase Holly Johnson’s Earn More Writing course because I knew she was one of the best in the business.

If you didn’t know, Holly often earns over $30,000 per month just from freelancing, so I had to learn everything I could from her. The course goes in-depth with eight actionable videos, all of which are 15 minutes or longer, plus several freebies and other material.

This course is incredibly valuable and helped me land several freelance clients.

This is one of the best if you’re looking for legitimate work-from-home ideas. I follow freelance writers who make as much as some C-suite execs. Nope, that’s not a joke; freelance writing has incredible earning potential.

Pay: up to $134,000 (more in some cases).

6. Copywriting

Copywriting is one of the best work-from-home jobs around. It’s similar to freelance writing; these jobs are often listed on the same sites.

However, there is an important difference.

With freelance writing, you typically write educational and/or problem-solving pieces based on one idea: solving the reader’s problem.

Copywriting, on the other hand, is sales-based. You would typically write product/service descriptions that might appear in an ad in a magazine. So, the point is to convert the reader into a buyer.

If you have a penchant for both writing and sales, this gig might be right for you.

Pay: Up to $113,000 per year.

7. Online Editing

All major publications have editors. This crucial role ensures content is both digestible as well as useful for readers. The idea is to deliver a finished product.

So, what does an editor do?

Editors actually do a variety of things. They might correct spelling/grammar errors, but that is only a tiny portion of their work. They also review work and determine whether readers find it valuable. This job can easily be completed at home.

So, in a sense, they are also content strategists. If you enjoy giving constructive feedback, you may want to consider this when thinking about work-from-home jobs.

Salary: up to $119,000/year.

8. Grant Writer

This could be your perfect online contract job if you prefer working from home. In many cases, grants are research proposals used to fund research at universities.

As a grant writer, you would write proposals in hopes of attaining funding for the organization applying for it. In other words, you are basically trying to sell the research study. You pitch the idea, and the organization receives the funding it needs if successful.

Pay: up to $85,000/year.

9. Customer Service Representative

The term customer service representative is fairly broad, but that’s because these jobs can vary widely depending on the company. The good news, though, is they can usually be done from home.

That’s because the most common responsibility for this job is to provide phone support. We call this help desk, or a call center representative in the tech world, but those terms aren’t used in non-technical industries.

It also helps to have a great work-from-home setup for this job.

Almost every company needs customer service agents and call center reps to assist their customers with phone support, emails, or even answering questions sent via social media.

As with any job, even though this position is normally entry-level, it will be easier to land if you have relevant experience in the organization’s industry.

Pay: up to $32/hour.

10. Virtual Assistant

What does a virtual assistant do? Actually, a virtual assistant can do almost anything. In general, someone who hires a virtual assistant has a successful business but also has one or more tasks that are taking up too much of their time.

That’s where you come in. Virtual assistants can have a variety of responsibilities, including:

  • Pinterest VA: Usually someone who both makes Pinterest pins and manages a business’s Pinterest account
  • Social media management: Managing the company’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  • Sending emails, scheduling appointments, etc.
  • Market research/digital marketing

And these are only a few of the responsibilities you may have as a virtual assistant. Ideally, you would only go for a gig that includes responsibilities that work for you. However, in a role like this, you will inevitably need to be a jack-of-all-trades person.

Also, you might notice that many of the tasks above also exist on this list as their own job. There could be a number of reasons. In many cases, though, people hiring VAs have a thriving business, but they are small. So there may not be enough work to hire one person for each task.

On the other hand, if you work for a very large business, just one of the above might have so much volume that it warrants its own position.

Salary: up to $110,000/year.

11. Social Media Manager

Are you always on Facebook, Twitter, and the like? Are you great at creating engaging posts that get likes and shares? If so, this work-from-home job is for you. Companies and brands are always looking to spread awareness and social media lets them do that cheaply.

As with any job, having proof of past success is always helpful. If you have a large social media following of your own, you’ll have a much better chance of landing a gig like this.

Salary: up to $50,000/year.

12. Online English Teacher

English continues to be the world’s most universally spoken language, yet in huge countries like India and China, English is not the first language learned.

English is considered the language of business, and if you’re a tourist in Europe, you will find out most natives there speak at least some English. As a result, there is a huge demand for English teachers online.

It’s also not necessary to have a teaching degree to teach English. If interested, look into sites like VIPKID and QKids.

Salary: up to $46,000/year.

13. Transcriptionist

If you’ve ever watched Netflix and turned on closed captions, you might have wondered how those captions magically get there. The answer? The work of a transcriptionist.

Sure, you might be unable to watch all your favorite shows for fun – many will be less exciting.

Okay, technically, this would be called a captioner, but the two are closely related. Plus, transcription jobs are low-stress, and you can do them from anywhere.

Salary: Up to $70,000/year.

14. Search Engine Evaluator

Search Engines such asGoogleandBing continue to get smarter, but they still aren’t perfect. While artificial intelligence has come a long way, it still can’t quite mimic the human mind.

While there are ways to elevate your content high in the search results such as SEO, that isn’t what Google wants. Instead, search engines want search results to cater to humans. They want search results to answer your questions and solve problems.

Thus, as a search engine evaluator, you’ll spend your time ensuring search results serve searcher intent rather than the intent of those creating content.

Average salary: $36,881/year.

15. Data Entry Analyst

Data entry analysts enter data into computer systems, typically for businesses. This might involve entering data into the system based on user input or from paper documents. It could also involve updating records when new data becomes available.

This work-from-home job requires fast, accurate typing and acute attention to detail. You should also be familiar with software like Microsoft Office, databases, and data entry interfaces.

You should also have soft skills like organization and communication. Depending on the client, it might also be beneficial to have an understanding of data privacy laws.

Pay: up to $28/hour.

16. Quality Assurance Analyst

In a way, a quality assurance (QA) analyst is similar to a search engine evaluator. Or, to be more precise, a search engine evaluator is a type of QA analyst.

In this role, you will primarily be testing software applications. The goal is to find bugs (if any) and be sure the software doesn’t “break.” This can help your team be more productive.

In addition, you will be responsible for testing to see if the software works as intended. In other words, if the software is meant to work one way but works another way instead, it’s your job to find that as a QA analyst.

Pay: up to $50/hour.

17. Academic Tutor

This job is best for college students, though that doesn’t necessarily rule out those who are out of college!

If you are especially strong in one area of study, this could be a great job for you. Requirements for these jobs vary greatly as do the job responsibilities, so be sure to check that.

While you may need a bachelor’s degree, some only require you to be working toward one. There may also be different grades of students, but in many cases, they are high school students.

If you are working toward a teaching degree, this work-from-home job could also be a great resume builder.

Pay: Up to $37/hour.

18. SEO Analyst

If you decide to take up blogging as a side job, you may also decide to be an SEO analyst. SEO is one of the most powerful sources of traffic (and any website, for that matter).

But, if you’re new to this, you may not know what SEO is. SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It refers to designing web pages that receive as much traffic from search engines as possible.

Search engines are not the only source of web traffic; in many cases, it can be the biggest one.

Salary: up to $86,000/year.

19. Graphic Designer

Graphic designing is another gig that is fairly self-explanatory. There are millions of websites out there, and most of them need graphics of some sort.

If graphic design is your thing, this gig might be worth considering.

Salary: up to $71,000/year.

20. Web Developer/Programmer

Web development is actually one of the most in-demand work-from-home jobs out there. Many of them will require a degree, but it’s possible you can still find an opportunity without one.

For example, having certifications and/or a healthy portfolio on GitHubmight be enough to get a foot in the door.

Salary: up to $120,000/year.

21. Resume Writer

Is the art of the resume dead? You may have heard that, but the truth is that resumes are still extremely important in the business world. Without an excellent resume, you may have trouble standing out.

Luckily, a resume can help you. Since most job-seekers don’t write resumes all the time, they have a difficult time making them as good as they need to be.

But if writing resumes comes naturally to you, you can help people by offering this service.

Salary: up to $58,000/year.

22. Digital Marketer

This work-from-home job was also mentioned as a possible responsibility for VAs. And, again, it could quite easily be a full-time job at a large organization.

It’s no secret that finding (and keeping) customers is one of the most important parts of any business. This has always been the case, but with digital marketing, there are new strategies.

If you have experience with things like leads, tripwires, and sales funnels, this could be the right work-from-home job for you.

Salary: up to $94,000/year.

23. Work for Amazon

Amazon is currently the 36th largest company in the world, and they’re continuing to grow. So it’s no surprise that their various job opportunities include telework.

This includes a variety of positions in areas such as sales, advertising, operations management, and more. So, rather than having towalk miles through their warehouses,why not work from home instead?

If you are interested in pursuing a remote work opportunity with Amazon, check out theirVirtual Locations.

Pay: varies (many positions available).

24. Legal Assistant/Paralegal

If your background is in law, did you know it’s possible to do these work-from-home jobs completely online?

It’s true. You can find all kinds of jobs posted on sites like Upwork and ZipRecruiter that will let you do legal work from the comfort of your own home.

You likely need to have prior experience, but if you have it, this job is for you!

Pay: Up to $30/hour.

25. Front-End Architect

Depending on the company, this job is a bit more advanced and may require a bachelor’s degree or advanced degree. However, it allows you to work with cool stuff like HTML5, CSS, SaaS, Javascript and other programming languages.

There may also be troubleshooting involved. Programming work-from-home jobs are often 100% remote; learning some programming skills is one of the best ways to reliably find remote work.

Thus, if programming is your thing, this could be an effective way to find work-from-home jobs that allow you to complete work done remotely.

Salary: Up to $150,000/year

26. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is owning an online store without physically holding any inventory. Instead, when a customer buys a product, you purchase it from a wholesaler or retailer, and they ship it to the customer.

One of this model’s biggest benefits is that it reduces up-front costs. In addition, you don’t get stuck holding inventory you can’t sell.

This model also allows you to offer a wider range of products since you don’t have to pre-purchase the items you sell.

How Dropshipping Works

Here’s how the process usually works:

  1. Choose a niche: Even though you can offer a wide range of products, you should choose a niche to differentiate yourself from the competition.
  2. Set up an online store: You’ll need a place for customers to place orders. Fortunately, there are already platforms to do this, like Shopify and WooCommerce. Plugins/apps like Oberlo (for Shopify) also help you integrate products into your store.
  3. Forward orders to the supplier: When a customer buys something from your store, forward the order to your supplier. You can do this manually or automatically.
  4. Supplier ships product: The supplier then ships the product directly to the customer so you never have to physically handle any products.

While this is a very basic overview of dropshipping, it can help you understand how the process works. If it sounds like something that would interest you, it may be worth researching further.

Salary: Up to $53,000/year.

27. E-Book Author

If you are an expert on a particular topic, you can write an e-book on it. Thanks to platforms like Amazon Kindle, it’s easy to get started. There’s no need to go through a publisher, so all you need to do is write and publish the book.

Aside from the ease of getting started, there are many benefits to writing and publishing e-books. For one, you have more freedom over what you write about because you don’t have to go through a publisher.

There can also be higher royalties for self-published books compared to traditionally published authors.

Of course, there can be some challenges too. For one, it can be more difficult to market your book when you are on your own. It helps to have high-quality content, but with a lot of competition in the e-book market, it can be tough to stand out.

You can stand out by building an audience and a platform for your content before you publish your book. Engage with potential readers and understand their pain points so you know in advance what problems they need help with.

Pay: varies.

28. App Developer

Becoming an app developer is another simple work-from-home job — at least in concept. Create software or apps, then sell them to companies for a profit.

If you have a knack for coding, this one is tough to beat.

Many types of apps you can develop:

  • Native apps: These apps are designed to work on a specific platform, such as iOS and Android. When developing a native app, you write apps in the same code as the operating system.
  • Web apps: These apps are similar to native apps but accessible via a web browser.
  • Hybrid apps: Frameworks like Flutter, Reactive Native, and Xamarin allow developers to write code that can work on multiple platforms.

Becoming an app developer doesn’t necessarily require a formal education. However, developers often have degrees in computer science or software engineering. In lieu of a degree, you can take online courses to learn programming languages like Swift or JavaScript.

One of the biggest challenges of becoming an app developer is that programming languages can fall out of favor quickly. In addition, there can be a lot of competition. If you want to pursue this work-from-home job, you should be highly adaptable and always continue learning.

Salary: Up to $134,000/year.

29. YouTuber

Making money on YouTube can be a great side hustle if you are willing to put in the time. You can produce content in a wide range of niches, such as reviews, tutorials, and educational content. Choose a niche you are passionate about so you can consistently produce high-quality videos.

Once you have chosen your niche, you are ready to create your channel. During this step, it’s important to consider your branding. Your channel name should be related to your niche, which will help you start building authority and make your channel more searchable.

As mentioned, it’s also important to produce high-quality content. This means you may want to invest in equipment like a camera, microphone, and lighting. You should also learn basic video editing skills to make your videos look more professional.

Pay: varies.

30. Podcaster

Podcasting content can often overlap with YouTube content, but the two mediums are nevertheless different. Podcasters create audio content for platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts. Like YouTube, podcasts usually have a specific niche.

Podcasts often have episodes organized into a series that does a deep dive into a particular topic. Some podcasts regularly have guests on the show who are experts on a subject relevant to the podcast’s larger focus.

You should also invest in equipment so you can produce high-quality content. This means purchasing a good microphone and learning basic editing skills. I suggest the ATR-2100, which produces high quality at a reasonable price. I have one myself so I can attest to its quality.

Aside from that, you will have to publish and promote your content. This can be the toughest step as it could take years to build an audience. But if you establish a regular audience, making money should eventually get easier.

Pay: varies.

31. Insurance Agent

Insurance agents sell insurance policies to clients, which might include businesses or individuals. The main role of insurance agents is to work with clients to understand their needs and match them with the best policy.

In addition to understanding clients’ needs, insurance agents might customize policies to meet the client’s unique needs. This might include combining different types of policies to provide more comprehensive coverage.

Insurance agents might also have the ability to assist with claims. This could include helping clients submit claims so they receive adequate compensation based on the situation.

Of course, this work-from-home job can require very industry-specific knowledge. You typically must be licensed to sell insurance where you live. This might mean fulfilling education requirements and passing the relevant exams. Still, this can be a good option if insurance is something that interests you.

Salary: up to $131,000/year.

32. Translator

Translators typically convert written text from one language to another. While software like Google Translate can theoretically do this for free, it often fails to understand idioms and slang. This can make them do a bad or even non-sensical job.

There are many types of translation services you can offer. For example, you can translate literature like books, plays, short stories, and poems. You can also offer more specialized translation services, such as for legal and medical documents or company reports.

To get started with this work-from-home job, you need proficiency in at least two languages. However, it will also help to understand the cultural nuances of each country for which you will be translating. This will help you understand the idioms and phrases specific to each country.

Pay: Up to $48/hour.

33. Bookkeeper

A bookkeeper records and maintains a business’s financial transactions and generally helps businesses keep their finances in order.This person helps businesses keep accurate and up-to-date records about key financial information. For example, this might include how much money the business made and what its expenses are.Pay: up to $30/hour.

34. English Teacher

This job is pretty straightforward, but these days, children around the world want to learn English. This can help them gain access to better opportunities in terms of education and jobs.

Because there are children around the world who want to learn English, this job is a perfect candidate to do entirely online. Needless to say, you will need a stable internet connection and a webcam that is up to standards.

Salary: up to $75,000/year.

35. Product tester

Pretty much any company you can think of needs product testers to make sure their products are working as expected. This could include testing hardware, software, services, or physical products.

However, if you want to do this job online, you will probably find the most opportunities testing software or services. This involves using the software or service, documenting its usability, and making sure everything work as expected. This job may not sound particularly interesting, but it can pay surprisingly well on the high end.

Salary: up to $78,000/year.

36. Online Sales Representative

Online sales representatives use various methods, including phone and internet channels to market products to customers. This work-from-home job is crucial for businesses as it can help increase revenue and attract new clients.

Online sales representatives might perform a wide range of duties, such as:

  • Product demonstration: You might need to demonstrate products online, showing customers the product’s features and benefits. This can be done through video calls, webinars, or a live stream.
  • Generating leads: This might involve reaching out to customers via phone, email, social media, or chat to generate new sales leads.
  • Closing sales: You might also close sales, guiding customers from the initial contact to making a payment.
  • Customer relationship management: Many businesses rely on repeat sales from customers. You may be tasked with maintaining relationships with existing customers to keep them coming back.

As more of the digital landscape becomes crowded with AI, online sales representatives offer a human touch that will remain in demand for a long time to come. And, of course, this work-from-home job can be done from anywhere.

Salary: Up to $150,000/year.

37. Voice-Over Artist

A voice-over artist, also known as a voice actor, provides the narration for a variety of media. These might include TV commercials, radio ads, animated movies, dubbed foreign films, and video games. If you’ve ever heard you have a “voice for radio,” this is the job for you.

This is another work-from-home job that will benefit from decent equipment. I have to reiterate my ATR-2100 suggestion here as it has great sound for a reasonable price.

Pay: up to $88/hour.

38. Online Fitness Coach

An online fitness coach provides personalized training and coaching sessions via the internet. They might provide workout plans, nutritional guidelines, and motivation for clients who need remote coaching.

Additional responsibilities for this work-from-home job might include:

  • Assessment: Evaluating clients’ needs, goals, and health conditions.
  • Designing workout plans: You might create customized workout plans for each of your clients based on their needs, as determined during their assessment.
  • Nutritional guidance: Create meal plans, recipes, and meal plans for clients. Again, this should be based on the client’s unique needs.
  • Motivation: Some clients might need help staying committed to their fitness plan. You can help them by providing positive reinforcement.

The ease of access to high-speed data in the past few years has made this job even more viable. If you are passionate about fitness and helping people, this may be the right gig for you.

Pay: Up to $51/hour.

39. Music Instructor

A music instructor is a professional who teaches students to play instruments and learn music theory. In some cases, they might help students develop their vocal abilities. Students can be people of all ages, from children to adults. They can also have any skill level, from beginner to seasoned professional.

This can be slightly more challenging to do as a work-from-home job since you can’t sit with students in person and observe their technique as easily. However, you can still be effective with the right approach.

Here are some of the things you might do as an online music instructor:

  • Lesson planning: Involves creating custom lessons for each student that cater to their specific needs and goals.
  • Lessons: During lessons, you will “sit” with students and teach them specific techniques needed to play their instrument, such as finger positioning, technique, and reading music.
  • Theory education: You might educate students on the fundamentals of music theory. This might include rhythm, harmony, and scales.
  • Skills assessment: It’s important to regularly assess students’ abilities and provide constructive feedback. This will help them improve their skills.

If you are an expert on music and enjoy teaching kids, perhaps you can try your hand at being an online music instructor. It can be a fun job to do from home, especially if you love music and teaching people.

Pay: Up to $48/hour.

40. Remote IT Specialist

A remote information technology (IT) specialist provides technical support, system administration, or network maintenance. Most businesses today have company computers and perhaps even their own local network that need maintenance to keep working well. Thus, you should have basic knowledge of personal computers for this job. Remote IT specialists can be the ones who make computer systems well-oiled machines.

Some of this work can be done by a project manager, but having a dedicated IT specialist is very helpful.

Responsibilities for this work-from-home job might include technical support, system maintenance, network management, and answering questions from customers. For instance, you may need to provide remote assistance for hardware and software issues to end users. You might assist them via phone, email, or chat.

Another increasingly important area of concern is security. Companies are amassing larger and larger amounts of data, which has only attracted more bad actors who want to steal that data. As a result, maintaining network infrastructure integrity is one of the many important aspects of IT work today.

There is no shortage of remote work to be had with this work-from-home job. The skills necessary for this job are perfect ones to hone if you want to be in demand for years to come.

Pay: up to $37/hour.

41. Virtual Event Planner

Virtual event planners specialize in organizing and coordinating events. They generally do all their work virtually, but their planned events can be virtual or in-person. You might assist businesses, organizations, or individuals as a virtual event planner.

Some of the responsibilities you might have for this work-from-home job are:

  • Planning: The first thing to do is to plan the event, including everything from the schedule to who will be in attendance. The details you will have to plan can vary widely depending on the type of event.
  • Vendor coordination: If vendors are necessary for the event, you will have to coordinate with them on times, what you need for the event, and other details.
  • Marketing: Depending on the type of event, you may need to promote it in various channels to increase engagement and attendance.
  • Rehearsals: Some events need run-throughs to ensure everything goes well. In these cases, you will need to coordinate scheduling and other important details.

To be sure, this type of job is not for everyone. You’ll need particular skills like organization, technical knowledge, communication, and creativity. You should also have a commitment to developing your skills and be able to keep track of multiple events. However, this can be an excellent gig if you have what it takes.

Pay: up to $36/hour.

42. Travel Agent

A travel agent arranges travel for businesses, individuals, and groups. They might offer a variety of services, such as booking flights, hotels and rental cars. Plus, they might create dedicated travel plans for each customer and provide travel advice.

You might be drawn to this job if you love to travel, but you’ll need specific skills to work as an online travel agent. For example, you should be:

  • Organized: You’ll often be working on multiple bookings for several customers and must be organized to avoid mixing up reservations.
  • Customer-focused: You must be able to communicate effectively with customers and prioritize their wants and needs.
  • Adaptable: From canceled flights to overbooked hotels, the unexpected is expected in the travel industry.
  • Sales-focused: Although you should prioritize customers’ requests, you will also need good sales skills to sell your services.

Even though many online tools are available today to help people book trips, plenty of people still want to work with a real person. They can provide expertise, personalized advice, and convenience you won’t often find from a machine.

Pay: up to $32/hour.

43. Telemarketer

A telemarketer is someone who engages with customers via phone, the internet, and other channels. People often associate telemarketers with call centers, where employees make cold calls to potential customers in an attempt to drum up interest in a company’s product or service.

Customers might sometimes receive calls through internet, radio, or television advertising. This is known as warm calling. Telemarketers usually provide information about products or services and try to convince customers to buy the product or sign up for the service the company offers.

This work-from-home job requires a unique set of skills. Some of the key skills telemarketers need are:

  • Communication skills: One of the most important things to have for this job is good communication skills. In particular, you must have excellent verbal communication.
  • Patience: This job will likely come with a lot of rejection. You must have the patience to deal with this and keep moving.
  • Persistence: Some customers don’t take kindly to telemarketers, so you must be persistent if you expect to make a sale.
  • Sales skills: Your primary role will be to sell things, so you must have excellent sales skills, particularly in the face of objections.

Being a telemarketer is another work-from-home job that isn’t for everyone. But it might be worth considering if you have the right set of skills.

Pay: up to $51/hour.

44. Online Recruiter

Online recruiters use the internet to find, attract, and hire candidates for jobs. It might sometimes involve posting jobs, sourcing candidates, screening candidates, and handling the onboarding process.

Key responsibilities for this job may include:

  • Posting jobs: This involves creating and posting job ads on various job boards and social media platforms.
  • Sourcing candidates: Using online databases and networking sites like LinkedIn, you might proactively reach out to potential new hires.
  • Screening candidates: Involves reviewing resumes and online profiles to identify the right candidates for open positions.
  • Interviewing: Conducting initial interviews, often via Zoom or other conferencing software to assess candidates’ qualifications and fit for the job.

This job can sometimes be a grind, but the digitalization of many jobs means there is more need than ever to wade through a large number of applications. This means there is plenty of need for online recruiters.

Salary: Up to $126,000/year.

45. Online Community Manager

An online community manager develops a community management strategy that aligns with the brand’s objectives and targets the right audience. They create and schedule content that resonates with their community and generates interaction. In addition, they moderate conversations within the community to ensure they remain engaging and on-topic.

Online community managers also engage with community members to build relationships with them and establish a positive culture within their online communities. They might also collect feedback from the community to understand how the company can better serve its customers.

If you want to be an online community manager, there are certain skills you must have:

  • Strong communication skills: Community managers should have strong written and verbal communication skills to create effective, engaging content for the community.
  • Patience and empathy: You should be able to understand and respond to community members’ concerns.
  • Conflict resolution: Be able to resolve disagreements and moderate debates within the community.
  • Proficiency with online platforms: You will likely work with a variety of online platforms including social media or forums, so you must be proficient in using them.

Online community managers need unique skills that enable them to interact and engage with the community effectively. If you have the necessary skills, you may want to look into this work-from-home job.

Salary: up to $87,000/year.

46. Etsy Shop Owner

An Etsy shop owner operates a storefront on Etsy, an e-commerce platform. Etsy became popular as a place to sell vintage or handmade items. This might include items like jewelry, bags, home décor and furniture, toys, and art. It might also include craft supplies and tools. For creatives and crafty individuals, this could be the perfect work-from-home job.

If you decide to become an Etsy shop owner, there are certain details you will have to manage in the process of running your shop:

  • Product development: Involves creating new and unique products that will appeal to Etsy’s customer base, plus sourcing materials for your products.
  • Branding: Requires creating a catchy name and designing logos, packaging, shop design, etc. to go with it.
  • Shop management: Creating listings for each product, setting prices, and creating detailed product descriptions.
  • Marketing: Involves managing search engine optimization (SEO) for Etsy algorithm plus promoting products on social media channels like Pinterest and Facebook.

As you can see, there is more to running an Etsy shop than just creating beautiful products. In fact, this can become an entire family business on its own. However, you can consider this work-from-home job if the responsibilities sound doable to you.

Salary: up to $65,000/month.

47. Online Video Editor

An online video editor is a professional who specializes in creating, manipulating, and producing content for channels like YouTube, social media, corporate websites, or online ads. They typically work with digital footage to cut, splice, add effects, and enhance video quality.

Some of the specific skills you will need as an online video editor are:

  • Proficiency with editing software: You will need to be able to edit videos with software like Adobe Premier Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve.
  • Creativity: You will need creativity to imagine the end result and create a product that achieves the desired goal.
  • Technical skills: Video editors should understand technical details, such as codecs, formats, and export settings for various platforms.
  • Time management: You may sometimes run up against tight deadlines as a video editor, so you will need time management skills to ensure you can meet them.

For some, video editing can be a great work-from-home job, especially for creative types with a passion for video. This medium isn’t going away anytime soon, either, so there should be strong demand well into the future.

Pay: Up to $39/hour.

48. Remote UX/UI Designer

Remote UX/UI developers create the best user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) for websites, mobile applications, and other digital products and services. Their work should help to make these interfaces not only easier for consumers to use but more enjoyable to use as well.

Like other work-from-home jobs, being a great UX/UI requires some specific skills:

  • Proficiency with design tools: As a UX/UI designer, you will need proficiency with design tools like Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma, or InVision.
  • Understanding of design principles: You must have a deep understanding of user-focused design principles, usability, and accessibility standards.
  • Strong design skills: Designers must have an eye for good typography, composition, and use of color.
  • Problem-solving: Be able to approach and solve problems creatively.

Helping companies with their UI and UX design is something that will only get more in demand in the coming years. This is one that AI likely won’t replace any time soon, as this job is about designing for humans — not computers.

Salary: up to $161,000/year.

49. Animator

An animator is someone who creates animations, which can be anything from sketches to advanced 3D models. Animators work in various fields, such as film, television, video games, and digital media.

Key responsibilities for animators include:

  • Designing characters: These professionals often create the visual elements for animation, including character models and environments.
  • Animating scenes: Use various techniques to create moving characters and objects.
  • Editing: Often, animators have to adjust things to ensure they look just right.
  • Collaborating: Animators work with others involved in the production process to ensure the animation looks as expected.

This is another job that you can do from home thanks to the internet. All you need is access to the right software, such as Adobe Photoshop.

Salary: up to $95,000/year.

Where to Find Remote Jobs

No matter what job you seek, there are many ways to find work-from-home jobs that can earn good money. Finding a job by networking might be the most effective way since you probably don’t have a ton of experience yet.

However, there are numerous sites out there to help you find work-from-home jobs. Jobs are available from New York City to California and beyond. Here are some of the places to find remote jobs:

Fiverr And Upwork

If you are currently searching for freelance work, there’s a good chance you have heard of these sites. In reality, the pay you will find on these sites will probably be on the lower side because so many people offer services on them.

The one good thing about these sites is they offer a variety of freelance work, making them a one-stop shop. You might have a better chance here if you can differentiate yourself in a narrow niche.

Get started onFiverrandUpwork.

Also, check out these Fiverr alternatives!

ProBlogger, Freelance Writing Gigs, All Freelance Writing

I am lumping these sites together because, as you can probably guess, they are mostly writing-focused. You will find a few different types of gigs on these sites: freelance writing, blogging, copywriting, and editing.

All types of writing niches are represented, so if you’re interested in writing, these sites are a good place to start.

Get started onProBlogger,Freelance Writing Gigs, andAll Freelance Writing.

Remote.Co And Remote.io

These two are more general remote work sites – however, Remote.co is fairly tech-focused. In fact, this site has a bunch of categories along the top, and then you’ll notice “non-tech” is just one category.

So, it’s a whole bunch of tech categories plus the few jobs that aren’t. This is the place to start if you’re looking for a web development/programming job.

Remote.io is a little more generalized. Plus, they have a separate part-time jobs category that is ideal for if you want to find work online.

Get started onRemote.coandRemote.io.

Conclusion on Best Work-from-Home Jobs

Getting started has never been easier if you are looking for great work-from-home jobs. There are thousands of job opportunities out there at any given time.

With these work-from-home jobs, all you need is to find your routing number, and you’ll be able to get paid easily.

Of course, that also means it’s more competitive. It’s easier foranyoneto get started, meaning you’ll need an edge on the competition if possible.

How do you do that? It can help to connect with potential colleagues and have previous experience. You may not have a lot of experience or an extensive network of friends, but get creative. You can build your own portfolio with a blog, and you can network on social media sites.

Hopefully, you have found this helpful in finding the best online jobs from home. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments.

49 Work From Home Jobs To Make Money Now - The Frugal Fellow (1)


49 Work From Home Jobs To Make Money Now - The Frugal Fellow (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.