4✔ Key Facts About Whether Rigid Foam Insulation Requires a Vapour Barrier [Infographic]| Q1 2024 | (2024)

Foam rigid insulation such as Celotex, Kingspan or Xtratherm has become a popular choice for many homeowners due to its energy efficiency and thermal performance. However, when it comes to installing foam rigid insulation, one question that arises is whether a vapour barrier is needed. In this blog post, we will explore the role of vapour barriers that comes with foam rigid insulation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using this type of insulation. We will examine how the aluminium foil on foam insulation boards functions as a vapour barrier, how it reflects heat, and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using this type of insulation.
By the end of this blog post, readers will have a better understanding of the different options available for foam insulation and how to choose the best insulation solution for their needs.

4✔ Key Facts About Whether Rigid Foam Insulation Requires a Vapour Barrier [Infographic]| Q1 2024 | (1)Table of Contents:



4✔ Key Facts About Whether Rigid Foam Insulation Requires a Vapour Barrier [Infographic]| Q1 2024 | (2)Water vapour plays an important role in the thermal insulation of a building. When water vapour penetrates into insulation materials, it can reduce their insulating properties and potentially cause damage to the building structure. Therefore, it is essential to manage water vapour effectively in order to maintain the thermal performance of insulation and prevent problems such as condensation and mould growth.

One way to manage water vapour is to use a vapour barrier. A vapour barrier is a material that is impermeable to water vapour and is placed on the warm side of the insulation. This helps to prevent water vapour from entering the insulation, where it could condense and cause damage.

However, it is important to note that while a vapour barrier can be effective in preventing moisture issues, it can also create problems if installed incorrectly.

If a vapour barrier is placed on the wrong side of the insulation or is not sealed properly, it can trap moisture inside the wall or roof assembly, leading to rot, corrosion, and other problems.

Another way to manage water vapour is to use insulation materials that are vapour-permeable, meaning that they allow water vapour to pass through. This can be particularly important in climates where the humidity level is high or where there is a lot of moisture in the air, such as in coastal regions. Examples of vapour-permeable insulation materials include mineral wool and open-cell spray foam.

In summary, the role of water vapour in thermal insulation cannot be ignored. It is important to manage it effectively through the use of proper insulation materials and vapour barriers to maintain the thermal performance of the building and prevent moisture-related problems.

Readmore: 7 types of Mambranes that couse more problems than solve?


4✔ Key Facts About Whether Rigid Foam Insulation Requires a Vapour Barrier [Infographic]| Q1 2024 | (3)Rigid insulation foam boards, such as Celotex, Kingspan or Xtratherm, are typically made by combining various materials, such as polyurethane or polyisocyanurate foam, with additives and binders. These materials are then formed into a board-like shape, which can be cut to size and shape as needed.

The aluminium foil on foam insulation boards serves several purposes. One of the main purposes is to act as a vapour barrier, preventing moisture from penetrating the insulation and potentially causing damage or reducing the insulation's effectiveness. Additionally, the foil can help reflect radiant heat, improving energy efficiency and reducing heating and cooling costs. The foil may also provide a protective layer to help prevent damage to the insulation from UV radiation, chemicals or other environmental factors.

Overall, the aluminium foil layer is an important component of foam insulation boards, helping to improve their performance and durability. It is important to note that proper installation is critical to ensure the vapour barrier functions as intended, so it is recommended to consult with insulation professionals or follow manufacturer guidelines when installing foam insulation boards with aluminium foil.


The short answer is - it depends. In general, if the foam rigid insulation is installed correctly and sealed properly, a vapour barrier may not be necessary. However, there are certain situations where a vapour barrier is recommended, such as in areas with high humidity levels or where there is a risk of moisture infiltration.
Here are some examples and details that expand on the topic of whether rigid foam insulation needs a vapour barrier

Cold climates

In colder climates, it is important to prevent moisture from penetrating the insulation layer, as this can lead to condensation and potentially cause damage or reduce the insulation's effectiveness. In these cases, an extra vapour barrier is often recommended to prevent moisture from seeping into the insulation layer.

High humidity levels

In areas with high humidity levels, such as bathrooms, laundry rooms or kitchens, a vapour barrier is typically recommended to prevent moisture from building up and causing damage. This is particularly important for PIR foam insulation, as the foam material can absorb moisture and potentially degrade over time, especially at joints or gaps where moisture can infiltrate.

Improper installation

Even if PIR foam insulation is designed to be a vapour barrier, if it is not installed correctly, it may not function as intended. Improper installation can result in gaps or holes in the insulation layer, which can allow moisture to seep through. In these cases, a separate vapour barrier may be needed to ensure adequate moisture control.

Combination with other insulation types

In some cases, PIR rigid foam insulation may be combined with other types of insulation, such as batt insulation. In these situations, it may be necessary to use a vapour barrier to ensure proper moisture control and prevent moisture from building up between the insulation layers.

Overall, whether or not a vapour barrier is needed with PIR foam rigid insulation depends on a variety of factors, including climate, humidity levels and installation quality.
It is important to consult with insulation professionals or follow manufacturer guidelines to determine the best insulation solution for a specific project.


If a vapour barrier is required, it can be attached over the foam insulation. If the vapour barrier is placed over the insulation, it will need to be sealed carefully to prevent any moisture from entering.
When attaching a vapour barrier to foam board insulation, it is important to ensure a proper fit and seal to prevent any moisture from penetrating. One option is to use
adhesive tape to attach the vapour barrier directly to the foam board. This is a common method and is effective when installed properly.


While rigid foam insulation can be an effective method for insulating a building, there are some potential disadvantages to consider, especially in terms of vapour barriers.

One potential disadvantage is that rigid foam insulation can be more difficult to install than other types of insulation. This is because it requires precise cutting and fitting, as well as careful sealing at all joints and edges to prevent air infiltration and ensure proper vapour barrier protection. To find out how to cut PIR isulation clik here

Another disadvantage is that rigid foam insulation can be more prone to moisture buildup and damage than other types of insulation. This is particularly true if the insulation is not installed properly or if there are gaps or cracks in the insulation, which can allow moisture to infiltrate and potentially lead to mould growth, rot, or other forms of water damage.

Furthermore, rigid foam insulation may not be suitable for all building applications, such as in areas with high seismic activity or in buildings with complex or irregular shapes, due to its relatively inflexible nature.

Overall, while rigid foam insulation can offer several benefits in terms of energy efficiency and insulation performance, it is important to carefully weigh the potential disadvantages, especially in terms of vapour barrier protection, when considering this type of insulation for a particular building project.


Polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam board insulation has a relatively low permeability, meaning it can resist the passage of moisture to a certain extent. However, it is not typically recommended to rely on PIR foam board insulation as a standalone vapour barrier.4✔ Key Facts About Whether Rigid Foam Insulation Requires a Vapour Barrier [Infographic]| Q1 2024 | (4)

While the foam board insulation can slow the movement of moisture through it, it is not completely impermeable, and moisture can still potentially penetrate the material over time. Additionally, any joints or seams in the insulation can create areas of vulnerability where moisture may be able to infiltrate.

Therefore, it is generally recommended to use a separate vapour barrier in conjunction with PIR foam board insulation in order to provide adequate moisture protection.

This can help to ensure that the insulation remains effective and does not degrade over time due to moisture infiltration.


Combining rigid foam and batt insulation is a common approach to insulation in many buildings. This method involves using rigid foam insulation as the primary insulation layer and batt insulation as a secondary layer. The rigid foam insulation is typically installed on the exterior of the building, while the batt insulation is installed within the wall or ceiling cavities.

When using this approach, it is important to ensure that the vapour barrier is installed correctly. The vapour barrier should be installed on the warm side of the insulation to prevent moisture from penetrating the insulation and potentially causing damage or reducing the insulation's effectiveness.

One potential disadvantage of this approach is that it can be more difficult to achieve an effective vapour barrier when combining rigid foam and batt insulation. The batt insulation can create gaps or voids within the insulation layer, which can allow moisture to enter and potentially cause issues.

Additionally, combining rigid foam and batt insulation can be more expensive than using one type of insulation alone. However, this approach can provide a higher level of insulation and energy efficiency, particularly in colder climates where insulation is particularly important.

Overall, combining rigid foam and batt insulation can be an effective insulation strategy, but it is important to ensure that the vapour barrier is installed correctly to prevent moisture issues. It is also important to consider the cost and benefits of this approach compared to other insulation options.


4✔ Key Facts About Whether Rigid Foam Insulation Requires a Vapour Barrier [Infographic]| Q1 2024 | (5)A vapour barrier is recommended in situations where there is a risk of moisture infiltration or high humidity levels. For example, in regions with cold winters and warm summers, a vapour barrier is typically necessary to prevent moisture from entering the insulation during the winter and getting trapped inside during the summer, which can lead to mold growth, rot, and other issues.

In general, a vapour barrier should be installed on the warm side of the insulation, which is typically the interior of the building. However, in some cases, such as in hot and humid climates, it may be necessary to install a vapour barrier on the exterior side of the insulation to prevent moisture from entering the wall assembly.

Here are some examples of different climates and countries and their varying needs for vapour barriers with insulation:

UK: The UK has a temperate maritime climate, with relatively mild winters and cool summers. Due to the high levels of precipitation and humidity, vapour barriers are often recommended when installing foam insulation to prevent moisture from entering the building envelope.

Spain: Spain has a Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. In this climate, vapour barriers are less commonly used due to the low humidity levels. However, in areas with high humidity or near coastal regions, vapour barriers may still be necessary to prevent moisture infiltration.

Canada: Canada has a diverse range of climates, from cold, snowy winters in the north to mild, rainy winters in the west coast. In all climates, vapour barriers are typically recommended when installing insulation to prevent moisture from entering the building envelope and causing damage.

United States: The United States also has a diverse range of climates, from the hot, humid south to the cold, dry north. In general, vapour barriers are recommended in areas with high humidity or where there is a risk of moisture infiltration, such as coastal regions or areas prone to flooding.

It is important to consider the specific climate and environmental conditions when determining whether a vapour barrier is necessary with insulation, and to follow local building codes and regulations.


Foam board insulation with a built-in vapour barrier can be a convenient and effective solution for preventing moisture infiltration and improving energy efficiency. These types of insulation boards typically have an aluminium foil layer on one side that acts as a vapour barrier.

Foam board insulation with a vapour barrier is particularly useful in areas with high humidity levels, where moisture infiltration can be a significant problem. In these situations, installing a separate vapour barrier can be time-consuming and costly, and a foam board insulation with a built-in vapour barrier can provide a more efficient solution.

It is important to note that foam board insulation with a vapour barrier may not be suitable for all applications. For example, in areas with very low humidity levels, a separate vapour barrier may not be necessary, and using a foam board insulation with a built-in vapour barrier may result in excessive moisture retention and potential mould growth.

In countries like the UK and Spain, where the climate can be damp and humid, foam board insulation with a vapour barrier is commonly used in building insulation applications. In the UK, for example, it is common practice to install foam board insulation with a vapour barrier in external walls, roofs, and floors to prevent moisture infiltration and improve energy efficiency. In Spain, where the climate is typically warm and humid, foam board insulation with a vapour barrier is often used in walls and roofs to prevent moisture infiltration and improve thermal insulation.

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4✔ Key Facts About Whether Rigid Foam Insulation Requires a Vapour Barrier [Infographic]| Q1 2024 | (2024)


4✔ Key Facts About Whether Rigid Foam Insulation Requires a Vapour Barrier [Infographic]| Q1 2024 |? ›

In general, if the foam rigid insulation is installed correctly and sealed properly, a vapour barrier may not be necessary. However, there are certain situations where a vapour barrier is recommended, such as in areas with high humidity levels or where there is a risk of moisture infiltration.

Do you still need a vapor barrier with spray foam insulation? ›

Closed-cell spray foam insulation, on the other hand, is completely moisture-resistant. Because it creates a moisture barrier on its own, there is no need to install a separate vapor barrier as long as a sufficient quantity of insulation has been implemented—typically around 1.5 inches thick.

Does insulation need a vapor barrier? ›

Building codes require a vapor barrier on the interior or exterior of the insulation based on climate zones. Building scientists recommend applying vapor barriers with insulation to enhance your building or home's indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency.

Does rigid foam insulation need to be covered? ›

Yes. Foam insulation means it has air cavities than can be crushed or saturated and then form dents or dimples that hold water. Foam insulation usually comes in sheets that have seams which are difficult to tape long term and which often leak. Roofing and siding materials are designed to shed water.

What are the disadvantages of rigid foam insulation? ›

Cons. Rigid foam insulation can be less efficient if a crack goes unprotected. The result is potentially higher energy costs. Additionally, rigid foam does not expand to fill gaps, so air and moisture leaks are more common.

Does foam board insulation have a vapor barrier? ›

Rigid foam board, especially foil-faced polyisocyanurate, creates a vapor-impermeable barrier, so the wall would have limited drying potential.

Does foam insulation act as a vapor barrier? ›

Quality closed cell foam insulation acts as a vapor barrier and does not absorb moisture; at the same time, the insulation prevents leakage by closing air gaps. With proper installation of foam insulation, the house should be well sealed and allow the house to breathe.

How do I know if I need a vapor barrier? ›

Homes, where the indoor and outdoor temperatures vary dramatically, will typically need vapor barriers. Since warm, moisture-laden air seeks to flow toward colder temperatures, if you live in a hot climate and use air conditioning, your vapor barrier should be closer to the exterior of the structure.

What are the rules for vapor barriers? ›

The vapor barrier requirements by code depend on the climate zone and the building's construction. The 2021 International Residential Code R702. 7 and the 2021 International Building Code 1404.3 mandate using Class I or II vapor retarders inside framed walls in climate zones 5, 6, 7, 8, and Marine 4.

Can mold grow on rigid insulation? ›

Expanded polystyrene foam boards are made with air bubbles that stop heat transfer. Unfortunately, those same air bubbles collect moisture which leads to mold and mildew growth. Solution: Rigid foam board insulation products are actually made to be water resistant.

Can you leave rigid foam board insulation exposed? ›

Can I Leave Foam Board Insulation Exposed on Interior Walls? While there are no UV rays to destroy the foam board's insulative properties, interior exposure can create a fire hazard.

Can you put rigid foam insulation over drywall? ›

A: I recommend keeping your work process as simple and clean as possible, and rigid foam can certainly help you achieve this. Install 1 1/2-inch- or two-inch-thick sheets right over existing drywall wall surfaces (held in place with a few dabs of construction adhesive), then put new drywall on top.

What are the cons of foam board? ›

Because foam board insulation isn't flexible, it does a poor job filling the gaps and cracks that exist in walls. As a result, air passes though these areas. Air traveling in an out will bring moisture with it. This can lead to a multitude of problems such as mold, mildew and rot.

What are the negatives of foam board? ›

Common polystyrene foam insulation board is easy to burn, and toxic smoke produced by combustion. Even adding a flame retardant, the combustion can only reach B grade. 3. Material strength is poor, prone to crack and insulation shedding phenomenon is relatively common.

What are the pros and cons of foam boards? ›

The Pros and Cons of Rigid Foam Board Insulation
  • Prevents Air Leaks. One of the most important things that insulation does is prevent air leaks. ...
  • Controls Moisture. It is common knowledge that moisture and wood are not a good mix. ...
  • Reduces Noise. ...
  • Not Fire Resistant. ...
  • Difficult to Install. ...
  • Expensive Insulation.
Aug 22, 2022

What is the disadvantage of spray foam insulation? ›

Spray foam insulation mold problems are quite common. Especially with closed-cell spray foam, which is rigid. Mold and mildew can begin growing behind the insulation which can go unnoticed until it's already become a huge problem.

Does spray foam insulation trap moisture? ›

Open-cell spray foam can also be effective for managing moisture in the home. Its vapor permeability can enhance an assembly's ability to dry through diffusion if it gets wet, and although it may absorb some moisture, it will allow the water to drain through.

Can moisture penetrate spray foam insulation? ›

Does spray foam absorb water? Yes, there are open cell spray foams on the market that will absorb water, but that doesn't mean they all do. The spray foam used here at RetroFoam of Michigan does get wet and water even moves through it, but it doesn't trap moisture indefinitely. This means it will dry out.

Does spray foam stop moisture? ›

Let's answer the burning question, can spray foam insulation prevent water damage. Spray foam insulation is the only type of insulation that will prevent outside moisture from entering your home. Other types, such as fiberglass, won't provide enough of a barrier to keep the water out.

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