4 Effective Ways Service Members Can Use the TSP F Fund (2024)

11 Aug 4 Effective Ways Service Members Can Use the TSP F Fund

Posted at 18:55hin SavebyLacey Langford, AFC®

The TSP F Fund is an individual fund available within the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) to invest your contributions. Knowing the most effective way to use the F Fund can help you earn more money in the long run and reach your investment goals.

The most effective ways for service members to use the TSP F Fund are for diversification, lower risk, and capital preservation.

Before I jump in, just a reminder…

I’m a financial coach and don’t give investment advice. My article is intended to educate you on the F Fund. If you want financial advice for your unique financial situation, I recommend reaching out to a financial coach or fee-only financial planner for help.

Related reading: How to Get Free Financial Help

Table of Contents

What’s the TSP F Fund?

The F Fund is the Fixed Income Index Investment Fund. The goal of the fund is to match the performance of Bloomberg Barclays’ U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. So the F Fund is a bond index fund*.

It’s one of five individual funds available in the TSP. The F Fund gives you the option to invest your TSP contributions into investment-grade fixed-income securities. Because they’re investment-grade securities, the risk is lower than other bond funds.

*Terminology note: An index fund is a mutual or exchange-traded fund that copies the performance of an existing list of stocks or bonds.

Further reading: Which is Better: The Traditional vs. Roth TSP

What’s in the F Fund?

The fund holds only high-quality notes and bonds that mature* in more than a year. Recently the fund has been comprised of government, secured, and credit bonds.

Although the fund mimics the Bloomberg Barclays’ U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, not every security in the index is held in the TSP. Since it has over 11k bonds and notes, that’s a little many to have every single one represented in the F Fund.

Because of that, a selection of asset-backed (which means secured), U.S. government, corporate, and foreign government securities is made to include in the F index fund.

*Terminology note: Maturity is when the bond issuer (whoever issued the bond) pays the original value of the bond to the bondholder (you) and the bond you hold no longer pays interest.

What Bonds Are in the TSP?

Bonds are fixed-income investments where investors (you) loan money to a corporation or government. Just like you and me, federal and state governments, corporations, and municipalities need or want to borrow money for some reason. Bonds are a way for those entities to take out a loan to pay for things like new bridges, buildings, or projects.

Bonds are also called fixed-income securities. That’s because, in exchange for you loaning them money, they’ll pay you a fixed interest rate on the loan amount, a.k.a, bond principal.

Who Manages the F Fund?

For many years, BlackRock Institutional Trust Company solely managed the TSP F Fund. Or, as I like to call them, BRock. After review by a consulting firm, it was recommended to the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board that it probably wasn’t the best idea to have all of the F, C, S, and I Funds with one investment firm.

In April 2021, a second TSP manager was added. Now, BlackRock manages about 80% of the F Fund. The other 20% is managed by State Street Global Advisors.

Rate of Return

Since its inception in 1988, the average annual return is 6.04%. Here are the latest rates of return.

2021 Year-to-Date-1.49%
1 Year-.18%
3 Year5.40%
5 Year3.14%
10 Year3.63%

Investment Fees

In case you weren’t aware, investments aren’t free. Everything has a cost, including the TSP. The total expense ratio for the F Fund is .060% which means that the TSP and investment managers charge $.0600 for every $1,000 you invest in the fund.

When broken down further…

The administration expense the TSP charges is $.480 for every $1,000 you invest. And BlackRock & State Street Global Advisors charges $.120 for every $1,000 you invest.

Effective Ways to Use the F Fund

How and when you use bonds depends on your investing goals. Here are some of the ways the F Fund can be effective.

See Also
TSP S Fund

When you Want Diversification (Yes! Please)

Since the fund holds different types of bonds, it helps diversify your TSP. If one bond isn’t performing so hot, you have others to help make up the difference.

If you’re adding the F Fund to your overall TSP portfolio, bonds are a good diversification for stocks as well.

When You Want More Return

Bond’s prices move inversely to interest rates. That just means if interest rates increase, bond prices go down. And if interest rates go down, bond prices are going to increase.

The F Fund allows you to earn a higher rate of return than the G Fund because it has longer-term securities.

Related reading: The Best Uses of the G Fund

When you Want Lower Risk

The F index can be good if you have a lower risk tolerance. Bonds have less risk than stocks because they’re a debt instrument, whereas stocks are equity. Equity is the ownership of a company. Investing in debt (i.e., bonds) is safer because, in the hierarchy of who gets paid first when something goes wrong, debtholders get first dibs on payback before shareholders (equity).

When You Want to Preserve Capital

Bonds do have some risk, but if you want to preserve capital, the F Fund is an effective method to accomplish that investing goal. With almost 40% of the portfolio invested in government notes and bonds, the risk is low.

And it’s not just the government backing of bonds that helps reduce risk. The F Fund only invests in investment-grade securities. This means the company has a bond credit rating of “BBB” or higher as determined by Standard and Poor’s or Moody’s.

Terminology note: Preserve capital means you don’t lose the initial amount you invested.

The Risk in a Bond Index Fund

Every investment has its risks. Before you commit with your money, it’s good to know the risks to help decide how you want to invest. Here are the risks in the TSP bond index fund.

Credit Risk

Credit risk is the possibility that the company or bond issuer won’t repay their debt. The risk is your won’t get your money back or your interest payments.

Inflation Risk

Inflation risk is the possibility that the rate of return you earn won’t keep up with inflation. The risk is you’ll lose purchasing power because your money is not making more than inflation rates.

Interest Rate Risk

Interest rate risk—also called market risk— is the possibility bonds will lose value when interest rates rise. The risk is that bonds in your TSP will decrease value because new bonds pay a higher interest rate.

Prepayment Risk

Prepayment risk is the possibility that an investment you make will be returned early if interest rates fall. The risk is you won’t receive the total amount of interest payments on your investment.

Thrift Savings Plan Fund Comparisons

The F Fund isn’t the only fund available in the TSP. They may be another individual fund or combination of funds you prefer.

TSP F Fund vs. G Fund

The main difference between the two funds is that the G is invested in short-term government securities, and the F tracks an aggregate bond index fund.

The F Fund provides a higher return than the G Fund but with a little more risk. However, the risk is still lower than other individual funds in the TSP.

The 5-year average return of the F Fund is 3.14%, while the 5-year average return of the G is 1.99%.

Further reading: Best Uses of the G Fund for Service Members

F vs. C and S Fund

The C and S Fund both have investment objectives to match the performance of stock index funds, while the F aims to match the performance of the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index.

The C Fund matches Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) Index, which are large to medium-sized companies. The S Fund tracks the Dow Jones U.S. Completion Total Stock Market Index, which holds small to medium-sized companies in the U.S.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the F Fund.

What is the TSP F Fund Ticker Symbol?

There’s no ticker symbol for the F Fund. Since it’s an index fund, it doesn’t have one. Ticker symbols are for stocks and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), which trade like stocks.

Further reading: What is an ETF?

Is the F Fund better than the G Fund?

The answer depends on what you’re looking for. The F Fund has had a better rate of return in the last 15 years. The G Fund is intended to preserve your investment. If that’s your goal, then the G Fund might be the better investment for you. If you’re looking to have a greater rate of return, then the F Fund would be better for that.

Is the F Fund a good investment?

It’s a good investment if your investing goals are in alignment with the objective of the F Fund, which is for diversification, lower risk than the G Fund, and capital preservation. But it still has risks just like any investment.

Related podcast: Understanding Funds for Your TSP

Here’s the Bottom Line

The most effective ways to use the TSP F Fund are for diversification, lower risk, and capital preservation. Knowing them and aligning them with your investment goals can help achieve those goals. If you want to have diversification, lower risk, capital preservation, or a rate of return greater than the G Fund, the bond index fund could be an option to add to your TSP portfolio.

If you want to “kickstart” your finances in the military, you can get access to my free Financial Kickstart Kit here.

4 Effective Ways Service Members Can Use the TSP F Fund (1)

Featured image by Airman Katherine Jacobus

4 Effective Ways Service Members Can Use the TSP F Fund (2024)


How does the TSP F fund work? ›

How can I use the F Fund in my TSP? In periods of falling interest rates, the F Fund will experience gains from the resulting rise in bond prices. So in the long run, you may expect F Fund returns to exceed those of the G Fund; however, you should also expect greater price volatility (up and down movements).

What is the best way to use TSP? ›

Save a Percentage Instead of a Dollar Amount

If you feel daunted by your TSP plan, consider contributing the same percentage of your check per pay period, instead of a specific dollar amount. This way, if your compensation increases, the amount you contribute will increase at the same rate as well.

Is the TSP F fund a good investment right now? ›

Is the F Fund a good investment? It's a good investment if your investing goals are in alignment with the objective of the F Fund, which is for diversification, lower risk than the G Fund, and capital preservation. But it still has risks just like any investment.

What are the TSP options for military? ›

Roth TSP: With the introduction of Roth TSP, Soldiers have the potential for two types of balances in the TSP account: TSP and Roth TSP. The Soldier's own contributions can be designated as traditional TSP or Roth TSP. Roth contributions are taken out of the paycheck after income is taxed.

What is the most aggressive TSP fund? ›

The Aggressive Funds

The C, S, and I funds are the more aggressive of the funds in the TSP. The reason they are called “aggressive” is because they have a much higher chance of sustaining major growth over time. But because of this, they can also be much more volatile than the G and F funds.

How long is the F fund in the TSP? ›

The TSP's F-fund is passively managed and tracks the Barclays US Aggregate Bond Market Index, which is made up of a broad range of fixed-income investments from the total US bond market. The index contains roughly 7000 individual bonds with an average duration of 5.1 years and an average yield of around 4.1%.

How can I maximize my TSP benefits? ›

To receive the maximum Agency or Service Matching Contributions, you must contribute 5% of your basic pay each pay period.

What should you not use TSP on? ›

Avoid using trisodium phosphate on metal surfaces, particularly aluminum. The solution can darken and corrode metals, leaving them looking dull and pitted. Avoid using TSP on hardwoods like oak and maple, because TSP will darken wood after cleaning with it.

How much should I have in my TSP at 40? ›

In order to attain this, Fidelity suggests you focus on achieving certain benchmarks. At 30, you should have half of your annual salary saved. By 40, you should have twice your salary, and by 50, you should aim for about four times your salary in retirement savings.

What does TSP F fund invest in? ›

Fixed Income Index Investment Fund

The objective of the F Fund is to match the performance of the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, a broad index representing the U.S. bond market. The F Fund invests in a bond index fund that tracks the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index.

What happens to F fund when interest rates rise? ›

Generally, if market interest rates rise, the value of your F Fund shares will fall, and vice versa. The effect of rising interest rates is offset, to some extent, by the interest payments that are periodically received from the bonds and credited to the shares' value.

What TSP funds does Dave Ramsey recommend? ›

In a nutshell, Ramsey advises federal employees to invest at least 5% in a Roth TSP, then invest the rest in a Roth IRA. He also recommends investing in a handful of TSP funds -- funds C,S, and I -- with a higher percent in the C Fund (at least 60 to 80%).

How do I avoid paying taxes on my TSP withdrawal? ›

Eligible rollover distributions of your traditional balance may be rolled over to a traditional IRA, an eligible employer plan, or a Roth IRA. taxed in the current year, and no income tax will be withheld. You won't be taxed on this money until you withdraw it from the traditional IRA or the eligible employer plan.

Why isn t the military matching my TSP? ›

Most Military Members Don't Get Matching TSP Contributions

It's not that military members can't get them, it's that you probably don't. The secretary of each branch of the armed forces is authorized to allow matching contributions for servicemembers in critical specialties.

Is TSP worth it for military? ›

Your TSP is a Military Thrift Savings Plan, and it's very similar to a civilian's 401(k). You don't have to pay any taxes on your TSP as you're investing, so it's a much better option than some other investment plans. A TSP is offered not only to military members but also to all other federal employees.

What is the most volatile TSP fund? ›

By this measure, the I Fund is the riskiest, with a maximum drawdown of -60.89%, which occurred during the 2008-2009 global financial crisis. (An investor who'd bought the fund at its peak in 2007 would have experienced a 60.89% loss by March 2009).

How to become a millionaire with TSP? ›

TSP contributions and investing should be top of mind when you begin your federal career. An employee who earns 50,000 per year and contributes 2,500 dollars with a 2,500-dollar match from the government can reach the TSP millionaire dollar mark in 25-30 years by investing aggressively.

Why is the TSP F fund losing money? ›

This is due to default concerns and investors demanding a higher interest rate on riskier corporate bonds. In other words, even in a falling interest rate environment the TSP F fund can lose out to other pure Treasury funds or the TSP G fund because of a flight-to-safety risk during financial stress.

How is the F fund doing today? ›

Thrift Savings Plan F Fund Monthly Returns is at 0.60%, compared to 2.55% last month and -3.75% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 0.45%.

What is the yield of the F fund? ›

Its yield to maturity hovers around 3.9%, and the average coupon is 2.6%. The average maturity is 8.9 years, and the average duration is 6.7 years.

What is the TSP F fund performance in 2023? ›

The fixed income bonds in the F fund, however, lost 1.1% in May. That fund's 2023 performance remained in the black, at 2.62%. The international stocks of the I Fund dropped 4.01% last month.

What is the safest TSP fund? ›

The G fund is often described as the safest of the TSP investment funds. Sometimes it is called the “super safe” G fund that “never has a bad day.” It invests in short-term, non-marketable U.S. Treasury securities guaranteed by the federal government.

What is the TSP catch up for 2023? ›

Your catch-up contributions will be in addition to the 2023 TSP regular contribution limit, which means employees can contribute up to $30,000 in 2023. To maximize the catch-up contribution amount of $7,500 for 2023, employees will need to contribute an additional $288 per pay period ($7,500/26 = $288.46).

When should I max out my TSP? ›

If you're under age 50, you and your employer can contribute $66,000 total to your TSP, 401k or other tax-advantaged retirement account. If you're at least 50 years old, the total 2023 contribution limit is $73,500. Here's a breakdown of the 2023 Thrift Savings Plan contribution limits.

Can I use TSP to clean my bathtub? ›

However, if your bathtub has some tough stains, follow the following steps: Mix a teaspoon of trisodium phosphate cleaner (TSP) with hot water. Apply the solution on the stain with gentle rubbing using a sponge and rinse well.

Can I use TSP as cleaner? ›

TSP is excellent for cleaning and removing heavy deposits of grease, grime, smoke, soot stains and chalked paint from walls, woodwork and floors. TSP when mixed with bleach can be used to remove mold and mildew stains.

Can I use TSP to clean my deck? ›

Tri- sodium phosphate (TSP) eats away the built-up dirt on the deck while oxalic acid brings out the grain and original brightness and color of the wood. The best part is these chemicals are safe for treated lumber or to prep for re-staining or coating your deck or patio.

How long will $400,000 last in retirement? ›

The rule essentially states that you can withdraw 4% annually from a well-diversified retirement portfolio, adjust your 4% every year for inflation, and expect your money to last for at least 30 years.

How long will 500k last in retirement? ›

If you retire with $500k in assets, the 4% rule says that you should be able to withdraw $20,000 per year for a 30-year (or longer) retirement. So, if you retire at 60, the money should ideally last through age 90. If 4% sounds too low to you, remember that you'll take an income that increases with inflation.

What is the best fund mix for TSP? ›

Your best bet is to stick with the C, S and I Funds. Here's the ratio we recommend for your portfolio: 80% in the C Fund, which is tied to the performance of the S&P 500. 10% in the S Fund, which includes stocks from small- to mid-sized companies that offer high risk and high return.

Which TSP fund is best for 2023? ›

TSP Performance Up in March and Year-to-Date in 2023

This is the index on which the C Fund is based. The C Fund is up 7.49% so far in 2023. The Fund with the best return so far this year is the I Fund which is up 8.63%. Some investors will note that the I Fund is near the bottom in popularity among TSP investors.

Does the F fund pay dividends? ›

The fixed-income (F) fund's earnings come from changes in market prices as well as interest. Neither of those funds have any dividends.

When should I change my TSP allocation for 2023? ›

Employees wishing to reach the maximum regular contribution limit for 2023, in equal installments, should elect to contribute $866 per pay period starting in pay period 26, 2022.

What is the maximum TSP contribution for 2023 percentage? ›

The 2023 TSP contribution limit for employee deferrals is $22,500, a nearly 10% increase from the $20,500 limit in 2022. The IRS caps catch-up contributions at $7,500 in 2023, a $1,000 increase over the last three years. You can only make catch-up contributions if you're at least 50 years old.

What is the least risky TSP fund? ›

The G Fund is invested in short-term U.S. Treasury securities specially issued to the TSP. Payment of principal and interest is guaranteed by the U.S. government. Thus, there is no “credit risk.”

What are the most conservative TSP funds? ›

However, the L Income Fund is the most conservative of the L Funds. It focuses on money preservation while providing a small exposure to the riskier funds (C, S, and I Funds) in order to reduce inflation's effect on your purchasing power.

What is the return on the TSP F fund? ›

Thrift Savings Plan F Fund Monthly Returns (I:TSPFFMR)

Thrift Savings Plan F Fund Monthly Returns is at 0.60%, compared to 2.55% last month and -3.75% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 0.45%.

Can TSP make you a millionaire? ›

It varies with the stock market, but about 1% of Thrift Savings Plans have more than a million dollars in them. Most so-called TSP millionaires have been working for decades.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.