34 Frugal Living Tips That Really Work: Warren Buffett's Saving Money Habits (2024)

Welcome to my comprehensive guide for frugal living tips based on the teachings and lifestyle of billionaire Warren Buffett. If you’re in the early process of building wealth and reaching financial freedom, you’re in the right place. This article is inspired by one of the world’s most successful investors, Warren Buffett, renowned for his investment prowess and frugality.

Despite his immense wealth, Buffett is known to lead a relatively simple lifestyle compared to other billionaires. Some criticize him for being “cheap,” even his family. However, people need to understand that valuing money is his mental model and how his brain works. Early frugality allowed him to build capital fast as a young man. We would all be wise to value our money and spend and invest it wisely regardless of our net worth.

This guide will delve into 34 actionable frugal living tips rooted in Buffett’s financial principles, teaching, lifestyle, and quotes, helping you transform your financial habits, save money, and build wealth over time.

1. Live below your means

“I’m not interested in cars and my goal is not to make people envious. Don’t confuse the cost of living with the standard of living.” – Warren Buffett

Living below your means is about avoiding unnecessary expenses and a simple lifestyle. This is key to increasing your savings and reducing financial stress. Buffett believes in the quality of life, not consumerism. He has been happy with his standard of living for his entire life. He has simple tastes and doesn’t see the need to buy a huge mansion, yacht, or sports car. He doesn’t want to deal with managing lots of possessions.

2. Invest in yourself

“The best investment you can make is in yourself.” – Warren Buffett

Investing in your skills, knowledge, and well-being can lead to better opportunities and higher earnings in the future. This is a valuable long-term investment that can pay off in many ways. Knowledge can save you money, and your skills can save you money. Investing in yourself can help you be more frugal with how you spend and what skills you don’t have to pay for because you can do things yourself.

3. Understand the value of money

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” – Warren Buffett

Knowing the real value of money goes beyond the price tag. It means understanding the effort it took to earn that money and the true worth of what it can buy.

4. Never lose money

“Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No.1.” – Warren Buffett

You can steadily grow your wealth by preserving capital and avoiding risky investments. Always be mindful of potential losses before making investment decisions. Don’t lost money through reckless spending or investing,

5. Don’t get into debt

“Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.” – Warren Buffett

Debt can become a burden and limit your financial freedom. It’s better to avoid debt whenever possible and to prioritize paying off existing debts. Becoming debt-free is the right boat to be in; it makes personal finances so much easier.

6. Save before you spend

“Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving.” – Warren Buffett

By prioritizing saving, you can ensure that you’re steadily growing your wealth. It’s a strategy to prevent overspending and helps you to stick to your budget. Put yourself on the top of your payment list. Pay yourself first; who are you working for if you don’t?

7. Avoid credit card debt

“If you’re smart, you’re going to make a lot of money without borrowing.” – Warren Buffett

Credit card debt often comes with high-interest rates, making it a costly form of borrowing. By avoiding credit card debt, you can save significant money over time. Buffett recommends to many people that they will get the best returns by paying off existing high credit card debt.

8. Stick to your budget

Your budget is your strategy to implement Buffett’s personal finance principles.

A well-planned budget can help you better manage your income and expenses. It provides a roadmap for your spending decisions and can help prevent overspending and encourage savings.

9. Buy quality items that last

“It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.” – Warren Buffett

Look for value in your purchases like Buffett looks for value in his investments. By investing in quality items, you’ll spend more upfront but less in the long run because they tend to last longer. It’s better to buy one quality item than to repeatedly replace a poor-quality item.

10. Don’t follow trends; stick to classics

“Beware the investment activity that produces applause; the great moves are usually greeted by yawns.” – Warren Buffett

Following trends can lead to wasteful spending, especially when those trends quickly fade. Buying classic items that stand the test of time can provide better value for your money. Buffett has always worn the same timeless shoes and driven simple cars his entire life; he never tried to impress others with flashy things.

11. Be patient with your frugal spending

“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett

A frugal lifestyle is often a long-term endeavor. By being patient and allowing your savings and investments time to grow, you can reap larger rewards in the future if you keep making smart financial decisions.

12. Treat your savings as an expense

“Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” – Warren Buffett

Treating your savings as a necessary expense ensures that a portion of your income is consistently set aside for future needs, emergencies, or investment opportunities. Save first, then spend.

13. Prioritize value over price

“Whether we’re talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down.” – Warren Buffett

Just because something is cheap doesn’t mean it’s good value. Prioritizing value over price ensures you get the most out of your money. This can apply to everything from buying clothes to stocks.

14. Don’t buy things you don’t need

“If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.” – Warren Buffett

Excess spending on unnecessary items can lead to financial strain. It’s essential to differentiate between needs and wants to maintain a healthy financial state. You will have no money for saving or investing if you waste it on things that aren’t needed. Overspending and lack of impulse control can cause you to lose your home or have your car impounded in the worst-case scenario.

15. Understand the difference between price and value

“Price is what you pay, value is what you get.” – Warren Buffett

Understanding the difference between price and value can prevent you from making poor financial decisions. It’s not always about how much you spend but rather the quality or utility of your purchase.

16. Save a percentage of each paycheck

You must convert your earned income to savings and investments. Step one is being frugal, but step two is saving that money, and the final step is investing it.

Regularly saving a portion of your income can help build a substantial nest egg over time. It’s a consistent way to ensure you’re putting money away for the future.

17. Invest in things you understand

“Never invest in a business you cannot understand.” – Warren Buffett

Investing in what you understand helps you make informed decisions and reduces the chance of loss. Knowing the ins and outs of an investment makes you more likely to make a wise choice. You can be frugal and save money by learning to invest for yourself and avoid hefty money management fees.

18. Don’t take unnecessary financial risks

“Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” – Warren Buffett

Taking unnecessary financial risks can lead to significant losses. Ensure you understand your financial decisions’ implications to avoid potentially disastrous outcomes. Taking on big mortgages and car payments you can barely afford increases the risk of losing them if you don’t maintain your income. It’s not frugal to take on big financial risks.

19. Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses

Buffett never tried to keep up with Jeff Bezos by buying a super yacht or a mansion in Beverly Hills.

Competing with others in terms of material possessions can lead to unwise spending. Focus on your financial goals and needs rather than comparing yourself to others. Be true to yourself and what you want.

20. Limit dining out; cook at home instead

“I eat like a six-year-old.” – Warren Buffett

Eating out frequently can be a huge drain on your wallet. Preparing meals at home is more economical and allows you to control the quality and quantity of your food. Some of Buffett’s favorite places to eat are McDonald’s and Dairy Queen, cheap choices for a billionaire.

21. Maintain a simple lifestyle

Warren Buffett is a minimalist from the perspective of his net worth. His house is the same one he bought in 1958, and he has kept his car for over five years and for as long as his family will let him.

A simple lifestyle can reduce unnecessary expenses and keep you focused on what’s truly important. Remember that happiness and contentment can’t be bought.

22. Reinvest your profits

“My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and compound interest.” – Warren Buffett

Instead of spending all your profits, reinvesting them can lead to exponential growth. Compound interest, where the interest you earn also earns interest, is a powerful tool for wealth creation. If you’re frugal, you can let your capital compound and grow because you don’t need to take it out and spend it.

23. Do your research before buying

“Never invest in a business you cannot understand.” – Warren Buffett

The same principle applies to personal finance. Don’t blindly follow others’ advice. Research ensures you understand what you’re buying and its value and utility. Don’t make big purchases unless you fully understand the utility and risks.

24. Don’t waste money on non-essential items

Buffett hates wasting money. He sees it as his investment capital that can compound into the future.

Impulsive shopping for non-essential items can quickly eat into your savings. Think twice before purchasing and determine if it’s a need or a want.

25. Make frugality a habit, not a hardship

“Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.” – Warren Buffett

By making frugality a habit, you integrate money-saving behaviors into your daily life, making them easier to maintain over time. Your financial habits decide your destiny to wealth or staying broke, be careful what habit you start, as they are hard to break.

26. Avoid luxury items you can’t afford

Buffett has never been impressed with brand names, always choosing value and comfort over brands.

Spending money on luxury items you can’t comfortably afford can lead to financial stress. It’s better to save for things you need and can afford without strain.

27. Learn basic DIY skills

“I bought a house for $31,500 and I still live in it today.” – Warren Buffett

Mastering basic DIY skills can save you significant money on repairs and improvements. Like Warren Buffett, who still lives in his reasonably priced house, you can find value in making the most of what you have. It’s much cheaper to fix and maintain the house you have than to buy a new one.

28. Focus on long-term financial goals

“No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can’t produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.” – Warren Buffett

Patience is key when it comes to finances. Instead of seeking instant gratification, focus on your long-term financial goals. Slow and steady wins the race.

29. Practice conscious consumption

Buffett likes to focus on the math of his purchases.

Conscious consumption means making thoughtful decisions about what you purchase and use. This can prevent waste and save money.

30. Don’t let fear or greed drive your financial decisions

“The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.” – Warren Buffett

Making financial decisions based on fear or greed can lead to poor outcomes. Instead, take a calm and rational approach to all your finances. Greed is destructive to your finances through overspending. Fear is destructive, leading to not taking intelligent risks to grow your savings into investments.

31. Understand that time is money

“The most important commodity is time.” – Warren Buffett

Time is a valuable resource that should be managed wisely. Time wisely can lead to financial growth and personal satisfaction, much like investing money. Be frugal with your time, just like with your money, and spend it wisely.

32. Use cash instead of credit cards

Buffett has always carried around cash in his wallet, not credit cards. Spending real money can keep the connection between how much you’re spending more than swiping a credit card can.

Cash can help you avoid the credit card debt trap and high-interest rates. It can also promote better budgeting habits and make you more aware of the money you’re spending.

33. Never rely on a single income source

“Never depend on single income. Make investment to create a second source.” – Warren Buffett

Diversifying your income streams can protect you from the volatility of a single source and provide additional financial security. Bringing in a second income stream is as powerful as being frugal for building savings or paying off debt.

34. Build an emergency fund

“Cash combined with courage in a time of crisis is priceless.” – Warren Buffett

An emergency fund provides a financial buffer in times of crisis, helping you navigate unforeseen expenses without taking on debt. It’s a cornerstone of financial stability and peace of mind. Buffett believes in always having a large cash stock pile in business, and a portfolio, so personal finance should be no different.

Key Takeaways

  • Live within your means to avoid financial stress and build savings.
  • Continually invest in your personal growth and skills.
  • Understand the intrinsic value of money and use it wisely.
  • Avoid losses by making prudent financial decisions.
  • Limit debt and focus on wealth accumulation instead.
  • Save first and then spend, reversing the usual financial practice.
  • Prioritize quality purchases over cheap, short-lived items.
  • Steer clear of fads and stick to proven timeless strategies.
  • Patience is key; investments often take time to yield results.
  • View savings as a necessary expense, not a residual option.


There you have it, actionable steps to help you manage your money better, inspired by the wisdom of one of the greatest investors ever. Remember, the journey to financial freedom is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires consistency, discipline, and time. By incorporating these frugal living tips into your daily routine, you can see significant changes in your financial health, allowing you to save more, invest wisely, and build a prosperous future. Warren Buffett once said, “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Start planting your financial trees today, and enjoy the shade in the future.

34 Frugal Living Tips That Really Work: Warren Buffett's Saving Money Habits (2024)


What is Warren Buffett daily routine? ›

Warren Buffett's Daily Routine

Spends most of his day at his office, Berkshire Hathaway, focusing on: * Meeting with colleagues: Discusses business strategies and investment opportunities. * Reviewing company reports: Analyzes financial data to make informed investment decisions.

How to be insanely frugal? ›

12 Tips for Frugal Living
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

What does Warren Buffett spend his money on? ›

Buffett himself has pledged that 99% of his wealth will go to philanthropy during his lifetime or upon his death. As of 2023, the shares he's already given away were worth about $50 billion based on their value at the time of donation, or about $130 billion given Berkshire Hathaway's stock value at the time.

Who is Warren Buffett leaving his money to? ›

Buffett's three children, who range in age from 65 to 70, are the executors of his current will as well as the named trustees of the charitable trust that will receive his fortune, he said in the letter.

What's Warren Buffett's favorite meal? ›

The famed investor and Berkshire Hathaway CEO counts burgers, hot dogs, and ice cream among his favorite foods. He munches on McDonald's for breakfast, guzzles five cans of co*ke every day, and demolishes cookies and chocolates.

How many hours of sleep does Warren Buffett get? ›

“I get quite a bit of sleep. I like to sleep,” Buffett said in a widely quoted 2017 interview with PBS NewsHour. “I will usually sleep eight hours a night, and that—no, I have no desire to get to work at four in the morning.”

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50 frugal money-saving tips
  1. Plan meals. Meal planning is essential if you want to spend less money on your food shop. ...
  2. Choose cheaper recipes. ...
  3. Make a shopping list. ...
  4. Don't shop when you're hungry. ...
  5. Visit cheaper supermarkets. ...
  6. Buy supermarket own-label products. ...
  7. Eat less meat. ...
  8. Buy in bulk – but only if you'll use it.

What frugal people don t do? ›

Here are some of the things that smart frugal people never do.
  • Pay retail. Alliance Images / Shutterstock.com. ...
  • Ignore cash back. Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.com. ...
  • Carry a credit card balance. Olha Povozniuk / Shutterstock.com. ...
  • Ignore their health. ...
  • Spend their whole paycheck. ...
  • Use buy now, pay later. ...
  • Waste food. ...
  • Pay bills late.
Dec 13, 2023

What bank does Warren Buffett use? ›

Bank of America Corp (BAC)

At the end of March 2023, Buffett's company owns 1.01 billion shares, a value of about $33.45 billion. Buffett became a major investor in Bank of America when he bought $5 billion of shares during the 2011 debt-ceiling crisis.

What does Warren Buffett say about saving? ›

Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.”

How much money does Warren Buffett keep in cash? ›

Simplicity has been at the center of Buffett's strategy for decades. With Berkshire holding a record $168 billion of cash and short-term investments on its balance sheet, investors must surely be wondering what Buffett is thinking. I'd say he just told us, and I think it makes a lot of sense.

How much did Warren Buffett give his son? ›

Peter Buffett was just 19 years old when he received his inheritance: $90,000 to use as he pleased. There were no strings attached, no expectations—but also no more money. The youngest son of investor Warren Buffett understood that this was the extent of his inheritance. The question was, what to do with the funds?

Is Warren Buffett giving any money to his kids? ›

Billionaire investor Warren Buffet famously told Fortune in 1986 that he would give his children “enough money so that they would feel they could do anything, but not so much that they could do nothing.” 36 years later, at age 91, Buffett maintains his children won't be receiving an inheritance from his $96 billion ...

Does Warren Buffett have security? ›

Warren Buffett's security cost $313k last year — roughly $13 million cheaper than Mark Zuckerberg's detail. Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett's personal security perks cost $313,595 last year. One price that hasn't risen due to inflation is the cost of keeping Warren Buffett safe and sound.

How many hours a day does Warren Buffett read? ›

Indeed, the Oracle of Omaha has said that he spends “five or six hours a day” reading books and newspapers. And while it may be difficult to set aside nearly a full work day's worth of hours to read, it recently got a little bit easier to consume information like Warren Buffett.

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Jeff Bezos' Daily Routine
Morning“Puttering” time
10:00 AMWork Meetings
Throughout the DayWork and Management
EveningPersonal Time
1 more row
Feb 29, 2024

What are Warren Buffett's 10 rules for success? ›

Warren Buffett's ten rules for success and how we can apply them to our lives
  • Reinvest Your Profits. ...
  • Be Willing to Be Different. ...
  • Never Suck Your Thumb. ...
  • Spell Out the Deal Before You Start. ...
  • Watch Small Expenses. ...
  • Limit What You Borrow. ...
  • Be Persistent. ...
  • Know When to Quit.
Dec 28, 2023

How does Warren Buffett manage his time? ›

Buffett saved himself and his company time and money by slowing down and reviewing their current processes. This process allowed them to understand their priorities and implement improvements so they could focus on the deeper work.

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