300+ Commonly Used Abbreviations Related To Stock Market - Online Hyme (2024)

300+ Commonly Used Abbreviations Related To Stock Market - Online Hyme (1)

Over the long run, stocks have beaten the performance of any other major asset class by a wide margin. Since 1926, stocks have returned nearly 10% per year, on average. Note that this 89-year span includes numerous wars, recessions and the Great Depression. It also includes the severe decline in stock prices from late 2007 to early 2009, a period that overlaps what some call the Great Recession.

Stocks have proved their worth and deserve a prominent place in any long-term investment plan, such as a retirement account. But because stocks are volatile—which means that by their nature, their value rises and falls—invest in them with caution. Ideally, stocks should be held to meet medium- and long term goals.

In other words, money invested in stocks should not be money that you might need in three to five years. Stocks tend to deliver handsome returns over the long run, but volatile markets may not cooperate with your short-term cash needs.

Different Flavors of Stocks

Growth stocks are shares of companies with the potential to consistently generate above-average revenues and profit growth. These companies tend to reinvest most or all of their earnings in their businesses and pay out little or none of their profits to shareholders in the form of dividends. Growth companies expand faster than the overall economy, yet you can sometimes find these companies in mature industries. Note that even fast-growing companies are not necessarily good investments if their shares are overvalued.

Cyclical stocks are shares of companies whose sales and earnings are highly sensitive to the ups and downs of the economy. When the economy is performing well, cyclical companies tend to shine. A contracting economy typically hammers the sales and profits of these companies and hurts their stocks. Cyclical industries include manufacturers of steel, automobiles and chemicals, airlines and homebuilders.

Defensive stocks describe shares of companies whose sales of goods and services tend to hold up well even during economic downturns. Examples of industries that are substantially insulated from the business cycle are utilities, government contractors and producers of basic consumer products, such as food, beverages and pharmaceuticals.

Income stocks pay out a relatively high ratio of their earnings in the form of dividends. The companies that issue them tend to be mature and have limited opportunities for reinvesting their profits into moreattractive opportunities. Example: many utilities. Stocks that pay large dividends are usually less volatile because investors regularly receive cash dividends, regardless of market gyrations.

Value stocks describe stocks that are cheap in relation to fundamental measures such as profits, sales, cash flow or the value of a company’s assets.

Small-company stocks have generated better returns over time than stocks of large companies. Young, small companies tend to grow faster than their larger brethren. But there’s a trade-off: Small-company stocks are much more volatile than shares of big companies. There are a number of ways of defining what constitutes a small company. By one common definition, a small company is one with a stock-market capitalization of $1 billion or less (market capitalization is a company’s stock price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding).

Suggested Read: 50 Golden Rules of Investment and Trading

Foreign stocks add valuable diversification to a purely domestic stock portfolio. That’s because U.S. and foreign stock markets don’t always move in tandem. Foreign stocks provide exposure to overseas currencies, economies and business cycles. Overseas stocks are divided into two subsets: developed markets (such as Western Europe, Japan and Canada) and faster-growing emerging markets (China, India and Brazil, to name a few).

Below is the list of most commonly used abbreviations or terms related to Stock Market.

S.No.Short NameMeaning
1ADBAsian Development Bank
2ADRsAmerican Depository Receipts
3ADsAuthorised Dealers
4AIAuction Inquiry
5AIFIsAll India Financial Institutions
6AIsApproved Intermediaries
7ALActivity Log
8ALBMAutomated Lending and Borrowing Mechanism
9ALBRSAutomated Lending and Borrowing under Rolling Settlement
10AMCAsset Management Company
11AMFIAssociation of Mutual Funds in India
12AONAll or None
13ASBAApplication Supported by Blocked Amount
14ASCAccounting Standards Committee
15ASEAhmedabad Stock Exchange
16ATAlgorithmic Trading
18ATSsAlternative Trading System
20BIFRBoard for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
21BISBank for International Settlement
22BLESSBorrowing and Lending Securities Scheme
23BMBranch Manager
24BMCBase Minimum Capital
25BOBeneficial Owner
26BOLTBSE Online Trading
27BOVLBranch Order Value Limit
28BSEBombay Stock Exchange
29BTSTBuy Today Sell Tomorrow
30CADTClient Allocation Details
32CBDTCentral Board of Direct Taxes
33CCClearing Corporation
34CCILClearing Corporation of India Limited
36CDsCertificate of Deposits
37CDSCurrency Derivatives Segment
38CDSLCentral Depositories Services Ltd.
39CECall Option
40CEPAComprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
41CFMCarry Forward Margin
42CFRSCarry Forward under Rolling Settlement
43CHClearing House
45CIMCCollective Investment Management Company
46CINCorporate Identification Number
47CISsCollective Investment Schemes
48CIVsCollective Investment Vehicles
49CLFCollateralized Lending Facility
51CMCapital Market
52CMClearing Member
53CMACapital Market Authority
54CMIECentre for Monitoring Indian Economy
55CMLCapital Market Law
56CNCCash and Carry
58COSICommittee on Settlement Issues
59COTICommittee of Trade Issues
60CPCustodial Participant
61CPFCustomer Protection Fund
62CPSCash Payout Scheme
63CPsCommercial Papers
65CRAsCredit Rating Agencies
66CRDCentral Registration Depository
67CRISILCredit Rating Information Services of India Limited
68CRRCash Reserve Ratio
69CSDCollateral Security Deposit
70CSECalcutta Stock Exchange
71CTCLComputer to Computer Link
72DCADepartment of Company Affairs
73DDBsDeep Discount Bonds
74DEADepartment of Economic Affairs
75DFDSDemat Final Delivery Statement
76DFIsDevelopment Financial Institutions
77DFRSDemat Final Receipt Statement
78DIADeferred Income Annuities
79DIIDomestic Institutional Investor
80DIPDisclosure and Investor Protection
81DMADirect Market Access
82DNPDDerivatives and New Products Departments
83DNSDeferred Net Settlement
84DPDepository Participant
85DPGDominant Promoter Group
86DPsDepository Participants
87DQDisclosed Quantity
88DRIPDividend Reinvestment Plans
89DRRDebenture Redemption Reserve
90DSCEDebt Securities Convertible into Equity
91DVPDelivery versus Payment
92ECBEuro Commercial Borrowings
93ECBsExternal Commercial Borrowings
94ECMError Correction Model
95ECNSElectronic communication Networks
96EDGARElectronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval
97EDIFARElectronic Data Information Filing and Retrieval
98EFTElectronic Fund Transfer
99ELSSEquity Linked Saving Schemes
100EMHEfficient Market Hypothesis
101EODEnd of Day
102EPIEarly Pay-In
103EPSEarning Per Share
104ETFExchange Traded Funds
105F&OFutures and Options
106FCCBsForeign Currency Convertible Bonds
107FDFixed Deposit
108FDIForeign Direct Investment
109FDRForeign Deposit Receipts
110FDsFixed Deposits
111FIFinancial Institution
112FIAFixed Index Annuities
113FIBVInternational World Federation of Stock Exchanges
114FIIsForeign Institutional Investors
115FIMMDAFixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India
116FIPBForeign Investment Promotion Board
117FIsFinancial Institutions
118FISEFederation of Indian Stock Exchanges
120FPIForeign Portfolio Investor
121FPOFollow-on Public Offer
122FRAsForward Rate Agreements
123FSDCFinancial Stability and Development Council
124FTPFile Transfer Protocol
125FVCIsForeign Venture Capital Investors
126G-SecsGovernment securities
127GDPGross Domestic Product
128GDRsGlobal Depository Receipts
129GDSGross National Product
130GDSGross Domestic Savings
131GNPGross National Product
132GOIGovernment of India
133GTCGood Till Cancelled
134GTDGood Till Days/Date
135HNIsHigh Net worth Individuals
136HUFHindu Undivided Family
137IBRDInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development
138ICAIInstitute of Chartered Accountants of India
139ICDRIssue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements
140ICIInvestment Company Institute
141ICSEInter-Connected Stock Exchange of India Limited
142IEPFInvestor Education and Protection Fund
143IFCInternational Finance Corporation
144IFSDInitial Free Security Deposit
145IFSDInterest Free Security Deposit
146IIMIndian Institute of Management
147IISLIndia Index Services and Products Limited
149IOCImmediate or Cancel
150IOSCOInternational Organisation of Securities Commission
151IPFInvestor Protection Fund
152IPOInitial Public Offering
153IRDAInsurance Regulatory and Development Authority
154IRSInterest Rate Swap
155ISCInvestor Service Cell
156ISINInternational Securities Identification Number
157ISSAInternational Securities Services Association
158ITInformation Technology
160KYCKnow Your Customer (Know Your Client)
161LAFLiquidity Adjustment Facility
162LOLimit Orders
163LTPLast Trade Price
164MAMoving Average
165MACMembership Approval Committee
166MAPINMarket Participant Identification Number
167MASMonetary Authority of Singapore
168MBPMarket By Price
169MCMarket Capitalization (Market Cap)
170MCAMember Constituent Agreement
171MCFSModified Carry Forward System
172MFMutual Fund
173MFSSMutual Fund Service System
174MIMarket Inquiry
175MIBIDMumbai Inter-bank Bid Rate
176MIBORMumbai Inter-bank Offer Rate
177MIDASMixed Data Sampling
178MIRSDMarket Intermediaries Registration and Supervision department
179MISMargin Intraday Squareoff
181MMMarket Maker
182MMMarket Movement
183MMMFMoney Market Mutual Fund
184MNCsMulti National Companies
185MOUMemorandum of Understanding
186MPSEMadhya Pradesh Stock Exchange
187MRCMembership Recommendation Committee
188MRDMarket Regulation Department
190MWMarket Watch
191NADLNational Securities Depositoary Limited
192NASDAQNational Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System
193NAVNet Asset Value
194NBFCsNon-Banking Financial Companies
195NCAERNational Council for Applied Economic Research
196NCDsNon-convertible Debentures
197NCDSNon-convertible Debt Securities
198NCFMNSE’s Certification in Financial Markets
199NCITNon Custodian Institutional Trade
200NDNo Delivery
201NDSNegotiated Dealing System
202NEATNational Exchange for Automated Trading
203NEATNational Stock Exchange Automated Trading
204NGOsNon Government Organizations
205NIBISNSE’s Internet-based Information System
206NICNational Informatics Centre
207NIENewly Industrialized Economics
208NISMNational Institute of Securities Market
209NOCNo Objection Certificate
210NPAsNon Performing Assets
211NRIsNon Resident Indians
212NSCCLNational Securities Clearing Corporation of India Limited
213NSDLNational Securities Depository Limited
214NSENational Stock Exchange
215NTNegotiated Trade
216OOdd Lot market
217OCBsOverseas Corporate Bodies
218OCXLOrder Cancellation
219OECLOBOpen Electronic Consolidated Limit Order Book
220OHLCOpen High Low Close
221OIAEOffice of Investor Assistance and Education
222OISOvernight Index Swaps
223OMOrder Modification
224OOOutstanding Orders
225ORSOrder Routing System
226OSOrder Status
227OTCOver The Counter
228OTCEIOver the Counter Exchange of India Limited
229OTMOut-of the-Money
230OTPOne Time Password
231P/EPrice to Earnings Ratio
232PANPermanent Account Number
233PCMProfessional Clearing Member
234PDAIPrimary Dealers Association of India
235PDOPublic Debt Office
236PDsPrimary Dealers
237PEPut Option
238PFRDAPension Fund Regulatory and Development Fund
239PIOPersons of Indian Origin
240PISPortfolio Investment Scheme
241POIProof of Identity
242PPFPublic Provident Fund
243PRIPrincipal Return Index
244PRISMParallel Risk Management System
246PSUsPublic Sector Undertakings
247PTPrevious Trades
248PVPresent Value
249QFIQualified Foreign Investors
250QIBsQualified Institutional Buyers
251RBIReserve Bank of India
252RDRecurring Deposit
253RDDRisk Disclosure Document
254RDMRetail Debt Market
255RETDEBTRetail Debt
256ROCsRegistrar of Companies
257RSIRelative Strength Index
258RTGSReal time Gross Settlement
259S&PStandard and Poor’s
260SATSecurities Appellate Tribunal
261SBTSScreen Based Trading System
262SC(R)ASecurities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956
263SC(R)RSecurities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957
264SCMRDSociety for Capital Market Research and Development
265SCSBsSelf Certified Syndicate Banks
266SEBISecurities and Exchange Board of India
267SECSecurities and Exchange Commission
268SESStock Exchange of Singapore
269SGFSettlement Guarantee Fund
270SGLSubsidiary General Ledger
271SGX-DTThe Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited
272SIPCSecurities Investor Protection Corporation
273SLStop Loss
274SLBSSecurities Lending and Borrowing Scheme
275SLRStatutory Liquidity Ratio
276SMEsSmall and Medium-sized Companies
277SPANStandard Portfolio Analysis of Risks
278SPVSpecial Purpose Vehicle
279SQSnap Quote
280SROsSelf Regulatory Organizations
281SSSSecurities Settlement System
282STIStraits Times Index
283STPStraight Through Processing
284STRIPSSeparate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
285STTSecurities Transaction Tax
286SURCONSurveillance and Control
287T+2Second day from the trading day
288T-BillsTreasury Bills
289TDSTax Deducted at Source
290TFTSTrade for Trade Surveillance
291TMTrading Member
292TPTrigger Price
293TRITotal Return Index
294UCCUnique Client Code
295UDRUnique Documentary Requirement
296UINUnique Identification Number
297UOVLUser Order Value Limit
298UTIUnit Trust of India
299VARValue at Risk
300VCFsVenture Capital Funds
301VCUsVenture Capital Undertakings
302VIXVolatility Index
303VSATVery Small Aperture Terminal
304WDMWholesale Debt Market
305XBEx- Bonus
308XREx- Rights
309YTMYield to Maturity
310ZCYCZero Coupon Yield Curve

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300+ Commonly Used Abbreviations Related To Stock Market - Online Hyme (2024)


What are the abbreviations used in stock market? ›

Stock Trading Acronyms
  • HOD – High of Day (nHOD = new high of day) LOD – Low of Day (nLOD = new low of day)
  • EOD – End of Day.
  • O/N – Over Night.
  • 52s – new 52 week high.
  • B/O = breakout.
  • SS or S/S – short sell.
  • Green – Price is above previous day's close.
  • Red – Price is below previous day's close.

What is PMH in stock market? ›

PMH are Pre-Market Highs, or the highest value price reached in pre-market trading. Pretty simple. PML are Pre-Market Lows, so the lowest value price reached in pre-market.

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The most used stock market terms include bear market, bull market, dividend, ask, bid, and blue-chip stocks.

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The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which dates back to 1792, is the largest stock exchange in the world based on the total market capitalization of its listed securities. It was the first formalized stock exchange established in the United States.

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FAAMG is an abbreviation for five top-performing tech stocks in the market, namely, Meta (formerly Facebook), Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Alphabet's Google.

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The S&P 500 Index (SPX), formerly called the Composite Index (and later Standard & Poor's Composite Index), had been launched on a small scale in 1923. It began tracking 90 stocks in 1926 and expanded to 500 in 1957.

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1. uncountable noun. Common stock refers to the shares in a company that are owned by people who have a right to vote at the company's meetings and to receive part of the company's profits after the holders of preferred stock have been paid. [US, business]

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Day trading means buying and selling securities rapidly — often in less than a day — in an attempt to profit off of short-term price movements.

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What Is a Stock Trader? A stock trader is a person who attempts to profit from the purchase and sale of securities such as stock shares. Stock traders can be professionals trading on behalf of a financial company or individuals trading on behalf of themselves.

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Bankrupt companies typically have the letter "Q" appended to the end of their stock symbols to denote the bankruptcy. Investors may also operate under the false assumption that once a company has emerged from bankruptcy, their old stocks will regain value.

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Stock ticker symbols are unique, alphabetic codes that are used to identify publicly traded companies and the securities they issue. They are typically made up of one to five letters and are used to identify a specific stock or bond on a stock exchange or financial platform.

What is the abbreviation for Dow Jones? ›

DJIA stands for the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

What are 5 letter stock symbols? ›

Some NASDAQ issues also have five-letter symbols. The fifth letter in a five-letter symbol provides information about the company. Sometimes, the fifth letter identifies the type of stock, or the type of security: A or B: represent A and B class shares for NASDAQ stocks.

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A ticker symbol is: A 3, 4, or 5 letter abbreviation that easily identifies every public company. Stocks traded on the NYSE have symbols with up to 3 letters, like MA (Mastercard). Stocks traded on the NASDAQ have symbols with 4 letters, like MSFT (Microsoft).

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The 3 major stock exchanges in the US

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the Nasdaq Stock Market, and the Chicago Stock Exchange are the three largest stock exchanges in the United States. Each of these exchanges has its distinct features and selling aspects that set it apart from the others.

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What Is the Meaning of Dow in the Stock Market? The Dow Jones Industrial Average, or the Dow for short, is one way of measuring the stock market's overall direction. It includes the prices of 30 of the most actively traded stocks. When the Dow goes up, it is considered bullish, and most stocks usually do well.

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