30 Warren Buffett Quotes To Build Wealth | Sarwa (2024)

Table of Contents
1. The most important of the Warren Buffett quotes: “Rule No. 1 is never lose money. Rule No. 2 is never forget Rule No. 1.” 2. “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” 3. “If you aren’t willing to own a stock for 10 years, don’t even think about owning it for 10 minutes.” 4. “I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years.” 5. “Our favorite holding period is forever.” 6. “The key to investing is not assessing how much an industry is going to affect society, or how much it will grow, but rather determining the competitive advantage of any given company and, above all, the durability of that advantage.” 7. “The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging.” 8. “Price is what you pay, value is what you get.” 9. “The three most important words in investing are ‘margin of safety.’” 10. “It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price, than a fair company at a wonderful price.” 11. “Beware the investment activity that produces applause; the great moves are usually greeted by yawns.” 12. “The business schools reward difficult complex behaviour more than simple behaviour, but simple behaviour is more effective.” 13. “The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect.” 14. “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” 15. “It is a terrible mistake for investors with long-term horizons — among them pension funds, college endowments, and savings-minded individuals — to measure their investment ‘risk’ by their portfolio’s ratio of bonds to stocks.” 16. “Remember that the stock market is a manic depressive.” 17. “Do not take yearly results too seriously. Instead, focus on four- or five-year averages.” 18. “Never invest in a business you cannot understand.” 19. “The most important investment you can make is in yourself.” 20. “Never depend on a single income. Make an investment to create a second source.” 21. “I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.” 22. “No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can’t produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.” 23. “Today people who hold cash equivalents feel comfortable. They shouldn’t. They have opted for a terrible long-term asset, one that pays virtually nothing and is certain to depreciate in value.” 24. “We never want to count on the kindness of strangers in order to meet tomorrow’s obligations. When forced to choose, I will not trade even a night’s sleep for the chance of extra profits.” 25. “Don’t pass up something that’s attractive today because you think you will find something better tomorrow.” 26. “Forecasts may tell you a great deal about the forecaster; they tell you nothing about the future.” 27. “When trillions of dollars are managed by Wall Streeters charging high fees, it will usually be the managers who reap outsized profits, not the clients.” 28. “The best chance to deploy capital is when things are going down.” 29. “Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.” 30. “Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.” Takeaways

Why do so many of us look for investment inspiration through Warren Buffett quotes?

A business prodigy, Buffett bought his first stock when he was just 11 years old. He then used savings to buy and install pinball machines in local shops when he was still a teenager.

Although he got rejected from Harvard (a decision that admissions officers now surely regret) he would go on to become one of the world’s most famous and wealthy value investors.

Today, he is the CEO of a former textile company called Berkshire Hathaway that has been transformed into the world’s highest-priced stock, valued at $316,700 a share in August, 2020.

Investors turn to his advice with such admiration that Buffett has earned the nickname the “Oracle of Omaha,” a reference to his home state of Nebraska.

Indeed, his sage perspectives on the market are so sought-after that “Warren Buffet quotes” is among the most Googled phrases in the online wealth management industry today.

Warren Buffett quotes are perhaps so desired because they are entertaining, succinct and easy to digest.

Funny and sharp, pithy and wise, Warren Buffett has become every bit the philosopher and high priest of the modern investment world.

However, so dense has the internet become with vast lists of Warren Buffett quotes, that, upon research, we discovered that it was necessary to craft a ‘top 30’ list that takes a more nuanced approach to long-term investing goals — the main pillar of the Buffett (and Sarwa) philosophy.

Here, we provide a list of our favorite Warren Buffett quotes to inspire your long-term investment goals.

[Want to learn more about how to build wealth with investment strategies like those used by Warren Buffett? Subscribe to our investment newsletter.]

[Not sure where to begin? Learn more about how to start investing money in the UAE with confidence.]

1. The most important of the Warren Buffett quotes: “Rule No. 1 is never lose money. Rule No. 2 is never forget Rule No. 1.”

30 Warren Buffett Quotes To Build Wealth | Sarwa (1)

Otherwise known as Warren Buffett’s golden rule, this quote sets the foundation for his philosophy for investing. Essentially, what Buffett is saying is that capital preservation should be the main priority for any investor when deciding to place your money into the market.

In other words, stay rational.

However, the statement is actually inaccurate to Buffett’s actual track record of investing.

Buffett has made plenty of losing investments over his lifetime. Ironically, he even counts his investment into Berkshire Hathaway (once a New England textile company) as one of his biggest regrets. (This is because he, quite irrationally, started buying up shares in the company due to a feud with its then leadership.)

Perhaps the most important takeaway — even the “Oracle of Omaha” is human.

[One way to reduce the risk of losing money is diversification. For more on diversification, read, “Learning The Importance of Portfolio Diversification Can Prevent Huge Loss. Here’s Why.”]

2. “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

30 Warren Buffett Quotes To Build Wealth | Sarwa (2)

This quote forms a foundational pillar of Buffett’s long-term investment ethos. What he is saying here is that — in life as with investing — you have to think about the grand trajectory of things.

Overall, there is no better time to start thinking about that path than today. A tree takes time to grow, and so will most smart investments. Start early, be patient, and let your money grow.

3. “If you aren’t willing to own a stock for 10 years, don’t even think about owning it for 10 minutes.”

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We love this quote because it offers perhaps the best insight into how Warren Buffett approaches active and passive investment debate.

Siding with passive investor legends like Jack Bogle, the founder of Vanguard Group, Buffett urges that we pick our investments wisely — and be ready to hold on to them for the long haul if we wish to see real rewards.

In this quote, he sets a clear divide with the emotional life of day traders, who prefer to scour markets looking for short-term aberrations instead of fundamental long-term growth.

Buffett preaches that the smart investor should also assess a stock by the company’s strengths and weaknesses, looking for long-term advantages it can win within its industry (that is, the fundamentals). This quote also reinforces the previous two quotes, underscoring a philosophy of patience and rational action.

4. “I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years.”

For Buffett, the desire to make quick gains on the stock market is one of the reasons why people make poor decisions and end up losing money.

For example, data from Current Market Valuation, a financial reporting firm, has shown that only 1% of day traders (those who trade stocks for daily profit) make profit, net of transaction costs. Said differently, 99% of day traders consistently lose money.
Therefore, Buffett prefers to focus on a long-time horizon, even reinvesting his dividends. That is, he makes his stock purchase decisions with the assumption that he would be unable to sell them for the next five years. This assumption ensures that he focuses on buying stocks he would never want to sell.

5. “Our favorite holding period is forever.”

When Buffett explained that you should not hold a stock for 10 minutes if you don’t intend to hold it for 10 years, in actuality, we shouldn’t take him literally; he is not making 10 years the ideal or the cap.

Rather, the point is that you should not hold a stock in the short-term if you are not willing to hold it for the long-term. In fact, Buffett prefers to hold a stock “forever” — an emphatic way of saying to concentrate on the long term.

One implication of this is that Warren Buffett tries to find stocks that are worthy of being held for many years down the line. Instead of focusing on the short-term opportunities of a stock, he considers the fundamentals — the company’s ability to innovate in its market, establish an industry moat, and consistently boost its profitability.

This quote is especially relevant to passive investors.

Instead of losing sleep over the short-term fluctuations of an ETF, you should focus on its long-term potentials and its fundamentals — does it have good enough diversification, is the expense ratio low, how does Morning Star rate the ETF (five star or one star), is the ETF provider trustworthy, is it liquid enough, how well does it track its underlying index, etc.?

To be sure, the above quote does not mean that Buffett never sells a stock once he buys it.

Just last year, Buffett exited his position in 15 companies, including Pfizer, United Airlines, Costco Wholesale, and JPMorgan Chase. He also reduced his investment in 22 other companies.

Therefore, while his favourite holding period is “forever”, he does sell when he no longer believes in a company’s fundamentals.

The difference between Buffett and others who time the market is the reason for the sale — change in fundamentals (or to purchase another company with better fundamentals) rather than short-term volatility.

In Buffett’s own words, “All there is to investing is picking good stocks at good times and staying with them as long as they remain good companies.

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6. “The key to investing is not assessing how much an industry is going to affect society, or how much it will grow, but rather determining the competitive advantage of any given company and, above all, the durability of that advantage.”

As said above, since Buffett prefers to hold stocks forever with no intention to sell, as long as they keep performing well, he focuses much attention on doing fundamental analysis.

Before Buffett can buy a company’s stock, the company must have a durable competitive advantage in its industry.

Competitive advantage means that the company has something beneficial (better products, more efficient production methods, better value chain, quality brand) that competitors do not have.

Such competitive advantage must reflect in its ability to charge higher prices, reduce cost of production, make more profit, and capture a higher market share.

However, such an advantage must also be durable.
A competitive advantage that lasts for just a few years is insufficient. Buffett wants companies that are able to sustain their competitive advantage for the foreseeable future. And this is evident in its stock holdings. For example, he owns Apple, a company that has been able to charge premium prices for its superior brand.

7. “The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging.”

But what should you do if you have already started your investment journey on the wrong foot – failing to do fundamental analysis, focusing on the short term, or yielding to the fear-and-greed cycle?

Well, you have to stop.

Staying consistent on a wrong path will still lead to the wrong destination. Therefore, while Buffett preaches long-term investing, that is for those who are already on the right path in terms of investing strategy. For others, there must first be a reversal from the wrong path and a decisive change to the right one.

As we saw above, even Buffett is willing to sell a stock if he comes to believe that selecting that stock was a mistake. He will not hold it forever in the name of long-term investing. Rather, he will retrace his steps, sell the stock, and buy a better one.

The key is that there is an overarching strategy and methodology guiding his decisions. Change doesn’t’ come about spontaneously.

8. “Price is what you pay, value is what you get.”

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This famous Buffett quote strikes at the heart of the “value investor” approach and reveals the secret of how Buffett made his fortune.

After Buffett was rejected by Harvard, he enrolled in an undergraduate degree at Columbia Business School. Which is where he studied under Benjamin Graham, today known as the “Dean of Wall Street.” Buffett was largely influenced by Graham’s magnum opus, The Intelligent Investor, which lays out the philosophy for value investing.

In essence, value investors are looking for deeply discounted share prices on the market. There is no better deal than a great company that is on sale for a low price, so the value investor mantra goes. To succeed at value investing, you should aspire to learn more about companies in the hope of discovering which are undervalued and, thus, great investment opportunities.

This other famous Buffett quote also nicely sums up value investing: “Whether we’re talking about stocks or socks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down.”

[Based in the UAE and want to learn how to trade stocks without getting burned? For lessons on trading, read, “How To Buy Stocks in the UAE: The Ultimate Guide”]

9. “The three most important words in investing are ‘margin of safety.’”

Margin of Safety (MOS) is the technical term that Buffett uses to determine if he is getting a good price on an investment.

Basically, it is the difference between a stock’s intrinsic value and current market price. For example, if Investor A judges Stock A’s intrinsic value to be $100 and the stock is selling for $50, there is a 50% margin of safety on the potential purchase.

The MOS has two benefits for value investors like Warren Buffett. First, it helps them maximise their returns from an investment. If Investor A buys Stock A at 50% MOS ($50 per share), he will make more profit than if he had bought it with a 20% MOS ($20 per share).

Second, which is more important, MOS protects the investor from the risk that they have overvalued the stock’s intrinsic worth.

Suppose that the stock’s worth (intrinsic value) is actually $80 and Investor A has already purchased it for $90 (at 10% MOS), then they have actually paid a premium for the stock.

However, if Investor A bought the stock at $50 per share (a 50% MOS), they would still have purchased the stock at a discount if the intrinsic value was actually $80 rather than $100.

10. “It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price, than a fair company at a wonderful price.”

One way to misinterpret Warren Buffett’s value investing is to assume that the only criteria for buying a stock is that it should be undervalued.

This quote seeks to correct that misunderstanding.

There are many companies with poor fundamentals that are undervalued. Being undervalued is not an all-telling sign that a stock is a good buy. Rather, the primary task of the investor is to consider if the stock has good fundamentals to begin with — if the company is wonderful.

Only when you believe that a company is wonderful should you consider if it’s undervalued or overvalued.

For an ETF, this means that the price and expense ratio are not the only important considerations. You need to consider the kind of diversification it offers, the trustworthiness of the ETF provider, the liquidity of the ETF (average trading volume), how well it tracks its index, and the rating Morning Star gives it.

Good pricing and a low expense ratio are important, but they are not the only factors you should consider.

11. “Beware the investment activity that produces applause; the great moves are usually greeted by yawns.”

Successful value investing requires identifying wonderful companies when their market price is well below their intrinsic value.

At this point, not many people will consider such companies a great buy. Only those who have seen the durable competitive advantage will make a purchase. And when they buy, it will not be to the applause of the larger investment world.

In fact, many people only saw the wisdom of Warren Buffett’s approach in the rearview – after the purchase had proved successful.

Similarly, some of his most successful buys were not companies producing “exciting” or “world-changing” products or services. For example, Gillette was making razors and See was making Candies.

In fact, Buffett was not quick to purchase technology companies, which was why he was able to avoid suffering from the bursting of the dot-com bubble.

In essence, successful investing will be proven right from the rearview rather than from the windshield.

12. “The business schools reward difficult complex behaviour more than simple behaviour, but simple behaviour is more effective.”

Though successful investing is not simplistic, it does not need to be complex. In fact, for Buffett, simple behaviour can be more effective than the complex behaviour encouraged by business schools.

This point ties in to the previous one. Simple behaviour will not meet with much applause compared to complex stock trades. But those simple actions – flowing from time-honoured principles – can do more good.

It’s not surprising then that Warren Buffett has encouraged investors to put their money in passive funds – which encourages simple behaviour – rather than active funds – which encourages more complex behaviour.
And the fact that most active funds find it difficult to beat their indices, while charging higher fees and using all kinds of complex strategies, is a proof of the wisdom of the simplicity that Buffett is advocating.

13. “The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect.”

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A disciplined investor is a wealthy investor because they have learned that market fluctuations are normal and that patience pays off.

In this quote, Buffett touches on the psychological nerve of most investment failures. Humans are by nature irrational beings and are often tempted to make trades when they think the market is working against them. In contrast, it is the well-tempered investor that learns to not watch the market. This is the person that ultimately ends up reaping the most rewards over the long term.

Buffett extols that to build more wealth does not require you to be necessarily smarter than another investor, but rather that you become more disciplined with your reaction towards the irrationality of the market.

“You don’t need to be a rocket scientist,” goes a similar Buffett quote. “Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ.”

14. “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.”

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A little bit of research can reduce a lot of risk. Buffett is ever the pedantic investment professor, and in this quote he reminds us that we should study, study, study.

However, this advice can be often forgotten, especially after an investor has seen some success. A positive feedback loop can be misleading and indeed dangerous for investors.

Instead, as any good teacher prescribes, Buffett instructs that we do our homework.

Research the rules of investing, study holdings before deciding why to invest in ETFs, and learn the lessons of historical data. All of these are important factors that will improve your understanding of the market and reduce your risk when participating in it.

15. “It is a terrible mistake for investors with long-term horizons — among them pension funds, college endowments, and savings-minded individuals — to measure their investment ‘risk’ by their portfolio’s ratio of bonds to stocks.”

Though portfolio diversification is crucial to minimising risk, it is possible to overdo it.

While some bonds might be good to diversify a portfolio, the longer the time horizon, the less the need for them. For example, an investor with a 12 year horizon may not require a portfolio with 50% bonds. In this case, there is enough time to ride the price volatility of the stock market and make good returns.

To put this into perspective, the S&P 500 returned an average of 11.97% per year between 2010 and the end of 2022. In that same period, the highest yield on the US treasury bond was 3.829%.

However, more bonds might be required when the time horizon shortens significantly, but in the meantime, investors with long-term horizons should continue to prioritise maximising returns in a diversified portfolio of stocks. Some bonds might not be bad, but, at this stage, it is better if their allocation is on the low side.

16. “Remember that the stock market is a manic depressive.”

Following stock market news can be depressing. Because the stock market is volatile, stock prices move up and down. And investors who don’t have the emotional intelligence to weather that volatility might end up making poor decisions.

Investors must understand that short-term price movements (especially declines) are reflections of investors’ speculation rather than the underlying value of the stock itself.

Understanding this will help investors stop considering every fall in price as a significant event requiring a response.

Instead, investors should focus on whether a company is keeping its comparative advantage and if the management team is still working by the principles that made the company a good one.

It’s only changes in these more fundamental factors that necessitate a response from the investor. Everything else is just noise.

17. “Do not take yearly results too seriously. Instead, focus on four- or five-year averages.”

In the above point, we said that short-term price movements are not that significant because they do not reflect underlying value. In fact, for Buffett, even one year results belong to the short term.

That is, not even the one-year rise or fall in the price of a stock should be taken so seriously as to demand a decision from the investor.

Significant price changes that reflect underlying value begins, for Buffett, when considering average movements over four or five years.

As he said somewhere else, “time is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre.” Wonderful companies grow in the long run because then their prices reflect their underlying value rather than the short term emotions of investors.

In essence, don’t judge a company by its one-year return. Take a longer view.

18. “Never invest in a business you cannot understand.”

What Buffett says here about businesses (individual stocks) is also true of every other investment asset. A primary reason why people lose money when they invest is that they invest in assets or businesses they don’t understand.

Most times, they do it based on the advice of a family, friend, or a complete stranger who has supposedly made millions from such assets or business. Sometimes, they do so because the particular asset or business is trendy and FOMO (fear of missing out — what Buffett calls greed) compels them to get in on the ride.

Blind faith in others that totally discounts the need to do personal research (as known as due diligence) is the bane of countless investors.

Before buying any asset (stock, bond, REIT, ETF, cryptocurrency, etc.), you should seek to understand how that asset works. Most importantly, you have to look beyond the return that they are promising and consider the risk as well.

People who promote trendy investment assets focus exclusively on the returns as a way to appeal to your greed. Your first task is to ignore the hype and try to understand the fundamentals of such an asset.

Only when you have a basic understanding of the asset — its returns and risks — should you attempt to invest in it.

Does this mean that you need to get a Masters in Finance? Far from it.

At Sarwa, we do our best to consistently provide you with good investing and financial planning resources through our blog. There, you will find the information you need to look beyond the hype and make sound investment choices.

19. “The most important investment you can make is in yourself.”

There are two things you should constantly invest in: your ability to make money and your ability to make money work for you.

Whatever you do, become better at it so you can command more value and increase your income.

But remember that while you can only work for a set amount of hours a day and for a certain number of years, money — because it is intangible — can work 24/7, forever.

Therefore, you should also invest in your financial education. Read Sarwa’s blog, attend our webinars, and consume content from other reliable financial resources (we often link to them in our articles).

20. “Never depend on a single income. Make an investment to create a second source.”

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Here you have the pillar for why investment is so important. In life, we should never rely on a single source of income. Investing opens up a proven avenue to generating that all-important second income stream.

In this quote, Buffett also alludes to the importance of basic diversification. By establishing more than one income source, we essentially begin to diversify our own revenue streams.

Diversified, long-term investing is a recipe for success, as well as Sarwa’s approach to investing.

[Want to learn more about how the stock market works in Arabic? Read this Arabic-language guide about stock exchanges.]

21. “I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.”

30 Warren Buffett Quotes To Build Wealth | Sarwa (9)

Few quotes provide as much insight into the mind of Warren Buffet as this one.

In this famous quote, Buffett reflects on an important fact: humans are naturally irrational. We can expect a large quantity of them in a group to do irrational things. This is why large market swings are often based on the whims of traders.

By rationally learning to work against this status quo, we learn that fighting the urge to follow the herd mentality into a stock will pay off. Meanwhile, running into a trend will often lead to disaster.

The best way to fight this greed and “become rich” is to think long term and begin investing in automated savings, retirement planning, or other investment schemes as soon as possible.

22. “No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can’t produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.”

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One of Buffett’s most oft-quoted and colorful phrases, here the Oracle of Omaha is instructing us to understand that things cannot be rushed. There is no such thing as a successful ‘get rich quick’ scheme; investments — like babies — always take a certain amount of time to grow.

Indeed, by hastily jumping into an investment in the stock market you do more harm than good to your own hard-earned wealth.

The best bet: Always take a breath, learn to be patient, research and seek out expert financial guidance when needed.

23. “Today people who hold cash equivalents feel comfortable. They shouldn’t. They have opted for a terrible long-term asset, one that pays virtually nothing and is certain to depreciate in value.”

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The stock market can be intimidating. This is especially true if you have already had an unfortunate acquaintance with the fear-greed cycle. It’s no surprise then that some still prefer to hold on to cash.

But as Buffett points out here, cash is the worst asset you can have. By not investing, you are keeping a depreciating asset that becomes devalued from inflation.

To fight inflation, we must discover ways to keep our wealth growing over time. The best way to do this today is to automate our investments. For those curious to learn more, this can start by building an investment portfolio from scratch after speaking with a financial advisor.

24. “We never want to count on the kindness of strangers in order to meet tomorrow’s obligations. When forced to choose, I will not trade even a night’s sleep for the chance of extra profits.”

While Warren Buffett believes that cash and cash equivalents are terrible as investments, he wants to keep some cash as a sort of protection — so that he can meet tomorrow’s obligations.

In other words, Buffett prefers to have enough cash to meet any ongoing requirements and avoid over-investing.

The lesson here for the individual investor is that you should have an emergency fund that protects you when emergencies arise.

Without an emergency fund, you might have to sell your investments to meet emergencies. Apart from the fact that you might be forced to sell those investments at a loss, you also miss the chance to keep growing that money through compound interest (an opportunity cost). Alternatively, you might be forced to depend on strangers to bail you out or incur debt at an expensive interest rate.

To avoid the above situations, it’s advisable you keep about three to six months’ worth of your living expenses in a savings or money market account as an emergency fund. After that, you can then invest all your money in the market.

With such security, you have less of a chance to lose sleep because of an unexpected emergency or count on the goodwill of other people (be they friends or strangers).

[To learn more about emergency funds and how to start one, read, “How To Start An Emergency Fund That Is Right For You: Smart Planning To Mitigate Financial Troubles”]

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25. “Don’t pass up something that’s attractive today because you think you will find something better tomorrow.”

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A bird at hand, they say, is worth two in the bush.

Passing over a good investment in expectation of a better investment in the future is a poor choice.

Not even the best investors can predict how the market will behave tomorrow. The good stock you pass over today might become the next big innovator and there might not be another like it.

Buffett’s advice is that once a stock satisfies the conditions that are important to you, there is little sense discarding it in the hope that a better one will come in the future.

This advice also applies to the question of when an investor should enter the market. Should you buy that stock or ETF now or wait for a more opportune time (maybe when it is cheaper)?

The reality is that when you invest for the long term, the time you spend in the market is more important than the time you enter the market. Research has shown that the market rises more than it falls and that the longer the time you spend in the market, the lesser your risk.

On the other hand, the more time you spend in the market, the more your money can earn compound returns.

Therefore, instead of waiting for a better time, invest your money in a lump sum and watch it grow over the long term.

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[To learn more about why lump-sum investing is better than dollar-cost averaging and market timing, read, “Dollar-Cost Averaging vs Lump-Sum Investing: How Should You Invest?”]

26. “Forecasts may tell you a great deal about the forecaster; they tell you nothing about the future.”

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It’s important to take investment advice, not with a grain of salt, but rather a whole bucket.

No investment expert or advisor knows the future. Forecasts about how the stock market will perform in the future are just that — mere forecasts.

Timing the market and making investment decisions purely based on market forecasts is not a good strategy.

Instead of trying to predict the market, Buffett prefers to focus on identifying companies with good fundamentals that the market is undervaluing. As long as the fundamentals don’t change, he will hold such stocks for the long term.

This combination of a focus on fundamentals and a commitment to the long-term will also save you from the emotional rollercoaster of reading every forecast by any investment “expert.”

27. “When trillions of dollars are managed by Wall Streeters charging high fees, it will usually be the managers who reap outsized profits, not the clients.”

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There is an inverse relationship between the fees that you pay an investment advisor and your net returns. The higher the fees, the lower your net returns.

Warren Buffett was not a big fan of mutual funds that charge high fees to manage investors’ money. His concern is even more understandable given that these mutual funds often fail to outperform the market — which is the main reason why they charge the high fees in the first place.

No wonder Warren now advises that individual investors are better off investing in low-cost index funds, even instructing his own trustee to put 90% of his estate in the S&P 500.

These low-cost passive funds are cheaper and they track an index rather than attempting to outperform it to no avail.

This is why Sarwa believes that ETFs — which are even cheaper, more liquid, and more transparent than index funds — are the best way to invest in the market.

[To learn more about ETFs, especially how they differ from mutual funds and index funds, read, “What is an ETF? Benefits of Investing with Low-Risk, Low-Cost, Accessible Funds”]

28. “The best chance to deploy capital is when things are going down.”

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When the market is going down, everyone is fearful and instead of looking for new opportunities; they panic-sell their investments.

Buffett believes that market downturns are the best time to look for good companies that are undervalued, since the general market decline means such stocks are even more undervalued than if it were a bull market.

This is good advice even for passive investors.

Market downturns are a good time to invest more money in your diversified portfolio of ETFs. Why? You buy your ETFs cheaper, which means higher overall portfolio returns.

While you should invest anytime you have money to do so, without regard for the current condition in the market, market downturns are nonetheless a good opportunity to even double down on your investment rather than exiting the market out of fear.

[To see an example of how to apply this advice in a market downturn, read, “Should What’s Happening To The Bond Market Affect Your Portfolio?”]

29. “Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.”

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There are two opposite and equal errors to avoid.

First is the tendency to see everything as an opportunity.

In this case, the investor must always commit to rigorous fundamental analysis to identify actual wonderful companies with durable competitive advantage.

Second is the disposition to overlook opportunities out of ignorance, fear, and impostor syndrome.

If an investor is lucky to live in a time where many wonderful companies are coming up, there is no reason why they should not take massive advantage of that opportunity (as long as they are still rigorous in doing fundamental analysis).

30. “Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.”

30 Warren Buffett Quotes To Build Wealth | Sarwa (19)

The last of our stock market quotes from Warren Buffet requires you to answer this question: Who do you receive financial advice from and who do you trust with your money?

Recently, a 21-year old was arrested in Nigeria for diverting investment funds worth over $4.9 million. Thousands of people trusted a single 21-year old boy with no background in Finance, Economics, or Investment Analysis with their hard-earned money.

Isn’t that crazy?

Before receiving financial advice or trusting someone with your money, you should be sure they have the requisite knowledge, experience, and success with money. And it will be far better if you have a team of such people rather than a lone ranger or just a few individuals.

For example, Sarwa has a wealth advisory team with experience and expertise in finance, trading, consulting, business development, investor relations, and investing technologies, including former employees of Accenture, McKinsey and Co, PwC, and Vigilant Global.

We also have investment advisors and experts that include Dr. Jiro Kondo, an Assistant Professor of Finance at McGill University, and Dr. Zeina Zeidan, the chair of the Board Royal Financials. And there are many public figures who serve as Sarwa’s ambassadors, as well.

Again, ensure you are trusting your money with people who have the requisite knowledge, experience, and a proven track record with managing money.

If we listen to Buffett, the smartest way to invest is to take action today and enjoy its benefits over time.

[Schedule a free call with one of our wealth advisors to learn how Sarwa can help you begin your investment journey. Our wealth advisors are specialized in helping new investors create portfolios to match your unique financial goals, risk tolerance and time horizon.]


  • Learning from established investors like Warren Buffett, through his stock market quotes, is crucial to succeeding at investing.
  • For Buffett, successful investing requires a long-term focus, fundamental analysis of companies, and the principles of value investing.
  • In addition, successful investors must learn to keep their emotions under control and make rational choices.
  • Though investing is not simplistic, it can be simple. Complexity does not mean better results.
30 Warren Buffett Quotes To Build Wealth | Sarwa (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Job: Corporate Administration Planner

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.