3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (2024)

Tracking WhatsApp messages could be tricky and essential. It is tricky because Meta (Facebook), the parent company of WhatsApp, does not want you to invade their user's privacy. However, it can be significant for parents, spouses, employers, etc.

The information shared on WhatsApp can be very sensitive. That is why parents can use the information to prevent their kids from cyberbullying and other online dangers. Spouses can find out secrets about their partners. Employers can pinpoint staff sharing sensitive company secrets, etc.

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (1)

These reasons inform the high cost of spy apps that track WhatsApp messages. But in this article, we will show you how to track WhatsApp messages for free.

  • Part 1: Can You Trace WhatsApp Messages
  • Part 2: How to Track WhatsApp Messages for Free
    • 1. WhatsApp Linked Devices
    • 2. AirDroid WhatsApp Messages Tracker
    • 3. WhatsApp Web Scan
  • Part 3: Can You Track a WhatsApp Message Location
  • Part 4: How to Track Deleted Messages on WhatsApp
  • Part 5: The Reasons Why People Might Want to Track WhatsApp Messages
  • Part 6: Be Aware of Spy Apps May Do Harm to Your Privacy
  • Part 7: Track WhatsApp Messages in Legal and Ethical Boundaries
  • Part 8: Can WhatsApp Calls Be Tracked

Part 1. Can You Trace WhatsApp Messages

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging platforms worldwide, connecting billions of users and facilitating seamless communication. With its end-to-end encryption and two-step verification, WhatsApp prioritizes user privacy and security. However, some question often arises: Can you trace WhatsApp messages? Or how to track WhatsApp messages for free without installing it on the target phone? Although WhatsApp's privacy policy is tight enough that it won't allow users to track messages, a few workarounds will be discussed in the next section.

Part 2. How to Track WhatsApp Messages for Free

While it may be tricky to track WhatsApp messages for free, some features on the app make it possible. Alongside those WhatsApp features that make tracking WhatsApp messages accessible, there are also free third-party spy apps. In this section, you will find features of these three methods, their pros, cons, and steps.

1WhatsApp Linked Devices

Another exciting feature of Track WhatsApp Messages for Free is WhatsApp Linked Devices that allow you to connect and access your WhatsApp account on multiple devices. Assuming you wish to track your child's WhatsApp messages, you only need to connect their mobile device to your laptop by scanning the Q.R. code through the application. This way, you can keep track of all the messages they receive until they specifically turn the feature off.

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (2)


You do not need any third-party application.

It's a quick, easy and reliable method.

No privacy is compromised.


Linked devices do not support all of the features of WhatsApp.

Linked devices can sometimes experience connectivity issues.

2AirDroid WhatsApp Messages Tracker

AirDroid Parental Control is a phone monitoring app that is a bespoke solution for parents. They can use it to track WhatsApp messages for free on their kids' devices. It is a reliable remote tracking WhatsApp and other social media apps.

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (3)

Furthermore, you can use the app to monitor your kids' and family members' physical location and online activities. It will give you their locations in real-time. When they are online, you can monitor what they are doing on WhatsApp without their knowledge.

You can even get notifications on your phone about the target phone. Some other incredible features and benefits of AirDroid Parental Controls are highlighted below. If you want to monitor your kid's phone usage on your computer, simply go to webparent.airdroid.com.

  • Monitor kids' WhatsApp messages and activities in real-time.
  • Schedule when and how long you want your kid to access WhatsApp.
  • View your kids' daily phone activities on WhatsApp.
  • Remotely watch and hear what is happening around your kids.
  • Track your kids' current location and get alerts when your child enters or leaves the geo-fenced zones.

3WhatsApp Web Scan

You can use a third-party solution to gain access to a WhatsApp account. Some of these solutions use every WhatsApp account's unique bar code. Hence, the code is scanned, and the account is set up on other mobile devices. An example of this solution is WhatsApp Web Scan. It is available for download on Google Play Store and Apple App Store on Android and iPhones, respectively.

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (4)


It makes tracking WhatsApp messages on another mobile device easy.

You can set up about four different devices with an account.


Its connectivity is not guaranteed because it breaks off often.

You need to be close to the mobile device with WhatsApp.

The WhatsApp account you are tracking must be online on the smartphone before you can access it on other devices.

Part 3: Can You Track a WhatsApp Message Location

No, you can't track the location from which a WhatsApp message was sent. However, WhatsApp has a location-sharing feature. This feature requires the sender to share their location with you after sending a message. If you are tracking the account through WhatsApp Web or Web Scan, you can use this feature without the person knowing. Our tracking app, AirDroid Parental Control, can also track your kid's location secretly.

Part 4: How to Track Deleted Messages on WhatsApp

Every message or chat, like SMS, email, or WhatsApp, has source and destination codes. If you can access these codes, you will be able to trace the message. You can use access code to track deleted messages without breaking encryption or privacy policy. Some third-party apps allow you to see deleted WhatsApp messages without the code.

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (5)

Part 5: The Reasons Why People Might Want to Track WhatsApp Messages

There are several reasons why people want to track WhatsApp conversations. It may not be considered ethical, but acceptable if you are responsible or wish to prevent another person from getting into trouble. In most cases, people are just curious about what their friends and family are up to on WhatsApp.

Some possible reasons people wish to know how to track whatsapp conversations include the following.

  • You may be a parent who wants to monitor your kids' online chat to ensure they are not engaging in inappropriate or dangerous behavior.
  • You're a manager who wants to verify that employees use company time wisely.
  • Spouse or partner monitoring. People in relationships often look for ways to track their spouse or partner's WhatsApp conversation to ensure they are not cheating.
  • Law enforcement. Law enforcement may want to track WhatsApp messages as part of an investigation into a crime.

Part 6: Be Aware of Spy Apps May Do Harm to Your Privacy

In your immediate surroundings, there are a lot of people who recommend unreliable spy apps for tracking other users. Be aware that these apps can seriously threaten your privacy, especially when you use secret apps to track others' WhatsApp messages. Your private information is mostly collected by such applications and sold to third parties.

Below we've explained how spy apps work, as well as the potential risks and disadvantages of using them.

How Do Spy Apps Work

Spy apps are similar to malware that can be installed on a target device to track its activities. Spy apps can track various activities, including calls, text messages, recent activities, and location data. Spy apps are also used to record audio, video and to take screenshots.

Spy apps secretly work by hiding on the device and collecting data in the background without user knowledge. The data is then sent to the app's server, where it can be viewed by the person who installed the app.

The Potential Risks and Drawbacks of Using Spy Apps

With the use of spy apps come a number of potential risks and disadvantages. Particularly when you use unreliable or spam apps downloaded from untrustworthy sites. Here are some examples.

Privacy violations: Spy apps can violate the privacy of the person whose device they are installed on. Spy apps can track a wide range of personal information, including calls, text messages, browsing history, and location data. This information can be used to blackmail, harass, or stalk the person whose device the app is installed on.

Security risks: Spy apps can pose a security risk to the device they are installed on. Spy apps can be used to steal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. Spy apps can also be used to install other malware on the device.

Legal issues: In some countries, installing a spy app on someone else's device is illegal without their permission. You could face legal consequences if you are caught using a spy app.

Part 7: Track WhatsApp Messages in Legal and Ethical Boundaries

When tracking WhatsApp messages, various legal and ethical considerations should be considered. First, it's important to ensure that the tracking purpose is legal. Law enforcement agencies can usually track WhatsApp messages with an official warrant or necessary legal authorizations. However, ordinary individuals and private companies don't have such authority to track WhatsApp messages without the consent of the individual whose messages are being tracked.

Parents can use the built-in screen time features or download a parental control app if they want to monitor their children's WhatsApp conversations.

Track WhatsApp messages within legal and ethical boundaries means that one should be accountable and ensure that the tracking process does not violate the rights of individuals.

You must inform your local law enforcement department if you suspect someone is engaging in suspicious activities via their Whatsapp rather than trying to track their messages without consent.

Part 8: Can WhatsApp Calls Be Tracked

No, you cannot track WhatsApp calls. The end-to-end encryption of your WhatsApp call prevents it from being recorded. Hence, your conversations are exchanged in code, making tracking difficult.

Final Words

Various security reasons encourage tracking WhatsApp messages. However, that does not mean you have to break the bank. You can track WhatsApp messages for free on your PC or mobile device. There are three methods that you can employ in this article.

These methods are very effective because the target phone owner will not know that you are tracing their WhatsApp messages. However, you cannot track calls on WhatsApp. But WhatsApp allows you to track forwarded messages and deleted messages.

Hottest Question Related to Track WhatsApp Messages

Q 1. Is There Any Free WhatsApp Tracker?

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (6)


Yes, there are free WhatsApp trackers. One such example is the WhatsApp Web Scan. Additionally, you can use our proven software solution, AirDroid Parental Control.

Q 2. Can I See Someone Else WhatsApp Messages?

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (7)


Yes, by using any of the three tracking methods shown above, you can see someone else WhatsApp message. Often, it can be seen on your PC or another mobile device.

Q 3. How Can I Track Someone's WhatsApp Activity?

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (8)


You can track someone's WhatsApp activity by using a tracking app. Alternatively, you track someone's WhatsApp activity by login into the account on another device, either PC or mobile.

Q 4. Can I Track WhatsApp Messages Without Rooting?

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (9)


Yes, without rooting a phone, you can track WhatsApp messages. Many third-party apps request that users root their devices before they can track their WhatsApp messages. But with AirDroid Parental Control, you do not need to root your device.

Q 5. Can I Track WhatsApp Messages free Without Installing It on the Target Phone?

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (10)


Yes, you can. Installing on a target phone requires looking for an open window when the person does not know what you are doing on their phone. The probability of getting caught is very high. However, a quick scan to set up your PC or alternative mobile phone tracking can replace installing on a target phone.

Q 6. Is There an App to Secretly See WhatsApp Messages?

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (11)


Yes, there are several apps to secretly see WhatsApp messages, if you are looking for a "WhatsApp tracker message" or "WhatsApp call tracker," use AirDroid Parental Control.

Q 7. How to Track My Wife's WhatsApp Messages?

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (12)


To track your wife's WhatsApp messages, grab her phone and link her whatsapp with your laptop through WhatsApp Web or use a third-party whatsapp tracker chat application.

Q 8. How to Track WhatsApp Chat of Another Number?

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (13)


One way to track WhatsApp chat of another number is to use WhatsApp Web. WhatsApp Web is a web-based version of WhatsApp that allows you to access your WhatsApp messages from any computer.

3 Proven Ways to Track WhatsApp Messages Free – AirDroid (2024)


Does AirDroid work with WhatsApp? ›

AirDroid Parental Control is the best parental control app for WhatsApp. It is available for free and offers more than just Whatapp parental control. We choose AirDroid because; Screen mirroring the live screen on WhatsApp to see your child's activity.

How do I read WhatsApp messages on AirDroid? ›

Here are the instructions to follow if you want to use AirDroid for WhatsApp to see encrypted text messages on an Android device.
  1. Install AirDroid Parental Control. Download and install AirDroid Parental Control on your phone.
  2. Register Your Account. ...
  3. Install AirDroid Kids. ...
  4. Begin Reading WhatsApp Messages with Seen.

Can WhatsApp text be monitored? ›

The content of all messages sent using WhatsApp are protected by the same Signal encryption protocol that secures messages before they leave your device, which ensures only you and the person you're communicating with can listen to or read what you're sending, and nobody in between, not even WhatsApp.

How do I see chat history on WhatsApp? ›

Step 1: Ensure that you've backed up your WhatsApp chats to Google Drive from your Android device. Step 2: On your iPhone, install WhatsApp and verify your phone number. Step 3: WhatsApp will detect the Google Drive backup and ask if you want to restore it. Tap "Restore Chat History."

How can I see deleted WhatsApp history? ›

Through WhatsApp Chat Backup
  1. First, uninstall WhatsApp from your phone.
  2. Now re-install the app and log into it using your phone number.
  3. Once your number is verified, you would be asked to restore your messages if there is any backup found on Google Drive or other cloud storage providers.
  4. Select 'Restore'
Jul 11, 2023

How can I read WhatsApp messages without going to the app? ›

To view unread messages in a chat, tap and hold the chat for a moment. Step 3. A peeling window will appear, so you may peek in on the discussion without opening it.

How can I know if someone is monitoring my WhatsApp? ›

How do you know if someone is spying on your WhatsApp Web? Tap the three dots on the top of the screen (or Settings on iPhone) on WhatsApp's main screen. Select Image nameed devices. Check if there are logged-in devices and log out any unknown device.

Can WhatsApp messages be subpoenaed for divorce? ›

Generally, courts in the US will admit evidence if it is relevant, reliable, and authentic. WhatsApp messages can meet these requirements if they are genuine and unaltered, and parties seeking to admit them can prove their authenticity.

Can you put parental control on WhatsApp? ›

WhatsApp's privacy settings allow you to restrict who can see your child's messages and location. There are also ways to block delete or report users on the platform to promote internet safety and risk management.

What is the best parental control app for WhatsApp? ›

🥇 1. Bark — Best overall parental control app for WhatsApp with non-invasive monitoring tools. 🥈 2. mSpy — Excellent for monitoring WhatsApp on Android (takes screenshots and logs keystrokes).

Can I open WhatsApp without verification code? ›

While you can't bypass WhatsApp verification completely, you can use a temporary phone number (like a Google Voice number) to create an account. Simply send the code to that number instead of your real phone number.

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