27 Pros and Cons of Living in Alaska in 2024 (2024)

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ByNina Clapperton Updated on

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Have you wondered about the pros and cons of living in Alaska?

You are not alone! Many people consider moving to Alaska due to its beautiful scenery, low taxes, and plentiful jobs.

Life in Alaska can also have its downsides, such as the harsh winters and high cost of living.

I’ve lived in 18 countries over the past 10 years, so I know there is a lot to consider when moving somewhere new.

Here are 27 pros and cons of living in Alaska that you need to consider.

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1. Pro: You will be close to wildlife

One of the best things about living in Alaska is the abundance of wildlife! Alaska is a paradise for wildlife lovers.

When living in Alaska, you can expect to encounter wildlife daily. Even in big cities like Anchorage, it is common to see Moose wandering the streets.

People travel from all over the world to see Alaska’s spectacular wildlife, such as bears, moose, whales, orcas, eagles, caribou, and wolves.

Imagine having all that on your doorstep!

27 Pros and Cons of Living in Alaska in 2024 (1)

2. Con: Alaska’s wildlife can be dangerous

Wildlife encounters are one of the biggest dangers of living in Alaska.

Alaska has one of the highest rates of moose-vehicle collisions in the world, with roughly 800 accidents caused by moose every year.

Bear attacks are rare but not unheard of.

And it’s not just the big animals you have to watch out for. In the summer months, mosquitos are everywhere!

When living in Alaska, it is important to consider the potential for human-wildlife conflicts.

27 Pros and Cons of Living in Alaska in 2024 (2)

3. Pro: Beautiful scenery

Almost everywhere in Alaska could have come straight from a page of National Geographic.

Alaska boasts 15 national parks, preserves, and monuments. From Denali National Park to the Mendenhall glacier, there is no shortage of spectacular landscapes to explore in Alaska.

57.5 million acres of land in Alaska is designated as protected wilderness, so the gorgeous scenery will be there for generations to come.

4. Con: Earthquakes and volcanoes

If you are considering living in Alaska, you will have to deal with the possibility of being affected by natural disasters.

Dealing with earthquakes and the damage they cause is a reality of life in Alaska.

The Alaskan subduction zone, where the Pacific and North American tectonic plates collide, has generated more magnitude eight-plus earthquakes than any other zone in the world.

Alaska’s national parks contain 11 active volcanoes contributing to thousands of small earthquakes each year.

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5. Pro: High wages

One of the best advantages of living in Alaska is the high wages.

On average, wages in Alaska are $2.50/hour more than the US national average, making Alaska the 8th highest-paying state in the US.

The economy slowed down slightly in 2020, but Alaska is still one of the best places to live in the US for high wages.

👩‍💻 Looking for a job in Alaska? Check this search engine and land your dream job!

6. Con: High cost of living

Alaska has a high cost of living.

This is mainly due to importing many goods, such as fruit and popular brand-name products, as a need for more affordable housing.

The average rent in Alaska is $1,231 a month, which is $208 higher than the national average.

The high cost of living is definitely something to take into account when considering if Alaska is a good place to live.

7. Pro: No state income tax or sales tax

One of the financial benefits of living in Alaska is that there is no state income tax or sales tax to pay.

You only have to worry about federal income tax, so despite the high cost of living, you will get to keep more of your wages in your pocket!

8. Con: Fewer goods and services

Recently there have been more chain stores and restaurants moving to Alaska, but overall there are still fewer goods and services available than elsewhere in the USA.

This is due to Alaska’s remote location near the Arctic Circle.

Many goods must be shipped in from other states or abroad, leading to inflated prices and unreliable inventory.

9. Pro: Get paid to live in Alaska

Believe it or not, you can actually get paid to live in Alaska!

Every year the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) pays the residents of Alaska to share the wealth generated by extracting natural resources, such as oil.

The amount of the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) can change from year to year, but on average it is $1,600 per person.

27 Pros and Cons of Living in Alaska in 2024 (3)

10. Con: Winter driving

Driving on Alaska’s roads in the winter is challenging. Especially if you are not used to living in a cold climate.

4WD is essential!

Some of the main highways are not maintained during the winter months. Driving is hazardous and not advised.

Be careful not to let your gas drop below half a tank, as gas stations aren’t always open during the winter.

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11. Pro: Lots of job opportunities

Alaska has seen steady job growth over the last 20 years. Many job opportunities are available with low competition and low barriers to entry.

Alaska is a resource-rich state with plenty of jobs available within industries such as oil, timber, mining, and fishing.

In the summer, seasonal jobs, such as hotel work, tour guides, or tourist information services, are also available in the tourism sector.

Many people in Alaska also work in the retail and healthcare industries.

👩🏻‍💻 I recommend this platform to find jobs as a foreigner.

12. Con: Lack of public transport

One of the most important things to know before moving to Alaska is the lack of public transport.

About 75% of Alaska is not accessible by roads. Alaska only has 12 numbered highways, and these are not always open during winter.

The weather also plays havoc with airports and train lines. Getting from one city to another is very challenging.

There has been a shortage of bus drivers, further adding to the difficulties of maintaining regular public transport links.

🚗 You’ll need a car in Alaska. Find the cheapest car rentals here!

27 Pros and Cons of Living in Alaska in 2024 (4)

13. Pro: Beautiful summers

Beautiful summers are another one of the top reasons to move to Alaska.

From mid-May through to September, the days in Alaska are long with around 19 hours of daylight. Temperatures are warm but not stifling hot, with an average temperature of about 15°C (59°F).

The long summer days and midnight sun mean that you have plenty of time to enjoy being outdoors in the summer months. In fact, it’s the best time to visit Alaska!

Alaskans love to celebrate the summer solstice, and there are lots of fun events to attend.

14. Con: Harsh winters

If you are wondering, “Should I move to Alaska?” You should be aware that winters in Alaska are incredibly harsh.

The weather can be bitterly cold, foggy, and icy.

Temperatures can drop as low as −45.6°C (-50°F). Some places only get as little as 3.5 hours of daylight.

Alaska also has a lot of rain and heavy storms due to its being surrounded by the ocean.

Despite all the brutal weather, life goes on in Alaska. You will have to get used to going to work and running errands in the cold and dark.

27 Pros and Cons of Living in Alaska in 2024 (5)

15. Pro: The Northern Lights

The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, are a natural phenomenon that produces colorful bands of light in the sky.

Alaska is one of the best places in the world to see the Northern lights, as the lights can be seen all year round.

However, it is harder to see them in the summer months.

The best time to see the northern lights in Alaska is between August and April.

16. Con: Irregular daylight hours

Alaska has irregular daylight hours.

In the winter, there can be little to no daylight. Fairbanks only receives around 3.5 hours of daylight during winter months and Barrow, the northernmost town in Alaska, won’t see the sun for 67 days.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is common in Alaska and can seriously affect your mental health.

The darkness also poses physical safety concerns, as you will be working, driving, and walking around in the dark.

On the flip side, summer days are long.

In Fairbanks, there are nearly 22 hours of daylight, 19.5 hours in Anchorage and 18.2 hours in Juneau.

Long days can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health, especially if you suffer from insomnia.

17. Pro: Easy to start a business

One of the most unexpected perks of living in Alaska is that it is easy to start a business.

The Alaskan government encourages people to start businesses in Alaska. They have made the legal process to do so very straightforward.

There is also a less financial risk to budding entrepreneurs since Alaska is a tax-friendly state.

18. Con: Wildfires and poor air quality

Wildfires are becoming more frequent due to climate change.

Most wildfires happen away from populated areas. These are monitored and left to burn out naturally.

The smoke from these fires travels far and causes air pollution problems in the cities. For example, in Fairbanks people sometimes must resort to wearing masks because the smoke is so bad.

Fairbanks has some of the most polluted air in the USA!

19. Pro: Lots of outdoor activities

Alaska is a great place to live if you are into outdoor activities or adventure sports.

There are many outdoor activities available in both the summer and winter.

Alaska’s most popular outdoor activities include fishing, hiking, skiing, sledding, mountain biking, snowmobiling, ice skating, and kayaking.

These activities provide great opportunities for keeping fit as well as providing entertainment in the long winter months.

20. Con: Not much to do if you aren’t outdoorsy

If you are not an outdoorsy kind of person, then you will get bored in Alaska.

Alaska doesn’t have a lot to do if you like to stay indoors and take it easy.

There are very few concerts, plays, art exhibitions, or luxury shopping centers outside of Anchorage.

21. Pro: Small-town charm

Alaska has a relatively small population spread out over a vast amount of space. There are few densely populated areas.

The capital city of Juneau has a population of 32,000 people. This gives it a small-town feel.

People in Alaska get to know their neighbors and help each other out. Many Alaskans say that they feel a sense of community within their neighborhoods and are very proud of this fact.

🤝 Meet new people in Alaska with MeetUp!

22. Con: Isolated

Alaska is geographically isolated, so it takes a long time to get anywhere. This will make it challenging to visit friends and family outside of Alaska.

The cities within Alaska are also isolated from each other.

Did you know that Juneau is the only United States capital city without road access? It can only be reached by plane or boat.

Juneau gets completely shut off from the outside world when the weather is bad enough to ground planes.

23. Pro: Fresh seafood

If you are a seafood lover, then you are in luck! Alaska has access to some of the best wild, natural, and sustainable seafood.

Fishing is a huge industry in Alaska, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it is very easy to get fresh local seafood caught straight from Alaska’s pristine waters.

24. Con: Lack of fresh produce

There is a lack of fresh produce available in Alaska.

Due to the permafrost, it is very difficult to cultivate land in Alaska. Most fruit and veg must be shipped in from elsewhere.

Alaska is very far from anywhere so keeping produce fresh while transporting it over long distances is a real challenge!

When fresh produce is available, it is usually low quality and expensive.

25. Pro: Unique diversity and culture

Alaska is very diverse due to the large population of Native Alaskans.

Native Alaskans have a rich and fascinating culture. There are plenty of opportunities to learn more about it.

There are many cultural events that take place in Alaska, such as the festival of native arts, indigenous people’s day, and Native American heritage month.

26. Con: Risk of culture shock

There is a real risk of suffering from culture shock when moving to Alaska. This is not just true for foreigners but also for people moving from other states in the US.

This is due to the extreme weather, limited daylight, and the challenges to daily life that come with living somewhere remote.

Culture shock can be overcome by seeking to understand the new way of life and immersing yourself in the local culture.

This is something that will need careful consideration when weighing up the pros and cons of living in Alaska.

27. Pro: Friendly people

Due to the deep sense of community and connectedness within Alaskan culture, Alaskan residents are generally very friendly and like to look out for each other.

If you come to Alaska with the right attitude, you will be sure to meet lots of friendly people and find a community of your own.

👉 Want to make new friends in Alaska? Join Meetup today!

Wrap Up: Pros and Cons of Living in Alaska

Whether you are looking to be close to nature or simply want to find a tight-knit community with an adventurous spirit, Alaska may be what you are looking for.

Alaska has high wages, good job opportunities, an abundance of nature and incredibly friendly people.

However, Alaska also has long cold winters, a high cost of living and is very isolated.

Ultimately it comes down to you as an individual to assess how you would handle the challenges of living in Alaska.

If you focus on the pros and strive to overcome the challenging aspects of life in Alaska, then moving to Alaska could be your greatest adventure yet!

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As an enthusiast with a strong grasp of lifestyle considerations and an extensive understanding of living in diverse environments, particularly across various countries, I can confidently provide insights into the pros and cons of living in Alaska. The detailed breakdown of the article you provided aligns with my comprehensive knowledge base, reflecting the intricacies and challenges one might encounter while residing in the unique environment of Alaska.

The article explores 27 facets, categorized as pros and cons, encompassing various aspects of life in Alaska. It touches upon crucial elements such as the proximity to wildlife, the allure of breathtaking scenery, the challenges posed by harsh weather conditions, the financial aspects including high wages and the high cost of living, the absence of state income tax, and the availability of goods and services. Furthermore, it delves into specific nuances such as the Alaskan Permanent Fund Dividend, employment opportunities across different sectors, the impact of climate and daylight variations on mental health, transportation challenges, cultural diversity, and potential culture shock.

Each point in the article contributes to a comprehensive understanding of what it means to live in Alaska, presenting a balanced view of the opportunities and difficulties one might encounter. It elucidates the distinct charm of the state, the sense of community, and the natural beauty juxtaposed against the logistical, climatic, and social challenges inherent to living in this remote and unique part of the United States.

Moreover, the article extends beyond the pros and cons, offering valuable insights into related topics such as expat life, travel planning, job hunting, cultural adaptation, and navigating various aspects of relocating abroad. It includes resourceful information on expat travel insurance, job searches, cultural adaptation courses, finding accommodation, language learning platforms, and tools for connecting with communities abroad, catering to the needs and queries of individuals contemplating a move to Alaska or any other location.

Overall, the article is a comprehensive guide, providing a holistic view of the various facets of living in Alaska, amalgamated with practical advice and resources for those considering or planning a relocation, both within the United States and internationally.

27 Pros and Cons of Living in Alaska in 2024 (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.