24 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money Fast! - Easy Life Addict (2024)

We all have things that we spend money on that we don’t need. Whether it’s a £5 cup of coffee every morning or a £200 pair of jeans, little purchases can add up quickly. If you’re looking to save money, check out this list of 24 things to stop buying to save money fast!. From unnecessary beauty products to unhealthy snacks, see how much money you can save by making some simple changes in your spending habits!

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24 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money:

1. Eating Out

If you’re looking to save money, one of the quickest and easiest ways to do so is by reducing the number of times you eat out. While it may be convenient and sometimes even necessary to eat out, it’s almost always more expensive than cooking at home. Plus, when you cook at home, you have more control over the ingredients and can make healthier choices.

If you’re serious about saving money, aim to cook most of your meals at home and only eat out on special occasions. You may be surprised at how much money you can save in just a month or two!

2. Fancy Coffee

If you’re like me, you start every day with a cup of coffee from your favourite coffee shop. And if you’re like me, that cup of coffee costs you about £3.50. That might not seem like a lot of money, but it adds up quickly. Over a month, you’re spending more than £100 on coffee. And over a year, that number jumps to nearly £1,300.

Of course, giving up coffee entirely is easier said than done. But even making small changes can have a big impact on your budget. So instead of splurging, why not make your coffee instead?

3. Takeaway Meals

24 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money Fast! - Easy Life Addict (1)

It’s no secret that takeout meals can be expensive. Whether you’re grabbing a quick lunch or order in for dinner, those meals can add up. In fact, the average person spends about £1,200 on takeout each year. And while it may not seem like a lot, that money could be better spent elsewhere.

For example, if you invested that money instead of spending it on takeout, you could easily have an extra £5,000 in just five years. Even if you’re not interested in investing, you could still use that money to pay off debt or build up your savings.

So if you’re looking to save some money, skipping the takeout is a great place to start. Not only will you save money in the short term, but you’ll also set yourself up for financial success in the long run.

4. Magazine Subscription

If you’re like most people, you probably have a stack of unread magazines sitting on your coffee table. Perhaps you subscribed to them in a moment of weakness, or maybe they were given to you as a gift.

Whatever the case may be, it’s time to face the truth: magazine subscriptions are a waste of money. Not only are they expensive, but you’re likely to never read more than a handful of articles from each issue.

In fact, most people only read the articles that interest them and throw the rest away. If you’re looking to save money, one of the easiest things you can do is cancel your magazine subscriptions. You’ll be surprised at how much money you’ll save over a year and you can always buy individual issues if there’s an article you want to read.

5. Books

It’s no secret that books can be expensive. Whether you’re buying new or used, hardcover or paperback, the cost of filling your shelves can quickly add up. If you’re looking to save some money, one obvious solution is to simply stop buying books. However, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. For many of us, books are more than just material objects, they’re a source of knowledge, comfort, and inspiration. Cutting them out of our lives completely can feel like a daunting prospect.

Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to curb your book-buying habits without completely giving up your love of reading. One option is to take advantage of your local library. Most libraries offer a wide selection of books that you can borrow for free. Additionally, many libraries now offer digital copies of books that you can check out and read on your computer or e-reader.

If you’re feeling ambitious, you could even try starting a book club with friends or family members – that way, you can enjoy all the benefits of reading without having to buy a single book!

6. Save On Grocery Shopping

We all know that eating healthy can be expensive. However, there are a few simple tricks that you can use to save money on your grocery bill. First, try to cook meals from scratch rather than buy ready-made meals. Not only is this usually cheaper, but it’s also healthier since you know exactly what ingredients are going into your food.

Second, avoid Junk food and snacks as much as possible. These tend to be much more expensive than healthier options like fruits and veggies.

Finally, try to bulk purchase items when they’re on sale. This way, you’ll always have the ingredients on hand that you need without having to pay full price. By following these tips, you can easily save money on your grocery bill without sacrificing your health.

  • 22 Simple ways of saving money on groceries

7. Bottled Water

These days, it seems like everyone is carrying around a reusable water bottle. And for good reason! Not only is it better for the environment, but it can also save you a lot of money in the long run.

If you’re someone who tends to buy bottled water regularly, consider making the switch to a reusable bottle. It may require a bit of an upfront investment, but you’ll soon start to see the savings add up. Plus, you can feel good knowing that you’re doing your part to reduce plastic waste.

So next time you’re reaching for a bottle of water, think about whether or not you need it. Chances are, you can just as easily fill up your reusable bottle and save yourself some money in the process.

  • 10 health benefits of drinking more water!
  • 9 Simple tips to help you drink more water!

8. Soda Drinks

If you’re looking to save money, one of the easiest places to start is by cutting down on your soda intake. Soda is not only expensive, but it’s also bad for your health. Just one can of soda a day can add up to a lot of extra sugar and calories, and over time, those calories can lead to weight gain.

Drinking water is a much better option for your health and your wallet. It’s calorie-free and hydrating, and it costs pennies per glass. So the next time you’re tempted to reach for a soda, remember that water is the best (and cheapest) choice for your body.

9. Alcohol

24 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money Fast! - Easy Life Addict (2)

One of the quickest and easiest ways to save money is to stop drinking alcohol. A night out can easily cost £100 when you factor in drinks, cover charges, and tips. And that’s not even counting the cost of taxis or Uber! If you go out drinking once a week, that’s £400 per month or £4800 per year. That’s a lot of money that could be going into savings.

Not to mention, alcohol is often associated with poor decision-making. After a few drinks, you’re more likely to spend money on things you don’t need or want. So if you’re looking to save money and improve your finances, cutting out alcohol is a great place to start.

10. Gym Membership

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably made a New Year’s resolution or two that involves getting in shape. And if you’re really like most people, you’ve probably already abandoned those resolutions. But there’s no need to feel guilty, after all, gyms can be expensive, and it can be hard to find the time to get there. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get a great workout at home, without busting your budget.

For starters, you can use your body weight for resistance exercises. Push-ups, sit-ups, and squats are all excellent exercises that require no equipment whatsoever. If you want to add a bit of variety or increase the challenge level, there are several inexpensive pieces of equipment that you can buy second-hand or even make yourself. For example, a few yoga mats can provide a comfortable surface for floor exercises, while a couple of dumbbells can help you add some weight to your routine.

Of course, working out at home isn’t for everyone. But if you’re looking for a way to save money and still get in shape, it’s worth considering. With a little creativity and effort, you can create a workout routine that’s just as effective and far more affordable than anything you’ll find at the gym.

11. Gifts

It can be tough to find the perfect gift for a friend, especially if you’re on a budget. However, there are plenty of ways to save money without sacrificing thoughtfulness.

One way to do this is to keep an eye out for sales throughout the year. This way, you can buy gifts when they’re on clearance and save them for special occasions.

Another option is to make homemade gifts. This can be anything from baked goods to the hand-crafted card. The key is to put some thought into what your friend would appreciate. By following these tips, you can give your friends thoughtful gifts without breaking the bank.

  • 30 DIY Christmas mason jar gift ideas

12. Branded Products

As any savvy shopper knows, store own brands can be a great way to save money. In many cases, the quality of store brands is just as good as name-brand products, but they can be purchased at a fraction of the cost.

Plus, with the rise of online shopping, it has never been easier to compare prices and find the best deals on the items you need. So next time you’re at the store, remember to give the store brand a try, your wallet will thank you!

13. Mobile Phones

If you’re like most people, your mobile phone is one of your lifelines. It allows you to stay connected with friends and family, get work done on the go, and access a world of information at any time. However, all of that convenience comes at a cost, and your monthly phone bill can quickly add up. If you’re looking for ways to save money on your mobile phone, here are a few tips to get you started.

One of the simplest ways to save money is to switch to a sim-only plan. This type of plan eliminates the need for a costly contract, and it also gives you the flexibility to change plans or providers if you find a better deal.

Another way to save money is to take advantage of special deals and discounts. Many mobile phone companies offer discounts for students, seniors, or customers who sign up for multiple lines. And if you’re willing to switch providers, you can often snag a great deal on a new sim-only plan. Whatever route you choose, there are plenty of ways to save money on your mobile phone.

14. Smoking

Giving up smoking is not only great for your health, but it can also save you a lot of money. According to NHS England, the average smoker (10 a day) spends around £3,640 per year on cigarettes. That’s £200 per month or more than £10 per day. Over 10 years, that’s a potential savings of $36,400.

Of course, quitting smoking is not easy. But it’s important to remember that there are many resources available to help you quit for good. So if you’re ready to save money and improve your health, giving up smoking is a great place to start.

If you are serious about giving up smoking then check out theNHS Better Health websitefor advice and support.

15. Beauty Treatments

24 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money Fast! - Easy Life Addict (3)

If you’re looking to save some money, one area you may want to consider cutting back on is beauty treatments. While it’s important to feel good about yourself, there are plenty of ways to do so without spending a lot of money on salon visits or expensive products.

Instead indulge in some at-home pampering treatments. You could buy some cheaper treatments from your local drugstore or have a go at making your own with ingredients you may already have at home.

You can also save money on haircuts by visiting a less expensive salon or by cutting your own hair. And when it comes to skincare, there are plenty of affordable products that can help you achieve the results you’re looking for. So if you’re trying to cut back on spending, skipping the salon may be a good place to start.

16. Hair Treatments

I’m not going to lie, I used to be a sucker for all the latest hair treatments. You name it, I’ve tried it: deep conditioners, hot oil treatments, leave-in conditioners, you name it. And while my hair did look pretty good after using all those products, it was also costing me a small fortune. Finally, I realized that I needed to stop buying all those hair treatment products if I wanted to save some money.

So, how did I do it? Well, first of all, I cut back on the number of products I was using. Instead of using four different conditioners, I now just use one. Second, I began making my own hair treatments at home using ingredients that are easily found in the kitchen. For instance, instead of paying for a deep conditioner, I just combine some coconut oil and honey and apply them to my hair before shampooing. Not only is this homemade treatment much cheaper than store-bought products, but it also works just as well (if not better)!

If you’re tired of spending a lot of money on hair treatment products that don’t work, then try cutting back on the number of products you use and making your own treatments at home. Your wallet will thank you!

17. Travel Costs

If you’re looking to save money on your daily commute, there are a few things you can do. First, consider taking public transport instead of driving. Not only is this better for the environment, but it can also save you a lot of money on petrol and parking fees.

If you need to take the occasional taxi or Uber, try to book in advance so you can take advantage of any discounts or promo codes that are available.

Finally, if you’re travelling during peak times, see if any off-peak options can save you money. By following these simple tips, you can make your daily commute a lot more affordable.

18. TV Subscriptions

If you’re like most people, you probably have a few subscription services that you pay for every month. And while it may not seem like much, those subscriptions can add up over time! Here’s why tv subscriptions are a waste of money and why cancelling them will save you money.

First, let’s look at the cost of tv subscriptions. Even the most basic cable package can easily cost £50 or more per month. And if you add in extras like premium channels that price can quickly jump to £100 or more. That’s a lot of money to spend on something that you may not even watch that often!

Second, think about all of the other things that you could be doing with that money if you didn’t have a tv subscription. You could be investing it, saving it, or using it to pay off debt. Or, you could be using it to enjoy other hobbies or experiences that you love. There’s no reason to keep pourings your hard-earned money into a tv subscription when there are so many other better uses for it!

19. Cinema

There’s no denying that going to the movies can be a bit of a budget buster. Between the cost of tickets, popcorn, and candy, it’s easy to spend a small fortune at your local cinema.

But if you’re looking to save some cash and you can’t give up the cinema altogether, there are a few simple ways to enjoy the cinema on a budget.

First, consider going to matinees instead of evening showings. Tickets are usually cheaper during the day, and you’ll avoid the crowds as well. You can also bring your own snacks from home instead of buying them at the concession stand. A little planning can go a long way towards saving you money at the movies.

20. Subscription Boxes

Subscription boxes can be a lot of fun. They’re like a present you give yourself every month, full of little surprises. But they can also be a huge waste of money, especially if you don’t take the time to cancel them once you’ve had enough.

I’m guilty of this myself, I’ve subscribed to more than a few boxes over the years, and most of the time I ended up forgetting about them until the charge showed up on my credit card statement.

If you’re looking to save some money fast, one of the easiest things you can do is stop buying subscription boxes. You’ll be surprised how much money you can free up by cancelling just a few subscriptions. So take a look at your monthly expenses and see if there are any subscription boxes you can live without. Your bank account will thank you for it!

21. New Clothing

24 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money Fast! - Easy Life Addict (4)

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a bit of a shopaholic. Whenever I see a cute dress or a new pair of shoes, I just have to have them. However, lately, I’ve been trying to curb my spending habits and save some money.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to stop buying new clothes. Instead of hitting the mall every weekend, I’ve been opting for secondhand shops and thrift stores.

Not only is this much easier on my wallet, but it’s also more environmentally friendly. Used clothing doesn’t require new resources to produce, so it has a lower carbon footprint. Plus, it’s always fun to find hidden treasures at thrift stores. So if you’re looking to save some money, I would recommend stopping buying new and giving used clothes a try.

22. Impulse Buying

Anyone who has ever gone on a shopping spree knows the feeling of regret that comes afterwards. Whether it’s a new piece of clothing that doesn’t fit quite right or a trinket that ends up collecting dust, we’ve all been there.

Impulse buying can be dangerous not only to our wallets but also to our mental health. That’s why it’s important to take a step back and ask ourselves whether we need something before we make a purchase.

One way to do this is to create a wish list of items that you would like to buy. Then, wait at least 24 hours before buying anything from your list. This will give you time to reconsider whether you really need the item or if you’re just succumbing to a momentary urge.

By being more mindful of our spending, we can save both money and unnecessary clutter in our lives.

23. Female-Friendly Products

Have you heard of the pink tax? That’s right, from pink razors to scented laundry detergent, companies are charging women more for essentially the same products as they sell to men. And it’s not just a few pennies, in some cases, women are paying 50% or more for the exact same product.

So next time you’re at the store, think twice before reaching for the pink version of whatever you need. Chances are, you’ll save yourself a lot of money in the long run

24. Vacations

One of the quickest ways to save money fast is to cut out vacations and fancy day outs, however, there are times when you need to take a trip, for example, to visit family members or work commitments. However, if you need to take a trip there are a few simple tips that can help to save money on travel costs.

One way to save is to take advantage of public transport options whenever possible. Not only is public transport usually cheaper than taking a taxi or renting a car, but it can also be a great way to see the sights of a new place.

Another way to save on travel costs is to book your accommodation and flights in advance. By planning your trip ahead of time, you can often get discounts on both airfare and accommodations.

Finally, try to avoid travelling during peak times if possible. Not only will you avoid the crowds, but you’ll also likely find cheaper rates on flights and hotels. By following these simple tips, you can help to keep your travel costs down.

Other Ways Of Saving Money

24 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money Fast! - Easy Life Addict (5)

If you’re looking to save money fast, there are a few other key things you can do.

First, pay off any high-interest debt that you have. This will reduce the amount of interest you’re paying each month, freeing up more money to save.

Second, create a budget and stick to it. Determine how much you need to spend on essentials each month, and then set aside additional money for savings.

Third, create a meal plan and batch-cook your meals instead of eating out. This can help you save money on groceries and reduce the temptation to spend money on convenience foods.

Finally, use automated savings apps to help you automatically transfer money into your savings account each month.

By following these tips, you can quickly start saving money and reaching your financial goals.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, saving money doesn’t have to be hard. You just need to prioritise what you really need and what you can do without. You don’t necessarily need to incorporate all these tips into your daily life but just choosing a few things will greatly help with your saving goals.

As you see your savings grow you may even start to cut back on some more items, however, its important not to cut back too much and give yourself a little treat now and again otherwise you might just find yourself slipping back into old habits.

Read more:

  • 18 Simple ways to save money and boost your budget!

So there you have it, 24 things to stop buying to save money fast! Some of these tips may be more applicable to your situation than others, but give them all a try and see which ones work best for you. And remember, even if you can only save £10 or £20 each week by implementing some of these strategies, that adds up over time!

Thanks so much for stopping by, I appreciate every one of you who takes the time to read and make it to the end! I have lots of exciting new content coming in the next few weeks so make sure you pop back to catch up!

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Thanks again for reading,

24 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money Fast! - Easy Life Addict (6)
24 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money Fast! - Easy Life Addict (7)
24 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money Fast! - Easy Life Addict (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.