22 Retirement Savings Statistics: How Do You Compare to the Average? (2024)

According to most retirement savings statistics, saving for retirement is something a lot of people put on the backburner. Until it is too late, that is.

For some people, the reason is that they are simply living paycheck to paycheck, so there isn’t much left to put aside. Others have some leftover money after covering the monthly expenses but aren’t sure how much they need to put in their retirement fund.

There are some basic guidelines regarding the recommended retirement savings by age 62, which is when most people retire. Most experts agree that by the time you are 60, you should have eight or ten times your current annual salary in retirement savings.

So how do you fare compared to the average savings of Americans? Take a look at the stats below to find out:

Retirement Savings Stats and Facts (Editor’s Pick)

  • The median retirement savings are $65,000.
  • The median retirement savings for people aged 55–64 are $120,000.
  • The average amount of retirement income for households aged 60–64 is $100,842.
  • 40% of workers estimate they will need at least $1 million for retirement.
  • Households aged 65–74 have a net worth of $1,217,700 at retirement.
  • 68% of workers think they will need to work for income in retirement.

Average Retirement Savings Statistics

The stats below show us the average amount of savings people from all ages of the workforce have. They also cover the average amount depending on age.

1. The average retirement savings in the US are $255,200.

(Source: Federal Reserve)

This is a 5% increase over three years from 2016 to 2019. When you consider the growing cost of living and the fact most retirees don’t work, this presents a bleak picture.

In addition, the US income inequality is pretty high and extremely wealthy households increase the average. A better indicator of how much Americans have saved up is the median amount.

2. The median retirement savings are $65,000.

(Source: Federal Reserve)

Both the average and the median amounts need to be taken into account for more accurate retirement savings statistics. The average is calculated by dividing the total of all retirement savings by the number of people. The median is the amount that is smack in the middle of the total savings. Or, to put it simply, the median amount represents how much the majority of people have in savings. It mitigates the potentially distorting effect either extreme can have on the result.

3. 22% of Americans have less than $5,000 in retirement savings.

(Source: Northwestern Mutual)

Northwestern Mutual’s annual study — Planning & Progress Study, includes some interesting retirement savings statistics. Its 2019 study shows that 22% of Americans have less than $5,000 saved up for retirement.

This appears to be a declining trend. In 2018, 31% of Americans had less than $5,000 in retirement savings, while 21% of the respondents that year had no savings at all.

4. The average retirement savings of people aged 35–44 are $51,000.

(Source: Center for Retirement Research)

People from this age range are either older millennials or young Gen X-ers. They have over $50,000 in retirement savings (median value). In addition, they have lower than average savings as they have entered the workforce later and haven’t had the chance to accumulate sufficient savings just yet. Finally, they have other financial priorities, such as buying a home.

If we take a closer look at the average retirement savings by age, we will find that older generations will have saved up more money.

5. People aged 45–54 have retirement savings of $90,000.

(Source: Center for Retirement Research)

Gen X-ers have had more time to put some money aside for their retirement. They’ve amassed almost 80% more in retirement savings than the previous age group. The average retirement nestegg definitely increases with age.

6. The median retirement savings for people aged 55-64 are $120,000.

(Source: Center for Retirement Research)

Baby Boomers and older Gen X-ers have accumulated by far the greatest amount of money for retirement. Their median retirement savings are almost as high as the previous two age groups combined. This is understandable as they’re either near or over the average retirement age which is 62 in the United States.

Average American Retirement Income Statistics

What is the average and median retirement income for Americans? Let’s find out!

7. Households aged 55–59 have a mean retirement income of $118,061.

(Source: New Retirement)

According to the US Census Bureau, the mean retirement income for people aged 55–59 seems quite high. Again, it is important to remember that the median is a better indicator.

And the median retirement income for this age group is $81,512. We should also note that the amount is linked to households, not individuals.

8. The average amount of retirement income for households aged 60–64 is $100,842.

(Source: New Retirement)

The median for households aged 60–64 is $70,031 — an even lower amount compared to the previous age group. As for the average retiree income, it was calculated to be $100,842.

9. Households aged 65–69 have a mean income of $88,291.

(Source: New Retirement)

The majority of older adults have little or no savings or income. In fact, according to the Pensions Right Centre, half of Americans that are 65 or older have less than $24,224 in retirement income.

The average retirement income for households between the ages of 65 and 69 is $88,291. The median, however, is significantly lower — $60,324.

10. Households Aged 70–74 have a retirement income averaging at $79,344.

(Source: New Retirement)

The average American retirement income for those aged 70–74 is $79,344. The median is $53,327. These stats don’t paint a nice picture of life after retiring. It seems like most people will probably need to continue working to supplement their incomes. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to work past 65.

11. The mean retirement income for households older than 75 is $58,644.

(Source: New Retirement)

The median income for those older than 75 is $37,335. This amount is more than two times lower than that of households aged 55–59.


What is the average retirement income? Which amount should we take into account?

The answer is complicated. Some retirees continue working, many joining the gig economy. Some have income from savings, self-funded accounts or pensions. While the median amount is more realistic, it still varies between generations. This is why it is important to start planning for retirement as soon as possible.

Average Retirement Net Worth Statistics

Net worth is the total value of assets you own minus any liabilities or debts.

So when calculating your net worth, you take into account all your assets, including cash, investment, savings and retirement accounts, bonds, insurance policies, vehicles, and real estate. Then, from the total value of your assets, you subtract liabilities, including mortgages, personal loans, credit card balances and all other lines of credit.

You may see a significant discrepancy between your annual income and net worth. While your income is your wealth-building tool, it’s not the most accurate snapshot of your financial situation. So, don’t get surprised by the higher net worth figures in the following stats.

Now, let’s see how much are retired households worth, on average.

12. Households aged 55–64 have an average net worth of $1,175,900 at retirement.

(Source: Federal Reserve)

Households aged 55–64 have a significantly higher net worth than households aged 45–54. The former have a mean net worth of $833,200, whereas the latter’s average is $1,175,900.

But let’s also mention the median as it arguably gives a more realistic view of a group’s financial situation since it is the number right in the middle of all numbers. Households in the 55-64 age bracket have a median net worth of $212,500, while those aged 45-54 have a median net worth of $168,500.

13. The average net worth at retirement for households aged 65–74 is $1,217,700.

(Source: Federal Reserve)

Households aged 65–74 have the highest net worth of all households. Well above the national average of $748,800.

Are you surprised to see a $1 million+ mark in these average figures?

Well, the millionaire status isn’t reserved for those who make six figures all their life. In fact, only 31% of millionaires had an average annual household income of $100,000 or more over the course of their careers.

Essentially, you’re a millionaire when your net worth (not your income) reaches $1 million. If you pay off all your debts and consistently invest a portion of your income throughout your active working years, then at the time of your retirement, your net worth can easily exceed $1 million.

14. Households aged 75 and above have a net worth of $977,600 at retirement.

(Source: Federal Reserve)

There’s a significant dip when it comes to this age category. The oldest baby boomers have probably spent most of their retirement funds but are still left with more than people aged 45–54 — $833,200.

Americans and Their Thoughts on Retirement

The following retirement savings statistics show how confident Americans are in their savings and income.

16. Four out of ten workers estimate they will need at least $1 million for retirement.

(Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute)

The 2020 Annual Retirement Confidence Survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute shows that 48% of workers have tried to calculate how much money they need for a comfortable retirement.

When faced with the question ‘How much should I have saved for retirement?’, 39% of those who tried calculated that they will need at least $1 million, joining the ranks of US millionaires. In comparison, one out of three workers felt the same way in 2019 and one in four in 2016.

The rest of the respondents felt they could make do with less than $1 million. In 2019, 14% believed they needed $750,000 to $1 million, compared to 15% in 2020. In 2019 15% of workers calculated they need $500,000 to less than $750,000, while 13% shared the same thoughts in 2020. The remaining respondents calculated that they need less than $500,000.

But how many people have $1,000,000 in savings for retirement? Well, according to a report by United Income, one out of six retirees have $1 million.

16. For 66% of retirees, their personal savings or investments are a major source of income.

(Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute)

The majority of retirees rely on Social Security as a source of income. This is followed by personal retirement savings or investments and a defined benefit or a pension plan. It seems that most of the average American retirement income is expected to come from a variety of sources.

17. Seven in ten workers think they will need to work for income in retirement.

(Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute)

68% of workers think that working will be either a major or a minor source of income during retirement. This is contrasted with current retirees, only 23% of which believe they’ll have to work to supplement their retirement income.

Workers also believe that they will retire at the age of 65. The median retirement age is 62. So, make sure you have sufficient retirement savings by that age.

Nearly half of workers had to retire earlier than expected. Reasons cited were changes at the company they worked for, such as downsizing, or health problems and disabilities. Though most retired simply because they could afford to.

18. 44% of workers are very confident that they will be able to live comfortably in retirement.

(Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute)

While 48% of workers have tried calculating how much money they will need in retirement, retirement savings statistics show that 89% are very confident or somewhat confident they will have enough money to live comfortably.

19. 64% of Americans are behind on their retirement savings.

(Source: Federal Reserve)

According to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, almost two-thirds of Americans are behind on their retirement savings. 73% have any retirement savings at all, and just over a third (36%) answered that they are on track or ahead.

20. Almost half of the people over 60 are confident they’re prepared for retirement.

(Source: Federal Reserve)

If we take a closer look at retirement savings by age, older generations seem to be better off. Around 48% of people over 60 state that they’re ready for retirement while only 28% of people aged 18–29 believe the same.

21. Just over one in five Hispanic households are on track with their retirement savings.

(Source: Federal Reserve)

White and Asian households seem to have the best handle on their retirement financials, with 42% and 47% being on track, respectively. Just over a fifth of Black and Hispanic people (23% and 22%, respectively) believe the same.

22. 44% of working Americans are worried they’ll never be able to retire.

(Source: SimplyWise)

Americans not yet claiming social security are concerned they won’t be able to retire because the benefits will simply dry up. This fear is at an all-time high, and it’s greatest with Americans in their 50s — 58%.

How Much Does the Average American Have Saved for Retirement?

So, we did learn quite a few things.

The median amount saved is $65,000.

A significant number of Americans have little to no savings at all.

It seems like it’s time for everyone to get back on track with their savings.

If you realized that you are part of the group with below-average savings and have no idea where to start, consider the following factors when building your retirement nest egg. The most important one is — how much money will you need exactly? The cost of living is different in each state, and living expenses vary by individuals.

Will you still be paying off your mortgage? Will your savings cover expected and unexpected health care expenses?

If retirement savings statistics make you doubtful about where you are with your retirement funds, remember that the next best time to start planning for your retirement is now.

Hopefully, we managed to give you a good sense of direction. Till next time!

22 Retirement Savings Statistics: How Do You Compare to the Average? (2024)


What is average retirement savings? ›

The national average for retirement savings varies depending on age, but according to the Economic Policy Institute, the median retirement savings for all working age households in the US is around $95,776. This figure includes both employer-sponsored retirement accounts and individual retirement accounts (IRAs).

What is the average US retirement savings by age How do you compare? ›

The average retirement savings by age is:
  • Under 35: $30,170.
  • 35-44: $131,950.
  • 45-54: $254,720.
  • 55-64: $408,420.
  • 65-74: $426,070.
Feb 17, 2023

What is the average retirement savings and income? ›

For more recent data, Fidelity Investments reported that in the third quarter of 2022 the average account balance for an IRA was $101,900. Employees with a 401(k) averaged $97,200, while those with a 403(b) had $87,400.

How much does the average 65 year old have in retirement savings? ›

According to data from the Federal Reserve's most recent Survey of Consumer Finances, the average 65 to 74-year-old has a little over $426,000 saved. That's money that's specifically set aside in retirement accounts, including 401(k) plans and IRAs.

How much does average American have in savings? ›

42% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings as of 2022. The average American savings account balance is $4,500. Between 1959-2022, the average U.S. savings rate has been 8.96%.
58% of Americans have less than $5,000 in savings.
Average savings amountShare of Americans
4 more rows
Feb 16, 2023

How many people have $1000000 in retirement savings? ›

America's ranks of so-called 401(k) millionaires are diminishing following last year's stock market rout. The number of 401(k) accounts with at least $1 million in retirement savings fell 32% last year, to 299,000, from 442,000 in 2021, according to new data from Fidelity Investments.

What is a typical retirement balance by age? ›

By age 40, you should have three times your annual salary already saved. By age 50, you should have six times your salary in an account. By age 60, you should have eight times your salary working for you. By age 67, your total savings total goal is 10 times the amount of your current annual salary.

Can I retire if I have 2 million dollars? ›

Yes, $2 million should be enough to retire. Annuities provide an income option to pay a guaranteed monthly amount for two lives.

What percentage of American retirees have a million dollars? ›

In fact, statistically, around 10% of retirees have $1 million or more in savings. The majority of retirees, however, have far less saved. If you're looking to be in the minority but aren't sure how to get started on that savings goal, consider working with a financial advisor.

What is the retirement 95% rule? ›

Eligibility based on the Rule of 95

Under the Rule of 95, members can retire when their age plus their years of service equal 95 provided that they are at least 62 years old.

How much does the average American have in their bank account? ›

How much do you currently have in your savings account? For nearly a third of average Americans, this number is $100 or less. GOBankingRates recently surveyed 1,000 Americans ages 18 and older to learn more about their banking practices and found that 32.9% have no more than $100 in their savings account.

How much does the average middle class person have in savings? ›

How much does the average household have in savings?
Average U.S. savings account balance
Median bank account balanceMean bank account balance
Dec 21, 2022

Can I retire at 65 with 500k? ›

Yes, you can retire at 65 with five hundred thousand dollars. At age 55, an annuity will provide a guaranteed income of $30,938 annually, starting immediately for the rest of the insured's lifetime. The income will stay the same and never decrease.

Can you retire at 65 with $1000000? ›

A recent analysis determined that a $1 million retirement nest egg may only last about 20 years depending on what state you live in. Based on this, if you retire at age 65 and live until you turn 84, $1 million will probably be enough retirement savings for you.

Can I retire at 60 with 500k? ›

With some planning, you can retire at 60 with $500k. Remember, however, that your lifestyle will significantly affect how long your savings will last. If you're content to live modestly and don't plan on significant life changes (like travel or starting a business), you can make your $500k last much longer.

What percentage of Americans have over $100000 in savings? ›

Most Americans are not saving enough for retirement. According to the survey, only 14% of Americans have $100,000 or more saved in their retirement accounts. In fact, about 78% of Americans have $50,000 or less saved for retirement.

What percentage of Americans have $100 K in savings? ›

Twenty-one percent had saved more than $100,000, and 7% had more than $500,000. These percentages were only somewhat higher for older people. Those ages 51 to 55 were the most likely to have a retirement account.

What is an average bank balance? ›

What Is Average Balance? The average balance is the balance on a loan or deposit account averaged over a given period, usually daily or monthly. The daily or monthly average balance is calculated using multiple closing balances over the selected period of time.

What net worth is considered rich in retirement? ›

You might need $5 million to $10 million to qualify as having a very high net worth while it may take $30 million or more to be considered ultra-high net worth. That's how financial advisors typically view wealth.

Do most people retire with a million dollars? ›

In fact, statistically, around 10% of retirees have $1 million or more in savings. The majority of retirees, however, have far less saved. If you're looking to be in the minority but aren't sure how to get started on that savings goal, consider working with a financial advisor. What Does the Average Retiree Have Saved?

What percentage of retirees have a mortgage? ›

Across those 50 metros, an average of about 19% of homeowners who are 65 and older still have a mortgage. We also found that homes owned by people in this age group tend to be less valuable than those owned by the general population — and that their monthly housing costs tend to be lower.

What is the average 401k balance for a 70 year old? ›

According to Fidelity's Q3 2022 data, here is the average 401(k) balance by age.
Average 401(k) balance by age.
AgeAverage 401(k) account balance
35 to 44$63,800
45 to 54$128,700
55 to 64$189,800
2 more rows
Dec 22, 2022

What is the average Social Security check? ›

Average Social Security retirement benefits in 2023

Average payments for all retirees enrolled in the Social Security program increased to approximately $1,827, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA).

What is the average 401k balance at age 60? ›

Average and median 401(k) balance by age
AgeAverage Account BalanceMedian Account Balance
2 more rows
Jan 20, 2023

What percentage of US population has $2 million dollars? ›

Additionally, statistics show that the top 2% of the United States population has a net worth of about $2.4 million. On the other hand, the top 5% wealthiest Americans have a net worth of just over $1 million. Therefore, about 2% of the population possesses enough wealth to meet the current definition of being rich.

Can you live off interest of $2 million dollars? ›

Can you live off of $2 million in assets? The answer is yes, if you manage your investment portfolio smartly. One common option is to invest $2 million in an index fund. But you will still need to make absolutely sure that you have a rainy day fund since the market can be reliable over decades but fickle over years.

How many people have $3,000,000 in savings? ›

1,821,745 Households in the United States Have Investment Portfolios Worth $3,000,000 or More.

Can I live off interest on a million dollars? ›

Once you have $1 million in assets, you can look seriously at living entirely off the returns of a portfolio. After all, the S&P 500 alone averages 10% returns per year. Setting aside taxes and down-year investment portfolio management, a $1 million index fund could provide $100,000 annually.

What percentage of US population has $1 million dollars in savings? ›

Between 10-16% of American households have $1 million or more in retirement savings. If you define savings more broadly to include a household's net worth, the number rises closer to 20%, whereas if you limit it to individuals with $1 million+ in retirement accounts, the rate drops to 10%.

Can I retire with $2 million and no debt? ›

Yes, for some people, $2 million should be more than enough to retire. For others, $2 million may not even scratch the surface. The answer depends on your personal situation and there are lot of challenges you'll face. As of 2023, it seems the number of obstacles to a successful retirement continues to grow.

What is the 5 year rule for Social Security? ›

You must have worked and paid Social Security taxes in five of the last 10 years. If you also get a pension from a job where you didn't pay Social Security taxes (e.g., a civil service or teacher's pension), your Social Security benefit might be reduced.

What is one of the golden rules of retirement? ›

The thumb rule is not to withdraw more than 5% of the corpus in the first five years of retirement. This can be progressively increased to 10% by the time the retiree is 70. At 80, even a 20% annual drawdown rate would be considered safe.

How much should I have in my 401k at 55? ›

Experts say to have at least seven times your salary saved at age 55. That means if you make $55,000 a year, you should have at least $385,000 saved for retirement.

Can I retire at 62 with $400,000 in 401k? ›

Yes, you can retire at 62 with four hundred thousand dollars. At age 62, an annuity will provide a guaranteed level income of $25,400 annually starting immediately for the rest of the insured's lifetime. The income will stay the same and never decrease.

Can I retire on $2 million at 65? ›

Yes, for some people, $2 million should be more than enough to retire. For others, $2 million may not even scratch the surface. The answer depends on your personal situation and there are lot of challenges you'll face. As of 2023, it seems the number of obstacles to a successful retirement continues to grow.

Is $1 million enough to retire for a couple? ›

A recent analysis determined that a $1 million retirement nest egg may only last about 20 years depending on what state you live in. Based on this, if you retire at age 65 and live until you turn 84, $1 million will probably be enough retirement savings for you.

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