21 tips on how to actually save deposit for home loan - Aimingthedreams (2024)

Save money for home loan with these actionable steps.

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21 tips on how to actually save deposit for home loan - Aimingthedreams (1)

To save money for home loan seems to be daunting task. But it is not as difficult as it sounds. With all the expenses and tough economy, it gets bit difficult to reach financial goals, but if you will stay determined and are ready to make some changes in your lifestyle, you will be able to squeeze money from your already tight budget. There are three ways to save money for your deposit for home loan. Save, spend less and earn more.

When you will be able to concentrate on all these three methods to save money, you will really see the results fast. If you feel like you are missing on enjoyment or some thing, sit with your eyes closed and imagine yourself sitting in the cosy environment of your home. This will let you forget all the pressures of saving and will let you feel that eureka moment of getting the keys for your house in your hands.

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Start spending less

1.Track your spending

Now as you know, you are saving for a big basic need of humans. You need a big deposit for this but you are not ready yet because you cannot save even a single dollar. Here comes the magic of tracking your spending.

There is always room for improvement in every area of life. So is the spending habits. Look for the places where you can cut your spending. Use this spending tracker to track your expenses.

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2. Make a budget and stick to it

After tracking all your expenses, it becomes easy to make a budget and save money from it. Managing your budget is not only for bigger economies and companies, it helps in household savings also. Assign an amount to all the areas of life and stick to it.

Here is a very good post on how to make a budget on dollarsprout.com. There are many methods to make a budget, you can try the one which suits you and your needs. Making a budget would definitely let you save some money.

3. Get rid of credit cards to save money for home loan

Credit cards are a huge factor when getting a home loan and saving money. Pay all of your credit card debt and cancel your credit cards. Here in Australia, even a 5000 dollars credit card impacts your lending ability of 25000 dollars.

Also having a credit card sometimes let you feel that you can buy anything anytime. But remember, it is the money which you don’t own. And spending that money is not a wise thing to do. Banks always think that the credit card money is the one which you can spend anytime. It is always counted as money spent.

4. No travel for one year

Travel needs a good amount of money . If you skip vacation and travelling you can save that amount of money. It can save you the amount proportional to on the type of vacation you are skipping.

I am from India , living in Australia, and haven’t visited my family since four years. The reason was buying a house and settling in new country. Because travelling overseas always require a good amount of money. It becomes difficult to resist shopping in India. Everything is so beautiful and there are lot of varieties for everything. I thought it to be better to refrain from travelling instead.

5. Check for home owners grant

Check for any home owners grant if you can get. Some states provide first home owner grant. Here in Victoria Australia, we got about 10,000 dollars at a that time. It may change depending upon the state and time. But it really helps you because then you have to save less on the same amount.

Check with your local councils and states if you can get first home buyer grant.

6. Cut your grocery spending

It feels sometimes that you cannot save from anywhere. But if you know your budget and really want to squeeze some money, you can really save from your grocery budget. You just need to pay some attention to how you are spending and where.

Find some ways to squeeze money from your grocery shopping.

5 simple ways to save around 150 dollars a month on groceries

7. Start preparing your own meals

Preparing all the meals from scratch seems to be a daunting task, but believe me, you can really start saving some real money. It is like you have to spend more time in kitchen but you will be really surprised with health benefits for you, your family and your wallet. Everybody will be happy including your wallet.

21 tips for saving money on tight budget

8. Downgrade your car

Everybody likes big flashy fast cars. But they come with a price. They are expensive to buy, and needs heavy budget for maintenance and fuel. If you are considering buying a home in near future, go for a small and second hand car. It will save you lot of money.

If you have more than one vehicle but you don’t need it, sell it. It will get you some money for down payment.

9. Cut back on your coffee

A coffee a day doesn’t seems much. But spending even 5 dollars everyday on a cup of coffee will let you spend 150 dollars a month. If you are a coffee drinker and want to save that money, reduce your intake.Also put that allocated coffee budget to savings first and stop drinking coffee from out side. It will save you 150*12= 1600 dollars a year.

It requires a little discipline to control your spending habits like these,but you will be thankful to yourself that you did that.

10. Start using public transport and walking

If you use your own car daily, and you have access to public transport, start using that. It will really help you save some money and if you can walk to your work place, better. Both health and wealth will start improving.

11. Cut back on dining out

If you have that habit of gong out for dinner every week, reduce that to once a month. It will really help to save money. If you have kids who really want to go out, take them to some picnic spot and take home cooked food with you to save your self from spending money.

12. Go for free entertainment

Stat watching free to air TV. If you want to go for outing, choose the places that are not expensive and you can enjoy with little money. It is really possible to reduce spending money on entertainment. Be it TV or outing. Here are some ideas to reduce spending on entertainment.

Try these and limit your spending on TV and entertainment.

21 tips on how to actually save deposit for home loan - Aimingthedreams (2)

Saving ideas

13. Choose your saving account wisely

Saving your money will require money to be kept in a saving account. Choose your saving account so that you don’t have to pay lot of fee on it. Some banks don’t charge any money on your bank accounts.

14. Automate your savings

Automate your savings so that you don’t have to think every time to save. You may forget sometimes or your impulse of going for shopping and buying may take over your saving . Automating your savings will take the pressure of saving money off your mind.

15. Go for advance methods of saving

After you have some dollars in account, it is time to start thinking about term deposits. Term deposits fetch you more interest rate than regular savings account. It will help in accumulating money faster than basic savings account.

16. Move with your parents

If you are living with your parents, it is really easy to save money which otherwise you will spend on rent. If you are living separately, it is time to move with your parents to save money. Your parents can let you live without paying anything or you can live by helping your parents with some money which would be lot less than renting your own house.

17. Save your salary raise, tax returns and any bonus

Any extra money is the money without which you were doing fine. Save that any extra payment towards your down payment. If you can get any good better paying job, go for it. Save any raise and increase your wealth.

18. Save as a couple

Having mutual understanding in money matters is of utmost importance. If one partner is a spender and the other one is working hard to save money for home, it becomes difficult to manage. But working as one team brings fruit earlier.

19. Move into flat-share

If you are renting a big house and paying lot of money than think of moving to a flat share. Or if possible, you can keep a room share. A person who shares a room in your house will pay some amount of money.

Earn extra with side hustles

20. Start a side hustle

Starting a side hustle will really fetch you some amount of money to save for your down payment. Many people start side hustles as hobbies or part time, and make it their full grown business. Internet has opened many options for starting side hustles which require little investment in terms of money.

Ultimate list of side hustles to make extra money

21. Start surveys to earn extra

Survey sites and cashback sites help you in saving some amount of money. This amount will feel very small but could lead to a good amount of saving in the long run. Here are few survey sites to earn little extra money.

These are the survey sites I use to make some extra money.

21 tips on how to actually save deposit for home loan - Aimingthedreams (3)


  • 5 simple and actionable ways to reduce grocery bills
  • How to set short term financial goals and achieve
  • Financial goals that can save you from going broke

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21 tips on how to actually save deposit for home loan - Aimingthedreams (2024)


How do you save aggressively for a house? ›

6 ways to save money for a house
  1. Build your budget. Creating a budget is one of the most important steps when setting a financial goal. ...
  2. Downsize your expenses. ...
  3. Pay off debt. ...
  4. Increase the income from your main job. ...
  5. Look for other ways to earn. ...
  6. Plan for the extras.

How can I save money for a house in 2 years? ›

Create a Timeline

Estimate how far you are from your goal and set a reasonable timeline to save up. For example, if you need to save around $12,000 to reach a down payment level you are confident in, you can set a goal to set aside $1,000 a month over a year or $500 a month over two years.

How can I make enough money to buy a house? ›

These tips will help you get ready to afford a wonderful property you can live and thrive in for years to come.
  1. Set your savings goals. ...
  2. Budget, budget, budget (but make it easy) ...
  3. Save windfalls of cash. ...
  4. Take on a side hustle. ...
  5. Cut down on costs. ...
  6. Go easy on the credit card. ...
  7. Save money with a home inspector.

How can we save more in 2024? ›

These simple power-ups can take your budgeting and saving habits to the next level.
  1. Pay down high-interest debt. ...
  2. Automate your savings. ...
  3. Max out your employer's 401(k) match. ...
  4. Try a savings challenge. ...
  5. Delete that automatic billing info. ...
  6. Plan for upcoming expenses. ...
  7. Find a side hustle.

How much does Dave Ramsey say to save? ›

According to the Ramsey Solutions post, the recommendation is to invest 15% of your household income for retirement. The article uses the example of a household income which is $80,000 annually. Based on these earnings, each year you need to invest $12,000 towards your retirement savings.

How much should I save for a 500k house? ›

A 20% down payment option is a common benchmark for homebuyers. A 20% down payment option gets recommended often because it avoids the need for private mortgage insurance (PMI). For a $500,000 home, a 20% down payment would be $100,000.

How long does it realistically take to save for a house? ›

Most buyers won't be able to move for less than $1,000. Plus, furnishing a new home can cost upwards of $16,000. Saving for a home can take the average American family 4.25 years, though the timeline may be shortened by exploring low down payment options.

How can I speed up my house savings? ›

When it comes to how to save for a house, there are several ways to do it:
  1. Park the savings somewhere you can earn more money. ...
  2. Automate your savings. ...
  3. Explore additional sources of income. ...
  4. Look for down payment assistance programs. ...
  5. Reduce your expenses. ...
  6. Request a raise. ...
  7. Ask for a gift. ...
  8. Reprioritize your savings goals.
Feb 8, 2024

Is 2 months enough time to buy a house? ›

It could take anywhere from 6 months to a year depending on the current real estate market and what kind of home you're looking for. If you're planning on buying and selling at the same time, make sure you have a place to stay if you happen to have trouble finding and buying a new home.

What is considered house poor? ›

A house poor person is anyone whose housing expenses account for an exorbitant percentage of their monthly budget. Individuals in this situation are short of cash for discretionary items and tend to have trouble meeting other financial obligations, such as vehicle payments.

What is the lowest income to buy a house? ›

Now, Americans must earn roughly $106,500 in order to comfortably afford a typical home, a significant increase from the $59,000 annual household income that put homeownership within reach for families in 2020, according to new research from digital real estate company Zillow.

How do people afford down payments? ›

Buyers manage the down payment in California the same way they do in other states where prices are lower: they save it, borrow it from their retirement account, or get a gift from a relative.

How to save up $100,000 in 3 years? ›

  1. The Right Mindset.
  2. Keep Costs Low.
  3. Reduce Your Interest Burden.
  4. Invest in Savvy Products.
  5. Save on Taxes.
  6. Manage Your Risks.
  7. Know the Math.
  8. Maximize Other Employee Benefits.
Dec 14, 2023

How to save $10,000 in 5 years? ›

5 simple ways to save $10,000
  1. Reevaluate your utility providers. Once you pick your electricity, phone or internet provider, it's easy to become complacent and not look for better options down the line. ...
  2. Cut back on eating out and takeaway. ...
  3. Reduce your entertainment costs. ...
  4. Set up automatic saving payments. ...
  5. Buy second hand.
Sep 23, 2022

How to save $2,000 by the end of the year? ›

5 Ways to Save Close to $2,000 in One Year
  1. 1) Cut out one coffee or drink per week. Do you get coffee daily or get a drink on a frequent basis? ...
  2. 2) Cut out eating out once per week. ...
  3. 3) Use Store Apps for groceries. ...
  4. 4) Unused subscriptions/memberships. ...
  5. 5) Find local free entertainment or stay at home.

How do you save aggressively for a down payment? ›

Let's dig deeper into each of these.
  1. Follow a budget. Budgeting shows your money who's in charge (that's you). ...
  2. Pay off debt. ...
  3. Get a roommate. ...
  4. Move to a cheaper apartment. ...
  5. Cut unnecessary spending. ...
  6. Sell stuff. ...
  7. Start a side hustle. ...
  8. Save bonuses and raises.
Apr 11, 2024

How long does it take the average person to save for a house? ›

Depending on the area you reside in, it could take anywhere between 2.5 to 15 years to save enough money to buy property—depending on your own personal household income, of course.

What is a good amount to have saved for a house? ›

Save for a down payment: You'll typically need at least 3 percent of the purchase price of the home as a down payment. Keep in mind that to avoid having to pay for mortgage insurance, though, you'll likely need to put at least 20 percent down.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.