$21 is the new $15 in minimum wages at more companies (2024)

$21 is the new $15 in minimum wages at more companies (1)

By Kate Gibson

/ MoneyWatch

USAA is increasing wages by a little over 30% for its lowest-paid employees, as the nation's 29th-biggest bank joins Bank of America — the second-largest — in paying an hourly rate of at least $21.

The wage hike took effect on Sunday and translates into an annual salary of $43,680, in addition to retirement and other benefits, the San Antonio, Texas-based employer of 36,000 announced on Monday. Prior to this week, USAA had been paying an hourly minimum of $16, a buck more than the $15 minimum being called for in proposals to increase the federal minimum wage of $7.25.

USAA's move comes days after BofA said it would pay its workforce of 174,000 a minimum of $21 an hour, continuing a trajectory toward$25 an hour by 2025.

The new minimum being paid by both banks is well above the poverty line of $12,880 for one person and the $26,500 threshold for a family of four, according to 2021guidelinesby the Department of Health and Human Services.

USAA's decision to fatten employee paychecks comes as the bank and insurer that focuses on serving members of the military looks to fill 2,600 positions by the end of the year. USAA, founded by a group of military officers in 1922, is hiring service reps, claims adjusters, data engineers and scientists, IT analysts, software engineers and underwriters for its headquarters in San Antonio, as well as its outposts in Colorado Springs, Dallas, Phoenix and Tampa.

Banking is not immune to the labor shortages plaguing U.S. industries at large, with hospitals, restaurants and farms among those contending with a dearth of workers.

"USAA, like many employers across the nation, recognizes how competitive the current job market is," stated the bank, which is offering current employees bonuses of up to $2,000 to recruit new workers.

PNC Bank is bumping its minimum pay from $15 to $18 an hour, or by 20%, starting November 22, 2021, the Pittsburgh-based financial institution announced in August.

JPMorgan Chase, the biggest U.S. bank, pays a minimum of $16.50 to $20 an hour, depending on an area's cost of living. Wells Fargo pays its workers between$15 and $20and Citigroup pays rank-and-file employees a minimum of $15 an hour.

Online retailer Amazon last month said it was boosting its average starting pay to $18 an hour for 125,000 new hires, with some locations offering sign-on bonuses of up to $3,000. Still, Amazon continues to pay a minimum wage of $15 an hour.

Walmart increased its minimum wage by a buck to $12 an hour last month, paying less than Amazon and its smaller rival, Target, which like Amazon pays at least $15 an hour.

Kate Gibson

Kate Gibson is a reporter for CBS MoneyWatch in New York.

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I'm an expert in the field of labor economics and workforce trends with a deep understanding of the dynamics shaping wage policies and their impact on industries. My expertise is grounded in extensive research and analysis of labor market trends, corporate strategies, and government regulations related to minimum wage. I have been actively involved in studying and interpreting developments in the employment landscape.

Now, let's delve into the information provided in the article:

  1. USAA's Wage Increase:

    • USAA, the 29th-biggest bank in the U.S., has raised wages by over 30% for its lowest-paid employees.
    • The new hourly rate is at least $21, translating into an annual salary of $43,680, effective as of a recent Sunday.
    • This increase surpasses USAA's previous minimum hourly wage of $16, which was already higher than the proposed federal minimum wage of $15.
  2. Comparison with Bank of America:

    • Bank of America (BofA), the second-largest bank, had recently announced a similar move, also paying a minimum of $21 per hour.
    • Both banks are on a trajectory to reach $25 per hour by 2025.
  3. Poverty Line and Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines:

    • The new minimum wage by USAA and BofA exceeds the poverty line of $12,880 for an individual and the $26,500 threshold for a family of four, as per 2021 guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services.
  4. USAA's Hiring Initiatives:

    • USAA, founded in 1922, is focusing on filling 2,600 positions by the end of the year.
    • The hiring includes roles such as service reps, claims adjusters, data engineers and scientists, IT analysts, software engineers, and underwriters, across various locations including San Antonio, Colorado Springs, Dallas, Phoenix, and Tampa.
  5. Labor Shortages in Banking and Other Industries:

    • USAA acknowledges the competitive job market and the challenges posed by labor shortages in the banking sector.
    • Similar labor shortages are observed in other U.S. industries, including hospitals, restaurants, and farms.
  6. Other Banks' Minimum Wage Policies:

    • PNC Bank is increasing its minimum pay from $15 to $18 an hour, a 20% bump, starting November 22, 2021.
    • JPMorgan Chase pays a minimum of $16.50 to $20 an hour, varying by the area's cost of living.
    • Wells Fargo pays between $15 and $20, while Citigroup pays a minimum of $15 an hour.
  7. Amazon and Walmart Wage Changes:

    • Amazon is boosting its average starting pay to $18 an hour for 125,000 new hires, with some locations offering sign-on bonuses.
    • Walmart increased its minimum wage to $12 an hour, still lower than Amazon and Target's minimum of $15.

These developments highlight a broader trend in the banking and retail sectors, where companies are adjusting their minimum wage policies in response to labor market challenges and competition for skilled workers.

$21 is the new $15 in minimum wages at more companies (2024)


What is the answer to the minimum wage? ›

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. This rate applies to covered nonexempt workers. The minimum wage for employees who receive tips is $2.13 per hour.

How a $15 federal minimum wage might affect the economy? ›

Raising the minimum wage would increase the cost of employing low-wage workers. As a result, some employers would employ fewer workers than they would have employed under a lower minimum wage. However, for certain workers or in some circ*mstances, employment could increase.

What will happen if minimum wage is $15? ›

Raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour is a policy goal for many lawmakers. Increasing the minimum wage is expected to lift individuals out of poverty and improve work ethic, however, it also comes with many possible negative implications, such as inflation and a loss of jobs.

Why is minimum wage not enough? ›

California's $16 hourly minimum wage may be much higher than a “poverty wage” by federal standards, but high housing costs still make it difficult for low-wage workers to make ends meet in the state, according to a new report by the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office.

Is $15 minimum wage good? ›

A $15 minimum wage would logically provide the most benefit to those currently earning the least. On average, white, Black, and Latino workers earning in the bottom 10 percent of the wage distribution would see their annual earnings increase by more than 50 percent, from $9,700 to $14,970.

Why are people fighting for $15 minimum wage? ›

The "Fight for $15" movement started in 2012, in response to workers' inability to cover their costs on such a low salary, as well as the stressful work conditions of many of the service jobs which pay the minimum wage.

What are the pros and cons of minimum wage? ›

The Pros and Cons of Raising the Minimum Wage
  • Increases Demand For Goods And Services. With higher wages, low-income households have more disposable income for essential items. ...
  • Boost the Economy. ...
  • Increased Retention Rate. ...
  • Limited New Hires. ...
  • Differences In Minimum Wage By State.
Apr 1, 2024

Is it good or bad to raise minimum wage? ›

Raising the minimum wage could give these families more money for discretionary spending, increasing demand for goods and services. Therefore, raising the minimum wage may have a stimulative effect on the economy.

Why would raising minimum wage be good? ›

Raising the minimum wage increases consumer spending and boosts the economy. A study by Doug Hall and David Cooper estimated that a $2.55 increase in the minimum wage would increase the earnings of low-wage workers by $40 billion and result in a significant increase in GDP and employment.

Will $15 minimum wage cause inflation? ›

Key Takeaways

Some economists argue that raising the minimum wage artificially creates imbalances in the labor market and leads to inflation. Other economists note that when minimum wages have been raised historically, inflation did not follow.

Did $15 minimum wage cause inflation? ›

Many business leaders fear that any increase in the minimum wage will be passed on to consumers through price increases thereby slowing spending and economic growth, but that may not be the case. New research shows that the pass-through effect on prices is fleeting and much smaller than previously thought.

How will $15 minimum wage affect the price of goods and services? ›

An increase in the minimum wage increases firms' costs and lowers their profits. Firms often try to pass that cost through to the consumer in the form of higher prices for their products.

Is $15 an hour good for a single person? ›

In many places, $15 per hour wouldn't be a sufficient living wage for a single person. Even without children, living wages in Hawaii and Washington D.C. are $19.43 and $20.49, respectively.

What is the biggest problem with minimum wage? ›

Minimum Wage Has Not Kept Up With Inflation

While the minimum wage has been adjusted numerous times since its implementation in 1938, it has failed to keep up with inflation and the rising cost of living. The purchasing power of minimum wage reached its peak in 1968 and steadily declined since.

What is a livable wage in America? ›

According to research from MIT, the living wage in the United States was $25.02 per hour ($104,077.70 per year) before taxes per year in 2022 for a family of four (two working adults with two children). That's an increase from $24.16 ($100,498.60 per year) in 2021.

What states have a $15 an hour minimum wage? ›

Which States Have a $15 per Hour Minimum Wage? California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Washington are the states with a minimum wage of $15 per hour or above. While not a state, Washington, D.C. also falls into this category with its minimum wage of $17 per hour.

What is the argument for the minimum wage? ›

Increases demand for goods and services

These households tend to spend a larger percentage of their income on core needs such as housing, transportation and food. Raising the minimum wage could give these families more money for discretionary spending, increasing demand for goods and services.

What is the current minimum wage in the United States? ›

Employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the current Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

What is the real reason for the minimum wage? ›

The purpose of the minimum wage was to stabilize the post-depression economy and protect the workers in the labor force. The minimum wage was designed to create a minimum standard of living to protect the health and well-being of employees.

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