21 Best Free IQ Tests (2024)

Discover 21 of the best free online IQ tests to find out your IQ score and how it compares with the highest IQs in the world

By AVI STERN DECEMBER 27, 2023 12:11
Jerusalem Post
21 Best Free IQ Tests (1)
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21 Best Free IQ Tests (2)

Do you have a normal IQ, or do you rank amongst those with the highest IQ in the world? Thanks to the best free IQ test, you don’t have to sign up for an official test to find out.

Click here => to find out your IQ now!

What is an IQ Test?

An IQ, or, Intelligence Quotient test is a way of measuring an individual’s cognitive abilities. They generally include a variety of questions to determine things such as mathematical capabilities, processing speed, language skills and more. IQ tests can be used by hiring teams, educational assessments, diagnoses or just for personal enjoyment. The average IQ test score lies between 90 and 109.

What is a good IQ score?

IQ test scores follow a bell curve and are graded in comparison to others who took the test, with the average score being 100. The majority of scores fall between 85 and 118. Any score above 130 is considered gifted intelligence and anything below 70 is indication of a developmental or cognitive disability. That said, a minute percentage of people fall into the aforementioned high or low categories.

What IQ test types are there?

There are different types of IQ tests available depending on the need for taking one. Some are completed in a professional setting and others, such as the ones listed in this article can be completed at home. Two of the most common tests used internationally are The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and Raven's Progressive Matrices, although these usually require a fee.

Can I Practice IQ Tests?

While you can retake IQ tests, it will likely not have an impact on your actual IQ. It may help you better prepare for the questions, as you will be familiar with the format and types of questions that will be asked.

However, when it comes to online IQ tests, the offerings run the gamut from paywalled results to phishing sites. For many people, finding reputable, accurate tests can be more challenging than taking the assessment.

If you’re wondering where you rank, we’ve compiled a list of the 21 best free IQ test options you can complete from the comfort of your couch.

21 Best Free IQ Test Sites

  • QuickIQTest.org: Best Free IQ Test for Comprehensive Results
  • World Wide IQ Test: Unleash Your Potential
  • Memorado App: Best for a Tailored Testing Experience
  • Genius Tests: Best for Quick Results
  • Free-IQTest.net: Best for Sharing Your Score
  • MyIQTested: Best for Learning Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Brain Metrix: Best for Quick Starting
  • PsychTest: Best for Optional Premium Results
  • 123Test’s Culture Fair Edition: Best for Non-English Speakers
  • IQHaven: Best for Collecting Trophies
  • IQ Test Prep: Best for Further Research
  • All IQ Tests: Best for Variety
  • IQ Exam: Best for Certification
  • Simple IQ Test: Best for True/False Only Questions
  • The IQ Test App: Best for Brain Training
  • Cryptex Challenge App: Best for Gamifying IQ Tests
  • Mensa IQ Check App: Best for Testing on the Go
  • Wechslertest.com: Best for Accurate Results
  • TiptopGlobe.com: Best for Comparing Scores
  • Psychology Today: Best for Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
  • MentalUp: Best for Kids

Which IQ test is most accurate?

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, or WAIS, is the most accurate IQ test.

What IQ is genius?

Any IQ score over 160 is considered a genius.

Who has the highest IQ ever?

Ainan Celeste Cawley has the highest IQ score ever recorded, at 263.

What is Albert Einstein’s IQ?

Albert Einstein’s IQ is estimated to be around 160.

Our List of the Best Free IQ Tests

1. QuickIQTest.org: Best Free IQ Test for Comprehensive Results

Once you’ve completed the quick, 22-question Quick IQ Test, you’ll be treated to a bounty of insights into your fluid intelligence.

The personalized report breaks down how your IQ score is calculated before providing an overall Quick IQ Score and subskill scores for visuospatial insight, visuospatial pattern reasoning, and numerical pattern reasoning.

You’ll also receive a performance level to help you better gauge how you stack up against other testers from around the world.

21 Best Free IQ Tests (3)

2. World Wide IQ Test: Unleash Your Potential

Curious about your intelligence? Take the World Wide IQ Test for an engaging assessment of your cognitive abilities. With challenging questions and a user-friendly interface, this online platform provides a glimpse into your intellectual potential. Get your detailed report and embark on a journey of self-discovery today!

3. Memorado App: Best for a Tailored Testing Experience

If you’re looking for a personalized IQ testing experience, look no further than the Memorado app.

They boast a library of more than 20 brain training games, daily performance tests to track your progress, and an adaptable interface tailored to your skill level.

4. Genius Tests: Best for Quick Results

Genius Tests offers two separate quizzes. The Full Quiz asks users to answer 50 questions in 12 minutes, while the Quick Quiz challenges them to answer 25 questions in 6 minutes. It also lets you see your score instantly, with no email required.

5. Free-IQTest.net: Best for Sharing Your Score

The Free IQ Test consists of 20 questions in a timed environment. There is a mix of math, language, and spatial reasoning questions you can solve without prior knowledge.

Once you complete the test, the site offers an HTML code for displaying your score on a website and a Twitter share button for tweeting it to your followers.

6. MyIQTested: Best for Learning Strengths and Weaknesses

By far, the best feature of MyIQTested is the score breakdown.

You’ll gain insights into ten different areas, some of which include visual design, creativity, logic, and comprehension, and see how you stack up against others in your age range.

7. Brain Metrix: Best for Quick Starting

While many of the best free IQ tests require users to share their birthdays, email addresses, and additional information to see their results, Brain Metrix lets you jump in immediately without any hassle.

8. PsychTest: Best for Emotional Intelligence Testing

The Emotional Intelligence test is an alternative to the traditional IQ test, as it gives insight into how adept you are at handling your emotions and the emotions of others.

It’s worth spending some time honing your EIQ via PsychTest, as it is increasingly evaluated in the workplace when considering people for hire, promotion, and leadership positions.

9. 123Test’s Culture Fair Edition: Best for Non-English Speakers

Most IQ tests skew to favor native English speakers. Not so with 123Test’s Culture Fair Intelligence test.

The free edition consists of eight questions and is non-verbal, ideal for those who want to assess their intelligence without relying on their English skills.

10. IQHaven: Best for Collecting Trophies

Not only does IQ Haven offer a range of different testing types and formats, but it also allows users to collect trophies and awards to show off on the ranking boards.

11. IQ Test Prep: Best for Further Research

In addition to their free IQ test, IQ Test Prep is jam-packed with information on other types of assessments.

You can read about classic options, such as the WAIS and Mensa tests, and lesser-known assessments like Thurstone’s Primary Mental Abilities.

Related: What is Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale?

12. All IQ Tests: Best for Variety

The All IQ Tests site hosts 57 tests for visitors, categorized according to the testing material.

You can delve into their collection of general intelligence tests, challenge yourself with a timed exam, or try to beat the geniuses with high-ceiling IQ tests.

13. IQ Test Labs: Best for Testing Novel and Prior Knowledge

IQ Test Labs have one of the cleanest, easiest-to-use interfaces available.

It also offers a series of assessments covering nine abilities, including novel and prior knowledge.

14. IQ Exam: Best for Certification

Designed by the McGill University Research Student Team, IQ Exam is a 30-question test focusing on visual and spatial reasoning skills. It’s appropriate for children and adults alike but has a one-minute timer per question to increase the difficulty.

The test provides a printable certificate with your name and score when you finish the exam.

15. The IQ Test App: Best for Brain Training

With over 1,000 training exercises and personalized training based on your results, the IQ Test app is ideal for those who want to see their score improve over time.

21 Best Free IQ Tests (4)

16. Cryptex Challenge App: Best for Gamification

Turn a simple IQ test into a fun, engaging experience with the Cryptex Challenge.

The app offers increasingly difficult stage levels that challenge you to crack codes and push your logical thinking skills to the limit.

17. Mensa IQ Check App: Best for Testing on the Go

The Mensa IQ Check app is loaded with hundreds of questions straight from the makers of the official Mensa test. They offer both a 15-question quick quiz and a 60-question complete quiz.

18. Open Psychometrics: Best for Accurate Results From Home

Open Psychometric’s Full Scale IQ Test uses three domains– Short-term memory, reasoning, and verbal– as an adaptive model for online testing.

19. TiptopGlobe.com: Best for Comparing Scores

Have you ever wondered whether you’re smarter than Michelangelo or Charles Darwin? At TipTopGlobe, you can see how you stack up against many of the most famous minds in history.

20. Psychology Today: Best for Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

For those who want to evaluate how well they grasp spoken and written language, Psychology Today’s Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Test offers a 35-minute exam that does just that. The free version provides a snapshot report, complete with a summary evaluation.

21. MentalUp: Best for Families

MentalUp provides a 50-question quiz appropriate for all ages and a library of brain training exercises catered to growing each family member’s specific talents and weaknesses.

Related: Top 21 IQ Test for Kids

Final Thoughts

Keep in mind that even the best free IQ test can’t evaluate every factor that contributes to making you an intelligent, capable human.

Every person has skills they excel in and those they falter in, so don’t allow a low score to make you question your brilliance.

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This article was written in cooperation with Adcore

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21 Best Free IQ Tests (2024)
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