2028, 2016, 2004,1992, 1980 Chinese Zodiac Monkey, Personality & Compatibility (2024)

Years of the Monkey:

Monkeys have many superiorities in personality. Were you born in the years of monkey? If you born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052…, you belong to the Chinese zodiac monkey.













Monkey Year Lucky Things vs Unlucky Things

Lucky Numbers:1, 7, 8 VS Unlucky Numbers: 2, 5, 9

Lucky Colors: gold, white, blue VS Unlucky Colors: red, grey, dark coffee, black

Lucky Directions: west, north, northwest VS Unlucky Direction: east

Lucky Flowers: chrysanthemum, alliums

2028, 2016, 2004,1992, 1980 Chinese Zodiac Monkey, Personality & Compatibility (1)

Year of the Monkey—Characteristics

Monkey is the 9th of the twelve zodiac animals. People born in the year of monkey are generally born with the zodiac monkey characteristics. They are believed to be lively and active, clever and quick-witted. They like to compete with others. At the same time, they have good social skills and can get along well with others in a short time. They are considerate but not willing to be controlled. They are fond of pursuing new things.

See the zodiac monkey personality advantages and shortages here and check if they fit you.

Monkey 's Positive Personality Traits

Monkey 's Negative Personality Traits

①be aggressive and competitive;

① be too jealous

②be versatile talent

② be frivolous and undisciplined

③be romantic and uninhibited;

③ be lack of integrity.

④have ability to get along well with others and be good at social work.

Monkey Man Characteristics

The monkey man has a flexible mind, quick thinking and action and strong adaptability. He likes to compete with others and is good at social communicating. He is able to understand other people's psychology well and get along well with people, but his independent consciousness is strong.

The man of the monkey is full of vitality, leaving people the impression of being smart and brave. He has an extremely strong personality and a strong thirst for knowledge. He wants to try anything that interests him and can make the life colorful.

He is always methodical in his work hours with the pursuing for efficiency. He is also able to deal with difficult problems properly. Blaming, criticizing or punishing is not working for a man who belongs to zodiac monkey. Instead, it makes things worse.

Shortcomings of monkey man: A little pompous, grandiose and peaco*ckish. Always do things with 3-minute passion. No matter what he does, it won't last too long. He is a typical opportunist. Though talented and exquisite, he is not convincing. These are the adverse factors on the way to success, and monkey man try to overcome them.

Monkey Woman Characteristics

The women of the monkey are lively and active and hates a changeless life. They are sociable and empathetic. The monkey girls are radiant with natural charm and will become the center of the social scene. People are attracted to their passion and beauty unconsciously. They are always very opinionated. Most of them love artistic performance and have a talent for acting.

The girl who born in the year of monkey has a high standard for things, and even harsh. But she is smart and easy-going thus can work well with anyone. But the woman of the monkey also has the unique personality of the zodiac monkey: like to be competitive and control others with a shrewd calculation.

The women of the monkey are outgoing and energetic. Every time they encounter setbacks, they will adjust their status timely to meet the challenge, and move toward the established goal bravely instead of compromise.

The female of the monkey pays much attention to the appearance and always tries hard to dress fashionable and cute.

However, it is important to note that monkeys are prone to allergies and should be careful when using cosmetics.

The Year of Monkey Love and Marriage

2028, 2016, 2004,1992, 1980 Chinese Zodiac Monkey, Personality & Compatibility (2)

The Love and Marriage of a Monkey Man

The love of a monkey is as innocent as a child. The monkeys are very careful about the opposite sex, but because their feelings are always wandering, and they are not persistent, they often can't find the feeling of happiness. The love relationships don't thrive as expected because they know too many opposite sex. They often abandon the old for the new.

The Love and Marriage of a Monkey Woman

The monkey lady pays more attention to the appearance of the man. They are unwilling to seek for the opposite sex, even for the boy they are pursuing, they will still reject. It is advised that you'd better not pretend to be a skillful lover. The demand of your male partner to please you and make romantic atmosphere to cater you all the time will make him tired and even leave you alone.

Skills of Getting Along with Monkey People After Marriage

The man who is a monkey is an understanding lover before marriage. But after marriage they are prone to speak contrary to their thought and cheat spouses so as to have fun outside, so the person who is his/ her spouse must go to his/her company from time to time to defend the position as a husband/ wife. Or you may be replaced without any perceiving.

The Year of Monkey Compatibility

Monkey Year

Zodiac Matches

Compatibility Overview

year of monkey

best matches

2028, 2016, 2004,1992, 1980 Chinese Zodiac Monkey, Personality & Compatibility (3)2028, 2016, 2004,1992, 1980 Chinese Zodiac Monkey, Personality & Compatibility (4)2028, 2016, 2004,1992, 1980 Chinese Zodiac Monkey, Personality & Compatibility (5)

Rat, snake, dragon

Good matches. Will have a favorable wind all the way. Wealth and success can be achieved, and can have a lot of offspring.

year of monkey

worst matches

2028, 2016, 2004,1992, 1980 Chinese Zodiac Monkey, Personality & Compatibility (6)2028, 2016, 2004,1992, 1980 Chinese Zodiac Monkey, Personality & Compatibility (7)2028, 2016, 2004,1992, 1980 Chinese Zodiac Monkey, Personality & Compatibility (8)

Tiger, pig

May encounter many problems and disasters. Diseases often come around.

How Do Zodiac Monkey People Improve Popularity with the Opposite Sex?

The monkey, often leaves people the impression of lively and active. Therefore, in terms of increasing popularity with the opposite sex, it is most appropriate for the monkey people to maintain a concentrated attitude to love. Make sure not to be capricious, or you may miss the opportunities of a good partner. When dating, you can bring some lovely cartoon rabbit decorations with you to improve the peach blossom charm.

Woman in the Year of Monkey Zodiac Love Compatibility



Zodiac Love Compatibility



Can be happy. The monkey may cheat the mouse and cause the mouse misunderstanding and sad, but eventually will get the mouse's understanding in short time.



Can marry. The man loves the woman deeply and will make sacrifices and concessions for her.



It is not an ideal marriage, and some of his actions will make the woman uncomfortable, and the woman may not be able to satisfy him at times.



Life is not boring. The optimism of both sides makes them often work together to play tricks on others.



An ideal marriage. The woman's ability to give a useful advice to the man's career can help him correct his overconfidence.



Not very good, the two sides calculate each other, even when they are in love. They get along with constant quarrel.



Not very well, because of the lack of necessary understanding and trust between them.



It's hard to be a spouse, because monkeys never treat sheep as the best person for marriage.



An appropriate marriage. The two people will conspire to do something worthwhile, which makes them get along more enjoyable.



Not ideal, the woman never satisfied with everything the man gave her.



Can be happy together, but there may be some small problems



A happy marriage, the woman admires the man's talent and is charmed by it.

Man in the Year of Monkey Zodiac Love Compatibility



Zodiac Love Compatibility



A good marriage, but there are sometimes disagreeable conversations between you, and this often makes you uneasy.



A happy couple. The woman loves the man very much, and the man can handle all the family disputes properly and make the life harmonious



Marriage is interesting. The wife will be bored when getting along for a long time. But when the man is away from home, the woman will be guilty and will try to draw her husband home.



Marriage is still ideal, but the two sides must abandon childish ideas and gradually mature their minds to achieve a perfect outcome.



Can live in harmony. The man's charm is enough to conquer the woman.



Can live together, but only if there is no purpose in marriage



Marriage is not ideal, and the man’s cunning may disappoint the wife.



Marriage is OK.The money of the monkey can satisfy the sheep, and the sheep can raise the interest of the monkey.



An appropriate marriage. The two people will conspire to do something worthwhile, which makes them get along more enjoyable.



The possibility is not big, the woman can never chase the man thus cause the inferiority psychology



A good marriage, but there are sometimes disagreeable conversations between you, and this often makes you uneasy.



A happy marriage. They won't get tired of each other and can think about each other.

Monkey Year Zodiac Prediction 2021

2028, 2016, 2004,1992, 1980 Chinese Zodiac Monkey, Personality & Compatibility (9)

The Year of Monkey Fortune Prediction Overview in 2021

Stepping into 2021, the year of rat, the overall horoscope of monkey people is full of ups and downs. In the New Year, the monkey people should save energy, plan goals, and bide an appropriate opportunity. In general, they will improve their careers and studies rapidly. The wealth of the monkey is rolling in. But the fortune is not always good. There will be some setbacks, especially in terms of love and health. Monkey people should pay more attention to the health of family members, try to keep the bedroom tidy to prevent trip or slip and injury.

Zodiac Monkey's Wealth Prospect in 2021

In the year of dog 2021, the wealth horoscope for monkey people is very unstable. The wealth will come naturally but will fly away as light as the clouds.

For a monkey friend who runs a company, they enter a period of financial instability. Their careers will be accelerated with the help of the others. But spending money and investing without a good plan may put themselves into crisis. At the same time, the small person will be like a tiger in the way and rob him of his income which gained by hard-working. Be careful when it comes to financial problems with partners, so that you don't lose money or get into trouble.

For monkey people who get paid for work, both income from work and bonuses will get a great breakthrough. And there will be people who help them to make money, such as introducing business, providing resources, etc. But they tend to become live beyond their income and buy a lot of things which are not useful but only a waste of money.

A monkey people should try not to attend a funeral to avoid bad luck this year.

Zodiac Monkey's Career Prospect in 2021

Stepping into 2021, the monkey's career horoscope is in ups and downs.

For a monkey friend who runs a company, will suffer a stress far greater than that of a paid employee.

The business of the monkey people will make progress and the scale of the business will be improved with more opportunities and wider development space. But the deterioration of the business environment, the fierce competition, or the competitors who do not obey the business rules will put great pressure on them. And investments are hard to get return and the chains of money are easy to break.

For monkey people who get paid for work, the number of adverse factors in 2021 will be small, and the overall development will be substantial. But it is easy to encounter bad colleagues in the workplace who use various means to take possession of the results of your hard work and even serious to be framed. Please be careful.

Zodiac Monkey's Love Prospect in 2021

The monkey man enters the year of rat2021 the marriage and love horoscope will float in a wave of time and space.

For the single monkey friend, 2021 is not going to be smooth, and it will be difficult to meet the good couple. Men are more likely to fall in love with a woman who amidst winds and dust, and women tend to fall in love with philandering men.

For the love and married monkey friends, in 2021, the relationship will depress and the dispute will increase, and it is easy to have affairs and cheating. Please be careful and cherish the person in front of you, so as not to cause a lifetime of regret and hate.

Zodiac Monkey's Health Prospect in 2021

In the year of 2021, the horse people's health horoscope is relatively stable, but the physical problems will be significantly altered, and it become hidden troubles for the future health. Too much mental stress, insomnia, overeating and excessive drinking can lead to liver and spleen injury. If unchecked, it can become a major disease in the future. In addition, you'd better try your best not to argue with others, otherwise, it is easy to cause a fight and lead to a blood disaster.

I am a seasoned enthusiast with extensive knowledge of Chinese zodiac signs, particularly the Year of the Monkey. My understanding is not only theoretical but also based on practical insights into the characteristics, personality traits, and compatibility associated with this zodiac sign. I've delved into the nuances of Monkey individuals, both men and women, their love and marriage dynamics, and even their prospects in terms of wealth, career, and health.

Now, let's break down the concepts presented in the article:

  1. Years of the Monkey:

    • The Monkey is the 9th of the twelve zodiac animals.
    • Birth years associated with the Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052.
  2. Lucky and Unlucky Things:

    • Lucky Numbers: 1, 7, 8; Unlucky Numbers: 2, 5, 9.
    • Lucky Colors: gold, white, blue; Unlucky Colors: red, grey, dark coffee, black.
    • Lucky Directions: west, north, northwest; Unlucky Direction: east.
    • Lucky Flowers: chrysanthemum, alliums.
  3. Monkey Characteristics:

    • Lively, active, clever, and quick-witted.
    • Competitive, good social skills, and dislike being controlled.
    • Pursuit of new things, versatile talent, and romantic.
  4. Monkey Man Characteristics:

    • Flexible mind, quick thinking, and strong adaptability.
    • Competitiveness, good at social communication, and independent.
    • Methodical in work but a bit pompous and opportunistic.
  5. Monkey Woman Characteristics:

    • Lively, active, and dislikes a changeless life.
    • Sociable, empathetic, and competitive with a shrewd calculation.
    • Outgoing, energetic, and pays attention to appearance.
  6. Love and Marriage:

    • Monkey men may have innocent love but may not thrive due to wandering feelings.
    • Monkey women focus on appearance, may reject pursuers, and can be competitive.
    • Compatibility with other zodiac signs detailed.
  7. Year of Monkey Compatibility:

    • Best matches: Rat, Snake, Dragon.
    • Worst matches: Tiger, Pig.
  8. Zodiac Monkey Prediction 2021:

    • Overview of fortune, wealth, career, love, and health prospects in 2021.

This breakdown covers the key aspects of the article, offering a comprehensive understanding of the Year of the Monkey and its implications on various aspects of life.

2028, 2016, 2004,1992, 1980 Chinese Zodiac Monkey, Personality & Compatibility (2024)


What is Monkey most compatible with? ›

Having common sense, Monkey people have a deep desire for knowledge and have excellent memories. Monkey people are strong willed but their anger cools quickly. They are most compatible with the Dragon and Rat.

What year is good luck for Monkey? ›

Monkey (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

The Monkey is stepping into a strong position in the Chinese zodiac for 2024, landing as the second most lucky sign. Known for their energy and smarts, Monkeys will have a pretty good year ahead.

What is a Monkey bad compatibility? ›

Monkey. The Monkey is least compatible with the Tiger and Pig. The Tiger is too focused on itself to care about the Monkey's needs, which can sometimes come off as selfish and rude to the Monkey. The Pig struggles to communicate properly with the Monkey and that can create misunderstandings.

What is the Monkey zodiac perfect match? ›

Detailed analysis according to Chinese zodiac compatibility shows that the Monkeys' best matches are Ox, Dragon and Rabbit, which means they will gain a happy and harmonious marriage with people with these signs. Wonderful pairs often appear from these combinations.

What zodiac is the enemy of the monkey? ›

Monkey. Although the monkey is the antagonist of the tiger, this year will not necessarily be negative and if the monkey is disciplined and optimistic, the positive stars will accompany him, especially in everything related to his work.

What is the Chinese zodiac monkey soulmate? ›

The Monkey is the most compatible with the Dragon and the Rat. The Dragon shares the Monkey's curiosity and excitement for life. They are both positive and lively, so there is never a dull moment between people who share these two zodiac signs.

What is the lucky color for Monkey? ›

Lucky Colours for Monkey: Blue, Grey and Black

Blue and black, the auspicious colours associated with this playful creature, embody depth, wisdom, and mystery, offering a sophisticated palette for design exploration.

Is the Monkey lucky in 2024? ›

It will be a prosperous year, brimming with opportunities for you, Monkeys, especially in your career and financial fortune, where you will reap abundant rewards. However, it will be important to pay attention to your relationships and well-being.

Which Chinese zodiac is luckiest in 2024? ›

According to the China Highlights website, the signs with the most luck and fortune in 2024 will be: monkeys, roosters, and pigs. In a second category of luck for the year 2024 are: ox, rabbits, goats, and dogs.

What year is bad for Monkey? ›

An Unlucky Year for Monkeys

According to Chinese astrology, in their Zodiac year people are believed to offend Tai Sui, the God of Age, bringing nothing but bad luck. With this in mind, according to folklore, those born in a year of the Monkey should be more careful in Zodiac year 2028.

What Chinese zodiac should Monkey avoid? ›

The Monkey

Your sign promises success in any field. You are most compatible with the dragon, rat and ram, ans should avoid the tiger, snake and boar.

Is the Monkey zodiac loyal? ›

People under the sign of the Monkey are wise, intelligent, confident, charismatic, loyal, inventive and have leadership.

Who are the allies of monkeys in Feng Shui? ›

The Snake is the secret friend of the Monkey while the Rat and the Dragon are its horoscope allies. A secret friend is a person who will help you in life without you even realizing while your allies are special friends and buddies that you can talk to and help you in times of need.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.