2019 Canadian Fintech & Funding Directory (2024)

Last Revised: January 31, 2019
This is an ever evolving and growing directory of active (or beta) online financial technology platforms and service providers in Canada including sectors such as blockchain, crowdfunding, alternative finance, real estate, P2P lending, regtech, insurtech, aggregators, consultants and ecosystems. To request to be listed in the directory you need to be a member of NCFA and also email us directly with your request at casano@ncfacanada.org and we'll do our best to make updates periodically. To become a member of NCFA please click here.

2019 Canadian Fintech & Funding Directory (1)

Service ProviderAccesswireFlat Fee News DistributionUSSite
PortalArt Market CanadaCreative and Artistic ProjectsONSite
PortalArtsFunding.caCrowdfunding for the ArtsONSite
PortalATB BoostRCrowdfunding for local businesses in AlbertaABSite
Service ProviderBennett Milner Williams ConsultingCrowdfunding consultantABSite
Lending PortalBorrowellLoans for responsible CanadiansONSite
Equity PortalBrixReal Estate Equity crowdfundingONSite
Service ProviderCanadian Media FundCanadian Crowdfunding ResourcesONSite
PortalChimpCanadian CharitiesBCSite
Service ProviderCoinPaymentsIntegrated payment gateway for cryptocurrencies and ICO marketplaceBCSite
Service ProviderCommercial PassportBlockchain Document Custody KYCQCSite
Equity PortalConsiderFunding.comEquity Crowdfunding PlatformBCSite
PortalCookiee JarGeneral Purpose Awareness and FundraiserONSite
Royalty PortalCorlRevenue based financing for tech startups and companiesQCSite
PortalCrowd AmplifyMulti-purpose platform aimed at users inexperienced with crowdfundingNBSite
Service ProviderCrowdfund BeatCrowdfunding news and info (Canadian edition)ONSite
Service ProviderCrowdfund SuiteCrowdfunding Management + ConsultingBCSite
PortalCrowdfundfusionCrowdfunding aggregatorMBSite
Service ProviderCrowdfunding DojoDirect marketing techniques for reward based campaignsONSite
PortalCrowdfunding.caGeneral Crowdfunding (WIP)SKSite
Service ProviderCrowdfundingADRDispute Resolution Services (North America - office in LA)ONSite
Service ProviderCrowdFundOffice.comInvestor Services, Accounting and ComplianceONSite
PortalCrowdhelpsCrowdfunding campaigns to help womenONSite
Equity PortalCrowdmatrixEquity Crowdfunding PlatformONSite
Service ProviderCrowdrating.caCrowdsourced ratingsQCSite
Service ProviderCurexeSend and Receive Funds GloballyONSite
Service ProviderDonorhutWhite label fundraising software for charities and non-profitsMBSite
Service ProviderEquibit GroupBlockchain solutions for the securities industryONSite
PortalFan.siSubscription-based crowdfunding for musicians and fansONSite
PortalFANPUSHMusic & EntertainmentBCSite
Service ProviderFinTech Growth SyndicateBusiness AcceleratorONSite
PortalFlipgiveCrowdfunding for non-profits through product sales & donationsONSite
Equity PortalForegrowthInstitutional Quality InvestmentsONSite
Equity PortalFrontFundrOnline Investment PlatformBCSite
Service ProviderFundicaCrowdsourced access to grants, tax credits, loans and equity fundingQCSite
Equity PortalFundingNomadCrowdfunding for Entertainment, Media and Real Estate InvestmentONSite
PortalFundRazrRewards and cause based crowdfundingBCSite
Lending PortalFundThroughSmall Business LoansONSite
PortalFutureFunder.caCarleton UniversityONSite
PortalGiveffectCrowdfunding for CharitiesONSite
Service ProviderGlobal Blockchain TechnologiesPublic Investment fund focused on blockchainONSite
Equity PortalGotrooEquity Crowdfunding PlatformQCSite
Service ProviderGrowDigital Banking Solutions for Financial InstitutionsBCSite
PortalHaricotGeneral purposeQCSite
PortalHeroXCrowdsourcing global solutions and crowdfunding incentive prizesBCSite
Equity PortalHomeboundInvest in Crowdfunded Real Estate Properties (beta)ONSite
Service ProviderIgnitionDeckWordpress Crowdfunding PluginABSite
Service ProviderIntegral TransferShare Transfer AgencyONSite
PortalInvest Local BCCommunity Futures Stuart NechakoBCSite
Equity PortalInvestXPrivate equity for every investorBCSite
Service ProviderKatipultWhite Label Crowdfunding SoftwareABSite
Service ProviderKreativ ThotzConcept development to retail market servicesONSite
PortalLa RucheProjects impacting Quebec City and surrounding areasQCSite
PortalLabfundrCrowdfunding for ScienceNSSite
PortalLaunchopolisFull service crowd ventureONSite
Lending PortalLendifiedSmall Business LoansONSite
Lending PortalLending LoopOnline Lending MarketplaceONSite
Lending PortalLendMartSmall business lending options serviceQCSite
PortalLendpoolCrowdfunding for projectsONSite
PortalLuevoCrowdfunding FashionONSite
PortalMake a ChampAthletes and Sporting OrganizationsQCSite
PortalMake Giving HappenCrowdfunding platform that is customizable to your brand and goalsONSite
Service ProviderMatterealizeProduct Design ConsultancyABSite
PortalMeatme.caFarm to table crowdfundingBCSite
Service ProviderMLG Blockchain ConsultingGlobal blockchain development and consulting firmONSite
PortalMy Class NeedsCanadian Classrooms K-12ONSite
Equity PortalNexusCrowdAccredited Investor CrowdfundingONSite
Service ProviderNiko / Nikola Tesla UniteNiko Coin EcosystemONSite
Equity PortalOpen AvenueReal Estate CrowdfundingONSite
PortalOpportunity International CanadaFunding individuals, groups and businesses that work to end povertyONSite
Equity PortalOptimize Capital MarketsPrivate placement for Accredited Investors and InstitutionsONSite
Service ProviderPegasus FintechICO Advisory ServicesONSite
PortalPicaticTicketing and Event ManagementONSite
Equity PortalPolymath NetworkBlockchain Securities (beta)ONSite
Lending PortalProgressaConsumer loans - helping Canadians build creditBCSite
PortalProject Her INCCrowdfunding for women entrepreneur owned & led businessesBCSite
PortalProjexityUrban Change ProjectsONSite
PortalPursuitCanadian AthletesNSSite
Equity PortalR2Online marketplace for Real Estate Debt/Equity Capital and InvestmentsONSite
Equity PortalRealStarterReal Estate Equity CrowdfundingQCSite
Service ProviderREMITRInternational Money Transfers for BusinessONSite
PortalRocketSecurity Token CrowdfundingBCSite
Service ProviderSeeding FactoryCrowdfunding Consulting and ManagementQCSite
PortalSeeds of ChangeMcGill University ProjectsONSite
Service ProviderSeedUps CanadaFundraising servicesABSite
PortalShareSpringCommunity FundraisingBCSite
PortalSmallchangefundGrassroots community projectsONSite
Service ProviderSmarter.loansLoan Directory for Any type of Loan or FinancingONSite
Equity PortalSVXSocial Venture Exchange for Impact Ventures, Funds and InvestorsONSite
PortalThe Funding PortalAccess to government grants, tax credits, accredited investors and private capitalONSite
Service ProviderThrinaciaDonation/reward-based White Label PlatformsBCSite
PortalTilt CanadaGroup paymentsONSite
Service ProviderTODA.NetworkFoundational Layer for Decentralized NetworksUSSite
Equity PortalTokenFunderBlockchain Crowdfunding. Initial Coin Offering (ICOs) *BetaONSite
Service ProviderTouchstone ServicesCrowdfunding Back officeONSite
PortalTrackieProfileCrowdfunding for track and field athletesONSite
Service ProviderTravelCoin FoundationTransforming the Travel IndustryUKSite
Service ProviderTravis SouthinCrowdfunding ResearchONSite
PortalTrend TrunkCreative crowdfunding for non-profits & charitiesONSite
PortalTruth North StrongNorthern Credit Union CommunitiesONSite
PortalUNU FundGeneral PurposeONSite
PortalUSEEDFor groups/organizations and programs at University of AlbertaABSite
Service ProviderVanbexGlobally recognized Blockchain consulting and expertiseBCSite
Lending PortalVaultCircleDigital Lending Investment Platform for Accredited InvestorsONSite
Equity PortalVestedEquity crowdfunding for startupsBCSite
PortalYoyomoloSocial fundraising platformQCSite

2019 Canadian Fintech & Funding Directory (2) The National Crowdfunding & Fintech Association (NCFA Canada) is a financial innovation ecosystem that provides education, market intelligence, industry stewardship, networking and funding opportunities and services to thousands of community members and works closely with industry, government, partners and affiliates to create a vibrant and innovative fintech and funding industry in Canada. Decentralized and distributed, NCFA is engaged with global stakeholders and helps incubate projects and investment in fintech, alternative finance, crowdfunding, peer-to-peer finance, payments, digital assets and tokens, blockchain, cryptocurrency, regtech, and insurtech sectors. Join Canada's Fintech & Funding Community today FREE! Or become a contributing member and get perks. For more information, please visit: www.ncfacanada.org

4 AML Challenges for 2024 and Beyond

March 26, 2024 Anti-money laundering is an issue plaguing more than just the financial industry. Due to our everyday lives becoming more digitized, it’s easier than ever to participate in financial means. AML regulations exist to regulate and stop fraud, trafficking, tax evasion, and other illegal activities. Unfortunately, implementing regulations is hardly enough to prevent money laundering. There are multiple challenges that pose obstacles for authorities and various institutions in finding a be-all and end-all solution. Having said that, the current challenges shouldn’t be an entity that stops all the efforts to minimize money laundering. Those struggling with the scheme should learn about the challenges and consider potential solutions that we’ll mention in this article. 1. Lack of Sufficient Systems and Processes Some organizations are simply too small to implement sufficient systems and processes to fend off money laundering threats. It’s one thing to know about transaction monitoring rules and screening processes and another to actually have sufficient resources to create a functioning system. Customer data, transactions, and third-party involvement create a complicated ecosystem. And it’s not just the missing tools. Despite advancements in automation, there still have to be competent officers and teams to keep everything in check. How ...

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Binance Executive Escapes from Custody in Nigeria

Crypto | March 26, 2024 Facing Legal Charges, Binance Executive, Nadeem Anjarwalla, Flees Nigeria According to Premium Times and several outlets, Nadeem Anjarwalla, a British-Kenyan Binance executive, escaped from custody in Nigeria after being detained on charges of tax evasion and other offenses. The Nigerian government has leveled multiple charges against Binance and its executives, including failure to register with the Federal Inland Revenue Service, non-payment of value-added tax (VAT), and aiding customers in tax evasion. These charges highlight the Nigerian authorities' crackdown on financial crimes and tax evasion, especially within the cryptocurrency sector. See: New Binance CEO’s First Thoughts + His Latest Nadeem Anjarwalla, a British-Kenyan citizen and a Binance executive, along with Tigran Gambaryan, a U.S. citizen overseeing financial crime compliance at Binance, were detained in Nigeria upon their arrival on February 26, 2024. They were held for alleged tax evasion and other offenses. Shortly after their detention, Anjarwalla escaped from custody on March 22, 2024. He was taken from the Abuja guest house, where he was detained, to a nearby mosque for prayers due to the ongoing Ramadan fast. It is believed he then used a Middle East airliner to fly out of Abuja. His escape was ...

Stability AI CEO Resigns to Pursue Decentralized AI

Decentralized AI | March 25, 2024 Stability AIs CEO Jumps Ship: "Not going to beat centralized AI with centralized AI" As reported in Techcrunch, the CEO of Stability AI, Emad Mostaque, recently resigned from it's mission of centralized AI to a decentralized approach which was deemed a necessity due to the growing concerns over data privacy, security, and the monopolization of AI technologies by a few large entities. Mostaque's resignation is rooted in the belief that the future of AI should not be dictated by centralized entities but should instead embrace a decentralized approach to foster innovation and ensure equitable access. However it's important to know that Stability AI,a startup renowned for its widely-used image creation software, Stable Diffusion, was reportedly spending around $8 million a month as of October 2023, with unsuccessful attempts to raise new funding at a $4 billion valuation. This financial strain illustrates the unsustainable nature of centralized AI models, which require significant resources for data processing and storage. Not going to beat centralized AI with more centralized AI. All in on #DecentralizedAI Lots more 🔜 https://t.co/SbEF5zoo05 — Emad acc/acc (@EMostaque) March 23, 2024 “We should have more transparent & distributed governance in AI as it ...

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As AI-driven IPOs Take Center Stage, What Could go Wrong?

AI | March 25, 2024 Investor Demand for AI-driven IPOs is Accelerating but is it Sustainable? Astera Labs' IPO was a big win for AI investors, with its stock soaring 70% on its Nasdaq debut, achieving an $11 billion valuation from a modest $235 million investment. This success story was somewhat overshadowed by Nvidia's unveiling of next-generation Blackwell chips and Microsoft's strategic acquisition moves, hinting at a looming industry shakeout. Meanwhile, Reddit's IPO also made waves, with its stock price jumping 48%, reflecting the robust investor appetite for AI-enhanced platforms. Despite a lower-than-expected number of AI & ML company listings in 2023, the success of recent IPOs indicates a bullish outlook on AI's future. However, the competition from established players poses significant barriers for startups. 1. Astera Labs - AI Hardware Known for its high-speed data transfer technology crucial for AI computing, Astera Labs made a stellar debut, with its stock popping 70% on its Nasdaq debut. This reflects the strong market appetite for foundational AI technologies that underpin broader AI applications. 2. Reddit - Social Media and Content Data for LLM Training With a successful IPO that saw its stock soar 48%, Reddit's market debut highlights the potential for ...

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The Ripple Effect of CBDCs on Bank Lending and Profitability

Report | March 25, 2024 BoC Staff Paper Explores the Delicate Balance Between CBDC and Bank Lending The Bank of Canada published a working staff paper on March 22, 2024 called 'CBDC: Banking and Anonymity' that outlines the intricacies of CBDCs and their impact on traditional bank lending and financial stability. See: CBDCs in Canada and Impact Drivers on Banking Choices The Bank of Canada's study exams how the design of CBDCs, particularly the degree of user anonymity they afford, could influence banking practices, credit allocation, and bank profitability. The Anonymity Conundrum When a CBDC offered by the central bank keeps who uses it somewhat secret, it changes how businesses act and how banks decide to give out loans. If the CBDC is a little bit private (modest level of anonymity), it might cause some issues. For example, both successful and less successful business owners might choose to use this digital money, leading banks to lend money without being as careful about who gets it. The best level of privacy for this digital money depends on how it can help businesses. If the benefits are more like using cash, it should be more private. If the benefits are more like ...

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Impact of Ethereum 2.0 on Canadian Fintech

March 25, 2024 In the rapidly evolving world of finance and technology, Ethereum 2.0 emerges as a beacon of transformation, particularly within the Canadian fintech landscape. This article delves into the multifaceted impact of Ethereum's upgrade on the fintech sector in Canada, a country known for its progressive stance on technology and finance. As we navigate through this exploration, we will touch upon the current Ethereum price, offering a gateway to a deeper understanding of its relevance and implications. The Dawn of Ethereum 2.0: A New Chapter for Canadian Fintech The advent of Ethereum 2.0 marks a pivotal moment in the blockchain domain, introducing profound enhancements in scalability, security, and sustainability. For Canada's fintech ecosystem, this upgrade is not just a technological leap; it's a transformative shift that promises to redefine the operational, strategic, and competitive landscapes. The transition from a Proof of Work (PoW) to a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism is at the heart of this evolution, paving the way for more efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective blockchain operations. In understanding the significance of Ethereum 2.0, one cannot overlook the Ethereum price, which serves as a vital indicator of the cryptocurrency's market perception and its underlying technology's ...

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Why Is Casino Software Important

March 24, 2024 Have you ever wondered what distinguishes the leading mobile casino Canada sites from the rest? It's not merely about flashy promotions or glitzy aesthetics; the true essence lies in the core component known as casino software. In this article, we'll delve into the significance of online casino software, drawing insights from the vibrant community at Mr. Gamble forum, and why it plays a pivotal role in mobile gaming. What Is Online Casino Software? Simply put, casino software is the digital platform that runs online casinos. It's the tech backbone that powers your favourite games and ensures a smooth gambling session. This software wears many hats, managing game interfaces, security, payments, and those complex algorithms that determine outcomes and ultimately, decide your fate. In simpler terms, it's the behind-the-scenes platform that brings the flashy world of online gambling to life. Whether you're spinning slots or trying your hand at poker, this software is the unseen force making the entire show unfold. 6 Reasons Why Casino Software Is Key Let's explore why online casino software is key in the online gambling realm. The Architectural Foundation Fueled by advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology, casino software ensures games are fair, secure, ...

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Ryan Reynolds-Backed Canadian Fintech Nuvei Buyout Talks

Payments | March 24, 2024 Nuvei Corp, a Canadian payments processor backed by Hollywood actor Ryan Reynolds, is reportedly in advanced talks with private equity firm Advent International for a buyout As reported in the WSJ and Bloomberg, Nuvei and Advent International are at an advanced stage of negotiation, with a potential deal that would transform Nuvei's market standing and strategic direction. While the outcome remains uncertain, following the announcement, Nuvei's stock surged towards a seven-month high, reflecting the market's optimistic view of the buyout's potential to unlock value and accelerate growth. See: Ryan Reynolds Backs Canadian Fintech Firm Nuvei (and Tells a Story) Star Influencers and Innovating B2B Payments In April 2023, Hollywood actor Ryan Reynolds endorsed Nuvei, bringing his signature blend of entrepreneurial acumen and star power to the fintech firm. His track record of successful investments adds a layer of credibility and visibility to Nuvei's operations. Reynolds' involvement has not only spotlighted Nuvei's innovative payment solutions but also underscored the company's potential as a lucrative investment opportunity in the fintech space. On October 5, 2023, Nuvei launched its enhanced payments solution for B2B payments in Canada to facilitate efficient, secure, and comprehensive payment processes for businesses. The ...

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Vitalik Buterin Introduces Rainbow Staking at ETHTaipei

Innovation | March 22, 2024 Vitalik Buterin latest thoughts from ETHTaipei's conference hackathon yesterday including Rainbow Staking and Layer 2 Usage post Dencun update Yesterday at ETHTaipei's conference hackathon, Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum's co-founder, shared his latest thoughts and introduced "Rainbow Staking" as a way to combat growing centralization concerns around staking. See: SG Launches First Digital Green Bond on Ethereum He also talked about the surprisingly low Layer 2 (L2) usage since the Dencun upgrade, sparking discussions on the future of Ethereum's scalability and decentralization. Rainbow Staking Today, solo stakers must contribute 32 ETH to become network validators or they can opt to delegate their tokens to third party staking solution providers, and as such liquid staking solutions such as Lido, dominate the market with 61.36% share posing a centralization risk to Ethereum's decentralized ethos. Rainbow Staking would be a mechanism designed to encourage more solo stakers by making the process more accessible and economically viable, despite the technical and financial barriers. It would distinguish between "heavy" and "light" staking, with the former being slashable and the latter participating through a lottery system. This dual approach aims to enhance network security by leveraging the strengths of both staking methods. See: ...

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SEC Scrutinizes Ethereum as ETF Approvals Delayed

Crypto | March 22, 2024 The SEC's Ethereum Probe and ETF Delays The SEC's active investigation into Ethereum, particularly its classification as a security following its transition to a proof-of-stake model, has raised alarms across the fintech sector. The probe's focus on the Ethereum Foundation's governance and financial dealings underscores the regulatory uncertainties facing the second-largest cryptocurrency, valued at a $426 billion market cap."The SEC's energetic legal campaign to classify Ethereum as a security delivers a further blow to the crypto industry's hopes," reports Fortune. See: Federal Judge Sanctions SEC for ‘Gross Abuse of Power Adding to the complexity, the SEC has postponed decisions on Ethereum ETF applications from leading financial firms including Blackrock, signaling a cautious regulatory stance. This delay not only impacts the asset managers involved but also affects the broader investment community, introducing uncertainty in an already volatile market. Market Reactions Aaron Arnold, a noted analyst warned that classifying Ethereum as a security could have drastic implications for the U.S. crypto market. Such a designation would necessitate stringent regulatory compliance, potentially stifling innovation and limiting market growth. "If the SEC labels Ethereum as a security, that would pretty much nuke the cryptocurrency market in the United States," ...

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2019 Canadian Fintech & Funding Directory (2024)


Are Canadians saving money? ›

No shortage of savings

Not everyone had extra money in the bank following a few years of restrictions — but many did. In 2020, the average Canadian saved more than $5,000, for a total of $212 billion, according to Statistics Canada.

Are Canadians financially literate? ›

While the majority of Canadians say they are knowledgeable about day-to-day budgeting (86 per cent), saving money (86 per cent), and paying off their debts (79 per cent), only 53 per cent say they are knowledgeable about topics like investing or wills and estate planning (53 per cent) and almost half (49 per cent) ...

How many Canadians invest? ›

TORONTO, May 15, 2024 /CNW/ - Only about half of Canadians (48 per cent) say they're investing money each year according to a new poll from Investor's Edge, the direct investing division of CIBC.

What are the banks in Canada? ›

Domestic Banks: Schedule I
  • B2B Bank.
  • Bank of Montreal.
  • Bank of Nova Scotia (The)
  • Bridgewater Bank.
  • Caisse populaire acadienne ltée (UNI)
  • Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
  • Canadian Tire Bank.
  • Canadian Western Bank.
Apr 16, 2024

Is Canada more financially stable than the US? ›

Canada's 2017 debt-to-GDP ratio was 89.7%, compared to the United States at 107.8%. According to the IMF's 2018 annual Article IV Mission to Canada, compared to all the G7 countries, including the United States, Canada's "total government net debt-to-GDP ratio", is the lowest.

Why are so many Canadians in debt? ›

Canada's economic reliance on consumer spending and housing means higher levels of wealth and debt compared with G7 counterparts.

Is Canada the most educated in the world? ›

Canada, renowned for its exceptional educational system, stands as the second most educated country globally, with a tertiary education attainment rate of 66.36%.

What is the average wealth in Canada compared to the US? ›

In terms of U.S. dollars, (2) total household wealth amounted to $614 billion in Canada compared with $6,834 billion in the U.S. - a one-to-eleven ratio. In terms of averages, an American household held wealth of $78,700 compared with $66,400 for a Canadian household.

How many Canadians are debt free? ›

Table 3 Percentage of Canadian families that are debt-free by age group
All ages32.729.6
under 3520.423.4
35 to 4420.015.4
4 more rows
Dec 22, 2020

How much debt is the average Canadian in? ›

According to Equifax Canada's Q3 2023 report, the average consumer debt for all of Canada is $21,013. Credit card debt typically accounts for approximately 4.5% of consumer debt. Below, take a look to see how the average consumer debt varies by province.

Who has the most wealth in Canada? ›

Dabid Thomson and family had a total net worth of 48.8 billion U.S. dollars, representing the richest in Canada in 2022. Changpeng Zhao, co-founder and executive chairman of Binance, is the second richest person in Canada, with a net worth of 17.4 U.S. dollars.

How many people make $100,000 in Canada? ›

Approximately 11% of Canadians bring in an annual income of more than $100,000. That's only 3.1 million out of 28.7 million people in the country, which doesn't seem like very many.

Which Canadian bank is also in the US? ›

Number of U.S. Branches
BankNumber of U.S. Branches
TD Bank1,100+
BMO Bank600+
RBC Bank0
Mar 4, 2024

What is the richest bank in Canada? ›

With total assets amounting to more than two trillion Canadian dollars, the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) was the largest bank in Canada in 2023, closely followed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank).

What is the safest bank in Canada? ›

TD Bank. Toronto-Dominion Bank (TSX:TD) is the “safest” Canadian bank going by capitalization. Today, it has a 16.2% common equity tier-one (CET1) ratio. The CET1 ratio is cash plus equity divided by all risk-weighted assets.

How much does the average Canadian person have in savings? ›

According to Statistics Canada's 2019 figures (the most recent available), the average person under age 35 had saved $9,905 towards retirement (RRSPs only) and held $27,425 in non-pension financial assets. For Canadians aged 35 to 44, these numbers are $15,993 and $23,743, respectively.

What percent of Canadians don't have savings? ›

Almost half (49%) of respondents said they have no savings for an emergency, with 53% relying on their next paycheque. More than one-third (35%) would take out a small loan or use a credit card to deal with an emergency.

Is Canada a financially stable country? ›

Canada's economy is growing. Despite some temporary factors such as the Quebec public sector strikes late in 2023, real GDP rose by 1 per cent on an annualized basis in the fourth quarter, driven by strong global demand for Canadian exports, as well as resilient demand from households for goods and services.

Is Canada good financially? ›

Canada's economy ranks above most Western nations on The Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom and experiences a relatively low level of income disparity. The country's average household disposable income per capita is "well above" the OECD average.

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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.