20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (2024)

Undoubtedly, Quicken had the crown of the best personal finance tool for decades but what happened then? It outdated & today most of us look forward to better Quicken alternatives.

Quicken was extremely popular once, however little has been done in the course of the most recent couple of years to further enhance it. The downfall of Quicken started when, Intuit (acclaimed for programs like QuickBooks and Turbo Tax) sold off Quicken in 2016.

This was the game changer for the most commonly used money management tool, gossipy tidbits twirled that Quicken will really close down its program for good. Nowadays, there are various alternatives to Quicken that can enable you to deal with your cash and in addition Quicken at any point did… and cost far less.

Some of us even remember it as the personal finance management tool that was propelled in 1983, at that time Bill Gates broadly predicted that all Computers would just ever require more than 640K of memory.

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Our List Of Best Quicken Alternatives

If you are tired of the complexities of Quicken and are looking to manage your finances, here we have the best options that are mostly free to use.

Personal Capital

Price: Free

If you have been using Quicken for a while now, you’re presumably past the “help me with my financial plan” stage.

In case you’re more intrigued by how your personal investments account is performing and less inspired by simply knowing the amount you’re spending on staple goods, at that point Personal Capital is an extraordinary Quicken alternative.

However it’ll additionally pull your credit card records so you will know the amount you spent on basic supplies in the event that you need!.

Personal Capital is a full-highlighted, and free, personal finance management application that plays its role to help you with investments.

They even have a capable mobile application that duplicates the web format. You can see a full audit of Personal Capital.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (1)

It’s superior to Quicken on the grounds that it’s as often as possible, updated (there’s no product to download and fix or update)has a rich arrangement of tools for venture and retirement, in addition to this, it includes a financial plan and cost following segment as well.

The financial plan and cost following are sufficient, it isn’t as advanced as Quicken, yet it functions admirably.
One other vote of certainty for this Quicken alternative is their CEO – Bill Harris.

He was some time ago, the CEO of Intuit and PayPal. You know he has the authority to command in this space and the capacity to lead groups to create the platforms that are first class (whatever is left of the initiative group is exceptionally great in their own right!).

To put it plainly, Personal Capital combines the information from every one of your accounts and conveys an entire money related picture that is straightforward.

Simply connect Personal Capital to your bank, credit, and venture accounts and let the program do the truly difficult work.

It imports your exchanges and figures how your going through lines up with your financial plan.
Not at all, like some different alternatives to Quicken, Personal Capital is something beyond spending plans.

This program additionally offers a powerful investment management instrument. It tracks your benefit designation, screens your venture execution, and analyzes your expenses.

It even considers your retirement objectives and assessments, your retirement salary/consumptions in light of your money related information.

Furthermore, obviously, Personal Capital figures the estimation of your benefits with respect to your obligation (i.e. your total assets).

It may seem like a ton going on, however the application is unbelievably easy to understand. A summary of your monetary circ*mstance is accessible on the dashboard when you open the application.

With all these cash devices being offered for nothing, you may think about how Personal Capital really profits. Great inquiry. They additionally offer charge based wealth management services.

Those are altogether optional, and you’re not the slightest bit committed to buy in. Huge amounts of clients appreciate the free suite of devices without utilizing the wealth management services.

As I would see it, Personal Capital offers the best free money management software available. With a powerful accumulation of cash apparatuses and a free sticker price, this program destroys most different alternatives to Quicken.


YOU NEED A BUDGET (YNAB) is a magnificent decision for anyone who wants an easy to utilize and successful budgeting application.

YNAB doesn’t offer an entire suite of cash devices like Personal Capital. It centers around two things: constructing a realistic budget and tracking your spending. And that’s alright, because it does them both exceptionally well.

I say a realistic budget because YNAB’s theory is that a budget is liquid and ought to be adjusted as often as possible in light of what’s going ahead in our lives.

That’s the reason YNAB makes it so easy to move cash between spending categories to keep your budget balanced. For example, if you’ve budgeted $300 for staple goods, however your transactions indicate that you’ve burned through $340.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (2)

YNAB will tell you that you’ve overspent and provoke you to deduct that $40 from another category. This framework is especially helpful if your goal is to maintain a zero-total budget.

When you utilize YNAB, you have two options. You can either automatically import your transactions by interfacing with your bank and credit suppliers, or you can enter your transactions manually.

Clearly, automating things is easier, however some may appreciate the choice to do things the way it was done in the good old days.

YNAB offers a free 34-day trial, so you can attempt an entire month of budgeting with no dedication. After that, the cost is $6.99 a month, charged annually.

That means once a year, you’ll pay $83.88 to utilize the app/software. Unless you’re a student – then you can appreciate a year for nothing – which is a really cool advantage.

Another feature that distinguishes it from that crowd is the money back guarantee up-to 100%. In this way, in the event that you purchase the application and choose it’s not helping you take control of your finances, YNAB will give you a full refund. Can’t argue with that!

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Status Money

Price: Free

Another Quicken alternative that is also cloud based and gives you the edge to compare your accounts with the people across the United States.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (3)

In addition to offering all the budgeting and expense tracking capabilities like the other tools on this list, it also includes the comparison segment so you can observe, what is your performance as compared to the people around you and against the National Average.

Your group is dictated based on your income range, your age, location, financial assessment range, and accommodation status(personal or rented).

This guarantees you are getting a genuine comparison with somebody who shares your age group, income group and lifestyle, as compared to the people with different location, ages or lifestyles.

You can create a group with custom individuals as well in the event that you feel you’re in an extraordinary circ*mstance not included in the basic stats.


Price: Free

One of the best Quicken alternatives which is relatively new but much more powerful is Tiller. This money related following device is utilized as a part of conjunction with Google Sheets (Gmail account required).

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (4)

Along these lines, in case you’re into spreadsheets, Tiller may be only your thing. In spite of the fact that Tiller has as of late incorporated some additional usefulness (like their obligation snowball worksheet and total assets tracking), this is basically a budgeting program.

To begin, just connect your ledgers to the program. At that point, Tiller will automatically download your money related exchanges into Google Sheets once a day.

From that point, you’re allowed to exploit Tiller’s boundless customization alternatives. They give different budgeting formats you can utilize, however you can likewise make a fresh out of the box new spreadsheet exceptional to your inclinations.

Consistently, Tiller messages you a summary of your monetary movement so you generally know precisely what’s going on with your money.

You can attempt Tiller free for 30 days to check whether it addresses your issues. From that point onward, it’s about $5 a month, or free for a year in case you’re a student.


Price:Free & Paid Versions

GOODBUDGET is a free budgeting application based on the envelope budgeting strategy. Envelope budgeting is the strategy at which you put aside a specific sum for every class of expenses, and then you follow this plan throughout the month.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (5)

It’s a standout amongst the most prevalent money management strategies in personal finance. The envelope alludes to the manual strategy for dealing with these sorts of budgets where you add a specific amount of money to an envelope.

When you come up short on money, you either acquire money from any of the other envelopes or you manage. GoodBudget adds technology innovation to the blend and will sync up financial balances to help in keeping a check on your income and your expenses.

You set the sum for every category and after that look as your spending nears the point of confinement every month. It’s accessible for the two iOS and Android telephones.


You may have known about this finance management tool since it currently managed by the similar company that was the creator of Quicken.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (6)

Intuit bought this tool in 2010 and this is the reason behind the untimely demise of Quicken. This is also the reason of selling the Quicken to H.I.G. Capital — which most likely caused you a smidgen of a headache every once in a while!

Mint is free and very effective for financial management, budgeting and tracking your expenses. They don’t have much to assist you with venture and retirement funds.

From the beginning, the main focus of Mint was on budgeting and considering this fact, they are performing an extraordinary job.

Mint is a decent Quicken Alternative if you are tired of Quicken and want a tool that is helpful in expense tracking. Being a cloud based app, it won’t require you to download, update or patch various modules, thus making the process extremely easy.

If you are looking forward to making investments and also want that segment as well, Mint won’t be able to help you there as its solely a budgeting and expense tracking financial management application.


MoneyDance is a rather new and less famous Quicken alternative as compared to the other financial management tools that I have already listed.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (7)

But being a strong and efficient budgeting app makes it worthy to include in this list. It is one of the few money managemet tools that isn’t cloud based. What does that mean?

It means that your information isn’t stored online on their personal servers and you are free of any risks attached to hacking of misuse of your financial information. Another feature is the freedom to add your transaction manually.


Price: Free & Paid Versions

DOLLARBIRD is another Quicken alternative application with a focus on integration and a month to month timetable.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (8)

You need to sync your accounts (banking, brokerage, and credit cards) with this amazing finance management tool and it assembles a calendar of future salary and consumptions to help with planning.

Dollarbird likewise offers a 5-year budgetary arrangement that gives you a chance to build up longer-term monetary objectives and measure your performance against them.


Price: $64.99

BANKTIVITY is an individual money administrator made for Mac clients. The most current variant, Banktivity 6, is planned particularly for MacOS Sierra.

What’s more, – like Moneydance – when you swing to Banktivity as a Quicken Alternative, you can import your information for a consistent change.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (9)

With Banktivity, you’ll adjust your ledgers and utilize it to fabricate budgets, track your spending, pay your bills, and screen your speculations.

They likewise offer some extremely cool revealing choices. For instance, you can produce reports in view of class spending or spending at a given vendor.

In this way, on the off chance that you need to track the amount you spend on eating out, you can without much of a stretch produce a report demonstrating all your spending in that classification over a given time period.

Or then again, on the off chance that you need to get considerably more particular, you can without much of a stretch draw up the amount you spent on McDonald’s in the previous two weeks.

The “FIND” feature in Banktivity 6 is somewhat similar to Mac’s spotlight – it gives you a chance to look through every one of your exchanges to locate the one you’re searching for.

This can be an incredible help when you’re attempting to rapidly check something particular. One of the offers that makes it stand out is the 30-day trial period which can be subscribed without a credit card.

From that point forward, you can buy the work area application for a one-time expense of $64.99. You would then be able to download the application on iPhone and iPad and adjust over your gadgets.


Price: $9.99 – $39.99

One of the most powerful alternatives to Quicken, that was specifically designed for this very purpose is CountAbout.

On this list CountAbout is the only app that has the capability to pull all your financial data from Quicken directly. It will adjust the data on its own and the further transactions would become utterly easy.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (10)

Because of its wide range of functions that we are going to enlist below, this app isn’t free but the costs are quite affordable i.e. $9.99 for the basic users like me and $39.99 for premium members. Buying the paid membership makes sure that you don’t see any kind of irritation ads.

Below are the salient features of this app which aren’t much different from Quicken:

• Capability of importing data from Mint & Quicken
• 12,500+ budgetary establishments (including debit & credit cards)
• Two-factor login authentication
• Android and iOS portable applications
• Class customization
• Labels (include, erase, rename)
• Detailing for Account balance
• Detailing for Category action
• Detailing for Tag activity
• Report trading
• Account QIF
• Budgeting
• Record conciliation
• Charts for Income and Spending
• Repeat transactions
• Investment adjustments by Institution


Price: Free

For people who are concerned about investments, personal finances and have an interest in business, Dave Ramsey is an inspiration.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (11)

A plenty of people follow him and claim that his lessons and teachings changed their lives entirely. EveryDollar is the only tool on this list that is developed and associated with Dave Ramsey.

Zero based budgeting is the basis of this advanced budgeting tool just like YNAB. This tool helps you plan and use each and every dollar in your account and you can either feel this as an inspiration or an obligation.

It also has the mobile versions which are beautifully designed and in addition to being extremely efficient, this app is also cool to use.

It offers both the free and paid versions, the paid version is quite affordable with a simple price of $99 annually. By using the paid version you can import all your information and data through automated importing, so you won’t need to add all your previous transaction manually.


Being a famous and powerful Quicken alternative, MoneySpire helps you manage all your budgeting and financial records by collecting all your monetary transactions and combining them at one platform.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (12)

It can produce an amazing budget for you but the synchronizations is a bit messy. This finance management tool has been making the rounds on the internet for many years now and offers an extra layer of advanced security that makes it further useful.

Linking your credit cards, debit cards and bank accounts has never been easy. It also provides the options to add savings accounts and ability to create most advanced and detailed budgets.

MoneySpie helps you with:

Smooth money management process
Create a budget from scratch
Keep a check on your expenses and know them to the minute setails
Keep an eye on your net worth over the time
Synced bank accounts, that will import the transactions automatically
A complete overview of your current and previous financial situation


It can better be called a Quicken alternative that can predict your future financial situation based on the current records. It helps you keep track of all your bank accounts, credit cards, loans, investments, ventures and forecast your future standing.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (13)

Checking through all your personal finances after a hard working day is always annoying but PocketSmith can do all these hard tasks for you without any cost.

Its goal is to make everything quite easy by joining all your financial activities together and monitor them at a single platform.

If you are interested in making the projections of your current financial situation, PcketSmith is the right choice.

Jason Leong founded PocketSmith in 2008 and the basic concept behind this incredible application was creating a money management tool that helps you in managing and communicating the financial data in an event based way.

Quickbooks Online

Another Quicken alternative without which this list can’t be complete is Quickbooks Online. It has an extremely effective system for expense tracking and your personal finance management.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (14)

You can also create budgets from scratch using this excellent tool. Attractive user interface, easy navigational systems and usability are the most prominent features.

It offers a very comprehensive and detailed in-built payroll system, the templates for various reports can be customized to your will.

With a range of transaction recording forms and contact storage, this is surely one of the best Quicken alternatives till date. It is a must have for the small businesses and professional accountants.

Moreover, Quickbooks Online offers multiple free and paid add-ons that significantly increase its reach and output.

Custom Spreadsheet

A custom Spreadsheet has been used for years by people and the companies alike. It is one of the most commonly used Quicken alternative till date.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (15)

Custom Spreadsheets can help you manage all the aspects of your financial activity for instance, your income, expenditure, investments, ventures, profits, losses, budgeting, projected expenses, payable, receivables, depreciation, assets, lists of accounts and much more.

It can has multiple tabs for each category. For example you can create different tabs for your net worth, your creditors which you have to receive, your payables tab, your investments and their age, your credit cards and payments etc.

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Price: $5.99

In case you’re searching for an extremely Quicken Alternative definite versatile application, HomeBudget could be an extraordinary decision.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (16)

This application may have the best interface of all the versatile applications on this rundown. It is spotless, shading coded, and simple to read.

When you interface your accounts, you’ll have the capacity to see your costs, wage, budget, accounts, and bills. There is likewise a diagram that demonstrates to you the amount you are spending as a level of your wage.

This application likewise offers you the capacity to look for past transactions, so you can undoubtedly pull up any data you may require. HomeBudget is accessible in iOS for $4.99 (free for the lite rendition) or on Android gadgets for $5.99.

Level Money

Price: Free

LEVEL MONEY is a simple to utilize personal finance application that encourages you track your day by day, week after week, and month to month spending and income.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (17)

Just, connect your bank account to the application and let Level Money wrap up.With this application, you can automatically produce a month to month plan in view of your salary and costs.

You can likewise contrast your spending from month to month and track your spending by trader and category. The application is straightforward, compelling, and free. You can get it on iOS and Android gadgets.


Price: $15

You have debt spread crosswise over three credit cards, a home loan, a student loan, and an auto credit all at various financing costs and charges.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (18)

What amount should every regularly scheduled installment be? Debtinator causes you answer that inquiry. Enter your present resources, salary, and costs into Debtinator, and in addition every one of your advance and credit card adjusts, loan costs, and expenses.

Debtinator figures to what extent it will bring to pay down the debt if you take after various installment methodologies, for example, the most reduced intrigue installment design, the base installment design, and the base charge just arrangement and afterward it suggests your “most solid option” technique in view of your salary, costs, and financing costs ($15; Basset Software).


The Web-based WESABE joins money management with social networking. When you turn into a Wesabe member, you transfer your bank-account transactions either manually or automatically.

You would then be able to label these exchanges with keywords, and Wesabe will relate any future exchanges including a similar payee with those catchphrases.

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (19)

Furthermore, the Wesabe society will offer you tips about your ways of managing money. For instance, alongside the passage for a buy at Trader Joe’s, a kindred Wesabe member may propose an approach to spare $5 on foodstuffs.

You can likewise make objectives in Wesabe (“purchase a MacBook,” say, or “pay off credit cards”), and after that browse through the objectives different individuals have set; on the off chance that you discover somebody with comparative points, you can share any useful info and swap counsel.

Wesabe keeps your own saving money data private yet does total and dis-play group information, for example, the amount Wesabe individuals spend by and large at the Apple Store (free; Wesabe).

Is It Time To Say Good Bye To Quicken?

At its pinnacle, Quicken has been the most prominent and most effective option for managing personal finances. Intuit, now otherwise called the creator of TurboTax, was based on Quicken’s vogue.

Actually Quicken isn’t what it was once. It’s difficult to improve on a stage initially inherent in 1983. In those days, phones were blocks and applications were just simple concepts.

As it has been re-developed and designed, it’s confronted a wide range of specialized issues (Did you experience difficulty signing into your account towards the beginning of April? Everybody did.) and it has lost its charm.

Today, Quicken desktop program poses quite a lot of issues that are out of our control, thus making the whole situation further annoying. Below I have listed a few of those issues that are quite common:

. Lack of automatic updates
. A hard drive crash can result in an entire data loss
. Messy procedure of managing your account connections
. Lack of many features that are being offered by other programs
. Multiple versions with various prices and features
. No independent mobile app
. Limited support for many well known companies and Banks
. With a number of free Quicken alternatives, it seems to be very expensive now

20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (20)

The Verdict

Quicken has been around for some time and used to be one of the main money related management application worth utilizing.

With the ascent of such a large number of fintechs offering extraordinary options, Quicken is never again ruler of the slope.

For the individuals who are centered around budgeting, Mint, YNAB and EveryDollar are incredible applications.

Of those, Mint is free and EveryDollar offers a free alternative. Despite the fact that, you’ll likely need to pay for the move up to maintain a strategic distance from manually entering in the greater part of your exchanges.

While Personal Capital isn’t as solid on the budgeting side, it compensates for it in investment summary.
Connecting your accounts doesn’t cost anything and you’ll have all of Personal Capital’s venture tools available to you.

This Quicken alternatives guide is a result of many days of research, I have tried to make it the most comprehensive guide till date.

But if you still think that I have missed something or some tool that you want to see here, please add it to the comments and I will update the post.

I am not sure, how much successful I have been but if you like this post please share it with your friends and family as we all know that sharing is caring.

So tell me, which one of all these Quicken alternatives is your personal favorite and why?

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20 Best Quicken Alternatives - Money Management Made Easy! (2024)


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Best Budget Apps Of 2024
  • YNAB (You Need A Budget): Best for Setting Goals.
  • Empower Personal Dashboard™: Best for Tracking Net Worth.
  • Goodbudget: Best for Envelope Budgeting.
  • Oportun (formerly Digit): Best for Passive Saving.
  • PocketGuard: Best for Tracking Spending.
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Quicken is a more “hands-on” budgeting experience with powerful customization features that give you more control over your monthly financial planning. Winner: Quicken, by a mile. While Empower offers the basics, Quicken is a full-fledged budgeting tool that can be customized to fit your lifestyle and spending needs.

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According to its parent company, Intuit, Mint wasn't making enough money, so Intuit began the app's closure in January. On March 23, Mint users will no longer be able to access their account data, which could include over a decade of their spending and financial history.

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The Quicken Data Access Guarantee means that whether you renew your subscription or not, you'll always have full access to and ownership of your data. You can view, edit, export, and manually enter transactions and accounts for Deluxe and higher versions, even after your subscription ends.

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The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

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Quicken Simplifi is one of the best budgeting apps out there, especially if you want to create a detailed monthly spending and savings plan and don't mind paying for a subscription. If you would rather get a budgeting app that doesn't have a subscription fee, you'll have to consider other options.

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YNAB can be installed as a desktop app on Windows or Mac, mobile app on Android or iPhone or simply run it from the web. It offers a 34-day trial and thereafter will cost $98.99/yr. YNAB is able to justify this cost through the amount you'll save by using the software.

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key takeaways. While Quicken still dominates the financial software program universe, several alternatives exist. One rival is Mint, a read-only budget planner and spending tracker. Another rival, Personal Capital, offers investment management services.

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Empower's financial dashboard is the best free alternative to Quicken. While the budgeting features are not quite as robust, the app will track your money and excels at helping you understand your investments.

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- Quicken can be expensive, and some of its features may be too complex for beginners. - Quicken may be difficult to use for those who are not familiar with computers or accounting software. - Quicken does not integrate with other accounting software, so users must manually enter data.

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Quicken Simplifi does not offer any tax planning abilities outside of tracking tax-related spending and income transactions. Quicken Classic offers detailed tracking of taxable and tax-deferred accounts, exporting abilities to tax-related software, and more.

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Both programs can be used for personal and small-company budgeting. On the one hand, Quicken duplicates the most common and secure methods of tracking accounts, deposits, and debits, and suggests budgeting from your data. Excel requires more setup but allows much more flexibility in your accounting.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.