17 Advantages and Disadvantages of Paying College Athletes (2024)

The NCAA earns more than $1 billion per year because of the athletic abilities of student-athletes in multiple divisions of play. Dozens of sports provide opportunities for teens to earn scholarships so that they can pursue a degree while they play, but critics of this system say that isn’t nearly enough compensation compared to what could go wrong.

College coaches are usually one of the highest-paid state employees as well. Some basketball and gridiron football coaches earn salaries of more than $3 million per year. That means their wages are sometimes higher than their professional counterparts. If a school does well in a specific sport, then it may qualify for financial bonuses from a variety of institutions. Should student-athletes receive a portion of that since they earned it with their performance?

On February 20, 2019, Zion Williamson had one of his shoes explode on him while playing basketball. The consensus best college athlete for the season and future #1 NBA draft pick suffered a sprained knee. If he were to step onto the court again, then he would be placing his future at risk while the college and the apparel company sponsoring the program stood to bring in millions of dollars of profit because of the exposure.

There are several advantages and disadvantages to consider when looking at the idea of paying college athletes a stipend that goes beyond what they receive with their scholarship.

List of the Advantages of Paying College Athletes

1. Paying athletes would eliminate the need for additional employment.
Scholarships might pay for books, tuition, and the other common costs of going to college, but they don’t pay every expense that a student might have. It is not unusual for athletes to find a job outside of their sport and classroom schedule so that they have some spending money to use.

Some students don’t qualify for a scholarship, so they’re forced to pay their way while also participating in their sport as a walk-on. This process gives them an opportunity to earn one in the future, but paying them for their service would allow them to concentrate on their studies and athletics without as many distractions.

2. It would offer a financial benefit to many families.
Student-athletes receive thousands of dollars in support from their families as they pursue the college experience. Failing to abide by the NCAA rules, including the offer of an autograph for compensation, can make someone ineligible to play. Unless there are grants, student loans, or scholarship funds available, the cost of going to school falls on the support system of the student unless they earn a chance to play professionally. Since less than 2% of today’s student-athletes will become tomorrow’s pro players, paying them while in school would become the equivalency of a work-study program.

3. Paying students to play sports would offer another incentive.
Most student-athletes will graduate with a degree and pursue a job in their chosen career field. Even those who do make it to a professional league will usually find work in their major after their athletics career is over. The funds that they receive from practicing and playing would help to cover costs that a scholarship doesn’t touch, support an off-campus residence, and keep players involved in the system. It is not unusual to see teens decide to retire from the game they love because their future earning potential comes from their education instead of their athletic ability.

4. This idea would help to reduce corruption in college athletics.
The NCAA has an entire book of rules and guidelines for institutions and coaches to follow so that there is no corruption in the sport. Every year, there are still a handful of programs that go through an investigative process because of their recruitment behaviors. Some schools already pay cash bonuses to ensure the best high school athletes are willing to come play on scholarship for them instead of at a rival school.

5. Student-athletes could earn school credits for their performance.
One of the unique benefits of a work-study program is that it can help students accumulate college credits that can supplement their work toward a specific major or minor. You get to supplement your college tuition costs at the same time. Instead of offering a cash payment, athletes on a scholarship could have their funds go into an account where they can manage their on-campus expenses with less hassle. Then any amount in excess at the end of a semester could be withdrawn into an account.

This benefit would let student-athletes earn credits for the concepts and skills they learn while playing in their favorite sport just like a journalist would while working for the student newspaper.

6. It would lower the financial burden of tuition.
Since all student-athletes would likely earn a paycheck for their activities, walk-ons could earn an opportunity to reduce the financial impact of their tuition, room, and board. That means the cost of going to college would go down if you were willing to take up a sport and make the team. Students would gravitate toward the programs that offered them the most money or additional playing time, which means there could be a surge in facility upgrades throughout all of the NCAA divisions.

Critics suggest that only the schools with the most money would make the most progress with this advantage, but you see that element in all sectors of business. The best and wealthiest institutions will always have the most influence.

7. The best athletes might be willing to play at their school longer.
Most institutions believe that the purpose of going to school is to earn a degree. Star athletes will often drop out after receiving a professional offer, with many of them never returning to school to finish their education afterward. If you play men’s basketball, then there is only a 1-year requirement to be involved with the NCAA. Ensuring that student-athletes earn a paycheck can reduce the financial burden that some families would face when sending their child to college, which means it would become worthwhile to stay for an education before going to the pros.

List of the Disadvantages of Paying College Athletes

1. Student-athletes already receive a comprehensive payment.
Student-athletes might not receive cash payments for their efforts at this time, but they do receive financial compensation in other ways. Basketball and football players might pay a coach up to $3,000 per week to receive professional advice, strength training, fitness coordination, and health support from trainers and therapists in the days leading up to a professional evaluation. When you combine the cost of room and board with tuition and those resources, some students receive up to $125,000 in total compensation at some private universities. That’s because everything is provided to them for free when they are on scholarship.

2. College athletes can gain publicity through television contracts and other forms of exposure.
The best college athletes might want to receive payment for their services, but they also gain a lot of valuable publicity from their performance on the field, pitch, or court when playing. It is much easier for a professional team to evaluate the talent of an athlete when there is film available that covers the entirety of their college career. Since most schools don’t receive a portion of a student athlete’s salary if they turn pro, then the exposure that they get while representing the institution provides some value for everyone involved.

Some athletes will not receive this benefit, especially if they play in a lower NCAA division. There are limited expenses for students who choose to attend an in-state school as well. It should still be put into the conversation of what students receive in compensation for their services.

3. Only a handful of sports actually make a profit for a school.
Most colleges and universities have 2-3 sports that will help them to make money: men’s basketball, women’s basketball, and gridiron football. Most of the other athletics endeavors will generate little revenue while still costing the institution money. According to research performed by USA Today, only 10% of NCAA Division I programs (23 out of 228 active institutions) at the time were running a budget surplus. The number will fluctuate each year, but that means most athletic departments lose money.

It is also essential to note that every university that ran a surplus in 2012 was in an automatic-qualifying conference for the Bowl Championship Series. Every NCAA D1 school not in a major conference lost money. Adding salary requirements for their athletes would only cost them more money.

4. Do all student-athletes require an equal amount of pay?
When you look at the world of professional sports, most of the athletes that you see performing on the field, court, or pitch are earning the league minimum. MLB and NBA players have lucrative contracts that can pay them hundreds of millions of dollars over their careers, but those are the exceptions rather than the rule.

The average salary for a first-year player in the NFL is $480,000.
The minimum salary for the first 24 players on each MLS roster rose from $48,500 in 2014 to $70,250 in 2019.
The minimum salary for an NHL player will reach $750,000 per year in the 2021-2022 campaign.

Superstars make far more than the minimum. Ezekiel Elliot signed a contract that has over $28 million in true guarantees, including a $7.5 million signing bonus. Do all student-athletes deserve the same salary since it would be similar to a work-study program if implemented, or do the stars of a team deserve to earn more?

5. It would give student-athletes an opportunity to unionize.
If colleges and universities began to pay student-athletes for their services on the field, pitch, or court, then that action would likely be seen legally as an employment contract. That classification would give the athletes in the program an opportunity to unionize throughout most of the United States. That means teens and their families would need to manage the same conflicts that professional franchises and their professional athletes handle regularly. There might even be contract negotiations to manage in this situation.

The logical outcome from this disadvantage is that the best student-athletes would receive agent representation to maximize the potential of their value. Instead of playing for the joy of the game, there would be an elite group in each division working toward the best possible contract instead.

6. Institutions would likely cut back on their other programs.
Since the money to pay student-athletes must come from a budget line somewhere, there is a strong likelihood that less popular sports would get cut out of the athletics programs of most colleges and universities. Depending on what goes away, there could be adverse impacts on the students because there could be compromises with safety or professional training. This disadvantage would likely impact the quality of life, reducing the number of programs that the department would oversee since there would be fewer participants. Even though there have been scholarship program manipulation efforts at a high level at some institutions, reducing the influence that cash payments would have offers the chance to improve the learning opportunities that are in the institution’s degree programs.

7. There are equity issues to consider with paying student-athletes.
Since there are only three sports that typically earn profits for a school, that means an institution would need to use the money generated by the programs making money to pay everyone’s house. That would mean there would be income redistribution happening from the basketball and football players to everyone. It would not be outside the realm of possibility that a school might decide to only pay athletes if they belong to programs that make money. If redistribution does happen, then it might be tempting to pay the basketball and football players more for everyone else.

8. It could create a bidding war for the best athletes each year.
The current cap on student-athlete pay is $0. If payment were allowable in the future without a cap, then there would be a bidding war among the top institutions for the best players coming out of high school each year. This process would be challenging to control because the biggest universities could always outbid the smaller colleges that play in the same division.

Imagine a Big Ten football conference where Michigan, Michigan State, and Ohio State get the first run of players, and then schools like Nebraska, Iowa, and Rutgers try to compete with second-tier talent. It would create divisional dynasties where only the players at the best schools would have the chance to play for championships each year.

9. There could be Title IX implications with this effort.
Another problem that proponents of paying student-athletes would need to address in the United States is the equality requirements of Title IX. This issue would make it all but impossible to pay student-athletes in only the revenue sports since women make up about 15% of the student population in that category. That means paying one athlete would likely mean paying everyone. That outcome will either increase the total expenses of the program, add more fees to it, or lower the amount of pay that each athlete could earn while attending the institution.

10. You would have issues with grade-related performance.
If you work a job anywhere, there are certain rules that you must follow so that you can earn a paycheck. That would hold true for student-athletes since they would need to show up for practices and games to earn their salary. What would happen if the NCAA or the school issued an academic suspension to an athlete? A student’s grades in trigonometry aren’t a reflection of what they could accomplish on the football field.

By initiating a plan that would offer student-athletes access to a regular paycheck, the institution would de-emphasize the importance of an education as they do under the current scholarship structure.


The advantages and disadvantages of paying college athletes a salary presents several variables that could be problematic. Instead of looking at a system where students receive a stipend from their institution in addition to their scholarship, it may be worthwhile to look at letting the NCAA and similar associations to let athletes receive profits from the use of their likeness, autograph sessions, and the sale of game-related items which they own.

Taking this route would place the responsibility for earning outside of the scope of the college or university. It would let the student take advantage of their notoriety while avoiding many of the potential problems that would arise when paying everyone.

Author Biography
Keith Miller has over 25 years of experience as a CEO and serial entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, he has founded several multi-million dollar companies. As a writer, Keith's work has been mentioned in CIO Magazine, Workable, BizTech, and The Charlotte Observer. If you have any questions about the content of this blog post, then please send our content editing team a message here.


17 Advantages and Disadvantages of Paying College Athletes (2024)


Why shouldn't college athletes be paid to play sports? ›

By paying college athletes, we risk undermining the entire ecosystem of college sports, leaving many passionate participants out in the cold. But let's not forget the lessons that non-revenue sports teach us. They remind us that sports aren't always about money or fame.

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One argument for paying college athletes is the significant time commitment that their sport requires, which can impact their ability to earn income and divert time and energy away from academic work.

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It requires effective time management, fosters physical and mental well-being, and cultivates valuable leadership and teamwork skills. However, it can also impact academic performance and comes with injury risks and emotional stress.

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NIL Con: Inequities and Distractions

While NIL deals promise newfound opportunities for athletes, they also risk exacerbating disparities and distractions within collegiate athletics. Of the top 100 athletes in NIL rankings, 98 are either football or basketball players.

Do people think college athletes should be paid? ›

11–13, found 67% agreed college athletes should receive direct compensation from their universities, while 74% of respondents supported athletes' ability to profit from NIL. “I think it's good that athletes are getting their share,” Ohio University sports business professor B. David Ridpath said.

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In an August 2023 Forbes article contributor and Ohio State University journalism professor Nicole Kraft stated, “Nearly 70% of US adults said college athletes should be able to receive direct compensation from their school when asked in a recent survey.” Within the article, Sports Attorney Luke Fedlam, founder of ...

Should college be free pros and cons? ›

The benefits of free college include greater educational access for underserved students, a healthier economy, and reduced loan debt. Drawbacks include higher taxes, possible overcrowding, and the threat of quality reduction.

Should professional athletes get paid as much as they do? ›

Essentially, pro athletes are paid their fair share, and in some cases are undervalued. For how much they earn their league and owners and how much they contribute to people's lives, athletes deserve to be paid what they are worth.

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Participating in youth sports has many benefits. It helps develop socialization, gross motor skills, strength, endurance and self-esteem. But intense training in just one sport can potentially cause an overuse injury, burnout or both.

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Is College Right for You?
Pros of Attending CollegeCons of Attending College
Higher earning potentialHigh cost
Access to more jobsOpportunity cost of time spent not working
More learning opportunitiesThe availability of high-paying, no-degree jobs
Networking opportunitiesUnderemployed college graduates
6 more rows
Jan 23, 2023

What are the cons of college sports? ›

Con: Increased Risk of Injury

Between practice and games you're at risk daily for everything from minor sprains to broken bones to concussions. Not only would those things affect your athleticism, they could also have a negative effect on your academics.

Do you make money as a college athlete? ›

Do student athletes get paid? Student athletes don't receive salaries from colleges. However, they are allowed to benefit from monetizing their name, image, and likeness, and benefit from commercial endorsem*nts.

How is NIL ruining college sports? ›

As NIL deal brokers, collectives have been accused of stealing recruits from colleges with promises of greater payouts, raising concerns about the influence of money on college athletics. The general lack of oversight of collectives has also drawn scrutiny.

What are the negatives to NIL? ›

One of the biggest cons of NIL is the potential for imbalances between players. Some athletes may have a better chance of receiving deals than others, leading to inequities within teams and even different sports.

What is the negative side of NIL deals? ›

NIL deals might include social media appearances and other related activities. With the already known pressures and juggling of being a student athlete, their ability to handle scrutiny in social media can add to potential mental health issues.

Why college athletes should not be paid essay? ›

If college athletes were to be paid, it would threaten the college's primary focus-education. Money could be taken away from academics and put into sports, making a college degree worth less if not, worthless. Because 98% of student-athletes do not make it to the professional level, an education is very important.

Why shouldn't athletic scholarships exist? ›

Just because they are an athlete should not give them more than a great student as it stands. If a student is on full scholarship, they are allowed the same benefits as a five-star athlete. So, unless we start paying students for being great students, we should not pay athletes for being great athletes.

Why should college not be free for everyone? ›

If college was free, students might be more likely to skip classes, change their major, and study less. There's also the concern that students would be more likely to take a course “here and there” rather than working towards degree requirements.

Why is NIL bad for college sports? ›

Another issue with NIL is that it could lead to a lack of oversight and regulation. Without proper regulation, there is a possibility for abuse and corruption. There is a need for clear guidelines on what types of deals are allowed and how they should be structured to ensure that student-athletes are not exploited.

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