16 advantages and disadvantages of foreign direct investment (2024)

Foreign direct investment (FDI) occurs when an individual or business owns at least 10% of a foreign company. When investors own less than 10%, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) defines it simply as part of a stock portfolio. Whereas a 10% ownership in a company doesn’t give an individual investor a controlling interest in a foreign company, it does allow influence over the company’s management, operations, and overall policies.

FDI is critical for developing and emerging market countries. Companies in developing countries need multinational funding and expertise to expand, give structure, and guide their international sales. These foreign companies need private investments in infrastructure, energy, and water in order to increase jobs and salaries.

There are various levels of FDI which range based on the type of companies involved and the reasons for the investments. An FDI investor might purchase a company in the targeted country by means of a merger or acquisition, setting up a new venture, or expanding the operations of an existing one. Other forms of FDI include the acquisition of shares in an associated enterprise, the incorporation of a wholly-owned company, and participation in an equity joint venture across international boundaries.

Investors who are planning to engage in any type of FDI might be wise to weigh the investment’s advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of foreign direct investment:

  • Economic growth

The creation of jobs is the most obvious advantage of FDI, one of the most important reasons why a nation (especially a developing one) will look to attract foreign direct investment. FDI boosts the manufacturing and services sector which results in the creation of jobs and helps to reduce unemployment rates in the country. Increased employment translates to higher incomes and equips the population with more buying powers, boosting the overall economy of a country.

  • Human capital development

Human capital involved the knowledge and competence of a workforce. Skills that employees gain through training and experience can boost the education and human capital of a specific country. Through a ripple effect, it can train human resources in other sectors and companies.

  • Technology

Targeted countries and businesses receive access to the latest financing tools, technologies, and operational practices from all across the world. The introduction of newer and enhanced technologies results in company’s distribution into the local economy, resulting in enhanced efficiency and effectiveness of the industry.

  • Increase in exports

Many goods produced by FDI have global markets, not solely domestic consumption. The creation of 100% export oriented units help to assist FDI investors in boosting exports from other countries.

  • Exchange rate stability

Theflow of FDI into a country translates into a continuous flow of foreign exchange, helping a country’s Central Bank maintain a prosperous reserve of foreign exchange which results in stable exchange rates.

  • Improved Capital Flow

Inflow of capital is particularly beneficial for countries with limited domestic resources, as well as for nations with restricted opportunities to raise funds in global capital markets.

  • Creation of a Competitive Market

By facilitating the entry of foreign organizations into the domestic marketplace, FDI helps create a competitive environment, as well as break domestic monopolies. A healthy competitive environment pushes firms to continuously enhance their processes and product offerings, thereby fostering innovation. Consumers also gain access to a wider range of competitively priced products.

  • Climate

The United Nations has also promoted the use of FDI around the globe to help combat climate change

Disadvantages of foreign direct investment:

  • Hindrance of domestic investment

Sometimes FDI can hinder domestic investment. Because of FDI, countries’ local companies start losing interest to invest in their domestic products.

  • The risk from political changes

Other countries’ political movements can be changed constantly which could hamper the investors.

  • Negative exchange rates

Foreign direct investments can sometimes affect exchange rates to the advantage of one country and the detriment of another.

  • Higher costs

When investors invest in foreign counties, they might notice that it is more expensive than when goods are exported. Often times, more money is invested into machinery and intellectual property than in wages for local employees.

  • Economic non-viability

Considering that foreign direct investments may be capital-intensive from the point of view of the investor, it can sometimes be very risky or economically non-viable.

  • Expropriation

Constant political changes can lead to expropriation. In this case, those countries’ governments will have control over investors’ property and assets.

  • Modern-day economic colonialism

Many third-world countries, or at least those with history of colonialism, worry that foreign direct investment would result in some kind of modern-day economic colonialism, which exposes host countries and leave them vulnerable to foreign companies’ exploitation.

  • Poor performance

Multinationals have been criticized for poor working conditions in foreign factories.

About Research FDI:
Our experienced team of economic development and research consultants has generated leads and investment projects for more than 120 economic development organizations. We put our clients in front of corporate decision makers seeking to expand or relocate their organizations to a new geographic location. We’re focused on helping our clients create important business relationships that will serve to grow awareness of their region, promote its economic strengths and increase direct investment.

By Stefan Calimanu|2023-05-09T09:42:00-04:00March 11th, 2021|FDI Insights, Lists|

16 advantages and disadvantages of foreign direct investment (1)

VP Trade and Export Services, ResearchFDI

Stefan is a renowned expert in FDI and trade development, frequently offering advice to economic development and trade promotion agencies on the latest global business trends and insights. His areas of expertise include international trade, FDI, B2B sales development, digital marketing, and data analysis. Stefan has successfully planned and executed numerous trade missions on behalf of various public and private clients at major industry trade shows, such as Minexpo, Greenbuild, Fabtech, and MIPIM.As an important figure in the industry, Stefan actively participates in several trade associations, including SIDO, the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce, and AMCham, showcasing his dedication and commitment to the trade development sector.

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16 advantages and disadvantages of foreign direct investment (2024)


What are the advantages and disadvantages of foreign direct investment? ›

Advantages for the company investing in a foreign market include access to the market, access to resources, and reduction in the cost of production. Disadvantages for the company include an unstable and unpredictable foreign economy, unstable political systems, and underdeveloped legal systems.

What are the disadvantages of foreign direct investments? ›

Disadvantages of FDI
  • hinder domestic investments and transfer control of domestic firms to foreign ones.
  • risk political changes, exposing countries to foreign political influence.
  • influence exchange rates.
  • Influence interest rates.
  • Overtake domestic industry if they cannot compete.

What are the advantages of direct investment? ›

Direct investors do not wish to take actions to undermine the value or sustainability of their investments. Other positive effects associated with inward direct investment include increased employment, improved productivity, technology and knowledge transfer, and overall economic growth.

What is the advantage of foreign direct investment quizlet? ›

- FDI can lead to more competition in a market, contributing to lower prices for consumers as well as increased choice: thus raising living standards.

What is the advantage and disadvantages? ›

A disadvantage is the opposite of an advantage, a lucky or favorable circ*mstance. At the root of both words is the Old French avant, "at the front." Definitions of disadvantage. the quality of having an inferior or less favorable position. Antonyms: advantage, vantage.

Why is foreign direct investment negative? ›

Negative FDI positions largely result when the loans from the affiliate to its parent exceed the loans and equity capital given by the parent to the affiliate. This is most likely to occur when FDI statistics are presented by partner country.

What are the disadvantages of direct investment in property? ›

Summary of Direct Real Estate Investing Disadvantages

While a direct purchase can certainly be very profitable, there are several potential downsides to this approach. It takes a lot of capital, they can be illiquid, management requires a lot of expertise, and the income can be variable based on market conditions.

What are three advantages of FDI quizlet? ›

Choose the three benefits of FDI to a home country.
  • Foreign subsidiary creates demand for home-country exports.
  • Inward flow of foreign earnings.
  • MNE learns skills from exposure to foreign market.

What are the issues in foreign investment? ›

Knowing what they are and how you can mitigate those risks may help you decide if going global is worth the risk and potential rewards.
  • Higher Transaction Costs. The biggest barrier to investing in international markets is the added transaction cost. ...
  • Currency Volatility. ...
  • Liquidity Risks.

What are examples of foreign direct investment? ›

A U.S.-based cellphone provider buying a chain of phone stores in China is an example. In a vertical FDI, a business acquires a complementary business in another country. For example, a U.S. manufacturer might acquire an interest in a foreign company that supplies it with the raw materials it needs.

What is the foreign investment risk? ›

As such, foreign investment risk (sometimes known as global investment risk) is defined as the degree of loss likely to occur when investing in countries outside of the United States.

What is the direct advantage of foreign trade? ›

International trade allows countries to expand their markets and access goods and services that otherwise may not have been available domestically. As a result of international trade, the market is more competitive. This ultimately results in more competitive pricing and brings a cheaper product home to the consumer.

Which of the following is a benefit of foreign direct investment? ›

FDI creates new jobs and more opportunities as investors build new companies in foreign countries. This can lead to an increase in income and mor purchasing power to locals, which in turn leads to an overall boost in targetted economies.

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Benefits of Foreign Portfolio Investment

Foreign portfolio investment increases the liquidity of domestic capital markets, and can help develop market efficiency as well. As markets become more liquid, as they become deeper and broader, a wider range of investments can be financed.

What is an example of a disadvantage and advantage? ›

For example, there are many advantages to travelling by private jet, but there is one huge disadvantage (the cost) that stops most people from flying that way, and therefore the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

What is the main disadvantage? ›

meanings of main and disadvantage

larger, more important, or having more influence than others of the ... a condition or situation that causes problems, especially one that causes something or someone to be less successful than other things ...

How do you answer advantages and disadvantages? ›

Advantage / Disadvantage Essay Tips
  1. spend time planning the benefits and drawbacks of the statement given.
  2. make sure you have relevant supporting points.
  3. put your advantages together in one body paragraph and the same with the disadvantages.
  4. follow a safe advantage disadvantage essay model.

Is foreign direct investment good or bad? ›

FDI allows the transfer of technology—particularly in the form of new varieties of capital inputs—that cannot be achieved through financial investments or trade in goods and services. FDI can also promote competition in the domestic input market.

What is the impact of foreign direct investment on economic? ›

Likewise, it increases the exporting capability in the host country and enhances competition in domestic markets, which leads to lower prices and higher real incomes for consumers.

What are two benefits of FDI to a home country? ›

There are many ways in which FDI benefits the recipient nation:
  • Increased Employment and Economic Growth. ...
  • Human Resource Development. ...
  • 3. Development of Backward Areas. ...
  • Provision of Finance & Technology. ...
  • Increase in Exports. ...
  • Exchange Rate Stability. ...
  • Stimulation of Economic Development. ...
  • Improved Capital Flow.
Jun 12, 2019

What are 5 disadvantages to international trade? ›

Here are a few of the disadvantages of international trade:
  • Disadvantages of International Shipping Customs and Duties. International shipping companies make it easy to ship packages almost anywhere in the world. ...
  • Language Barriers. ...
  • Cultural Differences. ...
  • Servicing Customers. ...
  • Returning Products. ...
  • Intellectual Property Theft.
Mar 15, 2018

What is the disadvantage of foreign exchange? ›

High Volatility

The forex market is known for its extremely high bouts of volatility. Depending on the currency pair that you trade, the exchange rates may fluctuate wildly. This is especially true in the case of major global events that are either political or economic.

What are five advantages and five disadvantages of international trade? ›

Advantages and Disadvantages of International Trade
  • Specialization of Resource Allocation. ...
  • Manufacturing Growth. ...
  • Economic Dependence of Underdeveloped Countries. ...
  • Competitive Pricing Leads to Stabilization. ...
  • Distribution and Telecommunications Innovation. ...
  • Extending Product Life Cycles.

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Disadvantages of Active Investing
  • Higher fees. Most brokerages don't charge trading fees for run-of-the-mill purchases of stocks and ETFs these days. ...
  • Increased risk. When active investors are right, they stand to win big. ...
  • Trend exposure.
Jul 25, 2022

What is the disadvantage of investment? ›

Disadvantages of investment funds

Investing, wherever and whatever your profile, involves market risk. This risk is the possibility that the value of the asset may fall. For example, if you invest in a stock, that stock may lose value.

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The Cons of Indirect Investing

You must pay income tax on dividend returns, and capital gains tax also applies. No control over where the money goes: With indirect real estate investments, you have no control over which specific properties you can invest in.

What are the 2 most known types of FDI? ›

FDI can take two different forms: Greenfield or mergers and acquisitions (M&As).
  • greenfield investment involves the creation of a new company or establishment of facilities abroad. ...
  • mergers and acquisitions amounts to transferring the ownership of existing assets to an owner abroad.

Which of the following is not a benefit of FDI? ›

The FDI does not stimulate domestic enterprises. The FDI is a foreign direct investment that is received from a foreign country in its currency. The FDI focuses on the investments in a different country rather than the investors home country, it can sometimes disturb the domestic companies which lack investments.

What are the two major concerns about foreign direct investment? ›

The two major concerns about foreign direct investment​ are: who receives the profits and taxes. who controls the assets and who receives the profits.

What are the three types of foreign direct investment? ›

What are the three types of foreign direct investment?
  • Vertical FDI.
  • Conglomerate FDI.
  • Platform FDI.

Who are the 5 largest investors of FDI? ›

10 Countries That Receive the Most Foreign Direct Investment
  • U.S.
  • U.K.
  • China.
  • Netherlands.
  • Ireland.
  • Brazil.
  • Singapore.
  • Germany.

What is the advantage and advantage of foreign trade? ›

Beyond the modern conveniences of technology and the delicious food and drink imported from around the world, international trade creates job opportunities, contributes positively to the economy, offers multiple paths for companies to grow, and even helps to improve relationships between countries.

Which is not an advantage of foreign trade? ›

The correct option is C Creation of monopoly power.

What are three advantages of trade? ›

Trade is critical to America's prosperity - fueling economic growth, supporting good jobs at home, raising living standards and helping Americans provide for their families with affordable goods and services.

What is the importance of foreign direct investment to the United States? ›

Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a major role in the U.S. economy, both as a key driver of the economy and an important source of innovation, exports and jobs. The United States has always provided foreign investors a stable and welcoming market.

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Advantages for investors include advanced portfolio management, dividend reinvestment, risk reduction, convenience, and fair pricing. Disadvantages include high fees, tax inefficiency, poor trade execution, and the potential for management abuses.

What is the main advantage of foreign institutional investors? ›

Foreign Institutional Investors are a significant source of foreign investment in many countries. They can provide a number of benefits to local securities markets, including increased liquidity, improved market efficiency, and access to foreign capital.

What are the advantages of horizontal foreign direct investment? ›

Horizontal forms of foreign direct investments gain in importance because they enable the avoidance of trade barriers that make cross-border business through export more expen- sive. When trade barriers in host country are low, company can supply host country through export.

What are the three 3 motives for foreign direct investment? ›

According to this theory FDI are motivated by three advantages: Ownership advantages; Location advantages; Internalization advantages.

What negative consequences can direct foreign investment cause for both countries? ›

Crowding out the effect of FDI: FDI can have both crowdings in and crowding-out effects in host country economy. The main adverse impact of crowding out effect is the monopoly power over the market gained by MNEs.

What are the advantages and disadvantage of foreign trade? ›

Advantages and Disadvantages of International Trade
  • Specialization of Resource Allocation. ...
  • Manufacturing Growth. ...
  • Economic Dependence of Underdeveloped Countries. ...
  • Competitive Pricing Leads to Stabilization. ...
  • Distribution and Telecommunications Innovation. ...
  • Extending Product Life Cycles.

What are the disadvantages of direct trade? ›

Disadvantages of direct exporting
  • Greater initial outlay. The cost of doing direct export business is very high. ...
  • Larger risks. ...
  • Difficulty in maintenance of stocks. ...
  • Higher distribution costs. ...
  • Greater managerial ability. ...
  • Too much dependence on distributors.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of exporting? ›

Advantages and disadvantages of exporting
  • You could significantly expand your markets, leaving you less dependent on any single one.
  • Greater production can lead to larger economies of scale and better margins.
  • Your research and development budget could work harder as you can change existing products to suit new markets.

What are 5 difficulties in foreign trade? ›

5 Common Challenges of International Business
  • Language Barriers. ...
  • Cultural Differences. ...
  • Managing Global Teams. ...
  • Currency Exchange and Inflation Rates. ...
  • Nuances of Foreign Politics, Policy, and Relations.
Nov 24, 2020

What is negative foreign investment? ›

Negative values of FDI net outflows show that the value of direct investment made by domestic investors to external economies was less than the value of repatriated (disinvested) direct investment from external economies.

Why is foreign direct investment important? ›

Increases capital- One of the most important roles of FDI is, it brings economic stability by increasing capital to a country. This results in financing new businesses, development works, and other important factors for economic growth.

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