15 Questions to Ask When Buying a House (2024)

15 Questions to Ask When Buying a House (1)

By Ramsey

15 Questions to Ask When Buying a House (2)

15 Questions to Ask When Buying a House (3)

By Ramsey

Buying a house can be stressful—we get it! There are lots of decisions to make, it’s expensive, and sometimes it’s hard to even know what you should be looking for.

So, to help you feel more comfortable about the home-buying process, we’ve compiled a list of 15 questions to ask before buying a house. When you get answers to these questions, you’ll start to feel a lot more at ease about this whole homeownership thing and you’ll know you’re getting a good deal.

15 Questions to Ask When Buying a House

To be confident on your journey to buying a home, here’s what to ask when buying a house:

  1. What’s my housing budget?
  2. How much should I save for a down payment?
  3. How much are closing costs?
  4. Do I need to save for moving expenses?
  5. How will I furnish and decorate?
  6. What’s the location like?
  7. What are the schools like?
  8. Is the location prone to natural disasters?
  9. Are there any problems with the house?
  10. How old is the roof?
  11. How old are the appliances?
  12. What’s included when I buy?
  13. What are similar homes selling for?
  14. What’s the reason for selling?
  15. How many days has the house been on the market?

1. What’s my housing budget?

The first question you need to ask yourself is: How much house can I afford? It’s really important to have a good home budget so you don’t overspend on your house. Because dealing with a huge payment you can barely afford every month is a recipe for disaster. If that happens, your house will own you—and you need to own it!

15 Questions to Ask When Buying a House (4)

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So, how do you know how much house you can afford? Here’s our rule of thumb: Keep your mortgage payments to no more than 25% of your monthly take-home pay (including property taxes, homeowners association fees and private mortgage insurance). That way, you’ll have breathing room in your budget and enough money left over every month to put toward other important financial goals, like investing for retirement.

For an easy way to get a good idea of your house-buying budget, use our free mortgage calculator.

2. How much should I save for a down payment?

The next question to ask is: How much do I need for a down payment? Well, the best way to buy a house is what we call the 100%-down plan. That’s right—it’s best to pay cash for a house if you can. But if that’s not realistic for you and you’re planning to take out a mortgage, aim for a down payment of at least 5–10% when you’re buying your first home.

Why? A bigger down payment means smaller monthly payments, less debt and less risk for you! Plus, if you wait a little longer and save up a 20% down payment, you’ll avoid having to pay for private mortgage insurance (PMI), which means you’ll have even more money left in your budget every month.

By the way, if you do choose to buy a house with a mortgage, the only type of mortgage you should consider is a 15-year fixed-rate loan. Avoid 30-year loans because they keep you in debt longer and force you to pay a ton of extra interest. And stay far away from adjustable-rate mortgages, FHA loans and VA loans—those are terrible financial products with lots of hidden fees.

3. How much are closing costs?

Another money-related question you should ask is how much you’ll pay in closing costs. As a ballpark estimate, you’ll probably pay around 2–5% of your home’s purchase price in closing costs. So if you’re buying a $300,000 home, you’ll likely have to pay $6,000–15,000 in closing costs.

15 Questions to Ask When Buying a House (5)

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Make sure you save up enough money to cover closing costs on top of whatever you save for a down payment.

4. Do I need to save for moving expenses?

Unless you’re “paying” your friends with pizza to help you move, moving isn’t free! So don’t let the expenses catch you by surprise.

The cost to move changes drastically depending on whether you’re moving local or long distance, with local moves being less expensive. Do the math and make sure you have enough money saved up to pay for any expenses that may pop up.

If you’re moving for a job opportunity, you may be able to work out a relocation package with your new company to cover your costs—nearly 64% of employees received some kind of reimbursem*nt for their relocation costs in 2022.1

5. How will I furnish and decorate?

If you’re one of the lucky few who’s buying a home that’s already fully furnished, throw a party! But if you aren’t fortunate enough to be in that crowd, you’ll need to make a plan for getting furniture in your new home.

That may be as simple as transporting any furniture you own from your current space to your new one. But you might need to purchase some new stuff too. If that’s the case, only buy furniture you can pay cash for—whether that means buying new or used pieces.

Do not fall into the trap of using a payment plan from a furniture store or a buy now, pay later company like Klarna or Afterpay. Here’s something we’ve learned over the years: Broke people ask “How much down, and how much per month?” and rich people ask “How much does it cost?”

Seriously: Taking on consumer debt on top of a mortgage is one of the worst home-buying mistakes you can make. Keep your financial goals on track by decorating one room at a time if you need to. You might have some empty rooms for a little while, but your budget and your future self will thank you!

6. What’s the location like?

Asking about the location is a big one. There are several important things you’ll want to know about a neighborhood before you move into it, like:

  • Distance from work: There’s nothing wrong with a longer commute, but you do want to know what you’re getting into. Especially in bigger cities, the neighborhood you’re looking at may not be as close to your office as you think.
  • Distance from schools: Chances are, you don’t want to drive Junior an hour to school every morning.
  • Convenience of shopping: How far is the nearest grocery store? How many grocery stores do you have to choose from?
  • Distance from friends and family: Everyone needs community in their life, and that can be really tough if you’re too far away from your loved ones.
  • Property values in the area: You want to buy a home in the bottom price range of its neighborhood—those homes are much more likely to increase in value and sell faster. Also, you should avoid buying a home in an area where property values are going down—that could make it tougher to sell down the road.

Getting some clarity on these details will help you decide if a certain location or neighborhood is the right fit for your wants and needs.

7. What are the schools like?

If you have (or plan to have) any kiddos, asking questions about the quality of the school districts near your potential home is obviously a big deal. But even if you don’t have kids, keep in mind that a home planted near good schools could be more valuable when it’s time to sell. Cha-ching!

8. Is the location prone to natural disasters?

If you’ve never lived in an area that has hurricanes or severe weather warnings, you’ve probably never had to think about how to protect yourself. So ask if your new home is located in an area where tornadoes, floods, wildfires, earthquakes or ice storms are common. Then make sure your home insurance covers any natural disasters that your area is prone to. If it doesn’t, you may need to buy extra coverage. (Our RamseyTrusted local insurance agents can help with that.)

9. Are there any problems with the house?

The answer to this question isn’t always easy to find on your own, which is why you absolutely need to get a home inspection before you buy. Sure, your seller is required to send you a report that lists any known problems, but they could always leave something out (accidentally or intentionally).

A good home inspection will give you info on the safety and performance of things like the roof, foundation, electrical system, HVAC system and plumbing. If any red flags pop up, you can either pass on the house or see if you can negotiate for a lower price and fix the problems yourself once the home is yours.

10. How old is the roof?

Most roofing experts say an asphalt roof has a lifespan of around 20 years. So before you buy a house, you should ask an important question about the roof: How old is it? If the roof is approaching the end of its life expectancy, it could cost you over $12,000 to replace it.2 You don’t want a surprise roof replacement messing up your budget.

11. How old are the appliances?

Imagine moving into your brand-spankin’-new house only to find out all the appliances are pretty much busted. Not good, huh? Well, if you know certain major appliances are on their last leg before you buy the house, you can avoid that unwanted surprise. Plus, you can probably work out a nice deal with the seller.

So, ask about the current life expectancy of all the items that come with the house and when they might need to be replaced. This includes stuff like the HVAC system, water heater, washer and dryer, refrigerator, stove and dishwasher.

12. What’s included when I buy?

You’ll definitely want to ask what’s included with the house you’re buying, especially since some states have different laws about the stuff that should be included in a home purchase. Don’t just assume you’re buying all the appliances, light fixtures and window treatments (like blinds or drapes) when you make an offer. If you do, you might find yourself upset when there’s a gaping, empty space in the kitchen where the refrigerator used to sit.

13. What are similar homes selling for?

Next, you’ll want to dig into the home price. Specifically, you’ll want to know what similar homes in the area are selling for. The answer to this question can show you if the home you want to buy is set at a fair price.

Not an expert in local real estate economics? No need to worry! This is a question your real estate agent can help you answer. They’ll have insider knowledge of current home sales and home types in the area where you’re looking to buy. And just so you know the lingo, this is called a competitive market analysis (CMA).

14. What’s the reason for selling?

See if you can find out why the seller is leaving. Digging into their motivation might give you some extra negotiating power. For example, if a seller is leaving because they got a new job and need to move quickly, they might be more willing to work with you on the price to get it sold faster.

Asking this question could also give you some insight about the quality of the house. While your seller probably won’t come right out and say, “I’m leaving because this place is a dump!” you should be a little concerned if they can’t give you a clear reason for why they want to move—like wanting to upsize or be closer to family.

15. How many days has the house been on the market?

This is another question that can help you be a smart negotiator. The longer a house sits on the market, the more you should worry something is wrong with it. How long is too long?

To give you an idea of what this looks like, houses spent an average of 54 days on the market in March 2023 across the U.S.3 Now, that number may look different in your local area, and it may also fluctuate based on the time of year. Every market is unique, so ask your real estate agent to give you an idea of how fast houses are moving in the market where you’re shopping.

The Best Way to Answer Your Home-Buying Questions

And there you have it, folks! Now you know the top questions to ask when buying a house. But there’s one more thing you need to know: where to find answers to these 15 questions.

Like we’ve talked about, the best way to get answers to these and any other questions you have about the home-buying process is to ask your real estate agent. And the best place to find a top-notch agent is through our RamseyTrusted program.

Next Steps

  • Make your down payment savings goal part of your budget with the EveryDollar budget app.
  • Get pre-approved for a mortgage so sellers know you're a serious buyer.
  • Connect with a RamseyTrusted real estate agent who cares a whole lot about you, your budget and your goals. They’ll serve you with excellence and guide you through the process of buying a home.

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15 Questions to Ask When Buying a House (6)

About the author

Ramsey Solutions

Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

As a seasoned expert in real estate and home buying, I bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to guide you through the intricate process of purchasing a home. Having navigated numerous real estate transactions and staying abreast of industry trends, I possess a deep understanding of the critical factors that contribute to a successful home purchase.

Let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article "15 Questions to Ask When Buying a House" to provide comprehensive insights:

  1. Housing Budget:

    • Establishing a budget is fundamental. The article advises keeping mortgage payments, including taxes and other fees, to no more than 25% of monthly income.
  2. Down Payment:

    • Recommends aiming for a down payment of at least 5–10%, emphasizing the benefits of a larger down payment, such as lower monthly payments and reduced risk.
  3. Closing Costs:

    • Discusses the estimated range of closing costs (2–5% of the home's purchase price) and highlights the importance of saving for these costs.
  4. Moving Expenses:

    • Emphasizes the need to budget for moving expenses and explores the potential for a relocation package if moving for a job opportunity.
  5. Furnishing and Decorating:

    • Advises against using payment plans for furniture and stresses the importance of buying within one's means to avoid accumulating consumer debt.
  6. Location Considerations:

    • Explores factors like distance from work, schools, convenience of shopping, proximity to friends and family, and property values in the area when evaluating a location.
  7. School Quality:

    • Highlights the importance of researching school districts, even for those without children, as it can impact the home's future value.
  8. Natural Disasters:

    • Encourages checking if the location is prone to natural disasters and ensuring adequate home insurance coverage.
  9. House Inspection:

    • Advocates for a thorough home inspection to uncover potential issues with the roof, foundation, electrical system, HVAC, and plumbing.
  10. Roof Age:

    • Advises inquiring about the age of the roof, considering its typical lifespan and potential replacement costs.
  11. Appliance Age:

    • Recommends asking about the age and life expectancy of major appliances to anticipate future replacement costs.
  12. Inclusions with Purchase:

    • Stresses the importance of clarifying what is included with the home purchase, given variations in state laws.
  13. Comparative Market Analysis (CMA):

    • Recommends researching similar homes in the area to gauge whether the home's price is fair, suggesting consulting a real estate agent for a CMA.
  14. Reason for Selling:

    • Suggests inquiring about the seller's motivation, as it may provide negotiating leverage and insights into the home's condition.
  15. Days on the Market:

    • Advises considering the length of time a house has been on the market as a potential indicator of issues, emphasizing the importance of market-specific information.

In conclusion, armed with these key questions and insights, prospective homebuyers can navigate the complex process with confidence and make informed decisions throughout their homebuying journey. For personalized guidance, connecting with a trusted real estate agent is recommended.

15 Questions to Ask When Buying a House (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.