13 Steps to Financial Security (2024)

Financial security is something that we all long for. Yet for most people, it stays just out of their reach, regardless of how much income they make. “13 Steps to Financial Security” will teach you the habits and attitudes of the financially secure, but give you the tools to get there as well!

First, let’s define “financial security”.

Financially secure people are well-off, but not because of some big inheritance. Actually, studies show that when most people l

For the sake of simplicity, I’ll refer to those with copious amounts of disposable income, along with purchasing options that far exceed the average person as “wealthy”.

13 Steps to Financial Security (1)

1. Dedicated Habits and Schedule

Financially secure people have specific habits and regimens that are part of their everyday lives.

They don’t let daily circ*mstances dictate what they will do during any given day.

Schedule and habits are paramount to the wealthy.

The solvent are often early-risers, as they wouldn’t want to sleep away a day of opportunity. Well-off folks understand the benefit of good sleep, but they never overdo it.

Affluent people usually have specific periodicals for their industry that they keep up with daily, as well as inspiration writings from authors that keep them motivated.

Other disciplines of the rich might include exercise, prayer and meditation.

Whatever they choose to do, the wealthy know that they must seize the day early and set the trajectory themselves.

54 Ways to Be More Sustainable

13 Steps to Financial Security (2)

2. Financially Secure People are Long-term Thinkers

Another characteristic of financially secure people is that they are long-term thinkers.

Every decision they make is balanced by how it will influence the future.

Not to say that “well-to-d0” folks don’t ever have bad habits that need to be overcome. However, by and large, rich people want to be in control of their lives and bodies and often shy away from habits that compromise their health or billfolds.

Most financially secure people will not make impulsive decisions or purchases.

Once again, they look to the future and ask themselves how this purchase or decision will affect themselves or their billfold.

Now, not to say that the secure won’t splurge on a long-coveted item from time to time.

However, the difference between the rich and the “not so rich” is that financially secure folks already have an “exit strategy” for these types of purchases, if it becomes necessary to liquidate.

“Exit Strategy” is a pre-planned method of getting rid of or out of a situation before it becomes too costly or unpleasant.

If an investment doesn’t work out, the well-off have already thought about how to sell it or liquidate it.


Because wealthy people don’t like to get stuck with things they don’t want anymore.

Unwanted items or investments tie up money that could be used for better endeavors!

13 Steps to Financial Security (3)

3. The Financially Secure Invest in Themselves

Self-improvement is one of the most important and consistent characteristics of financially secure people.

Affluent folks are life-long learners and stay current with everything going on in their field.

They read books, go to seminars and coaching programs, research and look for those more successful than themselves to glean from.

People who desire financial security rarely sit back and rest on their laurels.


Because they won’t be counted as the wealthy for very long if they do!

13 Steps to Financial Security (4)

4. Financial Security breeds Non-Conformity

Prosperous people are not known for following trends, unless those trends can make them money. (see next point)

The affluent are much less concerned about what sort of image they project than most people.

Well-off folks tend to reject “what everyone else is doing”, citing that following trends make sheep out of people.

This is why many well-to-do folks are entrepreneurs and are unable to work for someone else, although this is not always the case.

However, one strong characteristic of how the well-to-do think is that they don’t really care what other people think about their clothing, homes, cars or lifestyles.

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Fashion is for Poor People

13 Steps to Financial Security (5)

5. Financially Stable People Capitalize on Trends

If you want to get a financially secure person’s attention regarding “trends”, show them how they can make money from them.

I find it to be very interesting how the affluent will capitalize on current trends in order to generate huge amounts of income, while not allowing those trends into their personal lives.

Steve Jobs was said to have never let his children play with computers.

I’ve heard about movie stars and hugely successful rock bands not allowing their children to see their movies or listen to their music.

Right or wrong, the well-off know how to capitalize on the current trends.

13 Steps to Financial Security (6)

6. Financial Security May Opt Out of Formal Education

It’s no secret that many of today’s millionaires and billionaires are college drop-outs.

While this isn’t always the case, it goes to show that a college degree only goes as far as the person takes it.

College used to mean a “secure career” awaited you after graduation, but not anymore.

With the crazy cost of college tuition, it’s prudent to reconsider the cost vs. benefits of a college degree.

13 Steps to Financial Security (7)

7. Take Calculated Risks

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained”.

The well-off know that taking risks is part of earning money, but the risks that they choose to take are well-thought-out.

What may seem odd to most of us is that it can take 99 failures before you can achieve 1 success.

This is a strong characteristic of the rich and how they think.

Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”.

8. Financial Security comes with Emotional Stablity

In “The Millionaire Next Door”, the authors describe what I find to be some of the most fascinating characteristics of the rich I’ve ever read.

They include:

  1. Staying married.
  2. Live in homes far below their means.
  3. Drive older cars.
  4. Leary of consumer debt.
  5. Rich people resist change in their personal lives.

All of these traits can be attributed to someone who isn’t hung up on their image.

Smart folks stay married for many reasons.

The financially secure understand that divorce is not only expensive and emotionally damaging, but it takes a lot of time.

Whenever possible, emotionally stable folks will look for ways to stay together rather than separate.

Living in a home and neighborhood that you’re familiar with and secure in is important if you are running a successful business.

Notice I didn’t say “living in a mansion”.

The well-off of the world understand that they only have so much energy to give each day.

If they are planning to continue to stay wealthy, they need to have stable home lives so that they can focus on their businesses.

Further, another characteristic of rich people is that once they find a car they really love, they tend to drive it until the wheels fall off.

Change always brings a certain amount of stress, even good change.

But change is always a distraction.

Distraction diverts time and attention away from money-making endeavors.

13 Steps to Financial Security (8)

9. Associate with Like-Minded People

The financially secure of the world choose to associate with people who are headed in the same direction as they are., or have already reached the pinnacle.

Super-wealthy folks of the world understand the power, and limitations, of their own personal energy and emotions.

This is why it’s so critical to guard and preserve your mind and your time!

Ever wonder why Steve Jobs and Mark Z wear the same thing every single day?

There’s a great reason for it.

What these two successful men understand is that they have a limited amount of energy each day with which to make decisions.

Why would they waste their time and energy deciding upon what clothing they should wear every morning?

Rather, Jobs and Zuckerberg wear simple wardrobes, consisting of the same clothing items, that they simply put on and wear, without any thought.

No deciding if something matches, or if it’s the right color.

These minor decisions of their lives have already been made, reserving their time and energy for more important decisions.

13 Steps to Financial Security (9)

10. Financially Secure People Set Goals and Re-Examine Frequently

Another characteristic of the affluent is that they have well-thought-out goals and plans.

Again, they don’t leave their time and schedules to chance.

Rather, they take the time to not only set goals, but to map them out and continually re-evaluate where they are in terms of meeting those goals.

Well-off people don’t set goals only to disregard them in their everyday lives.

Wealthy folks know that all of the small decisions they make each day have a tremendous influence on their goals.

13 Steps to Financial Security (10)

11. Affluent People Don’t Waste Time on Social Media

Wealthy people completely depend upon their ability to sort through mental clutter and get down to business.

Social media is one of the best ways I know of to distract oneself.

Affluent people concern themselves with facts, not opinions and small talk.

13 Steps to Financial Security (11)

12. Live Far Below Their Means

Living below their means is perhaps one of the best-kept secrets of the affluent.

Keeping up with Jones will keep most people busy and broke.

But not busy with wealth accumulation – busy with envy.

Warren Buffet, one of the world’s wealthiest men, still lives in the same house he purchased back in 1958 for $31,500, which would equate to about $250,000 in today’s dollars. Warren’s home is valued at somewhere in the $600-700,000 range, which is .001% of his total wealth.

He says he’s happy there.

Happy and content people can focus on running their businesses, that’s the point, right?

11 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying Something

13 Steps to Financial Security (12)

13. Teach Their Children about Financial Security

Parents teach their children every day, on purpose or by default.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Children About Money that the Poor and Middle Class Do Not” by Robert Kiyosaki, is an amazing book that I can strongly recommend.

Habits and thought processes are passed down within families. Children pick these up and will usually repeat them when they are grown.

Besides love, teaching your children to think big and to be financially secure is one of the best gifts you can give them!

How to Teach Your Teenager Financial Responsibility

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13 Steps to Financial Security (2024)


What are 10 steps to financial freedom? ›

  • Set Life Goals.
  • Make a Monthly Budget.
  • Pay off Credit Cards in Full.
  • Create Automatic Savings.
  • Start Investing Now.
  • Watch Your Credit Score.
  • Negotiate for Goods and Services.
  • Get Educated on Financial Issues.

What's the 50 30 20 rule and how does it work? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How many steps are in the financial process? ›

There are six steps in the financial planning process: understanding your financial circ*mstances, identifying goals, analyzing your current course of action, developing a financial plan, and monitoring progress and updating. This is a great question to ask if you're considering working with a financial planner.

How can I be financially stable by 25? ›

  1. Track Your Spending.
  2. Live Within Your Means.
  3. Don't Borrow to Finance a Lifestyle.
  4. Set Short-Term Goals.
  5. Become Financially Literate.
  6. Save What You Can for Retirement.
  7. Don't Leave Money on the Table.
  8. Take Calculated Risks.

What are the 5 pillars of financial freedom? ›

The five pillars of financial planning—investments, income planning, insurance, tax planning, and estate planning— are a simple but comprehensive approach to financial planning.

How can I be financially stable at 30? ›

Even though it's still in the future, make sure you sock away some money for your retirement.
  1. Actually Stick to a Budget. ...
  2. Stop Spending Your Whole Paycheck. ...
  3. Get Real About Your Financial Goals. ...
  4. Educate Yourself About Your Student Loans. ...
  5. Figure Out Your Debt Situation. ...
  6. Establish a Strong Emergency Fund. ...
  7. Don't Forget Retirement.

What is the 75 15 10 rule? ›

The 75/15/10 rule is a simple way to budget: Use 75% of your income for everyday expenses, 15% for investing and 10% for saving. It's all about creating a balanced and practical plan for your money.

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Personal finance expert Dave Ramsey says if you're going through a tough financial period, you should budget for the “Four Walls” first above anything else. In a series of tweets, Ramsey suggested budgeting for food, utilities, shelter and transportation — in that specific order.

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Are you approaching 30? How much money do you have saved? According to CNN Money, someone between the ages of 25 and 30, who makes around $40,000 a year, should have at least $4,000 saved.

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You can too!
  • Save $1,000 for Your Starter Emergency Fund.
  • Pay Off All Debt (Except the House) Using the Debt Snowball.
  • Save 3–6 Months of Expenses in a Fully Funded Emergency Fund.
  • Invest 15% of Your Household Income in Retirement.
  • Save for Your Children's College Fund.
  • Pay Off Your Home Early.
  • Build Wealth and Give.

What is the David Ramsey method? ›

The Snowball Method refers to paying the smallest debt first, then the next smallest – and on and on until you are living debt free. Ramsey suggests lining up debts “by balance, smallest to largest,” then paying as much of the smallest debt as possible while making minimum payments on the rest.

What are the three pillars of financial freedom? ›

The 3 Pillars: Everyday Money Management — Saving, Spending and Investing.

What are the 5 steps of financial planning? ›

Plan your financial future in 5 steps
  • Step 1: Assess your financial foothold. ...
  • Step 2: Define your financial goals. ...
  • Step 3: Research financial strategies. ...
  • Step 4: Put your financial plan into action. ...
  • Step 5: Monitor and evolve your financial plan.

What are the 6 steps in the financial process? ›

Financial Planning Process
  • 1) Identify your Financial Situation. ...
  • 2) Determine Financial Goals. ...
  • 3) Identify Alternatives for Investment. ...
  • 4) Evaluate Alternatives. ...
  • 5) Put Together a Financial Plan and Implement. ...
  • 6) Review, Re-evaluate and Monitor The Plan.

What are the 4 steps of financial management? ›

Use this step-by-step financial planning guide to become more engaged with your finances now and into the future.
  1. Assess your financial situation and typical expenses. ...
  2. Set your financial goals. ...
  3. Create a plan that reflects the present and future. ...
  4. Fund your goals through saving and investing.
Apr 21, 2023

What are the four 4 process of financial management? ›

Most association financial management plans can be broken down into four elements. These four elements include planning, controlling, organizing and directing, and decision-making.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.