13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (2024)

Understanding the trends forcing companies to rebrand will help you develop better logos.

Logos are a part of our culture, and culture is always in flux. Aesthetic preferences change, things don’t mean what they used to, and perceptions of logos may not be what they once were. Many companies spend millions of dollars torebrandto ensure they aren’t left behind.

I have designed many logos and plan to create many more in 2020. Brand designers like myself need to understand what the logo design trends are. Logo trends allow us to understand what clients are looking for, and understand public perceptions towards certain design features.

But that does not mean that we have to follow the trends every time. With any given design, a savvy designer may have excellent reasons to buck the trend. For example, one color logos are all the rage, so maybe a multi-color logo may help a brand stand out from their competitors.

I looked are all of the notable rebrandings of the last year to see what the trends are emerging in logo design. We should take notice if companies are spending tens to hundreds of millions of dollars moving away from a design with specific features and towards a new design they believe will be perceived better.

I looked are all of the notable rebrandings of the last year to see what the trends are in logo design. We should take notice if companies are spending tens to hundreds of millions of dollars moving away from a design with specific features and towards a new design they believe will be perceived better.

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13 Logo Design Trends for 2020

No All Caps Wordmarks

No yelling! Brands are opting for lowercase or title case.

All-caps was the standard in the logo design a decade ago, but the trend has completely turned, and now the lowercase is the preferred case for logos.

It’s no wonder; all-caps is read as shouting to most people in our new social media world. Shouting at customers is generally a loosing strategy.

13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (1)
13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (2)

Distinctive Characters

Pro graphic designers are modifying letters in wordmarks to make them more distinctive.

An amateur designer will write out the name of the brand, choose from a hundred fonts, and say “job done.” But a professional brand designer knows that the characters as they come from the font are just the starting place for the wordmark.

Pro brand designers will take great letter designs and modify them to work better for the brand. A brand designer will adjust the spacing between every letter and modify the vector of the character by maybe skewing the word, thickening the character, or adding a custom serif.

Modifying the characters from the original font can also be an essential step to making the logo legally protectable,which I wrote as one of the most important aspects of a good logo. For example,I talked about how the Anthem logo used cutouts, kerning, radii, and a gradientto make the game’s logo more distinctive, which has the side effect of making the logo transformative, meaning it is different enough to have its own copyright.

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13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (4)

One Color Preferred Over Two Colors

Single color logos are now preferred, and brands are switching over their two-color logos.

Designers have been making one-color logos for decades, but the idea was that the one-color versions would only be used if there was no way to use the multi-color version. The one color logo was usually only used in one color print, like on cardboard boxes.

Now, brand designers are making their logo all one color to make the logo more simple, iconic, consistent, and memorable.

Logos With Few Colors As Possible

Being conservative with the number of colors pays off for graphic designers who design logos.

If you would like your logo to be perceived as modern, then your better off making it with as few colors as possible. Ideally, a logo only features one color, but that is not always possible. A two-color logo where the second color is only used sparingly is still on-trend.

I hate this trend, but it is what it is. Going with one color may work for a brand as big as the state of Colorado; people recognize big brands so those organizations do not have to worry about being visually distinctive. But start-up brands need to be visually interesting so they can be memorable. It is hard to accomplish that when you take away a vital tool: color.

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13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (8)

Flat Logos Are Preferred Over Rendered Logos

Computer rendered logos were all the rage a few years ago, but now flat logos are in.

A few years ago, graphic designers with a bit of skill in 3D rendering were considered gods. Everyone loved the logos that looked like real objects like a car emblem or the globe.

Well, uninstall 3D Studio Max because flat logos are the new hotness. Simple logos with no shadows, reflections, or gradients are considered modern in 2020.

13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (9)
13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (10)

Logomarks With Simple Linework

Logos that feature simple, uniform linework are preferred in 2020.

Logomarks usually have some substance to them. They are a block of color with some design elements carved away.

But modern logos are far lighter and somehow seem more classy as a result. Modern logomarks are simple lines of a consistent thickness arranged in perfect proportion. These logos are challenging to design, but look great if you can pull it off.

13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (11)
13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (12)

Straight Lines As Elements

Straight lines make classy elements in modern logos.

There used to be more of a tolerance, maybe even a preference, for visually complicated logos. Now, there is a strong preference for simple logos with very minimal elements.

The preference for simplicity means that brand designers have to be on their game; using simple elements like straight lines is challenging because they have to be perfectly placed and in perfect proportion. But if a designer can pull it off, then the brand is rewarded with a very modern logo that will stand the test of time.

13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (13)
13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (14)

Very Simple Logomarks

Elementary symbols make for more effective icons in this social media world.

A typical note from directors to actors is “now do less.” The idea is that powerful emotions can come out in the subtlety of the performance instead of being crowded out by overacting.

Now graphic designers are getting the feedback to do less. There are many advantages for a brand to have an simple symbol for their logo. Our brains more easily encode a simple symbol and thus more natural for people to remember making the brand more ‘sticky.’

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13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (16)

Iconic Wordmarks

Wordmarks are made simple to read as icons.

The delineation between a logomark and a wordmark is starting to disappear. Now brands are opting for their brand name designed in simple ways so that it can serve as both their wordmark and their icon.

These logos almost look like a stamp. They are simple, bold, and are still readable on a small scale.

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13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (18)

Bold Type

Thick fonts in either bold or black are more appropriate for than text with thin lines.

Brands like Avon and Nordstroms are paying millions of dollars to make their logos bolder.

Thin line wordmarks look classy at full scale, but just don’t work at small scales. Thin lines are also challenging when a company has todesign an exterior sign for their business. Bold letters just work better for brand names.

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13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (20)

Subtle Use of Gradients

People may have preferred flat color logos for a long time, but subtle gradients may be making a comeback.

Gradients were problematic for awhile. Early computer screen and internet technology meant that gradients were often displayed as ugly steps in color rather than a smooth transition. Old, cheap technology did not render enough colors to make for a proper gradient.

Now that most people have high-quality screens on their computers, and modern web browsers support HTML5 code and SVG images, which can display much better gradients. Designers no longer have to worry that subtle gradients in logos will show poorly.

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13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (22)

Thick Lines

Thinner lines do not work when logos are small. Thick lines get the job done.

As a brand designer, I often start a logo by using lines that are much thinner than would be appropriate. I then zoom my design out on my computer screen and realize that the thin lines do not read at small scales, and I need to be more bold with my line work.

Companies are rebranding after making the same discovery. Their logos with thin lines just don’t work when at a small scale or when viewed from a distance. They are rebranding to pump up the thickness of the lines in their logo.

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13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (24)

Tall Fonts

Fonts with tall profiles are gaining ground over the classic square profile letters.

It was trendy to coose a font for a brand that had letters with a square envelope to the characters. That preference meant letters that would appear as squares if you drew a box over top of them.

Now brands are more open to logos with taller letters in their wordmark. These taller profile wordmarks are a significant divergence from the prevailing aesthetic.

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13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (26)

Conclusion.Logo designs should only be as complicated as they need to be.

A good logo is a simple logo, but a good logo is also distinctive. There is some tension between these two aspects of effective logo design. A logo needs to be a little complicated to be different and memorable.

The simplicity of a logo has never been more important than in 2020. With so many of our brand interactions being on our phones or on social media (or both at the same time), a brand’s logo is seen at a small scale more than it is at full size. The logos need to be simple in ordered to be recognizable when it is tiny.

There is a limit to simplicity. An effective logo needs to be more than just a circle or a square. It needs to be something interesting, distinguished, and appropriate. A professional brand designer should add just enough complexity as necessary and no more.

There is a limit to simplicity. An effective logo needs to more than just a circle or a square. It needs to be something interesting, distinguished, and appropriate. A professional brand designer should add just enough complexity as necessary, and no more.


13 Logo Design Trends in 2020 - Modern Graphic Design (2024)


What makes a good logo 2020? ›

When it comes to branding and innovative logo design, a good modern logo design must reflect your brand, and be memorable, unique, and timeless. You should avoid trendy logos that get in the way of accomplishing those design goals.

What's the name of this graphic design trend that became very popular in 2020 and has been growing ever since? ›

The trend of Art Deco style designs is bound to stay. Some modern color implementation will change the mood for such designs. But in general the style is here to stay as it connects in a more personalized way.

What makes a logo look modern? ›

Modern logos often include simple design elements, like graphic shapes or small line drawings. These elements can add visual interest or give a hint at the brand's industry. “With geometry, simple shapes, and lines, you can keep the logo clean and simple, and it's going to last longer,” says designer George Bokhua.

What makes a good logo graphic design? ›

A good logo is distinctive, appropriate, practical, graphic and simple in form, and it conveys the owner's intended message. A concept or “meaning” is usually behind an effective logo, and it communicates the intended message.

What are 4 elements of a good logo? ›

Logo brand, Style, Colours, and font are the four basic elements of logo design. It is a crucial part of the design process where you must put in a lot of thought and effort to come up with something unique and distinctive.

What trends are popular right now? ›

Here Are the Top 12 Trends You'll See Everywhere in 2022
  • Scrap Cooking. The zero-waste movement has inspired “scrap cooking,” or whipping up a meal out of would-be kitchen waste. ...
  • Glitter, Sequins And Sparkles. ...
  • Twee Everything. ...
  • Air-fryer Finger Foods. ...
  • Barkitecture. ...
  • Rich Chocolate Hair. ...
  • Moon Parties. ...
  • Hibiscus-flavored Everything.
Jan 11, 2022

What is the latest trend graphic design invented? ›

One of the newest graphic design trends to hit the scene is the use of AI platforms and tools. While this might seem counter-intuitive, designers are using their creative minds to art-direct AI tools and take graphic design to the next level.

What was the most viral trend of 2020? ›

1. Socially Distanced Logos. Few brands like Audi, McDonalds and Coca-Cola re-designed their logos to promote social distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

What makes a logo attractive? ›

A great logo is distinctive, appropriate, memorable, practical and simple in form. It conveys the owner's intended message, as well as being able to be printed at any size while remaining effective without color needed.

What makes an effective logo? ›

As well as being unique, logos must be attractive, and easy on the eye. They should make people want to look at them. This serves an important purpose; close appreciation of the logo can often lead to close appreciation of the brand.

What are the benefits of a modern logo? ›

A modern logo lets your customers know that your brand is up-to-date with the latest trends and means business. With the actionable tips on this page, you know how to tell the story you want and communicate the message that best represents your brand.

What is the most important element of logo design? ›

Color choice is arguably one of the most impactful elements of a logo. This is less because of the importance to the overall aesthetics of the design, and more because of the potential impact that your color palette may have on the viewer.

What is the importance of a logo? ›

But that said, your logo is important to your business because it communicates ownership, quality, and values. It's imprinted on your products, your business card, website, social media, and most importantly, in the minds of your clients.

What are the 7 elements of logo? ›

7 Elements of a Great Business Logo
  • It's simple. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that your logo needs to be complex, but the best logos are often the most simple. ...
  • It's memorable. ...
  • It's timeless. ...
  • It's relevant. ...
  • It has high-quality typography. ...
  • It contains the appropriate colors. ...
  • It's versatile.
Mar 9, 2022

What is trendy right now 2023? ›

Glossy red hues took over the Fall 2023 runways ranging from Sandy Liang and PatBo to Tory Burch and Wiederhoeft. Think: Juicy reds with vibrant orange undertones that would look just as good in head-to-toe looks (see: a pantsuit) as accent accessory pieces (trendy shoes, handbags, jewelry, etc.).

What are the 3 major trends? ›

There are three main types of trends: short-, intermediate- and long-term.

What is trending in 2023? ›

Insider spoke with stylists and designers to find out what the next big fashion trends will be. They said this year will bring shades of pink and green, metallics, and faux leather. The experts also highlighted ballet flats, blazers, and cargo pockets as up-and-coming trends.

What are the new graphic design trends in 2023? ›

In 2023, expect to see designers using holographic elements to create designs that are eye-catching, engaging, and futuristic. Whether it's through the use of holographic elements in packaging design, digital design, or branding, holographic vibes are sure to be a big trend in 2023.

What is modern graphic design style? ›

Modern graphic design, also known as late modernism, dates back to post World War II. Common elements of this design style include irregular geometric shapes and lines, vibrant colors and unique layouts. Fonts used with this design are usually basic sans serif fonts.

What trends happened in 2020? ›

Top 100 Pop Culture Trends in 2020
  • Voice-Activated Disney Toys. ...
  • Chinese Culture-Celebratory Sneakers. ...
  • Kid Show-Inspired Playful Sneakers. ...
  • Valentine's Day-Inspired Fragrance Lines. ...
  • Icon-Inspired Glamorous Sneakers. ...
  • Fantastical Food Promotions. ...
  • Toddler-Headed Hair Campaigns. ...
  • Teen Drama Board Games.

What are 2020s trends? ›

Popular clothing included prairie dresses, blue gingham mini-dresses, white gypsy tops with multicolour Mexican-inspired floral embroidery, and hippie-style maxi dresses inspired by those worn during the late 1960s. Gingham and Austerity-era floral patterns dominated the aesthetic.

What media was popular in 2020? ›

The Top 10 Social Media Moments of 2020:
  • TikTok Went Viral.
  • Brands Became Broadcasters.
  • Global Politics Took Center Stage.
  • Instagram Launched… Pretty Much Everything You Could Think Of.
  • So. Many. Meme. Moments.
  • Every Platform Released a Stories Feature.
  • Tiger King Broke the Internet.
  • E-commerce Entered the Building.
Dec 4, 2020

What is the key to a good logo? ›

How to make a good logo
  • Explore conceptual icons.
  • Use the space you have.
  • Play around with caps or lowercase.
  • Consider handwritten fonts.
  • Balance your tagline.
  • Adjust your name and tagline.
  • Let your logo breathe.
  • Ensure readability.
Jun 29, 2021

What is the secret of a good logo? ›

A logo needs to stand for something, being closely aligned with an organization's key mission, values, differentiators and vision. This not only ensures the logo has a big impact, but that all efforts stemming from it do as well.

What makes a logo great and iconic? ›

A good logo needs to be three things: appropriate, distinct and memorable, and simple. The magic happens when a logo is distinctive and simple. It needs to be recognizable and translatable across platforms. One way you could test the simplicity and distinctiveness of a logo is to try and draw it by hand from memory.

How do logos attract customers? ›

It Makes a Strong First Impression

A logo is a company's first introduction to consumers. If designed well, it can pique the interest of the public and invite them to learn more about the company; if not, you've just alienated a potential customer base and basically tanked your business.

What not to do when designing a logo? ›

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Your Logo
  1. Not Knowing Your Company. ...
  2. Not Knowing Your Customers. ...
  3. Using Too Many or the Wrong Colors. ...
  4. Using Too Many or the Wrong Fonts. ...
  5. Getting too Much Inspiration from Trends. ...
  6. Using Too Much Detail. ...
  7. Copying Another Logo.
Feb 24, 2020

Why should a logo be unique? ›

Benefits Of A Unique Logo

A unique logo stands out from the rest. In a world fueled by competition, it's vital to have an aesthetic and identity that doesn't just blend into the crowd. A unique logo tells your story accurately. Logos are messengers, and they tell your audience what can be expected from your brand.

What does a logo stand for? ›

Logos are images, texts, shapes, or a combination of the three that depict the name and purpose of a business – to put it simply. However, a logo can and should be more than a symbol of identification. If designed well, it also tells a company's story, by conveying your brand message.

How do you describe a logo concept? ›

What You Should Always Include in a Logo Design Brief
  1. Description of the Company. The first thing the designer needs to know is what your company is all about. ...
  2. Description of the Project. ...
  3. Your Goals. ...
  4. Your Target Audience. ...
  5. Your Competition. ...
  6. Project Details. ...
  7. Deadlines and Budget.
Nov 5, 2019

What are 5 key elements to a great logo? ›

Five important elements of logo design
  • Simplicity. “I strive for two things in design: simplicity and clarity. ...
  • Relevance. “Socrates said, “Know thyself.” ...
  • Versatility. “Beauty is the harmony of form and function.” ...
  • Uniqueness. “Insist on yourself; never imitate.” ...
  • Memorable.
Oct 3, 2017

What truly makes a great logo? ›

A great logo is distinctive, appropriate, memorable, practical and simple in form. It conveys the owner's intended message, as well as being able to be printed at any size while remaining effective without color needed.

What are the 7 principles of design? ›

Emphasis, balance and alignment, contrast, repetition, proportion, movement, and white space are the cornerstones of the principle of design.

What makes a popular logo? ›

As well as being unique, logos must be attractive, and easy on the eye. They should make people want to look at them. This serves an important purpose; close appreciation of the logo can often lead to close appreciation of the brand.

What makes a logo so powerful? ›

The general consensus among designers is that logos should be unique, scalable, simple, and work well in monochrome.

What does a logo need? ›

An effective logo should have a design that conveys your brand personality, a style choice consistent with your identity, your business name, and a relevant color choice.

Why is a good logo important? ›

So, why is a logo important? Because it grabs attention, makes a strong first impression, is the foundation of your brand identity, is memorable, separates you from competition, fosters brand loyalty, and is expected by your audience.

What makes a logo look high end? ›

6 Elements of a Luxury Logo
  1. Monograms. A monogram logo is when you use letters to form your logo (typically two or more), usually being the brand's or founder's initials. ...
  2. Minimalism. Sometimes the minimalist approach can have the greatest impact. ...
  3. Line work. ...
  4. Emblems. ...
  5. Serif fonts. ...
  6. Script fonts.

What makes a poor logo? ›

What Makes a Logo Bad? There are a number of common problems with logos including lack or memorability, lack of unique design, poor font choices, too many competing elements in the design, and more.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.