12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (2024)

We never imagined war at the edge of Europe in our lifetimes. We never expected a pandemic of such epic proportions. Nor did we expect the United States to become such an unsafe place for women.

But all these things have become reality – and we’re still unsure how they might affect our way of life in the long-term.

That’s why so many people want to relocate to safer and more politically stable destinations.

In 2023, the safest countries in the world (in descending order) are:

  1. Iceland
  2. New Zealand
  3. Ireland
  4. Denmark
  5. Austria
  6. Portugal
  7. Slovenia
  8. Czech Republic
  9. Singapore
  10. Japan
  11. Switzerland
  12. Canada

I’ve lived in several different countries over the last 10 years, and traveled to many more. While I never felt unsafe anywhere I went, anecdotal experience is no substitute for solid data.

That’s why I’m drawing on Global Peace Index data for this article, as it’s one of the most comprehensive sources available.

What is the safest place to live in the world?

Iceland is the safest place to live in the world. It ranks number one on the latest Global Peace Index, with a score of 1.107. Even better, it’s held that same position for the last decade.

The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) releases its Global Peace Index every year (We’ll update this article once the latest 2023 index gets released).

The Global Peace Index is one of the best ways to evaluate how safe countries are. (For contrast, here’s our roundup of most dangerous countries in the world.)

The Global Peace Index ranks 163 countries on their levels of peacefulness.

‘Peacefulness’ is made up of several factors, including the following:

  • Number of violent deaths
  • Impact of terrorism
  • Nuclear capability
  • Conditions of peace
  • Social security
  • Internal conflicts
  • International relations

Despite the war in Ukraine on Europe’s doorstep, EU/EEA countries still dominate the Global Peace Index.

In fact, the safest countries in the world for 2023 include eight countries at the very top, which are either part of the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA).

So you can imagine what an asset it would be to have free access to all countries in the EU and EEA.

EU citizenship gives its holders freedom to live, work, study, and retire without any restriction across some of the safest countries in the world – with some of the world’s most powerful passports!

So without any further ado, let’s look at the full list of 11 safest countries in the world in 2023.

12 Safest Countries in The World: 2023 Edition

Iceland takes the GPI crown for the safest country in the world, followed by New Zealand, Ireland, Denmark, and Austria in the top five.

But what exactly makes these 12 countries so safe?

Let’s examine them all in more detail.

#1. Iceland

12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (1)

Iceland is the safest country in the world according to the latest Global Peace Index data.

The index is compiled by looking at a variety of factors, including the number of homicides, the level of violent crime, and the availability of small arms.

What’s more, the index takes into account factors such as the number of refugees and internally displaced persons, as well as the level of political instability.

Iceland also has a low rate of natural disasters, making it a safe place to live. Based on all these factors, Iceland ranks as one of the safest countries in the world.

As well as being ultra safe, Iceland is also an exceptionally beautiful country.

It’s home to some of the most stunning natural scenery in the world, including glaciers, hot springs, and waterfalls.

#2. New Zealand

12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (2)

New Zealand is often lauded as one of the safest countries in the world.

In fact, according to the Global Peace Index, New Zealand is the second safest country in the world, behind only Iceland.

There are several reasons why New Zealand is such a safe place to live. For one, it has a relatively small population and a low crime rate.

Additionally, the government is stable and there’s little political unrest.

Plus, New Zealand is an isolated country, located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, which makes it less susceptible to external threats.

In terms of natural disasters, New Zealand is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, so it’s important to know what to do in the event of an emergency.

The good news is, there are strict building codes in place to help protect against earthquake damage. Most New Zealanders are well prepared for any potential disasters.

So while there are some risks to be aware of, overall New Zealand is a safe and secure place to live.

#3. Ireland

12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (3)

According to the Global Peace Index, Ireland is the third safest country in the world.

This is an impressive feat, considering that the index takes into account a wide range of factors including conflict, crime, and terrorism.

So what exactly makes Ireland so safe?

For starters, the country has a low murder rate. In 2018, there were just 33 murders in all of Ireland. That’s fewer than one per 100,000 people, which is well below the global average.

Ireland also has a low rate of violent crime. In fact, according to Eurostat, it had the second lowest rate of violent crime in the European Union in 2017.

In addition to being one of the safest countries in terms of crime, Ireland is also largely free of conflict and terrorism.

Despite Ireland’s troubled history, there have been no major terrorist incidents in recent years.

Ireland isn’t involved in any active conflicts. It has a policy of military neutrality and it’s not a member of NATO.

Could you be eligible for Irish citizenship? Find out in our guide to getting an Irish passport.

#4. Denmark

12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (4)

Denmark is often lauded as one of the safest countries in the world.

In fact, according to the GPI, it’s the fourth safest country in the world.

There are a number of reasons why Denmark is such a safe place to live.

First of all, it has a low crime rate. In 2018, there were only 127 recorded homicides in Denmark, which is an incredibly low number.

Secondly, Denmark has a strong economy and welfare system, which helps to reduce inequality and social unrest.

Finally, Denmark is a small country with a relatively hom*ogeneous population, which makes it easier to maintain law and order.

All of these factors contribute to Denmark’s status as a safe haven for its citizens.

Want to explore a move to Europe? Join our newsletter for tips on relocation & investment.

#5. Austria

12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (5)

It’s no secret that Austria is a safe place to live. In fact, it’s often ranked as one of the safest countries in the world.

Austria is ranked the fifth safest country in the world, and the third safest out of the EU 27 countries.

So what makes Austria so safe? Well, there are a few factors.

First, Austria has a low crime rate. There are few violent crimes and property crimes are relatively rare. This makes Austria a very safe place to live.

Secondly, the Austrian economy is strong. There’s less crime overall, because people are less likely to turn to criminal activity when they have a stable income.

Lastly, Austria has a strong government and political system. This ensures that the country is well-run and that there’s little corruption.

All of these factors combine to make Austria a very safe place to live.

#6. Portugal

12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (6)

Portugal is popular for its stunning scenery, Mediterranean climate, and laid-back vibes.

But in recent years, Portugal has also been receiving attention for another reason: its safety.

According to the Global Peace Index, Portugal is ranked the sixth safest country in the world, and the fourth safest among the EU 27.

So what makes Portugal so safe?

One factor is the low level of income inequality. In Portugal, the wealthiest 20% of households earn just 7.5 times more than the poorest 20%.

This compares favorably to other developed countries like the United States, where the richest 20% earn nearly 12 times more than the poorest 20%.

Income inequality has been linked to higher levels of crime and violence, so Portugal’s relatively equal distribution of wealth may help to explain its low crime rate.

The country also benefits from a strong rule of law. In Portugal, property rights are well-protected and government corruption is relatively rare.

This creates a stable environment that discourages crime and promotes economic growth.

Portugal has a long history of peaceful relations with its neighbors.

It hasn’t been directly involved in a major war for over 200 years, and the government remains committed to resolving disputes through diplomacy rather than force.

All of these factors combine to create a safe and welcoming environment in Portugal.

What’s more, Portugal has a range of easy residency visa options –such as the D7 visa or the Golden Visa – making it a great place for those seeking a safe haven in Europe.

Does Portugal appeal to you as a place to live? Check out our 2023 guide on moving to Portugal.


We think Madeira deserves a special mention as one of the absolute safest spots in Portugal.

Madeira is one of the safest parts of Portugal for several reasons.

First, its location, over 1,000 km from the Portuguese mainland, which makes it less accessible to criminals. Anyone committing a crime on Madeira would find it difficult to escape before being caught.

Second, the island has a small population and no crime families or gangs, so there are fewer opportunities for crime. In fact, Madeira is virtually crime-free!

Lastly, Madeira has a strong police presence, and the government has invested heavily in security measures.

Personally, I feel 100% safe walking around the Madeira capital, Funchal, at any time of the day or night.

Interested in moving to Madeira? Check out our Madeira Golden Visa guide.

#7. Slovenia

12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (7)

Slovenia is a small, almost landlocked country in Central Europe with a population of just over 2 million people.

It has a short coastline along the Adriatic Sea, between Italy and Croatia.

Despite its size, Slovenia consistently ranks as one of the safest countries in the world.

In 2022, it was ranked the 7th safest country in the Global Peace Index.

Several factors contribute to Slovenia’s safety ranking. One is the low level of crime.

There were only 1.4 homicides per 100,000 people in Slovenia in 2020, compared to a global average of 6.2 per 100,000 people.

Similarly, the rate of petty crime – such as theft and vandalism – is also relatively low.

Another factor contributing to Slovenia’s high safety ranking is its high level of political stability. It currently has a center-left government, the Freedom Movement (GS). Slovenia has been a member of the European Union since 2004.

Finally, Slovenia also benefits from its location. Nestled between Austria, Hungary, Croatia, and Italy, it’s far away from any areas of conflict or unrest.

#8. Czech Republic

12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (8)

The Czech Republic is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. It’s also an incredibly safe place to live, work, and raise a family.

In fact, it’s one of the safest countries in the world, according to the Global Peace Index, which ranks the Czech Republic at number 8.

The small Central European nation has a long history of peace and stability, and its low crime rates and lack of terrorism make it a safe place to live.

And while it’s always important to take precautions when traveling in any unfamiliar place, the Czech Republic is generally very welcoming to tourists and has a strong infrastructure for keeping visitors safe.

From its well-maintained public transportation system to its many police officers and security cameras, the Czech Republic takes safety seriously.

The Czech Republic also has strong gun control laws, which help to keep its citizens safe. What’s more, the Czech Republic is a member of NATO, which provides further security – important in these volatile times.

Overall, the Czech Republic is a great choice for those looking for a safe and peaceful place to live.

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#9. Singapore

12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (9)

Singapore is ranked the 9th safest country in the world, and the safest country in Asia.

So why is Singapore such a safe place to live?

Well, there are a few reasons. First of all, it has low levels of crime. This is thanks to effective law enforcement, which works hard to keep the streets safe.

Singapore has tough laws and punishments for criminals. The government takes a zero-tolerance approach to crime, and this helps to deter would-be criminals from committing crimes in the first place.

Singapore has a strong police force. The Singapore Police Force is highly efficient and has a good track record of keeping crime under control. This helps to make Singapore feel safe for its residents and visitors alike.

Those who are caught breaking the law can expect to be severely punished, which acts as a further deterrent.

Singapore also has strict gun control laws, which help to prevent gun violence. And finally, Singapore has a strong culture of respect for authority and the law.

What’s more, Singapore is a clean and orderly country. The city is well-organized, and there is a general sense of orderliness among its residents. This creates an overall feeling of safety and security.

This means that people are generally law-abiding and don’t engage in risky or illegal behavior.

#10. Japan

12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (10)

According to the Global Peace Index, Japan is the 10th safest country in the world.

There are a number of reasons why Japan is such a safe place to live. For one, the country has a very low crime rate. I’ve heard stories about people dropping their wallet on the street, only to have it quickly returned by a friendly passer-by.

In 2019, there were only 2.3 murders per 100,000 people in Japan, compared to 5 per 100,000 people in the United States.

Japan also has strict gun control laws that make it difficult for criminals to obtain firearms.

Also, the Japanese government has invested heavily in security measures such as CCTV cameras and metal detectors, which help to deter crime.

Finally, Japanese culture puts great importance on having respect for others and a commitment to peace.

This social norm helps to create a sense of safety and order that contributes to Japan’s low crime rate.

#11. Switzerland

12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (11)

Out of the safest countries in the world, Switzerland is ranked number 11 on the Global Peace Index.

There are a variety of reasons for this, including the country’s stable economy, democratic government, and low crime rate.

Switzerland’s long-standing neutrality is a key factor in keeping the country safe.

The country hasn’t been involved in a war since 1815, and this has helped it avoid much of the violence and turmoil that other nations have experienced.

However, the war in Ukraine has caused Switzerland to lean closer to NATO by adopting sanctions against Russia.

Switzerland is also known for its stance on guns.

Although the country has one of the world’s highest rates of gun ownership, it also has an extremely low rate of gun-related street crime or mass shootings. Guns in Switzerland are far more tightly regulated than most people think.

Overall, Switzerland is a safe place to live due to its strong economy, its democratic government, and its gun laws.

Switzerland also has one of the world’s strongest passports.

Although it’s not an EU member state, having Swiss citizenship gives you the same rights to live, work, study and retire anywhere in the EU or EEA.

#12. Canada

The United States’ northern neighbor Canada performed well on the Global Peace Index. Canada ranked 12th, a testament to its low crime rates, stable political climate, and well-functioning social systems.

One of the factors contributing to Canada’s safety is its commitment to multiculturalism. The nation embraces diversity, fostering a sense of unity and tolerance among its citizens. This has led to a harmonious coexistence among people from various backgrounds, minimizing the likelihood of conflicts and social unrest.

Another aspect that sets Canada apart is its strong rule of law and effective law enforcement agencies. The police are well-resourced and focused on community engagement, ensuring that crimes are prevented and swiftly dealt with when they occur.

What’s more, Canada’s robust education system and comprehensive social welfare programs help to alleviate poverty and promote social mobility, further reducing the potential for crime.

Lastly, Canada’s international relations are characterized by diplomacy and peaceful cooperation. The country actively participates in global initiatives and conflict resolution efforts, contributing to its overall peaceful reputation.

FAQs: Safest Countries in the World

Which is the No 1 safest country in the world?

In 2022, Iceland is the number one safest country in the world, according to the Global Peace Index. This index ranks countries on a range of factors including their safety and security, political stability, and involvement in conflicts.

Is Europe safer than USA?

Yes, Europe is typically safer than the USA. In fact, 13 of the world’s top 20 safest countries are located in Europe. In contrast, the United States ranks in 129th place on the latest Global Peace Index. That’s lower than Egypt, Zimbabwe, and Republic of the Congo.

What’s the safest place on earth to live?

Iceland is the safest place to live on Earth, according to the latests Global Peace Index, where it ranked number one for the 13th year in a row. New Zealand is also extremely safe, coming in second on the same index.

What is the safest country in Asia?

Singapore is the safest country in Asia, ranking number nine on the 2022 Global Peace Index. The country has low crime rates, effective law enforcement and strict gun control laws.

Why is Portugal the safest country?

Portugal usually ranks high on global indices of peace and safety. In fact, Portugal ranks sixth in the world on the 2022 Global Peace Index. Portugal is especially safe because of its long-term political stability, low crime rates, and strict gun control laws. What’s more, Portugal doesn’t get involved in foreign conflicts, so the risk of terrorist attacks is extremely low.

What is the safest country in Europe?

Iceland is the safest country in Europe. According to latest data from the Global Peace Index, Iceland is ranked number one on the list of most peaceful countries in the world. Among the countries of the European Union (Iceland is not an EU member), Ireland is ranked top.

Is Japan the safest country in the world?

No, Japan is not the safest country in the world, but it ranks among some of the safest, coming in 10th place on the Global Peace Index 2022. It’s also the second safest country in Asia, after Singapore.

Before you go…

Finding a safe country to live in has become a high priority as we move into 2023.

The top 12 safest countries in the world are dominated by Europe, including eight countries from either the European Union or the European Economic Area. What’s more, many of the world’s happiest countries are located in Europe.

EU citizenship gives you the right to live freely in any of those eight safest countries, far away from war, gun crime, and oppression. That’s why an EU passport is such an asset.

Next up, check out our guide on how to move to Europe.

Related articles:

  • 30 Most Powerful Passports (And How To Get Them)
  • 15 Cheapest Countries in Europe to Live In
  • The 9 Best Retirement Visas in Europe for 2023

Join the Digital Émigré newsletter for tips on making your big move.

12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré (2024)


12 Safest Countries In The World [Updated May 2023] | Digital Émigré? ›

What Are The Safest Places? Vacationers looking to plan their 2023 trips should keep destinations like the Netherlands, Denmark, and Iceland in mind, as they topped the list of safest countries. The report also ranks the safest cities in the world, with Reykjavik, Copenhagen, and Montreal taking the top three spots.

What are the safest countries in the world 2023? ›

Top 10 Safest Countries to Live in 2023
  1. Iceland. Scenic Iceland lands 1st place as the safest country in the world to live, a spot it has held now for the 12th year in a row.
  2. New Zealand. New Zealand comes in at 2nd place on the GPI. ...
  3. Ireland. ...
  4. Denmark. ...
  5. Austria. ...
  6. Portugal. ...
  7. Slovenia. ...
  8. The Czech Republic. ...
Jun 2, 2023

Where is the safest place to travel in 2023? ›

What Are The Safest Places? Vacationers looking to plan their 2023 trips should keep destinations like the Netherlands, Denmark, and Iceland in mind, as they topped the list of safest countries. The report also ranks the safest cities in the world, with Reykjavik, Copenhagen, and Montreal taking the top three spots.

What are the top 10 safest countries in the world? ›

Therefore, we have prepared a list of the safest countries in the world following the latest Global Peace Index 2022. The top 10 safest countries in the world in 2023 include Iceland, New Zealand, Ireland, Denmark, Austria, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Singapore, and Japan.

What is the #1 safest country in the world? ›

1. Iceland. Iceland, the land of fire and ice, is also the safest country in the world according to the Global Peace Index. With a low homicide rate, low level of violent crime, and limited access to small arms, Iceland is truly a peaceful country for its residents and visitors.

What country will hit 2023 first? ›

The first country to celebrate New Year's Eve annually is the Oceanic country Kiribati—the island of Kiritimati to be precise.

Is USA a safe country to live? ›

The United States ranks at 129th with a score of 2.44, marking the country's score "low." Just above the U.S. is Azerbaijan, and just below is Brazil.

Where not to go in 2023? ›

World's most dangerous destinations for 2023
  • Venezuela (83,76)
  • Papua New Guinea (80.79)
  • South Africa (76,86)
  • Afghanistan (76,31)
  • Honduras (74.54)
  • Trinidad & Tobago (71.63)
  • Guyana (68,74)
  • El Salvador (67,79)
Jan 31, 2023

What is the safest city in America 2023? ›

100 Safest Cities in the US 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis
4Harrison TownNew York
96 more rows
May 25, 2023

What is the safest country for an American travel? ›

The safest vacation countries 2023

The safest country in the world is currently Austria, followed by Germany and Denmark. There have been few changes at the top of the table for years. Iceland, in particular, which is remote and only relatively sparsely populated, has always been right at the top.

What is the safest state in USA? ›

Story at a glance
State/rankViolent crime rateProperty crime rate
1. Maine109 per 100K residents1,156 per 100K residents
2. New Hampshire146 per 100K residents1,099 per 100K residents
3. New Jersey195 per 100K residents1,158 per 100K residents
4. Vermont173 per 100K residents1,217 per 100K residents
6 more rows
May 7, 2023

What is the safest place to live in the United States? ›

Frisco, Texas

Frisco, Texas, part of the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex has been ranked the number 1 safest city to live in the U.S. It boasts the fourth-lowest violent crime rate and the sixth-lowest property crime rate.

Is Canada safer than the US? ›

Canada's ranking is 14 spots before the United Kingdom, and 34 spots ahead of the United States. The U.S. News 2021 Best Countries Report gave Canada a score of 96.7 out of 100 for safety. This ranking puts Canada significantly above the United States (10.8) and the United Kingdom (55.4).

What's the best country to live in? ›

  • Sweden. #1 in Quality of Life. #5 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Denmark. #2 in Quality of Life. #10 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Canada. #3 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Switzerland. #4 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Norway. #5 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Finland. #6 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Germany. #7 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Netherlands. #8 in Quality of Life.

Where is the safest place in the world to live? ›

The top ten safest countries in the world in 2023

Most notable are the Nordic countries of Europe. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland are not only among Europe's safest countries, they are among the top 25 safest countries anywhere on Earth. As such, this region is considered the safest in the world.

Where in the world has the lowest crime rate? ›

Qatar has a safety index of 85.2, according to NUMBEO. It has the lowest crime rate in the world. It hosted the FIFA World Cup in 2022. Violence and terrorism are rare sights in the Middle Eastern nation.

Which country is powerful in the world 2023? ›

Download Table Data
Power RankCountryGDP
1United States$21.40 Tn
2China$14.30 Tn
3Russia$1.69 Tn
4Germany$3.86 Tn
73 more rows

What will be the best country in 2023? ›

Switzerland. Switzerland looks to be the best country to live in 2023. It was the highest-ranking country on the latest HDI report, with a score of 0.962.

What major event will happen in 2023? ›

Major events for this 2023 calendar are the ICC Cricket ODI World Cup, the Women's FIFA World Cup, 3rd European Games, the World Urban Games, the inaugural Cycling World Championships, the Invictus Games, Rugby World Cup, World Aquatics Championships, Summer World University Games, the Asian Games, World Athletics ...

Is it better to live in the USA? ›

Amazing natural beauty, a strong economy, and friendly people are some of the biggest advantages of living in the USA. I believe these factors make up for the downsides, such as the corporate culture and expensive healthcare system. Overall, the USA deserves the reputation as one of the greatest countries in the world.

Is the US Safer Than Europe? ›

The trends in the world in terms of safe countries show that Europe is the safest region, followed by the Asia-Pacific region, and then North America. However, it is important to note that safety is not guaranteed in any part of the world, and the safety level of a country can fluctuate over time.

Is it safe for Americans to live in Mexico? ›

Violent crime is prevalent throughout Mexico, though it is typically infighting between Mexicans. The best way to stay safe in the face of violent crime is to research your destination ahead of time. Stick to tourist areas as much as possible. Stay tuned to the local media and avoid any dangerous areas.

Where are US citizens not allowed to travel? ›

Learn about your destination
AdvisoryLevelDate Updated
Haiti Travel AdvisoryLevel 4: Do Not TravelMay 17, 2023
Honduras Travel AdvisoryLevel 3: Reconsider TravelMarch 1, 2023
India Travel AdvisoryLevel 2: Exercise Increased CautionOctober 5, 2022
Indonesia Travel AdvisoryLevel 2: Exercise Increased CautionMay 2, 2023
144 more rows

What vacation spots to avoid? ›

Thinking of traveling abroad next year? You might want to steer clear of Afghanistan, Mali, Syria, Iraq and Ukraine, which rank among the world's most dangerous destinations for business and pleasure travelers.

Is Mexico safe for tourists 2023? ›

Crime: Crime, including violent crime, can occur anywhere in Mexico, including in popular tourist destinations. Travelers should maintain a high level of situational awareness, avoid areas where illicit activities occur, and promptly depart from potentially dangerous situations.

What are the top 10 safest cities to live in America? ›

Safest Cities In America
  • Glens Falls, New York. The Glens Falls MSA includes Warren and Washington counties. ...
  • Midland, Michigan. ...
  • State College, Pennsylvania. ...
  • The Villages, Florida. ...
  • 5. Logan, Utah. ...
  • Wausau, Wisconsin. ...
  • Cambridge, Massachusetts. ...
  • Elizabethtown, Kentucky.
May 1, 2023

What state has the highest crime rate 2023? ›

The burden of Crime by State

According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, the 5 most hazardous states in the U.S. in 2023 are: Louisiana: Overall Crime Rate of 537.5/100,000 people, making it the most dangerous. Mississippi: Overall Crime Rate of 413.2/100,000 people.

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Top 100 Safest Cities in the U.S.
Rate per 100,000 residents
RankCityDrug Poisoning Mortality
13Irvine, CA15.5
14Naperville, IL16.0
15Torrance, CA14.2
12 more rows
Feb 10, 2023

What is the safest country in Europe? ›

Iceland. Consistently topping the Global Peace Index since 2008, Iceland is a Nordic island nation known as one of the world's happiest, safest, and most satisfied countries. Iceland is also the only NATO member without a standing army, navy, or air force.

Is Italy safe for American tourists? ›

According to the U.N. and Global Peace Index, Italy is ranked 30th to 35th safest country in the world, well ahead of the U.S. However, the most dangerous thing likely to happen is pickpocketing near tourist destinations and landmarks, so using common precaution measures should suffice.

Which is the most peaceful state in USA? ›

Maine is the most peaceful state in the U.S. for the 11th year in a row, Louisiana is the least peaceful. The Northeast continues to be the most peaceful region with three of the five most peaceful states. The South is once again the least peaceful region in America, with four of the five least peaceful states.

Which state in U.S. has lowest crime rate? ›

Maine, which has an overall state ranking of 28, saw the lowest rate of violent crime in the FBI's data, at 109 per 100,000 in 2020, while Alaska posted the highest at 838 per 100,000.

What are 10 safest states? ›

10 safest states in the US (And, no, Alabama isn't one of them)
  • Maine. Violent crime rate - 109 per 100K residents. ...
  • New Hampshire. Violent crime rate - 146 per 100K residents. ...
  • New Jersey. Violent crime rate - 195 per 100K residents. ...
  • Vermont. Violent crime rate - 173 per 100K residents. ...
  • Idaho. ...
  • Rhode Island. ...
  • Massachusetts. ...
  • Virginia.
May 8, 2023

What will be the most powerful country in 2023? ›

United States

Which country is safest in future? ›

The Netherlands, Denmark, and Iceland are the top 3 safer countries for traveling in 2023.

Which country will be most popular in 2023? ›

India to overtake China as world's most populous country in April 2023, United Nations projects. 24 April 2023 - China will soon cede its long-held status as the world's most populous country.

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