12 Crops which add nitrogen to the soil - Self Sufficient Homesteading (2024)

Nitrogen fixing plants are some of the most fascinating in the natural world. Whereas most plants depend on fertility in the soil for strong growth, nitrogen fixers create their own.

They do this by forming a symbiotic relationship with bacteria. The bacteria provide the plants with nitrogen through gaseous air pockets in the earth. In return the fixer plant provides sugars to the bacteria creating a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship.

This relationship enables nitrogen fixers to colonise ground which is too poor for other plants. This makes them ‘pioneers’ with an ability to colonise hostile environments.

12 Crops which add nitrogen to the soil - Self Sufficient Homesteading (1)

Consequently nitrogen fixers have been used as green manures and cover crops to invigorate sites with infertile soils. This makes them extremely valuable both in the natural world and sustainable farming.

Commonly the question is asked ‘are there any crops which add nitrogen to the soil’. Such a combination would be extremely beneficial to the practice of low energy agriculture.

Thankfully there are indeed crops which add nitrogen to the soil but they are limited in number. We have listed nitrogen fixing crops below so you can boost fertility and harvests simultaneously.

1. Green beans

Also known as French beans green beans can be a term to simply describe unripe beans in a pod. However the French beans are highly popular for the fact the whole pod can be eaten. These beans are originally from tropical regions so prefer a warm growing season. They can also be grown for the individual beans which can be dried and stored for leaner times. These beans can come in both climbing and dwarf bush varieties for easy picking.

12 Crops which add nitrogen to the soil - Self Sufficient Homesteading (2)

2. Black eyed beans

These are very distinctive from the black eye in the centre and originally came from the Southern United States. These beans subsequently have spread around the world and are now popular in Asia and the Middle East. What makes the bean particularly successful is its tolerance of drought conditions and love of heat. Hence the variety has been embraced by farms and self sufficient homesteads in arid climates. The vines can grow very long and are commonly grown over structures for easy harvesting.

12 Crops which add nitrogen to the soil - Self Sufficient Homesteading (3)

3. Broad beans

Also known as Favas, Broad beans are a very widespread and popular crop across the world. With a compact nature and the ability to grow in colder climates they are a very worthwhile crop. In the Mediterranean these beans would be planted in between olive trees making use of sunlight between the canopies. Their nitrogen fixing properties would feed the olive trees which can occupy the ground for many centuries. These beans can be sown in spring in or autumn and therefore intercropped with other hungry feeding crops.

12 Crops which add nitrogen to the soil - Self Sufficient Homesteading (4)

4. Runner beans

Runner beans are a generous crop and also very ornamental plant which originated from Central America. These beans have bright red flowers which makes them completely viable as ornamental garden climbers. Their beans are prolific croppers and the pods can grow to a significant size. Consequently Runner beans have become a favourite of gardeners across the planet. As well as being good climbers they are also perennials in warmer climates. These can be grown in parts of the vegetable plot which have been previously planted with very hungry crop varieties.

12 Crops which add nitrogen to the soil - Self Sufficient Homesteading (5)

5. Peas

Peas like beans are a very versatile crop and can be used in a variety of different ways. Generally renowned for their sweetness peas are added to sauces and vegetable dishes. There are also varieties bred especially for eating inside the pod such as sugar snap peas. These are typical in dishes which require some crunch such as salads and stir fry’s. Peas can be grown as filler crops and companion planted with lower growing vegetable crops.

12 Crops which add nitrogen to the soil - Self Sufficient Homesteading (6)

6. Alfalfa

Originally from South and Central Asia, Alfalfa was grown for centuries as a multipurpose crop. This leguminous plant could be grown on mass to improve the fertility and productivity of farmland.

At the same time this plant is heavily regarded as a nutritious animal feed for livestock. Alfalfa is also regarded as a herb and can be eaten raw or cooked. Its seeds can be sprouted and harvested as a sprout crop.

7. Buckwheat

Buckwheat is an extremely useful plant which before the time of industrial fertilisers was common in ancient agriculture. The plant has edible leaves which can be eaten raw or in salads but its primary use is as a grain.

This can be ground up to make flour or added to dishes whole. Its ability to be cultivated in large number without soil amelioration made it a wonder crop. It is still used as a green manure and is an effective bee, pollinator, crop.

8. Fenugreek

This small, leguminous crop originated from Asia and is used as both a herb and a spice. Charred remains of Fenugreek have been found in Bronze Age settlements and the Romans used it to flavour wine.

Today Fenugreek is very common in Indian cooking used in numerous vegetable dishes. Both the seeds and foliage are used in numerous dishes from this region. This crop can also be used as a green manure or nutritious feed for cattle.

9. Peanuts

Peanuts are a common crop and enjoyed by millions worldwide in numerous quantities. These are typically roasted, salted and enjoyed as a snack. Originally from South America this crop has spread around the world and prefers a warm environment.

Peanuts are closely related to beans and are more of a legume than a nut. High in protein and fatty acids peanuts have become a popular agricultural crop worldwide.

12 Crops which add nitrogen to the soil - Self Sufficient Homesteading (7)

10. Gorse

Not commonly thought of as a crop Gorse is a thorny evergreen shrub native to Europe. This shrub is able to thrive on exposed sites with poor soil. The flowers can be eaten in salads or used to make tea. The main use of gorse however is for feeding animals like cattle when other deciduous leaves are scarce in winter.

12 Crops which add nitrogen to the soil - Self Sufficient Homesteading (8)

11. Siberian pea tree

This large shrub or small tree is native to Siberia and China and is very efficient at fixing nitrogen. With a robust root system it has been used for erosion control and general ground improvement.

Although not commercially produced for food the peas or seeds are edible when cooked. The flowers are also edible and added to salads and side dishes. The Siberian pea tree is typically grown as an ornamental and is a very useful and popular in temperate food forests.

12. Carob tree

Also known as the African Locust Bean the carob is a small tree native to the Mediterranean and Middle East. During the summer the tree produces large bean like pots which turn dark brown when ripe. These can be ground down to a powder and tastes very much like chocolate.

Carobs have a rich syrup inside which can be used to produce a substitute for maple syrup. Traditionally used as an animal fodder this tree can become a food crop during hard times. Its nitrogen fixing ability and drought tolerance makes it a great crop for arid regions.

Thank you for reading our article on crops which fix nitrogen. Do you know of a nitrogen fixing crop we have missed? If so feel free to comment below or send us a message.

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12 Crops which add nitrogen to the soil - Self Sufficient Homesteading (2024)


What crop adds nitrogen to the soil? ›

Legumes are known as the best nitrogen-fixing plants.

Perennial and forage legumes, such as alfalfa, clovers, and vetches, are the best crops for companion planting as they can fix substantial amounts of surplus nitrogen under the right conditions.

What crops did homesteaders plant? ›

Homesteaders would begin their claim by building a small cabin. A small garden was created for the residents to grow food. Settlers then set about clearing land to grow crops, which might include grasses, clovers, timothy, root crops such as potatoes, hops, apples, wheat, and strawberries.

Which crops enrich the soil with nitrogen? ›

Pea and beans are nitrogen-fixing crops and hence they are called legumes. They fix nitrogen in the soil with the help of nitrogen-fixing bacteria present in their roots called Rhizobium.

Which plant gives nitrogen to soil? ›

Legumes (members of the plant species Fabaceae) are common nitrogen-fixing plants. Legume plants form a symbiotic relationship with a type of nitrogen-fixing bacteria called Rhizobium.

Which crop has nitrogen? ›

Legume cover crops are most often associated with adding nitrogen because they have developed relationships with symbiotic soil bacteria which can convert nitrogen gas in the air, which plants cannot uptake, to ammonia, which plants can use.

What crops use nitrogen? ›

Nitrogen is to corn, wheat and rice, what water is to fish. Yearly, more than 100 million tonnes of nitrogen are applied to crops in the form of fertilizer, helping them grow stronger and better. But issues arise when nitrogen run-off occurs, polluting air, water and land in the process.

What is the best food for homesteading? ›

If you raise just 1 thing, beef is a great option. Meat Chickens – Many homesteads mentioned meat chickens as the single best way to grow food in your backyard. Starchy Veggies – Many different homesteads mentioned squash, potatoes, and other starchy veggies as a great way to put a lot of food up.

What crops are good for small homesteads? ›

This is easiest with crops like potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, peas, beans, tomatoes and peppers. And in fact this crop selection alone would provide lots of calories and a pretty complete nutritional profile.

What are the best grains for homesteading? ›

But you may find other staple crops work better on your specific plot—also consider rice, quinoa, chestnuts, chinquapin, barley, spelt, triticale, soy, oats, teff, old wheat varieties like farro, einkorn, and Kamut (Khorasan), and many others.

What are 3 forms you can add nitrogen to a field crop? ›


Fertilizers common to crop production in Indiana usually contain nitrogen in one or more of the following forms: nitrate, ammonia, ammonium or urea. Each form has specific properties that determine when, where and how various fertilizer materials can be used.

Which crop is best suited for crop rotation to enrich soil with nitrogen? ›

this is called crop rotation. for example, wheat or rice users up large amounts of nitrogen from the soil. this nitrogen can be naturally replenished if the next crop grown is that of a legume, like a pea or groundnut. bacteria called rhizobium are present in the nodules of roots of leguminous plants.

Do potatoes enrich the soil? ›

Potatoes are a beneficial crop for the garden, as their growth and harvest improves the [tilth] of the soil and suppresses weeds. It is important to keep the soil evenly moist (but not wet) for best growth, as lack of water results in smaller tubers.

What is a cheap source of nitrogen for compost? ›

Composting of organic material is a great way to add a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to your soil. Did you know that coffee grounds, egg shells, tea bags, grass clippings, and fruit and vegetable kitchen scraps are all great additions to your compost pile?

What are the native nitrogen fixers? ›

The native Southern California nitrogen fixers include: ceanothus, lupine, deerweed, California peashrub (endangered) (lotus), and redbud.

How to naturally add nitrogen to soil? ›

How to Add Nitrogen to Soil
  1. Coffee Grounds. Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen. ...
  2. Compost. Compost contains nitrogen and other nutrients plants need. ...
  3. Manure. Manure adds nitrogen as it breaks down. ...
  4. Grass Clippings. Fresh clippings make a nitrogen-rich mulch or soil amendment. ...
  5. Wood Ash. ...
  6. Alfalfa Meal. ...
  7. Blood Meal. ...
  8. Feather Meal.
Oct 9, 2023

What is the fastest way to add nitrogen to soil? ›

A nitrogen-rich liquid fertilizer solution is the fastest way to add nitrogen to the soil but it risks leaching so fast is not always best. Using a slow-release fertilizer is more beneficial for plants in the long run.

What is the best cover crop to add nitrogen? ›

Cover Crops To Provide Nitrogen

Excellent nitrogen scavengers include radish, rye, sudangrass, and sorghum-sudan hybrids. Grains are also good scavengers.

Do coffee grounds add nitrogen to soil? ›

Coffee grounds are rich in nutrients, especially nitrogen. They also have some amount of other nutrients like potassium and phosphorous. Overall, this means that adding coffee grounds to your garden can work fairly well as a fertiliser. Coffee should be spread in a thin layer, rather than being clumped in one place.

What is the best cover crop to produce nitrogen? ›

Hairy vetch ($40-70 per acre) is often considered the best cover crop if nitrogen fixation is the primary goal and can provide most or all the nitrogen needed for a subsequent corn crop.

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