11 revenue models, examples & tips to pick the right one (2024)

Finding the right revenue model for your company and products is an incredibly important part of starting and expanding your business. It's a key part of building a brand. Explore popular revenue models and how to choose the right one.

  • What is a revenue model?
  • 11 different types of revenue models
  • Costs associated with revenue models
  • How to choose your revenue model

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In one of the most famous lines from the 1941 classic Citizen Kane, Mr. Bernstein proclaims: “It's no trick to make an awful lot of money... if what you want is to do is make a lot of money.” If only that statement were as true as it seemed. It's probably more accurate to say, “There are a lot of ways to make a lot of money.”

That’s particularly true for software businesses, with the rise of the mobile internet stimulating an explosion in the number of viable revenue models. Choosing which revenue model works best for your SaaS business, though, is not easy (even if that's all you want to do is choose a revenue model for your SaaS business).

Your choice will help determine your sales strategy, and from there the growth rates, the amount of money you’ll need to invest initially, and the kind of relationship you’re likely to build with your customers. More than that — the choice determines the future of your business.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular revenue models used today — why they’re popular, why they work, and why they will (or won’t) work for you.

What is a revenue model?

A revenue model is the income generating framework that is part of a company’s business model. Common revenue models include subscription, licensing and markup. The revenue model helps businesses determine their revenue generation strategies such as: which revenue source to prioritize, understanding target customers, and how to price their products.

Revenue models often get conflated with revenue streams, probably because each is a single revenue generation source. They are also confused with business models, of which revenue models are a part. Revenue models help business owners determine how to manage their revenue streams and are required to complete a business model.

Without a considered revenue model, your business will incur costs it cannot sustain. With a revenue model, you can set, track, and forecast business growth based on specific customer segments.

11 different types of revenue models

There is no such thing as a perfect revenue model, but the popularity of some of the methods below suggests that many of them are well-tailored for the current state of the market.Here we’ll walk through each type of revenue model and when they may be most beneficial and applicable.

1. Subscription

Thesubscription modelis the “vanilla” SaaS revenue model, not that there’s anything boring about a well-worked subscription plan. Businesses charge a customer every month or year for use of a product or service. All revenue is deferred and then fulfilled in installments.

The subscription model is perhaps the most popular among SaaS companies because of its versatility, promise ofrecurring revenue, and high value:customer lifetime balance.Done right it's a one-way-ticket to sustainable growth.

11 revenue models, examples & tips to pick the right one (1)

Companies working with recurring revenue models, such assubscription or licensing, see more value from a customer across a given customer lifetime.

Being able to offer a variety of value options means your company can respond to more than one set of customer needs, expanding your appeal. Hubstaff’s subscription plan, seen below, is a classic of the genre:

11 revenue models, examples & tips to pick the right one (2)

Hubstaff’s various plans are distinct from one another in price and feature. This flexibility in the subscription model means that tentative or lower-budgeted customers can still get what they need, all the while maintaining visibility of what extra they could get for a few dollars more a month.

The freemium model is often described as a subscription revenue model, but in fact it’s an acquisition model, not a revenue model. Freemium involves giving users free access to an app and then selling subscriptions for a premium tier that includes more features.

2. Markup

Markup is a very common revenue model for buyer companies (i.e., companies that buy the products they sell). It’s as simple as can be: Take the cost of goods you just bought, mark it up X%, and make a profit margin on the original purchase.

There are various subgenres of the markup model, including the following:

  • Wholesale: Sale of goods or merchandise to retailers, business users, or other wholesalers
  • Retail: Identification of demand, and satisfaction of it through a supply chain via a number of possible outlets, including physical and ecommercial ones

Markup is particularly used by mediators like ecommerce marketplaces — Amazon, for example. On average, Amazon charges a seller who uses their site 15% of the sale, plusFBA fees(including storage, pick & pack, shipping).

5. Pay-Per-User

One of the most enduring legacies of SaaS in the world of business is the introduction of pay-per-user (PPU). It involves giving a customer potentially unlimited to access to a range of features while charging them only for the services they use. At the dawn of SaaS, as the software required no physical delivery and deployed so quickly and cheaply, PPU appeared to be the most sensible revenue model.

However, as natural as it seemed back in the day,pay-per-user is not popularanymore. Ascribing value to your product is one of the key considerations of your revenue model, and that includes demonstrating why it’s worth your target customers’ valuable dollars, not just making everything so cheap and easy that they can’t refuse. The issue with PPU, then, is that it’s rarely where value is ascribed to your product.

Moreover, PPU kills your Monthly Active User metric. The per-user metric is not the most useful to customers in terms of deriving value — its take-it-or-leave-it approach actively works against your Daily Active Users number, and thus contributes to your churn rate.

6. Donation

As evidenced by the rise and rise ofKickstarter- andPatreon-based ventures, altruism is, if unpredictable, a pretty effective revenue model by itself. Relying on the donations of regular users is a common revenue model for nonprofits, online media (i.e., YouTubers) and independent news outlets.

11 revenue models, examples & tips to pick the right one (3)

7. Affiliate

What isaffiliate marketing? This new, popular model works by promoting referral links to relevant products and collecting commission on any subsequent sales of those products. Leverage your product’s synergy with another product in an adjacent space and you both stand to gain.

The affiliate model can be as simple as including in an article an outlink to a book or other product mentioned or offering your customers specialized recommendations relative to purchase history (again, Amazon is a master of this art). Some companies, such as Etsy, even have aspecific programfor their affiliates, where other companies can earn a commission on qualifying sales that result from featuring links to Etsy products and services.

The affiliate revenue model is increasingly popular, owing to the way it dovetails effectively with other revenue models, particularly ad-based models.

8. Arbitrage

Applicable mainly to sellers or marketplace-oriented companies, the arbitrage revenue model uses the price difference in two different markets of the same good/service to make a profit. You buy in one market (a security/currency/commodity) and simultaneously sell in another market, at a higher price, what you just bought, pocketing the temporary price difference.

Arbitrage is popular withaffiliate marketers, as well as with many cryptocurrency firms, SFOX being a prime example.

11 revenue models, examples & tips to pick the right one (4)

9. Commission

This transactional revenue model involves a middleman charging commission for each transaction it handles between two parties or for any lead it provides to the other party. It’s particularly popular with online marketplaces and aggregators, as well as businesses like independent music distributors.

It’s particularly easy to get up and running with a commission-based business model because you’re working off of existing products. However, unless your field is well-conditioned for a monopoly, and unless your company is (or can become) that monopoly, you’ll find the commission modelvery tough to scale.

10. Data Sales

Ever heard the phrase, “If you can’t see how the money’s made, you’re the product”? That’s data-selling in action.

Many companiesselling digital goodsand services could not exist without core underlying data assets. In the data sale revenue model, this data is sold directly to a consumer or business customer. While certain companies will use data sale as their primary revenue model, the use ofdata salesto augment another revenue model is virtually ubiquitous.

While some are using it as anentrepreneurial venture, it is also the subject of considerable justifiedpublic concernand should be handled with care in the event you decide to go with it as your revenue model.

11. Web/Direct Sales

The old-fashioned revenue model made new, web sales and direct sales involve payment for goods or services through a digital medium.

Web sales involve a customer finding your product via outbound marketing (or a web search) and can used for software, hardware, and subscription-based offerings.

Direct sales revolve around inbound marketing and is good for handling multiple buyers and influencers in big-ticket markets.

Costs associated with revenue models

A good revenue model is not just about squeezing as much revenue possible out of a sales cycle; it’s also about balancing your ambitions in the market with your resourcing requirements.A startup revenue model may be significantly different than one for an established business because their resources are vastly different.When choosing your model, factoring in costs is paramount to ensure profitability.

Cost of revenue

The first cost you’ll be likely to factor in is your cost of goods — how much it costs to produce the goods or service that you then sell. For hardware, this can comprise testing and manufacture; for software, it’ll include the whole development cycle. Regardless of what you produce, administrative overheads will also apply.

You will find cost of goods a considerably less comprehensive metric than cost of revenue, which is the total cost of manufacturing and delivering a product or service to consumers. That includes everything we’ve just covered, plus distribution and marketing costs. Cost of revenue is more often used in SaaS and other service-oriented industries because it makes the many costs incurred outside of production in SaaS easier to track.

Prototyping costs

Prototyping is a fundamental aspect of any production cycle and, unfortunately, is one of the most expensive. While testing prototypes or beta versions of your new product, even the smallest revisions can necessitate costly changes to your production/development process.

This usually comprises a base-level cost, plus iteration costs on top of that. When forecasting prototyping costs, it’s wise to plan for several iterations; it’s highly unlikely you’ll get everything right the first time around, especially if your product is innovative or is composed of a number of features.

Equipment costs

One of the beautiful things about being a SaaS company is that there are no production lines to run. Nevertheless, equipment costs still factor into the bottom line.

Firmware,app development tools, server rental, plus any other administrative services bought on subscription (e.g. Slack or Hubstaff) will play a part in your equipment costs, but, generally, equipment costs should be the easiest of all to forecast.

Labor costs

An underpaid workforce is an unhappy workforce (if it’s a workforce at all); wage costs come out of your bottom line.

Based on the interaction of salary and commission in yourcompensation plan, as well as the type of commission you offer (entirely open-ended or capped? Will there be accelerators/decelerators involved?), you will have to plan for your expenditure on labor costs differently.

Advertising & marketing costs

Your advertising and marketing costs will be determined by the following:

  • The size of your respective advertising and marketing teams
  • The scale of exposure you’re shooting for
  • Your method of approach to advertising and marketing:

11 revenue models, examples & tips to pick the right one (5)

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Your revenue model is unique

So many revenue sources, so many revenue models, so little time.

There are some fundamental differences between revenue models. For instance, if you’re a SaaS company producing your own software product, you’re unlikely to get all that far with an arbitrage model. Likewise, if your product is a medium or if you’re a seller, a subscription-based revenue model won’t do the trick. A product with a high ceiling for potential revenue is not best served by a donation model.

Nevertheless, the choice of a main revenue model out of the batch that do work for your product, and how you then combine them with appropriate aspects of other models, is yours, and yours only. Your product and the market should be in mind at all times while you’re settling on, adding to, and refining your model. After that, bringing in the revenue itself should be as easy asCitizen Kanesaid.

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11 revenue models, examples & tips to pick the right one (2024)


11 revenue models, examples & tips to pick the right one? ›

Affiliate marketing is a common revenue model. Amazon Associates is an example of an affiliate revenue model that allows individuals or businesses to make money through commissions on Amazon products they promote.

What is an example of a revenue model? ›

Affiliate marketing is a common revenue model. Amazon Associates is an example of an affiliate revenue model that allows individuals or businesses to make money through commissions on Amazon products they promote.

How do you make a good revenue model? ›

How to craft a revenue model
  1. Analyze past sales data. If you have previous sales, review each purchase to determine which revenue models are already in place. ...
  2. Conduct market research. Research different markets you could target with your products or services. ...
  3. Create revenue categories.
Feb 3, 2023

Which is the most commonly used revenue model? ›

The markup revenue model is one of the most common revenue models across companies today. The idea is simple: buy or create a product, increase its price by X% and sell it to make a profit. For example, you may decide that every time you sell a product, you want to make a 50% markup.

What are the three examples of revenue? ›

The three examples of revenue are:
  • Rent received.
  • Amount received from one time sale of an asset.
  • Interest received from bank accounts.

What is an easy example of revenue recognition? ›

This is the simplest example of revenue recognition—you deliver the product or service immediately upon purchase, and you record the revenue immediately. Revenue for one-time purchases should be recognized immediately. This is most common with one-time purchases, like buying groceries or one-time software packages.

What is the 5 step revenue model? ›

Identify the contract with a customer. Identify the performance obligations in the contract. Determine the transaction price. Allocate the transaction price. Recognize revenue when the entity satisfies a performance obligation.

What is a revenue model template? ›

A Revenue Model Template is a framework that allows you to systematically identify, analyze, and map out the various revenue sources for your business. It provides a clear structure to understand how your business generates revenue and helps you evaluate the effectiveness of different revenue streams.

How to create a revenue plan? ›

We've divided this process into five key stages; we'll provide how-to steps to take for each stage, They are:
  1. Identify your revenue goal.
  2. Analyze past performance to define benchmarks.
  3. Apply benchmarks to your revenue target.
  4. Allocate your resources.
  5. Build a ramp-up plan.
Feb 3, 2023

What is the top line revenue model? ›

The top line is a pure gross sales number showing how much revenue the company brought in for a given period. As such, it does not subtract expenses, such as the cost of goods sold (COGS), incurred by the company to manufacture its goods. It does not show any reductions for discounts or returns.

Who generates the most revenue? ›

American retail corporation Walmart has been the world's largest company by revenue since 2014.

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Sources of U.S. Tax Revenue by Tax Type, 2023 Update
Sources of Government Revenue in the United States, 2021
Tax TypePercentage
Individual Taxes42.1%
Social Insurance Taxes23.8%
Consumption Taxes16.6%
4 more rows

How to make a good revenue model? ›

The four main steps to building a superb revenue model are industry research, defining your target audience, creating your unique value proposition, and doing business valuations at least annually.

What are the three types of revenue models? ›

Common revenue models include subscription, licensing and markup. The revenue model helps businesses determine their revenue generation strategies such as: which revenue source to prioritize, understanding target customers, and how to price their products.

What are the key components of the revenue model? ›

The key components of a company's revenue model are its product catalog, value proposition, pricing strategy, the target customer, customer lifetime value (CLV), and additional monetization strategies that complement the core offering.

What is an example of a revenue project? ›

#2 – Project Revenue

Some companies earn revenue by taking up a project with a new or existing customer. For example – deployment of metro services in a city, building roads & flyovers, etc. These kinds of projects are assigned to one or a few after reviewing applications from many parties.

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Types of Profit Models

An example is a soap manufacturer that sells its finished products directly to customers or wholesalers who resell the product to consumers.

What is an example of a revenue share business model? ›

Most partnerships are based on a revenue sharing model. For example, when Mary and Alex start an online marketing agency by investing 60% and 40% respectively, they may agree to share the revenue equally. In this case, if their company generates $20,000 in revenue, each partner will receive $10,000.

What is an example of transaction revenue model? ›

Transactional revenue models are based on predictable sales of goods. Transactional revenue models are less attractive than recurring revenue because a company has to “do” something anew for every sale (produce and ship goods). Toothpaste and printer toner provide good examples of transactional-revenue products.

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