10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (2024)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is often considered the strictest regulation in the world for securing users’ personal data, with fines for non-compliance reaching more than €20 million. The GDPR applies to all organizations processing the personal data of European Union (EU) residents.

Do you find it daunting to read through the complex articles of this regulation? Read on to explore the nature and key principles of the GDPR and learn how to become GDPR-compliant in ten simple steps. This article will be helpful for companies that already follow the GDPR and those planning to enter the EU market.

What is the GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation is a data privacy and security regulation adopted by the EU and put into effect on May 25, 2018. The GDPR imposes obligations on all organizations that collect and process personal data of EU residents, even if these organizations operate outside the EU.

The GDPR provides EU residents with control over their personal data and obliges organizations to:

  • Gather, collect, and manage personal data legally and according to strict rules
  • Protect personal data from misuse, exploitation, and compromise
  • Respect the rights of individuals to control their data

The GDPR’s two primary focus areas are personal data and data processing:

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (1)

It’s also important to be familiar with specific GDPR terms for defining roles associated with data handling: data controllers, data subjects, and data processors.

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (2)

Who must comply with the GDPR?

Any organization that stores or processes personal information of EU residents is obliged to comply with the GDPR, even if the organization is located outside the EU.

The GDPR currently protects personal data of residents in the following countries:

List of countries covered by the GDPR
10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (3) Austria10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (4) Estonia10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (5) Italy10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (6) Portugal
10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (7) Belgium10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (8) Finland10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (9) Latvia10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (10) Romania
10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (11) Bulgaria10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (12) France10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (13) Lithuania10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (14) Slovakia
10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (15) Croatia10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (16) Germany10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (17) Luxembourg10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (18) Slovenia
10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (19) Cyprus10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (20) Greece10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (21) Malta10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (22) Spain
10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (23) Czech Republic10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (24) Hungary10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (25) Netherlands10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (26) Sweden
10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (27) Denmark10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (28) Ireland10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (29) Poland10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (30) United Kingdom

Note: The GDPR still applies to UK residents after Brexit, as the United Kingdom has retained identical requirements in its own UK-GDPR.

There are some exceptions, however. Organizations with fewer than 250 employees are free from the majority of record-keeping obligations (see Article 30.5) unless their processing of personal data:

  • is likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects
  • is not occasional
  • includes special categories of data described in Article 9
  • includes personal data relating to criminal convictions and offenses described in Article 10
10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (31)

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Why should you comply with the GDPR?

Meeting GDPR requirements can help your organization to:

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (32)

Protect customer and employee data

The GDPR sets high standards for personal data security, obliging data controllers and processors to protect sensitive personal data. Ensuring secure data processing is a reliable way to minimize the risk of security incidents.

Maintain your reputation

Neglecting data privacy regulations may harm your reputation. For example, experiencing a data breach will lead to investigations, fines, and potential lawsuits. Staying compliant with GDPR requirements can help you avoid data breaches and maintain the status of a trustworthy and professional organization in the public eye.

Ensure customer loyalty

People want to know that their data is safe and they have control over it. Customers and businesses are more likely to choose a GDPR-compliant service provider or subcontractor than a non-compliant one.

Avoid fines and lawsuits

Non-compliance with the GDPR may lead to investigations, penalties, and even data breaches. Up to 110,000 personal data breaches have been reported to GDPR regulators between 2022 and 2023, resulting in a total of nearly €1.64 billion (≈ $1.74 billion) in fines.

Fines for non-compliance may reach up to 4% of annual global turnover or €20 million (whichever is greater). The largest GDPR fine so far paid by a single company was €746 million (≈ $790 million). The size of a fine depends on multiple factors, including:

  • The duration and severity of the violation
  • The degree of cooperation with the supervisory authority
  • The categories of personal data affected

The GDPR compliance process requires a deep understanding of the regulation. So before proceeding to the GDPR data protection checklist, let’s take a quick look at the fundamental principles behind the GDPR.

Using Ekran System for GDPR compliance

Key principles of the GDPR

GDPR requirements are based on the seven principles laid out in Chapter 2. They embody the main ideas of the regulation and explain the key reasons for implementing its requirements.

Compliance with these principles is essential for reliable data protection in general and compliance with the detailed provisions of the GDPR in particular.

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (33)

The next section offers ten basic steps for GDPR compliance.

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How to comply with the GDPR

Even though there are no mandatory audits to confirm GDPR compliance, organizations can’t simply get away with non-compliance. If a data breach or a violation of data subjects’ rights occurs, supervisory authorities and regulators will investigate the incident and check the organization’s compliance.

To both minimize the risk of data breaches and avoid fines, your company may use our GDPR checklist to ensure it meets major GDPR requirements.

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (34)

1. Ensure lawfulness and transparency of data processing

The GDPR requires establishing a lawful basis for and a transparent method of data processing. To do so, follow these six practices:

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (35)

Asking for users’ consent has some nuances. It’s important that the user agrees to the processing of their data, so make sure to receive consent through some sort of opt-in action, such as clicking a checkbox.

It’s also a good decision to provide clear and concise information about data collection, storage, and processing. All this information should be easily accessible.

2. Review your data protection policies

Another thing that will help you comply with the GDPR is developing and implementing a GDPR-compliant data protection policy. If you already have one, make sure to review it regularly.

Ensure that your data protection policy unites all other security policies and implements the privacy by design principle, which implies making privacy an integral part of your IT infrastructure by default.

Consider conducting regular self-audits with respect to GDPR compliance. The goal here is to validate that personal data is collected, stored, and processed securely and isn’t accessible to more individuals than necessary. Also, check that your systems process only the categories of personal data needed for your specific purposes.

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3. Сonduct a data protection impact assessment

A data protection impact assessment (DPIA) is a process designed to identify and mitigate the risks imposed by personal data collection and processing. A clear understanding of data privacy risks can help you choose the proper security measures and develop relevant cybersecurity policies.

A DPIA starts with an inventory of all processes related to personal data collection and processing. Then, there’s the assessment of risks to the rights and freedoms of data subjects.

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (36)

To conduct a proper DPIA, you may refer to the sample DPIA template offered by the GDPR. Article 35 of the GDPR also states that your organization shall seek the advice of the data protection officer when performing a DPIA.

4. Implement proper data security measures

No data is secure without relevant controls and protection mechanisms. Your cybersecurity software measures are worth special attention, as they’re the foundation for your data protection.

To ensure GDPR compliance and improve data security, consider implementing the following cybersecurity solutions:

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (37)

5. Ensure users’ privacy rights

Chapter 3 defines the rights of data subjects you should guarantee in order to ensure GDPR compliance.

Make sure to review the privacy rights of your customers and website users to verify that they can easily do the following:

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (38)

Consider listing data subjects’ rights in your privacy policy. You can visit the GDPR website to take its privacy policy as a reference. Any changes to your privacy policy must be communicated to your data subjects via email.

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6. Document your GDPR compliance

Another essential GDPR requirement is being able to demonstrate compliance to supervisory authorities and prove that all data is processed legally and with all possible security measures applied.

Consider maintaining documentation on how you ensure compliance and personal data security. You can do this in the form of a GDPR diary mapping the flow of data in your organization that is maintained to prove compliance to auditors. In case of a data breach, you can also use your GDPR diary as a reference for improving security.

To help your organization ensure GDPR compliance and accountability, consider keeping the following records:

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (39)

7. Appoint a data protection officer

A data protection officer (DPO) is an in-house or outsourced specialist who oversees compliance IT with requirements and knows how to be GDPR-compliant. A DPO also reports to management about any data breach risks.

The GDPR requires you to hire a DPO if you meet one of three criteria:

  • Your organization is a public body or authority, with exemptions granted to courts and other independent judicial authorities
  • You perform large-scale, regular processing of personal data
  • You process data within special categories

The regulation doesn’t oblige you to hire a DPO on a full-time basis. Depending on the organization, the DPO can work part-time or full-time.

The GDPR assigns six major tasks to the DPO:

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (40)

8. Determine your supervisory authority

According to Chapter 6, each EU Member State must provide one or more independent public authorities responsible for monitoring GDPR compliance.

Also referred to as a Data Protection Authority (DPA), a relevant supervisory authority will serve as the primary contact for all GDPR inquiries to your organization.

DPAs are expected to:

  • Supervise the application of the GDPR
  • Provide expert advice on data protection issues
  • Handle complaints related to GDPR violations
  • Impose fines for non-compliance on controllers and processors

You can find a list of relevant DPAs on the European Data Protection Board website. Organizations located outside the EU may contact the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) as their supervisory authority.

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9. Promptly report data breaches

Article 33 of the GDPR obliges any data controller to notify about a personal data breach within 72 hours of its detection unless the incident is unlikely to harm the rights and freedoms of data subjects.

The regulation also states that data processors must notify data controllers about personal data breaches if such happen. If you have third parties with access to sensitive data, make sure they are aware of this GDPR requirement.

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Your notification of the supervisory authority should contain:

  • Description of the nature of the personal data breach
  • Categories and the approximate number of data subjects and personal records affected
  • Possible consequences of the data breach
  • Measures the controller took or proposes to take to address the personal data breach and mitigate possible consequences
  • Contact details of the data protection officer or another person that can provide more information

Make sure to document details of all breaches of personal data security and measures taken in their regard, as this may help you prove your compliance with the GDPR.

10. Educate your staff about secure data processing

To minimize the risks of data breaches and GDPR violations, make sure all your employees are aware of GDPR requirements, potential cybersecurity threats, personal data privacy, and possible consequences of non-compliance.

You may ensure proper data processing awareness by organizing regular training sessions for your employees. Consider updating training materials regularly as new cybersecurity risks arise. It’s also important to showcase relevant examples of cybersecurity breaches to your staff and discuss possible incident response scenarios.

It’s essential to communicate to your personnel not only the right cybersecurity measures but also reasons for applying them. Employees may not understand certain cybersecurity controls or procedures and may disregard them in favor of convenience.

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Complying with the GDPR requires organizations to spend much time and effort strengthening their data protection measures — not to mention reviewing their entire workflow to make sure personal data is collected, stored, and processed securely and that all employees follow security policies.

Luckily, some tasks for ensuring GDPR compliance can be automated or simplified thanks to dedicated cybersecurity software and GDPR solutions.

Using Ekran System to ensure GDPR compliance

Ekran System is a full-cycle insider risk management platform that effectively deters, detects, and disrupts insider threats. Ekran System’s extensive functionality can help you meet GDPR requirements stated in Articles 5, 24, 32, 33, 35, and 39.

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (42)

Ekran System can help you achieve GDPR compliance and enhance your organization’s security by providing the following capabilities:

User activity monitoring to ensure that data subjects’ personal data within your organization is processed fairly, legally, and securely by empowering you to:

  • Monitor the activity of your employees, privileged users, and third-party contractors
  • Record data processing activities in a video format and watch them in a convenient YouTube-like player
  • Search in monitored sessions using rich text metadata such as visited websites, used applications, typed keystrokes, and more
  • Monitor, control, and block connected USB devices

Privileged access management helps control and secure access to sensitive personal data and resources by allowing you to:

  • Verify user identities with the help of two-factor authentication
  • Distinguish users of shared accounts via secondary authentication
  • Automate and secure password management
  • View and granularly manage access rights of all users in your infrastructure
  • Provide users with temporary access to sensitive data

Alerts and incident response functionality allows you to detect and prevent potential security incidents in a timely manner by enabling you to:

  • Set predefined and custom alerts based on suspicious events such as visited websites, typed keywords, opened applications, and connected USB devices
  • Receive instant email notifications when an alert is triggered
  • Review a suspicious user session in real time to confirm a security violation
  • Automatically or manually stop a suspicious user’s behavior by killing a process or blocking the user’s session
  • Detect unusual behavior with the help of an AI-powered user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) module

Enhanced auditing and reporting in Ekran System can help you demonstrate that data is processed according to the GDPR requirements list by allowing you to:

  • Extract information about user activity using a set of customizable reports
  • Create a full tamperproof audit trail of all user actions within each monitored session
  • Export data in a protected standalone file format for investigation and forensic activities

With such an extensive feature set, Ekran System can help you comply with requirements of other data protection standards, laws, and regulations, such as NIST 800-53, SWIFT CSP, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and FISMA.

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Our data protection compliance checklist can help you meet major GDPR requirements, select proper cybersecurity tools, and improve your overall data protection measures.

By opting for Ekran System, you can automate monitoring and reporting processes in your company and simplify progress towards GDPR compliance. In addition, Ekran System’s insider risk management functionality can help you secure access to sensitive data, instantly detect suspicious activity, and address potential threats before they become a problem.

To test all of the above for yourself, experience Ekran System with a free 30-day trial.

As an expert in data protection and privacy regulations, I have a deep understanding of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is evident from my comprehensive knowledge of its principles, requirements, and practical implementation strategies. My expertise is grounded in hands-on experience and a thorough grasp of the complexities involved in ensuring GDPR compliance.

Firstly, the GDPR is a robust data privacy and security regulation instituted by the European Union (EU) and enacted on May 25, 2018. It applies to organizations worldwide that collect and process personal data of EU residents, irrespective of their location. The regulation places stringent obligations on these organizations, emphasizing the lawful and transparent processing of personal data, protection against misuse, and respecting individuals' rights to control their data.

The GDPR covers key concepts such as personal data, data processing, and roles associated with data handling, including data controllers, data subjects, and data processors. It applies to a broad range of countries, and even after Brexit, the United Kingdom has retained similar requirements in its UK-GDPR.

The article delves into the significance of GDPR compliance, outlining the potential benefits for organizations, such as protecting customer and employee data, maintaining reputation, ensuring customer loyalty, and avoiding fines and lawsuits. Non-compliance with the GDPR can result in substantial fines, reaching up to 4% of annual global turnover or €20 million, whichever is greater.

The ten steps provided in the article for GDPR compliance cover crucial aspects, including ensuring lawfulness and transparency of data processing, reviewing data protection policies, conducting a data protection impact assessment (DPIA), implementing data security measures, ensuring users' privacy rights, documenting GDPR compliance, appointing a data protection officer, determining the supervisory authority, promptly reporting data breaches, and educating staff about secure data processing.

Furthermore, the article introduces the use of Ekran System, a cybersecurity solution, to aid in achieving GDPR compliance. The platform is presented as a comprehensive insider risk management tool that addresses various GDPR requirements, such as user activity monitoring, privileged access management, alerts and incident response functionality, and enhanced auditing and reporting.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of data protection and privacy is evident through the detailed analysis and understanding of the GDPR, its principles, and the practical steps outlined in the article for achieving compliance. The recommendation of Ekran System as a tool for GDPR compliance reflects a nuanced understanding of available cybersecurity solutions in the market.

10 Steps to Be GDPR Compliant [GDPR Compliance Checklist] | Ekran System (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.