10 Personalized Coin Banks (2024)

I remember that at an early age you’re taught to save money for rainy days, and that lesson came in the form of a piggy bank, also known as a penny bank, coin bank, or money box. You can see a piggy bank “icon” basically everywhere you look, whether you find it as a logo (financial companies are using it a lot), a toy, or even a fancy gadget (as we’ll see later with this list). They are usually made of ceramic or porcelain, and they portray a piggy, but human imagination and ingenuity pushed forward and created some of the most wicked-shaped coin banks. The only shared feature these products kept from the original piggy bank is the idea of stashing money away for when you need them the most. One of the most famous piggy bank is Rachel – the unofficial mascot of Pike Place in Seattle (Washington) – a bronze piggy that weighs roughly 600 pounds. It was designed by a local artist – Georgia Gerber – and modeled after the prize-winning pig that lived onWhidbey Island in 1977. Teach your child an important life’s lesson with one of these ten personalized coin banks.

10. Coin-Counting Piggy Bank


We start our list of personalized coin banks with a “classic” piggy-shaped bank that counts coins so you know exactly the amount of saved money you have. It’s made of plastic and features a slot for inserting coins along with an electronic counter.

9. Hot Pink Spotted Giraffe


If you have a daughter that needs extra-cash to buy the newest doll, make her happy with this giraffe-themed coin bank. In addition to the original use – that of storing money – the Hot Pink Spotted Giraffe can be used a stool. A multi-purpose product that’s both useful and fun.

8. Blue Spotted Puppy Dog


Dogs are kids’ favorite house pet, especially among boys (although it’s not scientifically proven). So the alternative for our previous choice is the Blue Spotted Puppy Dog. This product shares the exact same features as the Pink Giraffe.

7. U.S. Post Office Lock Box Coin Bank


Our next product is an authentic reproduction of the original U.S. Post Office Lock Box. It’s six inches tall and has an amazing wood finish; it features dual combination locks, metal doors and locks, while also having a counter for each coin you put inside.

6. Amigos Recycled Leather Piggy Bank


This one is produced in Argentina and designed by the now established Vaca Valiente from 100% recycled Argentinian leather. Feed this fashionable and Eco-friendly pig with your cash as it can store quite a lot. The product’s size is seven and a half by four and a half inches.

5. Duel Saving Bank by Ding 3000


The Ding 3000 is represented by three talented designers that create remarkable products. One of these products is the duel saving bank – a coin storage box that features two compartments – one for you and one for him. In addition, the red silicone band slides on and off. Let the competition begin!

4. Break Glass Coin Box


Here’s a fun product designed by Becky Miller. The downside (although it may prove to be useful) of the break-glass coin bank is that you actually have to break the glass in order to get the cash out. But then again, this may be very useful as it kind of forces you to “steal” the bank exactly when you need it the most.

3. Darth Vader


For those of you who dare having their money stored in Star War’s most famous super villain here’s the Darth Vader piggy bank. However, don’t think, even for a second, that he won’t somehow “lose” your money to build a new Death Star and take over your savings.

2. Fascinations Micro Bank


Our number two out of ten personalized coin banks is magical. Why? Because it creates this amazing illusion – as your coin passes through a narrow funnel it disappears and magically reappears miniaturized. It’s been designed in China and can be a great and creative gift.

1. Summit Zillions Deluxe ATM


The Summit Zillions Deluxe ATM is not your ordinary piggy bank, is a high-tech deposit gadget that looks exactly like a bank’s ATM. It features fun sound effects, an LCD screen that welcomes you and offers account information, and even a PIN number to safely keep your money stored. The product weighs only 3.6 pounds.

Do you have a piggy bank at your home, and if that’s the case, what’s it shaped like?

10 Personalized Coin Banks (2024)
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