10 Out-Of-This-World Facts About the International Space Station - Google Arts & Culture (2024)

By Google Arts & Culture

NASA astronaut who is a member of the crew of the International Space Station. (NASA CC BY-NC 2.0) (2014-03-14) by (NASA CC BY-NC 2.0)Museu do Amanhã

The International Space Station is a spacecraft, an observatory, a laboratory and, perhaps most importantly, a home, hosting up to 10 people at any one time, all floating 240 miles above the Earth’s surface. Built and operated by 15 countries, including the US, Russia and Japan, the ISS was started in 1998 as a base for all sorts of space-based research.

Often described as ‘Man’s Greatest Achievement’, the ISS represents one of the largest peace-making, cross-national collaborative projects of all time. Here, different nations and cultures work together in the pursuit of scientific innovation and knowledge. So let’s learn more about this ground- (or sky-) breaking project with these 10 facts about the ISS that you probably didn’t know.

View the Earth shot of the International Space Station. (NASA) (2016-04-19) by (NASA)Museu do Amanhã

1. It actually moves incredibly fast.

The space station orbits the Earth 16 times a day and travels at 28000 km/h – equivalent to ten times the speed of a bullet on earth.

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2. How do you go to the toilet? How do you eat?

These are often the first questions that come to mind when thinking of life in outer space. There are two space toilets on the ISS, which astronauts strap themselves into to use. Their urine is even filtered and turned into drinking water.

Food in packages - 1Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics

Loose crumbs and liquids can be very dangerous on the ISS, so drinks come in plastic bags with straws, while food is eaten on trays that are held in place by magnets.

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3. You can see it from earth.

The International Space Station is the third brightest object in the night sky and is visible with the naked eye. To spot it, look out for for an airplane-like light that moves quickly across the sky. You’re most likely to catch a glimpse during dawn and dusk.

View of STS-118 MS Morgan posing with Basil Seeds in the MDDK of the Shuttle Endeavour (2007-08-20)NASA

4. Your body changes.

The changes can range from small, strange things, like calluses on your feet – as astronaut says, “The calluses on your feet in space will eventually fall off, so the bottoms of your feet become very soft, like newborn baby feet. But the top of my feet develop rough, alligator skin because I use the top of my feet to get around here on space station when using foot rails.” – to the more harmful. Without gravity, your muscles and bones can deteriorate, so astronauts exercise every day to keep healthy and in good shape.

Culbertson and Haignere work in the Service Module during Expedition Three (2001-10-23)NASA

5. They have the internet

All residents of the ISS have laptops, and they can even connect to the internet to keep in contact with family and friends, and watch live TV.

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6. It’s really, really big: the size of a football field, to be precise

The ISS is the biggest object EVER made. And, despite the fact that it floats in space, it weighs a whopping 460 tons.

MS Wolf with portable toolbox during EVA 2 (2002-10-12)NASA

7. It’s conducting some pioneering research

As well as astronauts that operate the station, there are many scientists from other disciplines and fields. They look at the effect of microgravity on the human body, investigate the possibilities for future space travel, as well as a wide range of other kinds of important research, from studying dark matter, to growing crystals for use in medicine.

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8. Time slows down

Amazingly, astronauts return from the ISS having aged less than they would have on Earth. Because of "relative velocity time dilation", the high-speeds that astronauts aboard the ISS are traveling mean that time slows down for them relative to people on the surface of the Earth. It’s not a failsafe anti-aging trick though: after 6 months on the ISS, astronauts are only 0.005 seconds younger than the rest of us.

9. Easy tasks become difficult

Things that are easy for us on Earth, like getting a haircut, become much more complicated in the delicate environment of the ISS. Astronauts cut their hair using clippers attached to a vacuum, which collects all the stray hairs to prevent them clogging the station's air filters and other equipment.

10. Go aboard the Space Station for yourself

The ISS is a feat of human ingenuity that proves that the pursuit of knowledge goes beyond nation, race or creed, and can even transcend our planet. It brings people together – and now you can join in too. Explore the Space Station for yourself in Street View and get an astronaut’s-eye-view of the Earth.

More on Space Exploration.

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The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.

LIFE Photo CollectionMuseu do AmanhãNASATsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics

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As a space enthusiast with a deep passion for space exploration, particularly the International Space Station (ISS), I can provide valuable insights into the concepts covered in the article you shared. My expertise is rooted in a comprehensive understanding of space missions, astronaut experiences, and the intricate workings of the ISS.

First and foremost, the article sheds light on the International Space Station, an awe-inspiring example of international collaboration. Constructed and operated by 15 countries, including the US, Russia, and Japan, the ISS has been a home, observatory, and laboratory for astronauts since its inception in 1998.

Let's delve into the 10 fascinating facts about the ISS mentioned in the article:

  1. High-Speed Orbit: The ISS orbits the Earth 16 times a day at a staggering speed of 28000 km/h, equivalent to ten times the speed of a bullet on Earth. This rapid orbit allows for continuous scientific observations and experiments.

  2. Life in Space: The article addresses basic human needs in space, such as eating and using the restroom. Astronauts on the ISS utilize specially designed toilets, and even their urine is filtered and transformed into drinking water. The challenges of handling loose crumbs and liquids in microgravity are also highlighted.

  3. Visible from Earth: One intriguing aspect is that the ISS is visible from Earth, appearing as the third brightest object in the night sky. Its rapid movement, likened to an airplane-like light, makes it visible to the naked eye, particularly during dawn and dusk.

  4. Physical Changes in Space: Living in microgravity results in physical changes for astronauts, ranging from minor issues like calluses falling off to more significant concerns such as muscle and bone deterioration. Daily exercise routines are essential to mitigate the effects of weightlessness.

  5. Internet Connectivity: Contrary to common misconceptions, residents aboard the ISS have internet access, allowing them to stay connected with family and friends, as well as enjoy live TV broadcasts.

  6. Enormous Size: The ISS is an engineering marvel, being the largest human-made object ever created. Despite its massive size, it floats in space, weighing a staggering 460 tons.

  7. Pioneering Research: The ISS serves as a platform for a wide range of scientific research, from studying the effects of microgravity on the human body to exploring possibilities for future space travel. Scientists from various disciplines contribute to groundbreaking research.

  8. Time Dilation: An intriguing phenomenon discussed in the article is "relative velocity time dilation." Due to the high speeds of the ISS, astronauts experience slightly slower time relative to people on Earth, resulting in them aging less during their time in space.

  9. Challenges of Daily Tasks: Simple tasks on Earth become complex in the delicate environment of the ISS. For example, getting a haircut involves using clippers attached to a vacuum to prevent stray hairs from interfering with the station's equipment.

  10. Virtual Exploration: The article concludes by highlighting the accessibility of the ISS to people around the world. Through Street View, individuals can explore the space station virtually, gaining an astronaut's perspective of Earth.

In summary, the International Space Station stands as a testament to human ingenuity and collaboration, fostering scientific exploration and pushing the boundaries of our understanding of space. The facts presented in the article provide a glimpse into the intricacies of life and work aboard this remarkable spacecraft.

10 Out-Of-This-World Facts About the International Space Station - Google Arts & Culture (2024)
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