10 Best New Cryptocurrency to Invest in June 2022 (2024)

10 Best New Cryptocurrency to Invest in June 2022 (1)

These cryptocurrency assets are some of the most profitable investments of 2022

The first half of 2022 has been full of surprises when it comes to cryptocurrencies.

We have seen one of the biggest market crashes in the last few years, with Bitcoin and Ethereum plummeting in value, and Terra collapsing completely.

However, if there is something we learned over these past years, it’s that the crypto market always manages to land on its feet eventually.

With that in mind, now would be the perfect time to make investments and capture these low prices to hopefully see a huge profit in the following months.

In this article, we will list the 10 best new cryptocurrencies to invest in June 2022 and go through each one in detail.

10 Best New Cryptocurrency to Invest in June 2022 – Quick Outline

Not enough time to go through our detailed reviews of each currency? Don’t worry, we prepared a quick outline that you can check out.

Here are the 10 best new cryptocurrency to invest in June 2022:

  • Lucky Block – Overall the Best Crypto to Invest in June 2022
  • DeFi Coin (DEFC) – The Best New DeFi Cryptocurrency
  • StakeMoon – Crypto with Great Staking Rewards
  • Bitcoin – Currently the Best ‘Buy the Dip’ Crypto
  • Ethereum – The Best Crypto for Smart Contracts
  • ApeCoin – One of the Hottest New Coins
  • Cardano – Unique Crypto with Huge Potential
  • Solana – One of the Best Layer-1 Platforms
  • Polygon – Crucial to Web3 Infrastructure
  • Ripple (XRP) – Interesting Digital Banking Crypto
10 Best New Cryptocurrency to Invest in June 2022 – Detailed Review

Without further ado, let’s get into the details of these cryptocurrencies that have shown the most profit potential.

Lucky Block – Overall the Best Crypto to Invest in June 2022

Lucky Block is one of the latest crypto lottery platforms built on the Binance Smart Chain. It was released at the beginning of 2022 and it has already made some substantial results.

This crypto has one goal – revolutionize the $330 billion gambling industry.

While this may sound like a bit of an overstretch, the developers have actually created a really great strategy to get it done.

For starters, they have found a way to provide players with complete transparency and maximum fairness by using the power of web 3.0 decentralized networks.

In the Lucky Block prize draws, winners are randomly generated in a verified manner, which means that all players have an equal chance of winning the amazing prizes.

Not only that, but the players can also cast a vote on where the charitable donations should go, with each donation being displayed on the public blockchain.

Since the draws take place on the blockchain, the whole process is much more cost-efficient, which directly enhances the odds for the ticket buyers.

In addition, Lucky Block also pays a token distribution to each LBLOCK owner, which equals 10% of every jackpot. This provides investors with a great way to earn passive income even if they aren’t interested in participating in the draws.

Ever since it was launched, Lucky Block seems to have made all the right moves. If you have some doubts regarding the project, just know that the early investors have seen a profit of over 12,000% in less than a month after it was released.

On the first day it was listed, Lucky Block reached $3.4 million in trading volume and it’s one of the fastest cryptos ever to reach $1 billion in valuation.

Oh, and did we mention that it’s also the best crypto that costs under $1?

If you like to take an occasional dive into the NFT universe as well, then you might be interested in hearing that Lucky Block also has its own NFT collection – The Platinum Rollers Club.

To summarize, because of all the features and characteristics we mentioned, Lucky Block stands out as our number one pick for the best cryptocurrency to invest in 2022.

>>>Find Lucky Block Here<<<

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.

DeFi Coin (DEFC) – The Best New DeFi Cryptocurrency

DeFi Coin (DEFC) is the native currency of the new exchange DeFi Swap, and it was launched on the Binance Smart Chain.

In just two weeks after it was launched, DeFi Coin already saw a 462% increase in value, while some of the main features (such as the automatic liquidity pool) aren’t even released yet.

This crypto provides traders with the chance to exchange value directly with other market participants and with the DeFi Swap platform. By doing this, traders avoid having to go through any centralized third parties.

The three most notable features of DeFi Coin are automatic liquidity pools, a manual burning strategy system, and advanced static rewards.

In addition, the platform encourages all the coin owners to hold on to their DEFC tokens for as long as possible because of the higher transaction tax rates (10%).

The purpose of this is to minimize day trading, which is regarded as the primary cause of high crypto volatility levels. Plus, 5% of the mentioned tax rate is issued equally to all the token holders.

When it comes to the static reward system, holders can earn dividends by simply keeping the token in their portfolio, while the manual burning program is one of the platform’s strategies to increase token value in the long term. Each time someone makes a new investment, a percentage of tokens gets burned and the supply gets smaller.

DeFi coin is still not that influential when it comes to trading volume and the number of holders, but with all the features we’ve gone through, we believe that it will multiply in value in the next few months.

>>>Find the Best DeFi Coins<<<

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.

StakeMoon – Crypto with Great Staking Rewards

StakeMoon works as a decentralized platform that incorporates self-staking and liquidity-making technology.

It was launched on the Binance Smart Chain and its primary goal is to reward long-term holders. This is done in two ways.

Firstly, all StakeMoon trades are taxed at a 15% rate, which results in fewer day trading activities and keeps the short-term traders away from the project.

Out of this fixed tax rate, 10% is equally distributed to all the current token holders, while the remaining 5% is transferred directly to the SMOON liquidity pool.

Secondly, those traders that choose to forward their tokens to the StakeMoon protocol will receive financial compensation.

This is because the allocated SMOON tokens are used for validating blockchain transactions, which means the sender fees will be fairly distributed to the ones participating in the staking program.

StakeMoon was launched in November 2021 and it has raised more than $2 million so far, making it one of the fastest-growing cryptos in the industry.

At the time of writing, the price per SMOON token is $0.000521, but experts believe that this number will rapidly increase towards the end of 2022.

>>>Find StakeMoon Here<<<

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.

Bitcoin – Currently the Best ‘Buy the Dip’ Crypto

Launched in 2009, Bitcoin is the ‘father’ of all cryptocurrencies. It is the world’s largest and most popular crypto.

After reaching its all-time high of $68,990 per token in November 2021, the value of Bitcoin has substantially decreased in the past few months.

Those who don’t have a lot of experience trading cryptos might think of this as a ‘red flag’, but it’s actually a dream come true for long-term investors.

Bitcoin has stood the test of time on multiple occasions and it has always managed to come back on top of the crypto market.

Currently, BTC is priced at around $31,000 per token, which makes this the perfect time to ‘buy the dip’ and hold it until the value goes up.

Some experts have predicted that Bitcoin will reach the $70,000 mark by the end of the year.

>>>Get Bitcoin Now<<<

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.

Ethereum – The Best Crypto for Smart Contracts

As the second-largest cryptocurrency in the world right after Bitcoin, Ethereum doesn’t really need any kind of formal introduction.

Ethereum’s blockchain is the most used network for decentralized apps (dApp) in the world, and for good reasons.

Due to its robust smart contract functionality, Ethereum’s blockchain is the perfect foundation for all these different applications. Smart contracts eliminate the need for a middleman, making the transactions fully decentralized.

In the last few months, Ethereum has been criticized for its high gas fees, but it looks like the developers have found a way to fix this – launching Ethereum 2.0.

Ethereum 2.0 will transform the proof-of-work protocol into a proof-of-stake protocol, which is considered to be much more efficient.

Not only will this increase the blockchain’s scalability, but it will also greatly reduce the gas fees.

This upgraded version of Ethereum is set to be released in August 2022, which is why June is the perfect month to make early investments into ETH.

>>>Get Ethereum on eToro<<<

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.

ApeCoin – One of the Hottest New Coins

When we take a look at recent performances, ApeCoin easily stands out as one of the hottest cryptos at the moment.

ApeCoin is the governance currency for Ape DAO, which is run by the same people who created the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT, one of the largest NFT projects in the world.

One of the main reasons why now is a great time to invest in ApeCoin is because BAYC announced that it will be launching a Metaverse in which ApeCoin will be the primary currency.

Additionally, the P2E (play-to-earn) game Animoca Brands, which was developed by Ubisoft, is also planning on including ApeCoin in its network.

>>>Get ApeCoin on eToro<<<

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.

Cardano – Unique Crypto with Huge Potential

Cardano (ADA) is a crypto with one of the most cutting-edge technologies in the community and it plans to fix both Bitcoin’s scaling issues and Ethereum’s smart contract deployment features.

After updating its network in late 2021, Cardano has increased the number of smart contracts based on its blockchain, which makes it a worthy competitor to Ethereum.

Apart from smart contracts, Cardano has also released other interesting features like token creation and it has had one of the best performances in the last year (around a 720% increase in value).

If all goes as planned with the smart contract developments, there is a high chance that Cardano will end up as one of the most profitable coins in 2022.

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Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.

Solana – One of the Best Layer-1 Platforms

Solana is an open-source crypto project that incorporates blockchain technology to come up with solutions to decentralized finance (DeFi).

The project has insane scalability capacities which allow transactions to cost less than $0.01 for both users and developers.

Aside from being extremely quick and cost-efficient, Solana is also resistant to censorship, which means that the network will always be open for new apps and transactions.

Solana has been continually reaching new all-time highs ever since it was launched, capturing the attention of every investor in the community.

For the following months, experts predict that there will be around a 400% increase.

>>>Get Solana on eToro<<<

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.

Polygon – Crucial to Web3 Infrastructure

Because it is a layer-2 platform that has a huge role in reducing Ethereum transaction costs, Polygon is one of the cryptos that play an essential role in the Web3 infrastructure.

It was originally designed to support infrastructure development and make Ethereum’s scaling process quicker.

With Ethereum 2.0 coming out soon, many traders thought that Polygon would lose its value, but it’s actually the opposite. The developers have announced that they will release ZK rollups that can be incorporated into Eth 2.0 and bring additional scaling potential.

>>>Get Polygon on eToro<<<

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.

Ripple (XRP) – Interesting Digital Banking Crypto

Ripple (XRP) is a global payment platform that works closely with some of the world’s largest financial institutions and helps them minimize bank involvement.

For a long time, Ripple was the third-largest crypto in the community based on market capitalization, coming up right after BTC and ETH.

Even though it went through certain downfalls since then, many believe that XRP can retain its old glory in 2022.

One of the things that will determine this is the outcome of the SEC trial. Many traders believe that Ripple will win the lawsuit, which will have a huge impact on its price in the following period.

>>>Get XRP on eToro<<<

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.

10 Best New Cryptocurrency to Invest in June 2022 – The Verdict

Out of thousands of different cryptocurrencies available, choosing the best ones to invest in and make a profit can be extremely complex.

Fortunately, we did the research for you and came up with a list of the most profitable cryptos for June 2022.

After spending hours reviewing each one, the three cryptos that stood out as the best investments are Lucky Block, DeFi Coin, and StakeMoon.

10 Best New Cryptocurrency to Invest in June 2022 (2)

Disclaimer: Any financial and crypto market information given on Analytics Insight is written for informational purpose only and is not an investment advice. Conduct your own research by contacting financial experts before making any investment decisions. The decision to read hereinafter is purely a matter of choice and shall be construed as an express undertaking/guarantee in favour of Analytics Insight of being absolved from any/ all potential legal action, or enforceable claims.

10 Best New Cryptocurrency to Invest in June 2022 (2024)


10 Best New Cryptocurrency to Invest in June 2022? ›

Deposits into DeFi services surpassed $200 billion in 2021, and demand is expected to grow in 2022. Carol Alexander said that investors looking to make gains in smaller areas of crypto will want to watch Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, and Cardano coins in 2022.

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Best Crypto To Invest In 2022
  • Lucky Block (LBLOCK)
  • Battle Infinity token (IBAT)
  • DeFi Coin (DEFC)
  • Binance Coin (BNB)
  • Solana (SOL)
  • Polkadot (DOT)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
Feb 20, 2023

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Deposits into DeFi services surpassed $200 billion in 2021, and demand is expected to grow in 2022. Carol Alexander said that investors looking to make gains in smaller areas of crypto will want to watch Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, and Cardano coins in 2022.

What is the best crypto to invest in now June 2022? ›

  1. Bitcoin – Number one crypto in the market to stay dominant. ...
  2. BNB – Improving the most popular network in the crypto. ...
  3. Cardano – Most secure blockchain network. ...
  4. EverGrow Coin – Best crypto for passive income. ...
  5. Ethereum – Most used crypto network about to get cheaper.
Jun 30, 2022

What is the best Cryptocurrency to buy in June? ›

June 2023 is no exception, with the market brimming with promising prospects. If you're wondering “what crypto should I invest in“, based on recent market analysis, the top 5 cryptocurrencies are the following: DigiToads, Stellar, Aptos, The Sandbox, and Maker.

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ApeMax could be the next big crypto worth exploring for eligible buyers in 2023 and beyond. With its visionary tokenomics and unique staking mechanism allowing holders to stake on entities they like, ApeMax stands out in a crypto ecosystem saturated with doge copycats and meme coins with little to no utility.

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Polkadot (DOT) – Ethereum-Killer To Explode 10X This Year. Dogecoin (DOGE) – Best Meme Crypto That Can Become A Millionaire-Maker Coin. Binance Coin (BNB) – One Of The Most Demanded Crypto To Soar This Year. Avalanche (AVAX) – The Best Altcoin That Could Bring Big Returns In 2023.

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List of 10 Crypto Coins with 1000x Potential:
  • ApeMax – New crypto coin with revolutionary Boost-to-Earn staking tokenomics.
  • Chainlink – Blockchain bridge connecting smart contracts with real-world data sources.
  • Big Eyes – Cute crypto coin with one of the most successful crypto presales of the year.
May 30, 2023

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OXT powers the platform and is one of the best cryptos with the most potential in 2023. To operate nodes, users need to stake OXT via an Ethereum smart contract. This peer-to-peer tool creates a bandwidth decentralized market through a reliable central authority.

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Next Cryptocurrencies to Explode in 2023

NoMeme - New Meme Coin Launched After Elon Musk Tweet that Rocketed 700% in 90 minutes. $SPONGE - New Meme Token Already Exploding in Popularity After 2,000% Rise. yPredict - Make Smart Crypto Trading Decisions via AI Predictive Models, Token Now on Presale.

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Despite their high market capitalization, Solana, Ethereum, and Bitcoin are among the best cryptocurrencies to buy right now in July 2022 for potential gains in the future.

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Below, we outline our top picks for the best crypto to buy now in 2023:
  • Shiba Inu – A meme coin on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Mina Protocol – An extremely lightweight blockchain.
  • The Sandbox – Metaverse and Gaming Digital Asset Monetization Platform.
  • XRP – Cryptocurrency with fast and low-cost transfers.
Jun 22, 2023

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The prices of major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are at their lowest levels in over a year. Meanwhile altcoins Cardano and BNB have strong growth potential, and newcomer EverGrow Coin is most primed for entering the crypto top 50 this 2022.

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Top 8 Cryptocurrency Investments in 2023
CryptocurrencyPriceMarket Cap
Cardano$0.2938$10.27 billion
Polygon$0.696$6.49 billion
Terra (LUNA)$0.6564$201.98 million
Avalanche$13.21$4.56 billion
4 more rows
Jul 5, 2023

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IMPT (IMPT)– Best ESG-Friendly Crypto to Buy Today in 2022. Calvaria (RIA) – New Blockchain Trading Card Game With Huge Potential. Tamadoge (TAMA) – New Crypto with Huge Price Increase Following Listings. MetaBlaze (MBLZ) – Most Popular P2E Gaming Platform.

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21, the Changelly blog offers a prediction that bitcoin could end 2022 at a maximum of $18,154.65. Coin Price Forecast is less optimistic in that short term, predicting a 2% increase to $17,104 by the end of this year.

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