10 Best Low Market Cap Crypto Coins To Buy In 2024 (2024)

Many companies and firms have started accepting cryptocurrencies as payment, and many will be in the future. It’s a good time for you to start investing in cryptocurrencies and diversify your portfolio.

In cryptocurrencies, Low market cap coins always have a high upside probability.

In this article, we will discuss the best Low Market Cap Crypto Coins for 10x returns like AAVE, fantom, ArWeave, ocean protocol, algorand, etc.

Table of Contents

Editor’s Choice: Top Low market Cap Coin 2023

Cosmos: Low Market Cap Interoperable blockchain

The main goal of Cosmos is to create a decentralized network of blockchains that can interoperate with each other, enabling users to easily transfer assets and data between different blockchains.

List of 10 Best Low market cap crypto Coins

Here is the list of the 10 best low-cap crypto coins to buy in 2023

  1. Algorand: Best Decentralized and secure Blockchain
  2. Fantom (FTM): High Throughput blockchain with a Market cap of $680m
  3. Arweave (AR): Top Low Cap Data Storage blockchain Coin
  4. Cosmos (ATOM): The Internet of Blockchains
  5. Aave (AAVE): Best Low market cap Defi lending Coin
  6. Kadena (KDA): top Ethereum Killer with high transaction speed
  7. Mobox (MBOX): Best low market cap NFT Marketplace coin
  8. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN): Low cap web 3 coin
  9. Internet computer protocol (ICP): The oldest and most powerful Blockchain
  10. Kusama (KSM): The sister coin of Polakdot blockchain

1. Algorand (ALGO): The green Blockchain

According to Coinmarketcap, Algorand’s market cap is $4.9B, which is way lower than its blockchain capabilities. let’s look-

What is Algorand (ALGO) Crypto?

Algorand was introduced to solve the major weaknesses of Bitcoin and Ethereum like slow transaction speed, and High Mining setup costs. It is based on Proof-of-stake (PoS) Blockchain protocol. It provides higher efficiency, low transaction fees, Security and scalability, and auditable transaction.

Algorand is a secure, scalable, and decentralized digital currency and transactions platform.

Features of Algorand Blockchain

  • It is Open Source
  • Algorand provides Multi-layer security and Immutability
  • Decentralized storage of data with high security
  • high transaction speed and low fees
  • Algorand network provides passive income in staking campaigns
  • Works on PoS Consensus mechanism
  • Offers smart contracts services

What is Algorand 2.0?

Algorand 2.0 will offer more advanced features than Algorand 1.0 including ASA Customizable options directly in layer 1, multipart transactions settlement in layer 1, and ASC layer. let’s have a look-

10 Best Low Market Cap Crypto Coins To Buy In 2024 (2)

2. Fantom (FTM): High Throughput blockchain

It is a Low market cap and highly scalable crypto coin. Fantom is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a protocol for fast, scalable, and secure transactions of digital assets.

Fantom uses a unique consensus algorithm called Opera, which allows it to process transactions quickly and efficiently. It also offers a suite of DeFi products, including a lending and borrowing platform, a stablecoin, and a decentralized exchange (DEX).

Fantom is designed to address the scalability and interoperability issues that have plagued other blockchain networks, making it an attractive option for users looking to take advantage of the DeFi ecosystem.

What is Fantom (FTM) Crypto?

Fantom was launched in 2019 and seeks to solve problems like decentralization, security, speed, scalability, and high transaction fees. According to coingecko, It is currently the 35th-ranked cryptocurrency with a market cap of only $3.6 billion.

Fantom surges high since its launch due to its strengths like decentralization, smart contract services on its platform (called DApps), security, and scalability. Its native token is FTM, which use as a governance token, for staking, payments, and fees.

Read the Comparison: Fantom vs Near vs Solana

Key features of Fantom Blockchain

  • Fantom FTM is EVM Compatible
  • It works on leaderless proof of stake (PoS) and an aBFT Consensus Mechanism
  • Fantom offers a speed of 4500+ transactions per second (TPS)
  • It has 45+ node validators
  • Decentralized Node structure
  • less than 1 second TTF Time-to-finality

3. Arweave (AR): Data Storage blockchain

What is Arweave (AR) Crypto?

Arweave protocol works on two layers called Blockweave and Permaweb. It is a secure and low-cost blockchain storage system. It has been announced by the Arweave team that it is launching Arweave 2.0 which will offer features like fast writing and bundled transactions.

Arweave native token is AR with a market cap of $965 Million, ranking 81, according to Coinmarketcap. It is a decentralized storage blockchain that offers indefinite storage of data to other platforms.

It has strong Competition from Filecoin (FIL), another decentralized data storage blockchain. Read More here- Filecoin vs Arweave.

Five Key Features of Arweave Technology are:

  • Blockweave
  • Succinct Random Proof of Access
  • Black shadows
  • Permaweb
  • Wildfire

Difference between Traditional web and Arweave’s Permaweb

10 Best Low Market Cap Crypto Coins To Buy In 2024 (3)

4. Cosmos (ATOM): The Internet of Blockchains

Cosmos is currently ranked as the 20 largest cryptocurrencies based on the market cap of $8.6B which is fairly not defining cosmos potential. ATOM deserves to be in the top 10 cryptocurrencies because it solves today’s hardest blockchain problems like stability and Usability. ATOM’s Future roadmap suggests its $100 rally in 2022.

What is Cosmos (ATOM) Crypto?

ATOM is a decentralized network of blockchains that works onByzantine fault tolerance algorithms (BFT). BFT is an algorithm that powers the Cosmos Proof of Stake (PoF) Consensus mechanism.

Cosmos (ATOM) is a cryptocurrency and decentralized technology platform that aims to enable interoperability between different blockchain networks. Cosmos uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, which allows users who hold the platform’s native token, ATOM, to earn rewards for participating in the network by validating transactions and securing the blockchain.

This makes it different from proof-of-work cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, where miners earn rewards for their contribution to the network by solving complex mathematical puzzles.

Key Properties of Cosmos (ATOM) Network

  • Cosmos SDK fixes Usability issues
  • Application Blockchain Interface ABCI
  • Tendermint BFT Fixed scalability issues
  • IBC Protocol fixes Interoperability issues

Cosmos Development and Future Roadmap

10 Best Low Market Cap Crypto Coins To Buy In 2024 (4)

You also want to check out: Cosmos vs Avalanche

5. Aave (AAVE): Earn interest, borrow assets, and build applications

Aave is the most undervalued but highly potential Defi token. AAVE is the ticker symbol for the cryptocurrency Aave, which is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain.

Aave allows users to lend and borrow digital assets in a secure, transparent, and trustless manner. It uses a unique liquidity pool model and allows users to earn interest on their deposits and borrow assets at competitive rates.





Supply into the protocol and watch your assets grow as a liquidity provider

Deposit your Aave into the protocol and earn rewards for securing the protocol

Borrow against your collateral from across multiple networks and assets

Participate in Aave governance and vote on new proposals, new assets, and protocol upgrades

What is Aave (AAVE) Crypto?

Aave is the first decentralized cryptocurrency lending platform. They launch ETHlend in 2017 as the first Defi lending platform. It allows peer-to-peer lending and borrowing of cryptocurrency and there is no middleman. You can also withdraw your funds anytime. Aave offers interest rates in stable and variable forms.

Aave made much progress in its use cases and tokenomics. Let’s understand-

Aave Use cases and properties:

  • Saving accounts – you can earn interest on your deposits
  • Loan Availability – You can borrow USD stablecoins directly into your bank account
  • Advantages on Tax – If you use ETH as collateral
  • Availability of smart contract wallets
  • Yield and liquid staking
  • Margin Trading

AAVE development and future Roadmap 2022

10 Best Low Market Cap Crypto Coins To Buy In 2024 (5)

6. Kadena (KDA): The Ethereum Killer

It is one of the underrated cryptocurrencies, which can be a good alternative to Ethereum ETH in the future. It is also called an Ethereum killer.

Kadena is a layer-1 PoW blockchain that works on a chain web architecture. It is highly scalable, Secure, and has smart contracts with pact as a programming language.

What is Kadena (KDA) Crypto?

Kadena is a scalable, secure, and fast blockchain platform that is built on a variant of the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm. The platform is designed to be highly scalable, allowing it to process thousands of transactions per second, and it uses smart contract technology to enable users to build and deploy decentralized applications (dApps) on the platform.

The platform’s native cryptocurrency, called KDA, is used to incentivize network participants and to pay transaction fees on the platform.

Kadena Architecture and Properties

  • KDA works on a layer-1 chain web architecture
  • Pact as a smart contracts programming language
  • Kuro layer-2 blockchain for enterprises.

Kadena Ecosystem

10 Best Low Market Cap Crypto Coins To Buy In 2024 (6)

Read: Full Kadena Review and Kadena vs Solana comparison

7. Mobox (MBOX): Gaming Ecosystem

Combines NFTs and yield farming for creating a play to earn crypto gaming ecosystem

What is Mobox (MBOX) Crypto?

Mobox is an innovative platform that combines Defi and NFTs, creating a unique free-to-play-play-to-earn gaming ecosystem, called Game-fi.

Momoverse: The MOMOverse is a cross-platform metaverse that can be accessed from any location and all devices. The MOMOverse pays players, creators, and collectors for their involvement and enjoyment, whether it is by rewarding them for their creations or by letting them enjoy others’.

Features of Mobox native utility taken:

  • Transaction processing through NFT marketplaces.
  • allows platform staking for high yield
  • acts as a governance token

8. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN): The Web 3.0

The ocean is a decentralized data exchange protocol. It is one of thetop-rated web 3.0 tokensthat combines AI, IoT, and Big data. let’s understand some properties of ocean protocol.

What is Ocean protocol (OCEAN) Crypto?

Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data exchange protocol that enables the secure and transparent sharing of data. It is built on top of the Ethereum blockchain and uses tokenized incentives to ensure that data providers are fairly compensated for sharing their data.

Ocean Protocol is designed to address key challenges in the data economy, such as data monopolization and lack of access to high-quality data, by creating a more equitable and open data marketplace.

Use cases of Ocean Protocol

  • The Data Ecosystem Platform
  • Decentralized data marketplaces
  • Staking: earn revenue by adding value to the network

9. Internet Computer (ICP)

The main goal of the Internet computer protocol is to provide decentralized internet services with data centers and cloud services to enterprises and corporates.

ICP is the native token that is used for governance (Voting on the future of the network), staking rewards to token holders, and paying transaction fees.

What is ICP Crypto?

Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is a blockchain-based protocol that enables the creation and deployment of decentralized applications (dApps) on the Internet Computer, a scalable blockchain platform built on the Polkadot network.

ICP uses a native token, also called ICP, for various purposes within the platform, such as staking, governance, and transaction fees.

Features of Internet Computer Protocol (ICP)

  1. Scalability: ICP uses a unique architecture that allows it to process transactions faster and at a lower cost than other blockchain platforms.
  2. Decentralization: ICP is built on the Polkadot network, which allows it to be decentralized and run by a global network of independent validators.
  3. Security: ICP uses advanced cryptography to secure transactions and prevent tampering or fraud.
  4. Flexibility: ICP supports multiple programming languages, allowing developers to build dApps in the language they are most comfortable with.
  5. Governance: ICP has a decentralized governance model, allowing users to participate in the decision-making process and vote on platform-wide changes.

Read: ICP Price prediction

10. Kusama (KSM)

Kusama is one of the underrated and low market cap highly capable blockchains. It has a bright future according to many crypto experts Like Coin Bureau.

Kusama is considered the brother of Polkadot offering similar properties. Kusama is a testnet of Polkadot. Both have the same code and similar structure. However, they differ in speed whereas Kusama offers much faster speed to developers than polkadot.

What is Kusama (KSM) Crpto?

Kusama is a decentralized, secure, and scalable blockchain platform that is built on the same technology as the Polkadot blockchain.

It is designed to be a testing ground for new technologies and applications and allows users to experiment with decentralized finance and other blockchain-based applications in a more risk-free environment.

Unlike many other cryptocurrencies, Kusama is not focused on being a store of value or a means of payment, but rather on providing a platform for innovation and experimentation.

Also Read: Polkadot vs Chainlink

Difference between Kusama (KSM) and Polkadot (DOT)

PurposeTesting ground for new technologies and applicationsProduction-ready blockchain platform
Governance modelDecentralizedCentralized
Risk levelHighLow
Use casesExperiments with decentralized finance and other blockchain-based applicationsMainstream blockchain applications

As you can see, Kusama and Polkadot have some significant differences, although they are both built on the same technology and have similar goals. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and goals of the user.

10 Best Low Market Cap Crypto Coins To Buy In 2024 (7)

What do Low Cap cryptocurrencies Mean?

It’s a common fallacy that the token’s price reflects the value of the cryptocurrency project. but that’s not true.

On the other hand, a solid grasp of market capitalization is necessary to evaluate the worth and potential growth of a crypto company.

The computation looks like this:

Price of cryptocurrency token x Circulating Supply Equals Market Cap

Like with equities, a low market cap cryptocurrency often has a value of $1billion or less. Nevertheless, a wide variety of low-cap cryptocurrencies have been examined in this article.

How to decide on the best Low Market Cap crypto

There are more than 5000+ crypto assets listed on Coinmarketcap, and deciding the best lop cap digital currency is quite a scary process. Let’s make it simple for you.

5 Tips to decide the top small Market cap project


What does the crypto projects narrative mean? In Simple words, ‘Use case’ of a project. Whether the project is based on Metaverse, Play to earn games, smart contracts, and Blockchain storage system.

Trending Narrative is always a key to get success in crypto project investment.

Future RoadMap

This is particularly true for long-term investors who could join a community and keep coins for a longer duration.

The ideal low-cap cryptocurrencies to purchase will have a properly functioning platform and a detailed roadmap that is open to study by all new investors. A good road map must be timely and accurate.

A current development track for each level may be shown on the roadmap, which is much better. This helps investors seeking the next big coin make decisions.

Community & Social Media

A large community and social media following are important for a project to grow exponentially in the future.

Research on the company’s profile, community growth trend, and sentimental analysis is important before investing in low market cap crypto coins.

Beginner’s Tips for investing in Low Market cap cryptocurrencies

  • Only put money into something you can afford to lose. You don’t want to put the money you reserved for repayments into the stock market.
  • Don’t bet everything on one or two coins. Diversification is the most effective approach to protect against risk.
  • Make sure you do your homework. Take the time to learn everything about cryptocurrency.
  • Whenever there is a sell-off owing to a little correction, don’t panic. Have a good time investing!

What are Altcoins?

Altcoins are coins that serve as a substitute for Bitcoin. While Bitcoin is regarded asthe first-generation cryptographic protocol, Altcoins are classified as the second and third generations.

In reality, several cryptocurrencies are helping to fill in the voids left by Bitcoin. That is why Altcoins have such significant importance.

Is it Worth Investing in Low Market Cap Altcoins?

This is the most popular question I get asked. And the answer is yes or no because it all depends on your risk appetite. I’ve given many talks on the topic of cryptocurrency investing.

The reason I’m so passionate about this topic is that I believe that this space can be a game-changer for humanity as we know it. The reason why you should invest in low market-cap cryptocurrencies is that they have a higher probability of succeeding than their high market-cap counterparts.

This is because low market cap cryptocurrencies are less scrutinized by the general public and therefore have less competition from other coins. The result? They can be more innovative and unique than their high market cap counterparts.

The best place to invest in low market cap cryptocurrencies is at the time of initial coin offering (ICO). A good ICO can produce a return of up to 1,000% in a matter of days. The problem with ICOs is that they are highly speculative and there is no guarantee that your investment will be worth anything when the tokens are issued.

The majority of ICOs have failed due to poor implementation or outright fraud. In most cases, investors lose their money even before they receive any tokens. If you’re considering an ICO investment, make sure you do your research before making an investment decision.

How to buy low market cap crypto coins

There are several ways to buy low market-cap crypto coins.

  1. One option is to buy them directly from a cryptocurrency exchange that offers a wide range of coins, including low market cap ones. This can typically be done by creating an account on the exchange, depositing funds, and then using those funds to buy the desired coins.
  2. Another option is to buy low market-cap crypto coins through a broker or a dealer. These professionals can help you find the coins you want to buy and facilitate the purchase for you. This can be a good option if you are new to the world of cryptocurrency and are not sure how to navigate the various exchanges and trading platforms.
  3. Finally, you can also buy low market-cap crypto coins through peer-to-peer (P2P) networks or over-the-counter (OTC) trading platforms. These platforms allow users to trade directly with each other, without the need for a centralized exchange. This can be a good option if you want to buy a large amount of a low market cap crypto coin, as the liquidity on some exchanges may not be sufficient to support your trade.


Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and do not have any restrictions as they are decentralized. These best low market cap crypto coins have high upside and downside probability.

Always do your research (DYOR) before investing in cryptocurrencies. Understand tokenomics, future roadmap, and community research on discord and Reddit before investing in any token.

Thanks for reading!

10 Best Low Market Cap Crypto Coins To Buy In 2024 (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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