10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (2024)

Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are one of the most popular ways for Americans to save for retirement. That’s because IRAs and Roth IRAs alike provide a tax-advantaged home for your investments.

But IRA investing isn’t a monolith. How you invest in your IRA will change depending on your age. And even the two primary types of IRA have very different tax benefits.

Today, I’m going to talk about the best Roth IRA investments you can make. We’ll also briefly go over what not to put in a Roth IRA, what contribution limits are, and more.

Table of Contents

Roth IRAs: Goals for Before, And During, Retirement

What you invest in will evolve throughout your entire life—there are very few points in which you’ll need to flip a switch and completely change your strategy. That said, I’m breaking down my list into two very distinct periods of your life, because your goals will be quite different during those times:

  • Before retirement: Your primary goal for most of your investing life (pre-retirement) is to take what money you have and grow it. Now, you’ll probably be more interested in growth when you’re 30 than when you’re 60—and your blend of investments should reflect that—but if we’re generalizing, your main goal here is growth.
  • During retirement: Once you’re in retirement, you no longer collect a paycheck. But you still have to pay regular expenses like utilities, a phone bill, and more. You’ll finance those expenses with a combination of Social Security income and your retirement investments. For most people, this involves withdrawing (“drawing down”) on the retirement funds you’ve accumulated. So while some of your investments will be geared toward growing your nest egg, much of your focus will be on preserving what you have. Also, you’ll likely try to generate a regular stream of dividend and investment income with your portfolio—doing so may help reduce how much you have to “draw down” your account.

And remember: Roth IRAs are a tax-advantaged account. Specifically, funds are allowed to grow tax-free within the account, and you won’t pay tax on any of the withdrawals you make in retirement. So in some cases, the best Roth IRA investments are those that put these tax advantages to maximum use.

Conversely, a Roth IRA can actually negate certain tax-advantaged investments. I’ll talk about those later on.

Best Roth IRA Accounts—Our Top Picks

Top Low-Cost Roth IRA

A Roth IRA With Matching Funds

Robo-Advisor Roth IRA

Fidelity Roth IRA

Robinhood Roth IRA

M1 Finance Roth IRA




Fidelity Roth IRA: No annual, opening, or closing fees. Fidelity Go Roth IRA: 0.35% annual fee.

No annual, opening, or closing fees. Robinhood Gold: Free 30-day trial, then $5/mo.

No annual or opening fees. $100 closing fee. M1 Plus: $10/mo. or $95/yr.

Open a Roth IRA

Open a Roth IRA

Open a Roth IRA

Top Low-Cost Roth IRA

Fidelity Roth IRA


Fidelity Roth IRA: No annual, opening, or closing fees. Fidelity Go Roth IRA: 0.35% annual fee.

Open a Roth IRA

A Roth IRA With Matching Funds

Robinhood Roth IRA


No annual, opening, or closing fees. Robinhood Gold: Free 30-day trial, then $5/mo.

Open a Roth IRA

Robo-Advisor Roth IRA

M1 Finance Roth IRA


No annual or opening fees. $100 closing fee. M1 Plus: $10/mo. or $95/yr.

Open a Roth IRA

Best Roth IRA Investments [Before Retirement]

Let’s start with investments you’d want to hold in a Roth IRA before you retire. The primary goal here is going to be growth, though admittedly, as you come close to retirement age, you’ll likely pull back on more aggressive investments that grow your wealth and pile into more conservative investments that protect your wealth.

1. Individual Stocks

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (7)

When people think about high-yield, high-return investment options, most people tend first to consider individual stocks.

Stocks are tiny fractions of ownership in a public company. These “shares” of stock are effectively a bet that the company will grow over time—and in return, the shares will be worth more in the future, allowing you to sell for a profit.

Individual stock investors put myriad strategies to work. For instance, some investors target financially stable companies that can produce good, even returns (and sometimes dividends) over time—like the “Steady Eddies” recommended by a stock picking service like Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor—while others look for companies that might be riskier but can offer much more aggressive price growth.

Stocks are an appreciating asset—if you perform diligent stock research and make wise choices, the shares you hold should become more valuable over time. You can then sell to other investors willing to pay more for them than you did.

The average stock market return over the past few decades has been roughly 10% annually. But this doesn’t mean you’ll get the same return every year, and it doesn’t mean you’ll get the same return as other investors, depending on which stocks you buy.

Beginners wondering how to invest in stocks should start with established companies with solid balance sheets, which might not grow as fast as smaller companies, but which can help build wealth while reducing some risk.

Getting started in the stock market can be a daunting task for beginners, though it doesn’t need to be. The best investing apps for beginners make the process painless and straightforward to get started and continue growing your investment account balance for many years to come. And you don’t need much money—if you invest through a brokerage with fractional shares (apps like Robinhood, M1 Finance and Webull), you can invest for $10, $5, and sometimes as little as $1.

What about taxes?

In a taxable account, you’re taxed when you sell a stock for a profit, and you’re also taxed when you receive dividends (cash distributions from companies to shareholders). But you’re not taxed for either of these events within a Roth IRA. Still, the benefit differs. Consider this:

  • Scenario 1: Selling a stock within a year or less. In a taxable account, when you sell a stock for a profit, you’re taxed on the earnings. If you’ve held an asset for a year or less, you’ll pay less favorable short-term capital gains taxes, which are the same as your ordinary income rates (see: your federal tax brackets). So, a Roth IRA is an extremely tax-efficient place to do short-term trading.
  • Scenario 2: Selling a stock after a year. If you sell an asset that you’ve held for more than a year, you’ll pay more favorable long-term capital gains taxes, which are lower than short-term rates. In theory, you can temporarily defer paying taxes on gains by simply waiting to sell and lock in those investment earnings in future years—but if you need to sell a stock because the story has changed and you don’t believe in it anymore, you’ll have to pay taxes. A Roth IRA shields you from any tax obligation from selling, though, so while the tax savings aren’t as great as they are with short-term trades, Roth accounts are a great place to hold stocks you plan on holding long-term, too.
  • Scenario 3: Collecting dividends. In addition to capital gains, some stocks pay dividends, which also trigger taxes. And while you might be able to push off when you sell a stock, dividends are paid no matter what. Most dividends from traditional stocks are “qualified” dividends and enjoy long-term capital gains tax rates, so the tax savings in a Roth IRA aren’t as dramatic. But you still enjoy some savings and get to avoid a tax headache every year.

Growth stocks or value stocks?

Growth stocks are companies that are expanding their profits and sales at a steady clip. Typically, growth stocks are firms that have either an attractive product they are bringing to new markets or a steady drumbeat of new items they can sell to existing customers to open up new revenue streams.

Technology companies are typically the most common example of growth stocks, as they bring new gadgets to market that are better or faster than previous products.

Value stocks, on the other hand, are companies that might not be expanding rapidly but have a strong underlying business. Think of a local bank or a utility company that might have trouble doubling in size over the next few years, but doesn’t face a lot of competition or disruption to its business model. These kinds of companies are often more stable thanks to the underlying value of their businesses.

The best long-term stocks cover both camps. Reliable growth can result in significant gains over many years, but alternatively, a rock-solid value stock will most commonly weather any market disruptions much better than a company that relies on enterprise spending trends or consumer confidence to drive its sales.

What about dividend stocks?

Dividend stocks (which commonly are value stocks, but can be growth stocks) are great ways to drive long-term performance of your portfolio. These companies pay a regular flow of their profits directly back to shareholders, meaning you receive some sort of return regardless of the ebb and flow of share prices.

Stocks that can both grow and pay dividends are the ultimate long-term stocks given just how much in additional returns they can generate over the long term.

Here’s a look at the return someone could expect if they received just the price returns from the S&P 500 over the past 25 years:

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (8)

Now look at how much better the return is when you factor in dividends had you had reinvested those dividends back into the S&P 500 (returns illustrated by an S&P 500-tracking ETF; note that expenses are included in performance):

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (9)

The price return is about 282%. The total return (price plus dividends) is 500%!

The best long-term stocks tend to be companies that aren’t overly dependent on specific trends in the global economy, and companies that can deliver returns in any environment. Dividend growth stocks (companies that pay larger dividends over time) tend to check both those boxes, proving they have operations that generate significant profits, and are growing those profits enough to deliver larger paydays to shareholders each year.

How to find individual stocks worth buying

The best stock newsletter services consider all of the variables discussed above when making their selections to subscribers. Motley Fool offers a number of stock research services that collectively boast more than a million investors—and that we consider among the best of the services we’ve personally reviewed.

Best Introductory Stock Picking Service

Best Growth Stock Picking Service

4-in-1 Bundle of Fool Savings

Motley Fool Stock Advisor

Motley Fool Rule Breakers

Motley Fool Epic Bundle






$319/yr. (15% savings vs. individually subscribing to all four services in first year)*

$79 for 1st Year

$99 for 1st Year

Save 15% Today

Best Introductory Stock Picking Service

Motley Fool Stock Advisor



$79 for 1st Year

Best Growth Stock Picking Service

Motley Fool Rule Breakers



$99 for 1st Year

4-in-1 Bundle of Fool Savings

Motley Fool Epic Bundle


$319/yr. (15% savings vs. individually subscribing to all four services in first year)*

Save 15% Today

2. High-Yield Bonds

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (16)

A bond is effectively a loan that an investor makes to a business, government, or other entity. When an investor buys a bond, the borrower promises to pay back the original principal after a certain amount of time, as well as interest, which is usually made in regular payments until the bond is paid back.

Investors make money from bonds in two ways:

  1. Holding them until the maturity date and collecting interest payments and their original principal.
  2. Selling them at a higher price to someone else before the bond matures.

Bonds don’t act like stocks, however. They tend to trade in a band around their “par value,” which is the amount the borrower has promised to pay back. They can trade a little above or a little below, but generally speaking, they don’t fluctuate the same way stock prices do.

Interest tends to be the biggest source of returns from bonds. And interest income is taxed at less favorable ordinary income rates. So in general, you can do well holding bonds in a Roth IRA.

But all bonds aren’t built the same. Some are more aggressive, while others are more defensive. So, if we’re talking about bonds that belong in an IRA before you retire, one type to focus on is the high-yield bond.

“High-yield bonds” is another way of saying “junk bonds.” Many bond issuers are evaluated by credit ratings agencies, and their debt is assigned grades based on the risk that the interest will or won’t be repaid. Safer bonds are referred to as “investment-grade.” Bonds that fall below investment-grade are referred to as junk.

As a general rule, the worse the grade, the more in yield an issuer has to offer to entice investors to buy their bonds. Thus, junk bonds tend to yield better than investment-grade bonds (hence the name “high-yield bonds”).

Despite the name, how “junky” junk bonds are is relative. Some junk is safer than other junk. For the average investor, it often makes more sense to invest in a junk-bond fund so you can diversify across hundreds or even thousands of junk bonds—that way a few bad eggs won’t crack your portfolio.

3. Actively Managed Mutual Funds

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (17)

An investment fund is a type of pooled investment where money is collectively managed and invested by a third party. The two most common types of investment funds are mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

You can learn more about each type of fund by clicking the links above, but one of the best types of investment fund to hold in a Roth IRA is an actively managed mutual fund.

Without getting too in the weeds, just know a couple of things:

  • An actively managed fund (one or more human managers make decisions at their own discretion) will typically trade more than an index fund (all decisions are made according to a rules-based index). This generates more capital gains, which must be distributed to shareholders, who must pay taxes on those capital gains.
  • ETFs are generally much more tax-efficient than mutual funds. They’re literally built differently, and as a result, they rarely distribute capital gains. Most ETFs are index funds, but even actively managed ETFs distribute capital gains much less frequently than actively managed mutual funds.

Actively managed mutual funds will typically invest in stocks, bonds, or a combination of the two. The combination is pretty irrelevant—virtually all types of actively managed mutual funds are best held in a Roth IRA or other tax-advantaged account to negate the impact of taxes, whether you’re selling the fund, collecting dividends or interest income from the fund, or collecting capital-gains distributions from the fund.

4. Publicly Traded Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (18)

Real estate investing provides a wide range of benefits, including diversification, less correlation with the stock market, and income. And investors have several ways of tapping the opportunities of property ownership.

Perhaps the easiest route is to own shares of real estate investment trusts (REITs).

REITs are a special type of business structure for companies that own (and sometimes operate) real estate. And they’re particularly sought-after by income-focused investors.

You see, REITs receive federal income tax breaks—in exchange for distributing at least 90% of their taxable income back to shareholders in the form of dividends. The result? REITs typically yield well more than the broader market. For example, a popular REIT ETF—the Vanguard Real Estate ETF (VNQ)—currently yields well more than twice as much as the S&P 500 right now.

Real estate investment trusts typically will hold dozens if not hundreds (or even thousands) of properties. Most REITs will invest in properties related to a certain industry—say, commercial real estate, apartments, hotels, industrial parks, even driving ranges—though some hold a variety of different properties.

Publicly traded REITs allow you to buy these companies exactly how you would any other stock—with a couple clicks of your mouse in your Roth IRA. And given both REITs’ potential to generate price appreciation and high dividends, it makes plenty of sense to keep them in a Roth and shelter them from Uncle Sam.

Best Self-Directed Roth IRA Investments [Before Retirement]

Investing is confusing. One example? “Self-directed.”

“Self-directed” investing typically means you just manage your investments by yourself. Most IRAs give you total control to invest in thousands of stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, options—you name it—on American (and sometimes even international) exchanges.

Despite this, your average IRA or Roth IRA isn’t technically considered “self-directed.”

There’s a special classification of account—a “self-directed individual retirement account,” or SDIRA—that allows you to invest in certain categories that are actually prohibited in a regular IRA. (And yes, SDIRAs can be traditional or Roth, too.)

SDIRAs are typically used to hold alternative investments, such as physical gold, real estate, wines, art, and more. But there are a few things you should know:

  • SDIRAs still have limitations. Chief among them: You can’t actually hold collectibles in them. For instance, you could use an SDIRA to invest in a platform that offers securitized shares or other exposure to wine, and enjoy in the profits of those investments. But you couldn’t use an SDIRA to hold a physical bottle of wine.
  • Alternative investments don’t have the same rules and regulations as publicly traded stocks and bonds—and many times, there’s less information to base your decisions on.
  • Most traditional providers of brokerage accounts, IRAs, and Roth IRAs don’t offer self-directed IRAs. Instead, your choices will be SDIRA providers that allow for numerous types of alternative investments—such as Alto IRA—or alternative investment providers that offer SDIRAs as part of their platform.

Self-Directed IRA for Alternatives

Alto IRA | Do More With An Alternative IRA


Starter: $10/mo. or $100/yr. or $100/yr; Pro: $25/mo. or $250/yr. CryptoIRA: Free.*

  • Alto IRA offers a number of self-directed IRAs (SDIRAs) that allow you to invest in alternative assets, including cryptocurrencies, artwork, farmland, real estate, startups, and more.
  • Alto IRA has direct integration with a dozen alternative investment providers, including AcreTrader, Masterworks, and Infrashares.
  • Choose from traditional, SEP, Roth, and crypto IRAs.


  • Numerous asset classes available
  • Direct integration with a dozen alternative investment providers
  • Offers checkbook SDIRA


  • Ongoing account fees and some transaction fees
  • Some investments require you to be an accredited investor

Learn More

* CryptoIRA account charges 1% trade fees. Other fees may apply to all accounts.

With that out of the way, let’s delve into a few of the best investments for a self-directed Roth IRA:

5. Private Real Estate (Indirect)

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (20)

While publicly traded REITs are an excellent way to hold real estate, they’re not the only way. Private real estate tends to be a lot less correlated with the stock market, making it a sought-after source of diversified returns that can help keep your performance aloft even if stocks are struggling.

That said, directly owning real estate isn’t for everyone. It’s prohibitively expensive. It’s complicated. Real estate accounting can be a nightmare. And while we’ll discuss this aspect a little later on, you can’t directly hold real estate in a regular Roth IRA, and it rarely makes sense to do so in an SDIRA.

Indirect private real estate is another matter entirely.

Financial technology has made it much, much easier for you and I to invest in private real estate. Now, thanks to real estate crowdfunding platforms, large groups of individual investors can combine to own properties—allowing each to commit far, far less capital than what would be required to buy a property on their own.

Some of the most popular options include:


Fundrise is a popular real estate and alternative asset investing platform that allows you to diversify through its numerous funds. Each fund holds a number of properties and is designed to provide varying levels of risk and income.

Investors have two primary ways to invest in real estate through Fundrise:


The standard Fundrise account is a managed portfolio that allows you to invest for as little as $10. When you open and fund an account, you select an investment strategy, then Fundrise allocates your money to the fund (or funds) that make up that strategy. As time goes on, Fundrise may add new funds to its available selections and allocate your money toward those funds if they fit within your strategy. You can add more money to your account over time, again with a small minimum additional investment of just $10.

Fundrise Pro

Investors who want a little more control over their investments might consider Fundrise Pro—a monthly subscription service that allows you to choose your own investment path, and provides you with more data to make the best choices for you.

Unlike with the managed Fundrise account, Fundrise Pro users can allocate however much they’d like to whatever funds they’d like, making direct investments into specific funds. They can also choose between dynamic allocation (investing more or less into certain funds over time to meet your plan’s specifications) or flat allocation (simply investing the same amount of money per your allocation choices). Fundrise also offers access to its proprietary data warehouse, Basis, as well as curated insights from the Wall Street Journal.

Best Real Estate Investing Platform

Fundrise | Start Investing in Real Estate With Just $10


Minimum Investment: $10. Fees: Fundrise: 0.15% annual advisory fee. Fundrise Pro: $10/mo. paid monthly, or $99/yr. paid annually.*

  • Regardless of your net worth, you can now benefit from real estate’s unique potential for generating consistent cash flow and long-term gains with Fundrise starting as low as $10.
  • Enjoy set-it-and-forget-it managed portfolios with standard Fundrise accounts, or actively select the funds you want to invest in with Fundrise Pro.
  • Diversify your portfolio with real estate, private tech investing, or private credit.


  • Low minimum investment ($10)
  • Accredited and non-accredited investors welcome
  • IRA accounts available


  • Highly illiquid investment

Open Your Account

* Additional fund management fees apply. Most funds charge a 0.85% annual management fee; the Fundrise Innovation Fund charges a 1.85% annual management fee. We earn a commission for this endorsem*nt of Fundrise when you sign up, with no additional cost to you.



Groundfloor accounts allow accredited and non-accredited investors alike to participate in real estate investment loans.

Groundfloor says more than 200,000 users have invested over $1 billion on its platform to date. It has seemingly returned the favor: Groundfloor says it has delivered more than 10% average annual returns since the service got off the ground.

On this platform, you invest in Groundfloor Notes—short-term investments backed by loans made out to real estate investors. Groundfloor Notes typically mature in 30 days, 90 days, or 12 months, and interest rates on Notes vary based on several factors, including bond rates, investor demand, and level of risk in the loan.

Groundfloor users can choose their own investments or let the experts choose for them. Investors must have a $1,000 minimum to start, and they can invest in $1,000 increments.

Groundfloor | Invest in Fix-and-Flips

  • Groundfloor is a crowdsourced real estate investing platform which offers high-yield, short-term real estate debt investments.
  • Offers collateralized, secured real estate debt with 1-month, 3-month, and 12-month terms.
  • Has delivered consistent 10%+ returns over past eight years with repayments received in 6-9 months on average.
  • Offers after-tax and IRA investment options.
  • Special offer: When you fund your account with at least$1,000, you will receive a$50credit to invest on Groundfloor*.

Open Your Account

* You will receive your credit 30 days after you complete your qualifying investments.

Related: 7 Best Banks for Real Estate Investors + Landlords

6. Fine Art

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (25)

Fine art is a potentially high-growth investment that is almost completely detached from the performance of traditional investments like stocks and bonds. It’s both a source of diversification and a way to invest in an asset that might have a personal meaning to you.

Of course, buying physical investment-grade art typically requires extremely deep pockets, not to mention the means and will to store a masterpiece or three. And unlike, say, a publicly traded stock, you can’t just log into your brokerage account and click a button to sell off a suddenly unwanted Rembrandt. Not to mention: You can’t hold physical art in an SDIRA.

But like with private real estate, you can enjoy the upsides of art through your self-directed Roth IRA thanks to the help of investing platforms.


Masterworks has made blue-chip art investments more accessible than ever, allowing non-accredited investors with much more reasonable sums to purchase fractional interests in expensive pieces of art. That means if your application is approved, you can buy partial shares of ownership of artwork created by the likes of Andy Warhol, Claude Monet, Banksy, and more.

The Masterworks team has over 75 years of collective experience as dealers, collectors, or working for auction houses. They look at a database of more than a million auction records and choose artists based on risk profiles and appreciation. They then find artwork they believe is of high quality and strong value, purchase it, then file an offering with the SEC to allow its members to invest in the work. Masterworks will hold each piece of artwork for between three and 10 years.

During that time, investors can purchase shares in the artwork (typically at $20 per share). If they want to exit, they can do so in one of two ways:

  • If the investor wants to exit early, they can try to sell their shares on Masterworks’ trading market.
  • If they hold their shares until Masterworks sells the painting, they’ll receive a pro rata share of the proceeds.

Masterworks collects a 1.5% annual fee per year, and takes 20% of all future profits on the sale of artwork.

You can invest in Masterworks directly, or through a self-directed Roth IRA from the likes of Alto IRA.

Best for Art Investing

Masterworks | Invest in “Blue Chip” Art


Minimum investment: $15,000. Fees: 1.5% annual fee, 20% of any realized profits.

  • Masterworks allows investors to buy shares in art selected by the platform's team for both high quality and strong value.
  • The service offers a secondary market where investors can sell shares if they want to exit their investment early.


  • Provides an easy way to invest in art
  • Access to dedicated support representative


  • Investing requires a call screen consultation
  • High fees
  • High minimum investment per offering ($15,000), though it can be waived to as low as $500 on a case-by-case basis

Open Your Account


7. Fine Wine

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (28)

Want your retirement profits to get better as they age, much like fine wine? Fine wine is not only delicious, but it can be a profitable alternative investment.

As an investment rationale, consider a few things:

  • As the amount of wine from specific years and regions diminishes, the value goes up.
  • Wine isn’t directly correlated with the economy and can hedge against inflation.
  • If nothing else, in the event your wine doesn’t sell, you can still drink it.

Unfortunately, buying your favorite wine and sticking it in the far corner of your basem*nt isn’t considered a strategic retirement plan, and it doesn’t provide the tax benefits of Roth IRAs.

If you plan to make money from wine through a self-directed Roth IRA, you’ll want to use a service like Vinovest.


Unless you already have vast wine knowledge and a professional storage setup, I recommend using Vinovest. Vinovest ensures wine authenticity, stores it for you, and ships it to buyers when they’re ready to sell. Users of the platform can fund an account with a mere minimum of $1,000, select an investment style, and wait patiently as their account balances (hopefully) grow. If you decide you’d actually like to taste some of that rare wine yourself, Vinovest will ship it to you.

And if you prefer a spirit with a little more bite, Vinovest now allows users to invest in whiskey. You can buy entire casks of American Whiskey from the likes of Whistle Pig and Breckenridge, or Scotch from Macallan, Highland Park, and more. You’ll receive a sample bottle from your cask every year, and if you decide it’s too good to sell, they’ll bottle the rest for you. You can start investing in whiskey via Vinovest for as little as $300; just note that Vinovest’s whiskey investing currently only offers managed accounts, with similar terms and fees as Vinovest’s wine-based managed accounts.

Vinovest’s managed portfolios charge annual fees between 1.90% and 2.50%, depending on which investment tier you fall in. You can learn more or sign up at Vinovest, or dive deeper into this platform by reading our Vinovest review.

Fine Wine Investing

Vinovest | Invest in Fine Wine + Whiskey


Wine minimum investment: $1,000. Whiskey minimum investment: $300. Fees: Management fees range from 1.90% to 2.50% depending on investment tier.* Trading fees vary.**

  • Vinovest allows you to invest in fine wine and whiskey—investments that aren't correlated with the stock or bond markets.
  • Initial questionnaire helps Vinovest build and manage a wine portfolio based on your investment goals.
  • Talk with a portfolio advisor to learn more about wine investing or improve your portfolio.
  • Low investment minimums of $1,000 for wine and $300 for whiskey.
  • Special offer #1: If you refer a friend to Vinovest, you and your friend will each enjoy three months of fee-free investing once your friend funds their account.
  • Special offer #2: Receive 5% off all management fees if you enable auto-investing.


  • Relatively low investment minimum
  • Good liquidity
  • Reasonable fees for high account balances


  • Relatively high fees for low account balances
  • Early liquidation fees might apply
  • Prospective investors might miss some fee information; fee disclosures spread across multiple pages in FAQs

Open Your Account

* Starter ($1,000 minimum balance) charges 2.50% annually. Plus ($10,000 minimum balance) charges 2.35% annually. Premium ($50,000 minimum balance) charges 2.15% annually. Starter ($250,000 minimum balance) charges 1.90% annually. ** 2.5% buy-side trading fee (includes three months of storage). 1% sell-side trading fee. 1.5% annual storage fee, billed monthly.

Related: How to Invest in Whiskey [A Not-So-Whiskey Business?]

8. Cryptocurrency

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (31)

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are extremely risky and volatile investments that have delivered enormous gains to some investors—but they’re also resulted in catastrophic losses to some investors, too, and still other investors have lost everything in crypto-related scams, which continue to plague the industry.

But if you have the risk tolerance for it, you can invest in cryptocurrencies using an SDIRA.

For what it’s worth, the past few years have brought about some pretty big advancements in the crypto investing space—including the launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs that allow investors to get exposure to Bitcoin price movements through their regular brokerage accounts and IRAs.

SDIRAs, however, remain the only way to invest directly in cryptocurrencies while enjoying the tax benefits of a traditional or Roth IRA.

Bitcoin IRA

Bitcoin IRA was the first cryptocurrency IRA platform, and it remains a trusted platform for crypto investors today.

Bitcoin IRA allows you to buy and sell more than 60 digital currencies any day of the week, any time of day. The app allows you to easily track pricing and portfolio performance, and it offers a wealth of educational information for people who want to learn more about crypto investing.

Assets are insured for up to $700 million with BitGo, with insurance provided by Lloyd’s of London.

Bitcoin IRA not only offers self-directed Roth IRAs—it also offers traditional IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, SEP IRAs, even Bitcoin 401(k)s. You can even roll over existing IRAs into a Bitcoin IRA account.

Bitcoin IRA | Buy Bitcoin for Retirement

0.99%-2.99% fee on deposits*, 2% fee on transactions, 0.08% monthly security fee

  • Buy and sell Bitcoin, as well as more than 60 other cryptocurrencies, 24/7/365 through a tax-advantaged self-directed IRA from Bitcoin IRA.
  • Enjoy up to $700 million of custody insurance from BitGo and their insurance provider, Lloyd's of London.
  • The Bitcoin IRA app allows you to easily track your portfolio performance, check digital currency prices, and educate yourself about crypto trading.

Learn More

* Deposit fee varies by account size.


Best Roth IRA Investments [During Retirement]

Like I mentioned before, your investing goals will assuredly shift as you get closer to retirement. But especially once you enter retirement, generating income becomes a much higher priority—so why not give yourself a leg up and generate tax-free income?

So I’m going to talk about a couple additional options that will become much more attractive once you’ve entered retirement. Both are centered around generating various levels of income, which can be withdrawn tax-free in retirement.

(And to be clear: Many of the aforementioned investments still make sense to hold in a Roth IRA even once you’ve reached retirement. For instance, you might continue investing in individual stocks or actively managed mutual funds even after you’ve hung up your workplace spurs.)

9. Other Bonds

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (33)

Earlier, I mentioned high-yield bonds as an idea for Roth IRA investors who are looking for growth. But there are several other bond choices for retirees who would like to generate some income while avoiding the higher risk of junk debt.

  • Treasuries: U.S. Treasury bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, and as such, they’re considered some of the safest debt on earth. As a result, their yields are typically lower than comparable debt issued by corporations. But like with any type of bond, you can typically get a higher yield by investing in longer-dated Treasuries. (Say, those that mature in 20 to 30 years.) I will note that Treasury interest is typically exempt from state and local income taxes, so a Roth IRA won’t give you as much tax-saving bang for your buck.
  • Investment-grade corporate bonds: Corporations raise money to pay for research, development, new hires, and a wealth of other needs. While some of those bonds will fall into the “junk” category, you can also invest in investment-grade corporate bonds from larger, more creditworthy corporations. Like with junk, not all investment-grade corporates are built the same—some are safer than others, and some yield much more than others.
  • TIPS: Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are U.S. government bonds that protect against inflation. Like with other bonds, TIPS pay a fixed rate of interest. But where TIPS differ from most other bonds is that the principal can change across its life—going down with deflation, and going up with inflation. When a TIPS matures, if the principal increases, you receive the inflation-adjusted principal back; if the principal decreases, you still get your original principal—you’ll never get back less than what you originally paid. Investors are taxed on both the interest income and these upward adjustments, making Roth IRAs an excellent shelter for TIPS.

Like with high-yield bonds, investors might have an easier time holding other bonds via bond funds, which manage hundreds or even thousands of issues for you. That can defray your risk, not to mention save you the time of having to research many, many bond issues yourself.

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What Not to Invest in a Roth IRA

Between regular Roth IRAs and self-directed Roth IRAs, you can invest in just about anything.

However, in some cases, you can actually get more out of an investment by holding it in a taxable account. Usually, these investments will already sport certain tax efficiencies that a Roth IRA (or other tax-advantaged account) would negate.

For instance …

Municipal Bonds

Municipal bonds (or “munis” if you’re into the whole brevity thing) are issued by states, counties, cities, and other types of nonfederal government entities. These can fund projects such as creating roads or building schools.

Municipal bonds have outstanding tax benefits—you not only won’t pay federal taxes on the interest, but you might also avoid state/city/etc. taxes if you live in the state/city/etc. that issued the bond.

The savings can be downright massive. For instance, let’s say you live in Maryland and were in the top federal income tax bracket, and you invested in a municipal bond yielding 2%. A taxable bond would have to yield nearly double that—3.98%—to throw off an equivalent amount of income once you factored in taxes!

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Physical Real Estate

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (34)

You can’t directly hold real estate in a regular Roth IRA. You can in a self-directed Roth IRA, but there are a number of complicating factors:

  • For one, it must be investment property; disqualified persons (you, any beneficiaries, and any fiduciaries) can’t use the property for any reason.
  • You don’t actually own the real estate—the account does—so the real estate will have to be titled in your IRA’s name.
  • All of the money involved in the real estate flows in and out of the IRA. That means rental income is paid to the IRA, and you’re paying expenses out of the IRA.
  • Disqualified persons can’t perform maintenance on the property, which means you can’t personally fix or update anything that needs work.
  • Did the property generate income? You can’t pay yourself—that income can only go into the IRA. (IRAs specifically prohibit “self-dealing.”)

Direct real estate ownership can be an excellent investment. But you should strongly consider doing so in a different account.

Equity ETFs

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (35)

As I mentioned before, ETFs are a much more tax-efficient vehicle than mutual funds. On top of that, most ETFs are of the index variety, so they generate low turnover anyways (and thus low to no capital gains).

Also, you might collect some dividends each year from an equity ETF, but most of your returns will likely come from price appreciation—and you won’t trigger taxes on those until you sell, which could be many, many years down the road.

So in general, equity ETFs tend to be extremely tax-efficient on their own. You can absolutely hold them in a Roth IRA if you’d like, but you’re not gaining much of a tax benefit from doing so.

Series EE and Series I Bonds

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (36)

Series EE and Series I Bonds are some of our favorite gifts for kids, but you can buy them for yourself, too. The former offers a fixed interest rate, while the latter offers both a fixed interest rate and an inflation-adjusted rate.

Both series of bonds are free of state and local taxes, so a Roth IRA will negate that tax benefit. However, EE bonds really have no place in a Roth IRA if you plan on redeeming them for qualified education expenses. That’s because, depending on your income, the interest can be federal tax-free too.

The Best Investments for Roth IRAs: FAQs

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (37)

What is an individual retirement account (IRA)?

An individual retirement account (IRA) is a tax-advantaged investment account that helps you build your retirement savings.

IRAs typically function just like a brokerage account, allowing you to buy and sell the same stocks, funds, and other investments you’d have access to with a brokerage. They enjoy certain tax advantages that taxable brokerage accounts do not. But IRAs do have annual contribution limits, while you can contribute as much as you want to a taxable brokerage account.

What is the difference between a traditional and Roth IRA?

The biggest difference between traditional and Roth IRAs is how they are treated from a tax perspective:

  • Traditional IRAs: You make tax-deductible contributions today. The money is allowed to grow tax-deferred in the account. Taxes are only paid once you withdraw money, which you can do penalty-free once you reach age 59½.
  • Roth IRAs: You make contributions using after-tax dollars (money that has already been taxed). The money is allowed to grow tax-free in the account. You can withdraw contributions tax- and penalty-free at any time, and you can withdraw earnings tax- and penalty-free once you reach age 59½, as well as under certain special circ*mstances.

Also, traditional IRAs are subject to something called “required minimum distributions,” or RMDs. RMDs are a required amount of money you must pull from various retirement accounts each year. Currently, people must begin taking RMDs once they reach age 73; however, starting in 2033, RMDs won’t be required until age 75.

Roth IRAs, however, do not have RMDs.

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What are the contribution limits for a Roth IRA?

For the 2024 tax year, the annual contribution limit for a traditional or Roth IRA is $7,000 for people under age 50 (up from $6,500 for 2023).

If you’re 50 or older, you can contribute an additional $1,000 for the 2024 tax year (same amount as in 2023). That means you can kick in a total of $8,000 for 2024 (up from $7,500 for 2023). The extra $1,000 is called a “catch-up” contribution.

The annual limits are combined limits that apply to all your traditional and Roth IRAs. So, for example, if you’re under age 50 and put $5,000 in a traditional IRA in 2024, then you can’t put more than $2,000 in a Roth IRA (or any other IRA) for the 2024 tax year.

Related: Best Rollover IRA Accounts [Where to Rollover a 401(k)]

What are the Roth IRA income limits?

For the 2024 tax year, the maximum amount you can contribute to a Roth IRA is gradually reduced to zero if your 2024 modified AGI is:

  • $146,000 to $161,000 for single and head-of-household filers ($138,000 to $153,000 for 2023)
  • $230,000 to $240,000 for joint filers ($218,000 to $228,000 for 2023)

That also means you can’t contribute to a Roth IRA at all for 2024 if your modified AGI for the year is:

  • $161,001 or more if you use the single or head of household filing status on your tax return ($153,001 for 2023)
  • $240,001 or more if you’re married and file a joint return ($228,001 for 2023)

If you’re married but file a separate tax return, your annual maximum contribution is gradually reduced to zero if your modified AGI is between $0 and $10,000.

Should I invest in a traditional or Roth IRA?

The decision to invest in a traditional or Roth IRA account typically boils down to taxes.

  • If you expect your income (and therefore tax rates) to be lower in retirement than they are now, a traditional IRA is a better fit.
  • If you expect your income (and therefore tax rates) to be higher in retirement than they are now, a Roth IRA is a better fit.

It’s possible you’ll save a fortune and have extravagantly high tax rates in retirement. But typically, your retirement tax rates will be much lower than what you face during your prime earning years. So Roth IRAs tend to make sense for people in their early careers.

There are other reasons to open a Roth IRA, too. For instance, maybe you don’t want to be forced to take RMDs. Or maybe you simply don’t want to have to plan around taxes in retirement, regardless of whether the math favors a traditional IRA.

What is a spousal Roth IRA?

You’re typically only allowed to contribute to any type of IRA if you have earned income. But in some households, only one family member earns income. A spousal IRA is the solution—it allows a working spouse to contribute on behalf of a non-working spouse. In this case, the working spouse could contribute up to the annual limit of their own IRA, as well as up to the annual limit of the spousal IRA.

10 Best Investments for Roth IRA Accounts [Tax-Smart Growth] (2024)
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